Alex Macario MD MBA
Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (MSD)
Alex Macario, MD, MBA is vice-chair for education and Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
Dr. Macario also serves on the Board of Directors for the American Board of Anesthesiology and is currently the Secretary. This is an exceptional honor as one anesthesiologist is appointed each year with each Director serving for 12 years. The mission of the Board is to advance the highest standards of the practice of anesthesiology. Dr. Macario will serve as president of the American Board of Anesthesiology at the end of his term.
Dr. Macario is a member of the Anesthesiology Review Committee for the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education which aims to improve health care and population health by advancing the quality of resident physicians' education.
Born in Argentina, Dr. Macario came to the US at age 10 with his family, and completed his undergraduate, medical school and business school education at the University of Rochester with the Wilson Merit Scholarship. He trained in anesthesiology at Stanford, served as Chief Resident, and completed a fellowship in health services research.
Dr. Macario’s clinical practice is with adult patients in the general operating room. He also serves as hospital scheduler to provide management & leadership in the medical center's operating rooms and procedure rooms including interventional radiology and endoscopy.
Dr. Macario has received numerous awards, including being internationally recognized with the Excellence in Education Award from the American Society of Anesthesiologists given to one anesthesiologist per year for extraordinary contributions to graduate medical education. Dr. Macario was also the inaugural recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Medical Education as Program Director Award for the Stanford University Medical Center. He has also been honored with the Faculty Mentor Award on two occasions from the American Society of Anesthesiology for his efforts to foster diversity.
A member of the faculty at Stanford since 1995, Dr. Macario established a well known academic program in operating room management, including creating the Management of Perioperative Services Fellowship which has trained dozens of physicians from the US and other countries. Dr. Macario also designed and led other innovative educational programs, including the Stanford Fellowship in Anesthesia Research and Medicine track for anesthesia residents who want to pursue research-intensive careers, many of whom have gone on to obtain NIH funding.
Dr. Macario serves as the founding program director for the Combined Residency in Internal Medicine and Anesthesiology as well as the founding associate program director for the Combined Residency in Pediatrics and Anesthesiology.
Dr. Macario's research career has been dedicated to the economics of health care, helping develop the scientific study of the management of the operating room suite including pioneering work related to efficiency & scheduling. Dr. Macario's research team also studies medical education and board certification.
Dr. Macario’s innovative work has led to 200+ peer reviewed publications which have 10,800 citations. Dr. Macario’s H-Index is 54. An index of h indicates an investigator has published h papers each of which has been cited in other papers at least h times. His I-10 Index is 133 meaning that 133 of his articles have been cited at least 10 times.
Dr. Macario authored "A Sabbatical in Madrid: A Diary of Spain," an award winning travel memoir. Dr. Macario has 2 adult children one in San Francisco & the other in New York City, & lives with his wife in their home on the Stanford Campus. In his free time, Dr. Macario enjoys rooting for Stanford sports, biking up the local hills, & playing tennis.
Clinical Focus
- Multispecialty including for example anesthesia for orthopedics, urology, neurosurgery, ambulatory surgery, and general surgery
- Anesthesia
Academic Appointments
Professor - University Medical Line, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
Member, Bio-X
Administrative Appointments
Program Director, Combined Internal Medicine-Anesthesiology residency (2013 - Present)
Associate Program Director, Combined Pediatrics and Anesthesiology Residency (2010 - Present)
Founder, Faculty Teaching Scholars Program, Department of Anesthesiology (2007 - 2017)
Director, CME Grand Rounds Program, Department of Anesthesiology (2010 - Present)
Executive Committee, Faculty Senate, Stanford University School of Medicine (2007 - 2012)
Program Director, Anesthesiology Residency (2006 - Present)
Vice-Chairman for Education, Department of Anesthesiology (2006 - Present)
Finance Committee, Dept of Anesthesiology (2003 - Present)
Visiting Professor, TAISS, Madrid, Spain (2001 - 2002)
Governance Committee, Dept. of Anesthesiology (1997 - Present)
Program Director, Management of Perioperative Services Fellowship (1996 - Present)
Honors & Awards
Excellence in Education Award (one national awardee per year), American Society of Anesthesiologists (2018)
Global Health Grant: Collaboration in Zimbabwe for anesthesiologist training and education research, Sponsor: Office of International Affairs, Stanford University (2015)
Inaugural recipient, Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Medical Education as Program Director, Stanford University (2015)
Medical technology grant: A monitoring system to prevent unnecessary blood wastage, Sponsor: Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education (2015)
Faculty Mentor Award, American Society of Anesthesiology, Committee on Professional Diversity (2012 and 2013)
Charter member, Education Academy, Foundation for Anesthesia Education & Research (2012)
Education Advisory Board, Association of University Anesthesiologists (2012)
First place, “best article”, Journal of Medical Internet Research: 4th World Congress on Social Media & Web 2.0 Health & Medicine (2012)
Ellis N. Cohen Achievement Award (Department of Anesthesiology highest honor), Stanford University (2009)
Keynote speaker, American Association of Clinical Directors Annual Meeting (2007)
1st place, Literature Prize, American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting (2004)
Research Incentive Award, Testing a secure Web based, decision support system for anesthesia, Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing (2001-2002)
Principal Investigator for grant on patient preferences for postoperative outcomes, Foundation for Anesthesia Education Research (1998)
Annual Resident Research Prize, 3rd Place, American Society of Anesthesiologists (1995)
Valdes - Dapena Research Prize, The Graduate Hospital, University of Pennsylvania (1991)
Graduation Speaker, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Rochester (1986)
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Rochester (1986)
Rigby - Wile Prize in Biology, University of Rochester (1985)
Joseph C. Wilson Scholar, University of Rochester (1982)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Member, ACGME Anesthesiology Review Committee (2019 - Present)
Director, Board of Directors, American Board of Anesthesiology (2017 - Present)
Examiner, American Board of Anesthesiology (2011 - Present)
Editorial Board, Medscape Anesthesiology website at http://www.medscape.com/anesthesiology (2010 - 2019)
Member, Association of University Anesthesiologists (honorific society) (2000 - Present)
Editorial Board, Anesthesiology News (1999 - 2019)
Professional Education
Board Certification: American Board of Anesthesiology, Anesthesia (1995)
Residency: Stanford University Anesthesiology Residency (1994) CA
Internship: Graduate Hospital (Closed) (1991) PA
Fellowship: Stanford University Medical Center (1995) CA
Medical Education: University of Rochester (1990) NY
Chief Resident, Stanford University, Anesthesiology (1994)
MBA, University of Rochester, Health Economics (1988)
BA, University of Rochester, Sociology (1986)
Community and International Work
Zimbabwe Global Health elective for anesthesia residency
Partnering Organization(s)
University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences, Department of Anesthesiology
Populations Served
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Postgraduate Fellowship in Global Health
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Global Health Trip 1994, Vietnam
Anesthesia for cleft lip and palate surgery on children
Partnering Organization(s)
Populations Served
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
Dr. Macario studies health care economics and outcomes, with a special focus on surgery and anesthesia.
Dr. Macario is well known for helping develop the field of operating room management.
He is also passionate about cost-effectiveness analyses of drugs and devices.
For the past decade Dr. Macario has added research in medical education as a key focus to better understand methods to best teach residents.
Google Scholar calculates Dr. Macario’s H-Index as 54 and his I-10 as 127, with 10,000 total citations.
Collaboration in Zimbabwe for anesthesiologist training and education research, Stanford University, Department of Anesthesiology
The University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences (UZCHS) partners with Stanford University to help improve medical education in Zimbabwe. The Department of Anesthesiology at Stanford is leading the anesthesia arm of the program. This year Drs. Crawford and McGoldrick completed a research initiative utilizing the "flipped classroom" technique, where trainees access videos for content, and classroom time focuses on interactive sessions. Results showed the local trainees had increased preparedness and knowledge of clinical scenarios involving anesthetic emergencies. Questions on relevance and adaptability of the information presented indicated a need for improvement. The residents voiced a desire for additional video lectures with interest in designing their own. One local trainee created two video lectures to incorporate into the newly developing regional anesthesia curriculum and several other Zimbabwe residents (registrars) have expressed interest in doing the same. The needs assessment also identified additional curriculum development for regional anesthesia specifically peripheral nerve blocks, a simulation lab, and video lectures covering topics in which they receive limited clinical experience. The opportunity to host faculty (Samson Shumbairerwa and Faraj Madzimbamuto) from UZCHS at Stanford to see our entire graduate medical education system would provide them with a research perspective so they can further determine what teaching methods will work best for them.
University of Zimbabwe Campus Harare 00263 Zimbabwe
- Rebecca McGoldrick, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Medicine
2024-25 Courses
Independent Studies (5)
- Directed Reading in Anesthesiology
ANES 299 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Early Clinical Experience in Anesthesia
ANES 280 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Graduate Research
ANES 399 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Medical Scholars Research
ANES 370 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Undergraduate Research
ANES 199 (Win, Spr)
- Directed Reading in Anesthesiology
Graduate and Fellowship Programs
Cardiac Anesthesia (Fellowship Program)
Critical Care Medicine (Fellowship Program)
Obstetric Anesthesia (Fellowship Program)
Pain Management (Fellowship Program)
Pediatric Anesthesia (Fellowship Program)
All Publications
Large Language Models and the American Board of Anesthesiology Examination.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2025; 140 (1): e7-e8
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000007322
View details for PubMedID 39680997
Implementing Holistic Applicant Review and Addressing Biases in Anesthesiology Residency Committee Deliberations.
A&A practice
2024; 18 (12): e01873
Holistic review of applications may optimize recruitment of residents by seeking out characteristics best aligned with program culture. The goals of this mixed methods research were to engage residency recruitment stakeholders to develop a holistic scoring rubric, measure the correlation between the rubric score and the final global rating used to rank applicants for the National Resident Matching Program Match, and qualitatively analyze committee discussions at the end of the interview day about applicants for potential unconscious biases.Forty stakeholders (32 faculty, 3 chief residents, and 5 administrative staff) completed an iterative consensus-driven process to identify the most highly valued applicant attributes, and a corresponding standardized question for each attribute. The rubric was used after the interview and after the group discussion to score all 203 applicants (29% underrepresented in medicine, 55% male) interviewed virtually during 1 recruitment season. Committee discussions of the day's candidates (15 separate interview days) were transcribed and analyzed using a phenomenological approach to identify biases.The final rubric included 10 dimensions: interpersonal attributes, scholarship, leadership, resilience, medical knowledge, medical school performance (excluding test scores), community service, mature learner, motivation for anesthesiology, and diversity. The first 5 dimensions were given equal weight, while the next 4 had lower but equal weighting among them. Diversity received the lowest weight overall. The mean rubric score (max 36) equaled 25.92 (standard deviation [SD] 1.99, median 26, range 13-29), which was significantly correlated (r = 0.94, P < .001) with the final global rating (mean = 4.35 SD 0.29, range 2.25-4.9) used for ranking. The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) scores, underrepresented in medicine status, geographic region of the applicant, and gender were not correlated with the global rating. Interrater reliability among 32 committee members was high (r = 0.77, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73-0.80). Thematic analysis of 4079 coded text segments identified 9 major bias types, with the most common being: in-group bias for candidates perceived as being similar to typical residents currently in the program, stereotyping via opinions of the candidate's personality as being a good fit for the specialty, cohort bias comparing an applicant to other applicants that interview day instead of the entire season, and anchoring bias due to the interviewer's initial impression of the candidate's motivation to become an anesthesiologist.Stakeholder-driven holistic review that more broadly emphasizes an applicant's experiences and attributes can be successfully implemented in evaluating residency applicants. Committee discussions revealed various biases that warrant further investigation and mitigation strategies.
View details for DOI 10.1213/XAA.0000000000001873
View details for PubMedID 39660750
Administration of the American Board of Anesthesiology's virtual APPLIED Examination: successes, challenges, and lessons learned.
BMC medical education
2024; 24 (1): 749
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Board of Anesthesiology transitioned from in-person to virtual administration of its APPLIED Examination, assessing more than 3000 candidates for certification purposes remotely in 2021. Four hundred examiners were involved in delivering and scoring Standardized Oral Examinations (SOEs) and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). More than 80% of candidates started their exams on time and stayed connected throughout the exam without any problems. Only 74 (2.5%) SOE and 45 (1.5%) OSCE candidates required rescheduling due to technical difficulties. Of those who experienced "significant issues", concerns with OSCE technical stations (interpretation of monitors and interpretation of echocardiograms) were reported most frequently (6% of candidates). In contrast, 23% of examiners "sometimes" lost connectivity during their multiple exam sessions, on a continuum from minor inconvenience to inability to continue. 84% of SOE candidates and 89% of OSCE candidates described "smooth" interactions with examiners and standardized patients/standardized clinicians, respectively. However, only 71% of SOE candidates and 75% of OSCE candidates considered themselves to be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without obstacles. When compared with their in-person experiences, approximately 40% of SOE examiners considered virtual evaluation to be more difficult than in-person evaluation and believed the remote format negatively affected their development as an examiner. The virtual format was considered to be less secure by 56% and 40% of SOE and OSCE examiners, respectively. The retirement of exam materials used virtually due to concern for compromise had implications for subsequent exam development. The return to in-person exams in 2022 was prompted by multiple factors, especially concerns regarding standardization and security. The technology is not yet perfect, especially for testing in-person communication skills and displaying dynamic exam materials. Nevertheless, the American Board of Anesthesiology's experience demonstrated the feasibility of conducting large-scale, high-stakes oral and performance exams in a virtual format and highlighted the adaptability and dedication of candidates, examiners, and administering board staff.
View details for DOI 10.1186/s12909-024-05694-7
View details for PubMedID 38992662
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC11241991
Domains Influencing Faculty Decisions on the Level of Supervision Required for Anesthesiology EPAs with Analysis of Feedback Comments.
Journal of surgical education
The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine responses related to entrustment and feedback comments from an assessment tool.Qualitative analyses using semi-structured interviews and analysis of narrative comments.Main hospital OR suite at a large academic medical center.faculty, and residents who work in the OR suite.Seven of the 14 theoretical domains from the Theoretical Domains Framework were identified as influencing faculty decision on entrustment: knowledge, skills, intention, memory/attention/decision processes, environmental context, and resources, beliefs of capabilities, and reinforcement. The majority (651/1116 (58.4%)) of faculty comments were critical/modest praise and relevant, consistent across all 6 EPAs. The written in feedback comments for all 1,116 Web App EPA assessments yielded a total of 1,599 sub-competency specific responses. These responses were mapped to core competencies, and at least once to 13 of the 23 ACGME subcompetencies.Domains identified as influencing faculty decision on entrustment were knowledge, skills, intention, memory/attention/decision processes, environmental context, and resources, beliefs of capabilities, and reinforcement. Most narrative feedback comments were critical/modest praise and relevant, consistent across each of the EPAs.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jsurg.2024.02.003
View details for PubMedID 38553368
Comparing characteristics and perspectives of U.S. anesthesiology fellows in training and anesthesiologists in their first year of practice.
BMC medical education
2023; 23 (1): 963
The purpose of this study was to evaluate relationships between demographics, professional characteristics, and perceived challenges facing the specialty of anesthesiology among physicians who entered a fellowship and those who started independent practice immediately after finishing a U.S. anesthesiology residency.Anesthesiologists in the year after their residency graduation were invited to take an online survey during the academic years of 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019, with questions about their personal characteristics, the nature of their professional lives, and their perceptions of the greatest challenge facing the profession of anesthesiology.A total of 884 fellows-in-training and 735 anesthesiologists starting independent practice right after the completion of their residency responded. Fellows were slightly younger (mean = 33.2 vs. 34.0 years old, p < 0.001), were more likely to have a spouse who works outside the home (63.9% vs. 57.0%, p = 0.002), had fewer children (mean = 0.69 vs. 0.88, p < 0.001), worked more hours per week (mean = 56.2 vs. 52.4, p < 0.001), and were less likely to report a personal and professional life balance (66.4% vs. 72.3% positive, p = 0.005) than direct-entry anesthesiologists. Fellows and direct-entry anesthesiologists identified similar challenges in three broad themes - workforce competition (80.3% and 71.8%), healthcare system changes (30.0% and 37.9%), and personal challenges (6.4% and 8.8%). Employment security issues posed by non-physician anesthesia providers and perceived lack of appreciation of anesthesiologists' value were commonly cited. Relative weighting of challenge concerns varied between fellows and direct-entry physicians, as well as within these groups based on gender, fellowship subspecialty, location or size of practice, and frequency of supervisory roles.Anesthesiology fellows and direct-entry anesthesiologists had largely similar demographics and perspectives on the challenges facing anesthesiology in the United States. Group differences found in some demographics and perspectives may reflect different motivations for choosing their professional paths and their diverse professional experiences.
View details for DOI 10.1186/s12909-023-04890-1
View details for PubMedID 38102615
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10725004
RE: Conley et al. APPLIED Advocacy: How the ABA Improved the RTID, and How It Could Be Even Better.
The journal of education in perioperative medicine : JEPM
2023; 25 (4): E717
View details for DOI 10.46374/volxxv_issue4_Keegan
View details for PubMedID 38162704
Defining entrustable professional activities for first year anesthesiology residents: A Delphi study.
Journal of clinical anesthesia
2023; 88: 111116
The use of entrustable professional activities (EPAs) as a basis for assessment may bridge the gap between the theory of competency-based education and clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate EPAs for United States (US) first-year clinical anesthesia (CA-1) residents for anesthesiology residency programs to use as the basis for curriculum development and workplace assessment.From a list of EPAs abstracted from the literature, an expert panel through a modified Delphi consensus process established EPAs for the CA1 curriculum.The final list of EPAs after group consensus had 28 EPAs, with 14 (50%) considered to be applicable to the CA-1 year. An 80% consensus rate was used to accept or reject the final list.This study applied a construct validity lens to EPA development providing assurance that the EPAs adopted are appropriate for use in workplace-based assessment and entrustment decision-making.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2023.111116
View details for PubMedID 37278050
Career decisions, training priorities, and perceived challenges for anesthesiology residents in the United States.
Journal of clinical anesthesia
2023; 89: 111155
This study sought to understand the timing and important factors identified by residents regarding their decision to pursue a career in anesthesiology, training areas deemed important to their future success, perceived greatest challenges facing the profession of anesthesiology, and their post-residency plans.The American Board of Anesthesiology administered voluntary, anonymous, repeated cross-sectional surveys to residents who began clinical anesthesia training in the U.S. from 2013 to 2016 and were subsequently followed up yearly until the completion of their residency. The analyses included data from 12 surveys (4 cohorts from clinical anesthesia years 1 to 3), including multiple-choice questions, rankings, Likert scales, and free text responses. Free responses were analyzed using an iterative inductive coding process to determine the main themes.The overall response rate was 36% (6480 responses to 17,793 invitations). Forty-five percent of residents chose anesthesiology during the 3rd year of medical school. "Nature of the clinical practice of anesthesiology" was the most important factor influencing their decision (average ranking of 5.93 out of 8 factors, 1 [least important] to 8 [most important]), followed by "ability to use pharmacology to acutely manipulate physiology" (5.75) and "favorable lifestyle" (5.22). "Practice management" and "political advocacy for anesthesiologists" (average rating 4.46 and 4.42, respectively, on a scale of 1 [very unimportant] to 5 [very important]) were considered the most important non-traditional training areas, followed by "anesthesiologists as leaders of the perioperative surgical home" (4.32), "structure and financing of the healthcare system" (4.27), and "principles of quality improvement" (4.26). Three out of 5 residents desired to pursue a fellowship; pain medicine, pediatric anesthesiology, and cardiac anesthesiology were the most popular choices, each accounting for approximately 20% of prospective fellows. Perceived greatest challenges facing the profession of anesthesiology included workforce competition from non-physician anesthesia providers and lack of advocacy for anesthesiologist values (referenced by 96% of respondents), changes and uncertainty in healthcare systems (30%), and personal challenges such as psychological well-being (3%).Most residents identified anesthesiology as their career choice during medical school. Interest in non-traditional subjects and fellowship training was common. Competition from non-physician providers, healthcare system changes, and compromised psychological well-being were perceived concerns.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2023.111155
View details for PubMedID 37290294
Defining entrustable professional activities for first year anesthesiology residents: A Delphi study
2023; 88
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2023.111116
View details for Web of Science ID 000974861100001
US versus UK Anesthesiology Training - a sprint versus a marathon?
Journal of clinical anesthesia
2022; 83: 110983
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2022.110983
View details for PubMedID 36308991
Evaluation of the Stanford Anesthesiology Faculty Teaching Scholars Program Using the Context, Input, Process, and Product Framework.
The journal of education in perioperative medicine : JEPM
2022; 24 (4): E693
Background: Faculty development programs are essential to the educational mission of academic medical centers as they promote skill development and career advancement and should be regularly evaluated to determine opportunities for improvement. The context, input, process, and product (CIPP) framework evaluates all phases of a program and focuses on improvement and outcomes. The aim of this study was to use the CIPP framework to evaluate the Stanford Anesthesiology Faculty Teaching Scholars Program.Methods: Using the CIPP framework, a survey was developed for alumni (2007 to 2018) of the program, followed by structured interviews, and each interview was deductively coded to identify themes.Results: Twenty-six of the 54 (48% response rate) participants in the program completed the survey, with 23 completing their projects and 17 of those projects still part of the anesthesiology training program. Seventeen survey responders went on to educational leadership roles. Twenty-five of the 26 survey responders would recommend this program to their colleagues. Fifteen structured interviews were conducted. Using the CIPP framework, themes were identified for context (reason for participation, previous experience in medical education, and resident education impact), input (benefits/negatives of the lecture series, availability of resources, and adequacy of nonclinical time), process (resident participation, mentorship, and barriers to implementation), and product (project completion, education sustainability, positive/negative outcomes of the program, and suggestions for improvement).Conclusions: The CIPP framework was successfully used to evaluate the Teaching Scholars Program. Areas of improvement were identified, including changing the program for input (add education lectures customized to faculty interests) and process (formally designate an experienced mentor to faculty).
View details for DOI 10.46374/volxxiv_issue4_chen
View details for PubMedID 36545369
Content Evaluation of Residency Websites for All 159 Anesthesiology ACGME Programs in the USA.
The journal of education in perioperative medicine : JEPM
2022; 24 (1): E683
Background: The shift to virtual interviews during the COVID-19 pandemic has elevated the vital role of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education residency program websites in conveying information to applicants. The purpose of our study was to assess the recruitment, education, and diversity and inclusion content on websites for anesthesiology residency programs. Second, we aimed to test the hypothesis that the content scores of websites are higher in programs with more National Institutes of Health funding, in programs that are university-based versus community-based, and in larger programs, as measured by number of residents.Methods: Two independent reviewers evaluated the websites of the 159 anesthesiology residency programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education for the presence (yes/no) of 12 recruitment, 6 education, and 8 diversity and inclusion criteria. Multiple linear regression was used to determine which program factors were most associated with total website content score.Results: Anesthesiology residency program websites contained a mean of 12.9 (SD = 3.4; range, 3-21) of the 26 study-defined criteria. The most common recruitment, education, and diversity and inclusion criteria were, respectively, program description, rotation information, and community demographics. Controlling for program factors, a university-based affiliation (P = .016) was associated with higher website content scores.Conclusions: There is large variation in the recruitment, education, and diversity and inclusion content on anesthesiology residency program websites nationally. Since program websites averaged only half of criteria, this may provide an impetus for programs to modify their websites, which may inform applicant decisions about which programs align with their training and career goals.
View details for DOI 10.46374/volxxiv_issue1_xie
View details for PubMedID 35707018
Resident Family and Medical Leave During the First Year of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Extended Leave Policy
2021; 96 (10): 1373
View details for Web of Science ID 000701818100038
Resident Family and Medical Leave During the First Year of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Extended Leave Policy.
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
2021; 96 (10): 1373
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004252
View details for PubMedID 34587138
Waste reduction in the operating room - old habits die hard, but change is possible
View details for Web of Science ID 000713327102029
Residency program directors' perceptions about the impact of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Objective Structured Clinical Examination.
Journal of clinical anesthesia
2021; 75: 110439
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To describe how the introduction of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) by the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) to its initial certification impacted anesthesiology residencies in the United States.DESIGN AND SETTING: A sequential mixed-methods design with focus groups and online survey among program directors of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-accredited anesthesiology residencies.PATIENTS: No patients were included.INTERVENTION: None.MEASUREMENTS: A convenience sample of 34 program directors were interviewed to understand their perceptions of the ABA OSCE. Subsequently, an online survey, based on major themes identified from the focus groups, was sent to all 156 program directors.MAIN RESULTS: Several themes emerged from the focus group discussions: (1) a mock OSCE was most common for preparing residents for the ABA OSCE; 2) the ABA OSCE led to changes in residency curriculum; 3) the ABA OSCE assessed communication and professionalism skills well, and how well it assessed technical skills was less agreed on. Survey results from 87 program directors (response rate=56%) were mostly consistent with the themes generated by the focus groups. Eight-one out of 87 programs (93%) specifically prepared their residents for the ABA OSCE. Fifty-two out of 81 program directors (64%) reported the introduction of the ABA OSCE led to curricular changes. Out of 79 program directors, 45 (57%) agreed the ABA OSCE assesses skills essential to anesthesiology practice, and 40 (51%) considered it added value to board certification.CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of the OSCE by the ABA for board certification has affected the curriculum of many residencies. Approximately 3 in 5 program directors perceived the ABA OSCE measures skills essential to anesthesiologists' practice. Future studies should assess residency graduates' perspective on the usefulness of both mock OSCE preparation and the ABA OSCE, and whether the ABA OSCE performance predicts future clinical practice.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2021.110439
View details for PubMedID 34293669
In Response.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2021; 133 (1): e5-e7
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005556
View details for PubMedID 34127597
Anesthesiology Residents' Experiences and Perspectives of Residency Training.
Anesthesia and analgesia
BACKGROUND: Anesthesiology residents' experiences and perspectives about their programs may be helpful in improving training. The goals of this repeated cross-sectional survey study are to determine: (1) the most important factors residents consider in choosing an anesthesiology residency, (2) the aspects of the clinical base year that best prepare residents for anesthesia clinical training, and what could be improved, (3) whether residents are satisfied with their anesthesiology residency and what their primary struggles are, and (4) whether residents believe their residency prepares them for proficiency in the 6 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Core Competencies and for independent practice.METHODS: Anesthesiologists beginning their US residency training from 2013 to 2016 were invited to participate in anonymous, confidential, and voluntary self-administered online surveys. Resident cohort was defined by clinical anesthesia year 1, such that 9 survey administrations were included in this study-3 surveys for the 2013 and 2014 cohorts (clinical anesthesia years 1-3), 2 surveys for the 2015 cohort (clinical anesthesia years 1-2), and 1 survey for the 2016 cohort (clinical anesthesia year 1).RESULTS: The overall response rate was 36% (4707 responses to 12,929 invitations). On a 5-point Likert scale with 1 as "very unimportant" and 5 as "very important," quality of clinical experience (4.7-4.8 among the cohorts) and departmental commitment to education (4.3-4.5) were rated as the most important factors in anesthesiologists' choice of residency. Approximately 70% of first- and second-year residents agreed that their clinical base year prepared them well for anesthesiology residency, particularly clinical training experiences in critical care rotations, anesthesiology rotations, and surgery rotations/perioperative procedure management. Overall, residents were satisfied with their choice of anesthesiology specialty (4.4-4.5 on a 5-point scale among cohort-training levels) and their residency programs (4.0-4.1). The residency training experiences mostly met their expectations (3.8-4.0). Senior residents who reported any struggles highlighted academic more than interpersonal or technical difficulties. Senior residents generally agreed that the residency adequately prepared them for independent practice (4.1-4.4). Of the 6 ACGME Core Competencies, residents had the highest confidence in professionalism (4.7-4.9) and interpersonal and communication skills (4.6-4.8). Areas in residency that could be improved include the provision of an appropriate balance between education and service and allowance for sufficient time off to search and interview for a postresidency position.CONCLUSIONS: Anesthesiology residents in the United States indicated they most value quality of clinical training experiences and are generally satisfied with their choice of specialty and residency program.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005316
View details for PubMedID 33438965
Demographic Trends From 2005 to 2015 Among Physicians With Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-Accredited Anesthesiology Training and Active Medical Licenses.
Anesthesia and analgesia
BACKGROUND: A temporary decrease in anesthesiology residency graduates that occurred around the turn of the millennium may have workforce implications. The aims of this study are to describe, between 2005 and 2015, (1) demographic changes in the workforce of physicians trained as anesthesiologists; (2) national and state densities of these physicians, as well as temporal changes in the densities; and (3) retention of medical licenses by mid- and later-career anesthesiologists.METHODS: Using records from the American Board of Anesthesiology and state medical and osteopathic boards, the numbers of licensed physicians aged 30-59 years who had completed Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-accredited anesthesiology residency training were calculated cross-sectionally for 2005, 2010, and 2015. Demographic trends were then described. Census data were used to calculate national and state densities of licensed physicians. Individual longitudinal data were used to describe retention of medical licenses among older physicians.RESULTS: The number of licensed physicians trained as anesthesiologists aged 30-59 years increased from 32,644 in 2005 to 36,543 in 2010 and 36,624 in 2015, representing a national density of 1.10, 1.18, and 1.14 per 10,000 population in those years, respectively. The density of anesthesiologists among states ranged from 0.37 to 3.10 per 10,000 population. The age distribution differed across the years. For example, anesthesiologists aged 40-49 years predominated in 2005 (47%), but by 2015, only 31% of anesthesiologists were aged 40-49 years. The proportion of female anesthesiologists grew from 22% in 2005, to 24% in 2010, and to 28% in 2015, particularly among early-career anesthesiologists. For anesthesiologists with licenses in 2005, the number who still had active licenses in 2015 decreased by 9.6% for those aged 45-49 years, by 14.1% for those aged 50-54 years, and by 19.7% for those aged 55-59 years.CONCLUSIONS: The temporary decrease in anesthesiology residency graduates around the turn of the 21st century decreased the proportion of anesthesiologists who were midcareer as of 2015. This may affect the future availability of senior leaders as well as the future overall workforce in the specialty as older anesthesiologists retire. National efforts to plan for workforce needs should recognize the geographical variability in the distribution of anesthesiologists.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005332
View details for PubMedID 33438967
Construct Validation of the American Board of Anesthesiology's APPLIED Examination for Initial Certification.
Anesthesia and analgesia
The American Board of Anesthesiology administers the APPLIED Examination as a part of initial certification, which as of 2018 includes 2 components-the Standardized Oral Examination (SOE) and the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). The goal of this study is to investigate the measurement construct(s) of the APPLIED Examination to assess whether the SOE and the OSCE measure distinct constructs (ie, factors).Exploratory item factor analysis of candidates' performance ratings was used to determine the number of constructs, and confirmatory item factor analysis to estimate factor loadings within each construct and correlation(s) between the constructs.In exploratory item factor analysis, the log-likelihood ratio test and Akaike information criterion index favored the 3-factor model, with factors reflecting the SOE, OSCE Communication and Professionalism, and OSCE Technical Skills. The Bayesian information criterion index favored the 2-factor model, with factors reflecting the SOE and the OSCE. In confirmatory item factor analysis, both models suggest moderate correlation between the SOE factor and the OSCE factor; the correlation was 0.49 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.42-0.55) for the 3-factor model and 0.61 (95% CI, 0.54-0.64) for the 2-factor model. The factor loadings were lower for Technical Skills stations of the OSCE (ranging from 0.11 to 0.25) compared with those of the SOE and Communication and Professionalism stations of the OSCE (ranging from 0.36 to 0.50).The analyses provide evidence that the SOE and the OSCE measure distinct constructs, supporting the rationale for administering both components of the APPLIED Examination for initial certification in anesthesiology.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005364
View details for PubMedID 33481404
Milestone Learning Trajectories of Residents at Five Anesthesiology Residency Programs.
Teaching and learning in medicine
2020: 1–10
Construct: Every six months, residency programs report their trainees' Milestones Level achievement to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Milestones should enable the learner and training program to know an individual's competency development trajectory. Background: Milestone Level ratings for residents grouped by specialty (e.g., Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine) show that, in aggregate, senior residents receive higher ratings than junior residents. Anesthesiology Milestones, as assessed by both residents and faculty, also have a positive linear relationship with postgraduate year. However, these studies have been cross-sectional rather than longitudinal cohort studies, and studies of how individual residents progress during the course of training are needed. Longitudinal data analysis of performance assessment trajectories addresses a relevant validity question for the Next Accreditation System. We explored the application of learning analytics to longitudinal Milestones data to: 1) measure the frequency of "straight-lining"; 2) assess the proportion of residents that reach "Level 4" (ready for unsupervised practice) by graduation for each subcompetency; 3) identify variability among programs and individual residents in their baseline Milestone Level and rates of improvement; and 4) determine how hypothetically constructed growth curve models fit to the Milestones data reported to ACGME. Approach: De-identified Milestone Level ratings in each of the 25 subcompetencies submitted semiannually to the ACGME from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017 were retrospectively analyzed for graduating residents (n=67) from a convenience sample of five anesthesia residency programs. The data reflected longitudinal resident Milestone progression from the beginning of the first year to the end of the third and final year of clinical anesthesiology training. The frequency of straight-lining, defined as the resident receiving the same exact Milestone Level rating for all 25 subcompetencies on a given 6-month report, was calculated for each program. Every resident was evaluated six times during training with the possibility of six straight-lined ratings. Findings: The number of residents in each program ranged from 5-21 (Median 13, range 16). Mean Milestone Level ratings for subcompetencies were significantly different at each six-month assessment (p<0.001). Frequency of straight-lining varied significantly by program from 9% - 57% (Median 22%). Depending on the program, 53%-100% (median 86%) of residents reached the graduation target Level 4 or higher in all 25 anesthesiology subcompetencies. Nine to 18% of residents did not achieve a Level 4 rating for at least one subcompetency at any time during their residency. Across programs, significant variability was found in first-year clinical anesthesia training Milestone Levels, as well in the rate of improvement for five of the six core competencies. Conclusions: Anesthesia residents' Milestone Level growth trajectories as reported to the ACGME vary significantly across individual residents as well as by program. The present study offers a case example that raises concerns regarding the validity of the Next Accreditation System as it is currently used by some residency programs.
View details for DOI 10.1080/10401334.2020.1842210
View details for PubMedID 33327788
Red Flags, Geography, Exam Scores, and Other Factors Used by Program Directors in Determining Which Applicants Are Offered an Interview for Anesthesiology Residency.
2020; 12 (11): e11550
Objective The goal of this study was to measure the most important factors in candidate applications that anesthesiology program directors (PDs) use to decide who to invite for an interview, and how that might change once the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 is only reported as pass/fail. Design Based on a literature review, a comprehensive list of 27 factors used by PDs to select candidates for the interview was developed. An anonymous survey link was emailed to PDs of all Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited Anesthesiology residencies. The survey asked PDs to rank order the top 10 factors they currently consider for making interview invitation, and then to repeat the rank ordering as if the USMLE Step 1 score was instead reported as pass/fail as will be done beginning in 2022. Results Forty-five of 159 (28%) PDs responded, with 82% disagreeing with changing the Step 1 score to pass/fail. 84% consider the Step 1 score (77% for Step 2) moderately or very important for selecting an applicant for an interview. The most frequently mentioned "red flags" were failure of a licensing exam, failure of a medical school course, gaps in education without explanation, and criminal history. 69% of PDs agreed that applicants coming from the medical school affiliated with their program would have an advantage over other applicants. Although, the three factors most commonly ranked in the top 10 in importance were the Step 1 score, followed by letters of recommendation, and then the Medical School Performance Evaluation, variability exists in how PDs ranked factors. For example, of the PDs that had Step 1 in the top 10, 27% had it ranked between the 6th and 10th most important. 9% of PDs did not have Step 1 score in the top 10. Core clinical clerkship grades were one of the top 5 factors by 49% of PDs, yet overall was the 6th most common top 10 factor as 36% of PDs did not have core clerkship grades at all in the top 10. Once Step 1 is reported only as pass/fail, PDs had letters of recommendation, Step 2, and the Medical School Performance Evaluation as the most frequently ranked factors in the top 10. 64% of the PDs supported restricting the number of programs a candidate can apply to, with the majority suggesting a limit of 15 to 20 programs per applicant. Conclusion Variability exists among anesthesiology PDs in the key criteria for offering an applicant an interview. Once Step 1 is reported as pass/fail, there will be an increased emphasis on Step 2 scores.
View details for DOI 10.7759/cureus.11550
View details for PubMedID 33365219
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7748577
Red Flags, Geography, Exam Scores, and Other Factors Used by Program Directors in Determining Which Applicants Are Offered an Interview for Anesthesiology Residency
2020; 12 (11)
View details for DOI 10.7759/cureus.11550
View details for Web of Science ID 000590415100012
First-Year Results of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Objective Structured Clinical Examination for Initial Certification.
Anesthesia and analgesia
In 2018, the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) became the first US medical specialty certifying board to incorporate an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) into its initial certification examination system. Previously, the ABA's staged examination system consisted of 2 written examinations (the BASIC and ADVANCED examinations) and the Standardized Oral Examination (SOE). The OSCE and the existing SOE are now 2 separate components of the APPLIED Examination. This report presents the results of the first-year OSCE administration. A total of 1410 candidates took both the OSCE and the SOE in 2018. Candidate performance approximated a normal distribution for both the OSCE and the SOE, and was not associated with the timing of the examination, including day of the week, morning versus afternoon session, and order of the OSCE and the SOE. Practice-based Learning and Improvement was the most difficult station, while Application of Ultrasonography was the least difficult. The correlation coefficient between SOE and OSCE scores was 0.35 ([95% confidence interval {CI}, 0.30-0.39]; P < .001). Scores for the written ADVANCED Examination were modestly correlated with scores for the SOE (r = 0.29 [95% CI, 0.25-0.34]; P < .001) and the OSCE (r = 0.15 [95% CI, 0.10-0.20]; P < .001). Most of the candidates who failed the SOE passed the OSCE, and most of the candidates who failed the OSCE passed the SOE. Of the 1410 candidates, 77 (5.5%) failed the OSCE, 155 (11.0%) failed the SOE, and 25 (1.8%) failed both. Thus, 207 (14.7%) failed at least 1 component of the APPLIED Examination. Adding an OSCE to a board certification examination system is feasible. Preliminary evidence indicates that the OSCE measures aspects of candidate abilities distinct from those measured by other examinations used for initial board certification.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005086
View details for PubMedID 32739956
Anesthesiologist Burnout, Distress, and Depression: Reply.
2020; 132 (6): 1601-1602
View details for DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000003262
View details for PubMedID 32205550
Barriers and aidsto routine neuromuscular monitoring and consistent reversal practice -a qualitative study.
Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
BACKGROUND: Neuromuscular monitoring is recommended whenever a neuromuscular blocking agentis administered, but surveys have demonstrated inconsistent monitoring practices. Using qualitative methods, we aimed to explore barriers and aids to routine neuromuscular monitoring and consistent reversal practice.METHODS: Focus group interviews were conducted to obtain insights into the thoughts and attitudes of individual anaesthetists, as well as the influence of colleagues and department culture.Interviews were conducted at 5 Danish and 1 US hospital. Data were analysed using template analysis.RESULTS: Danish anaesthetists used objective neuromuscular monitoring when administering a non-depolarizing relaxant, but had challenges with calibrating the monitor and sometimes interpreting measurements. Residents from the US institution used subjective neuromuscular monitoring, objective neuromuscular monitoring was generally not available and most had not used it. Danish anaesthetists used neuromuscular monitoringto assess readiness for extubation while US residents used subjective neuromuscular monitoring, clinical tests like 5-second head lift, and ventilatory parameters. The residents described a lack of consensus between senior anaesthesiologists in reversal practice and monitoring use. Barriers to consistent and correct neuromuscular monitoring identified included unreliable equipment, time pressure, need for training, misconceptions about pharmacokinetics of neuromuscular blocking agents and residual block, lack of standards and guidelines, and departmental culture.CONCLUSION: Using qualitative methods, we found that though Danish anaesthetists generally apply objective neuromuscular monitoring routinely and residents at the US institution often apply subjective neuromuscular monitoring, barriers to consistent and correct use still exist.EDITORIAL COMMENT: Inadequate monitoring of neuromuscular blockade and reversal of neuromuscular blocker drug effects can contribute to preventable perioperative patient complications. This qualitative assessment of specialty physician approaches to these issues in 2 high income countries and practices show that these issues remain an area where more education and better implementation of the best practice standards can be needed.
View details for DOI 10.1111/aas.13606
View details for PubMedID 32297659
Assessment Scores of a Mock Objective Structured Clinical Examination Administered to 99 Anesthesiology Residents at 8 Institutions.
Anesthesia and analgesia
BACKGROUND: Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are used in a variety of high-stakes examinations. The primary goal of this study was to examine factors influencing the variability of assessment scores for mock OSCEs administered to senior anesthesiology residents.METHODS: Using the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) OSCE Content Outline as a blueprint, scenarios were developed for 4 of the ABA skill types: (1) informed consent, (2) treatment options, (3) interpretation of echocardiograms, and (4) application of ultrasonography. Eight residency programs administered these 4 OSCEs to CA3 residents during a 1-day formative session. A global score and checklist items were used for scoring by faculty raters. We used a statistical framework called generalizability theory, or G-theory, to estimate the sources of variation (or facets), and to estimate the reliability (ie, reproducibility) of the OSCE performance scores. Reliability provides a metric on the consistency or reproducibility of learner performance as measured through the assessment.RESULTS: Of the 115 total eligible senior residents, 99 participated in the OSCE because the other residents were unavailable. Overall, residents correctly performed 84% (standard deviation [SD] 16%, range 38%-100%) of the 36 total checklist items for the 4 OSCEs. On global scoring, the pass rate for the informed consent station was 71%, for treatment options was 97%, for interpretation of echocardiograms was 66%, and for application of ultrasound was 72%. The estimate of reliability expressing the reproducibility of examinee rankings equaled 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.49-0.63), which is reasonable for normative assessments that aim to compare a resident's performance relative to other residents because over half of the observed variation in total scores is due to variation in examinee ability. Phi coefficient reliability of 0.42 (95% CI, 0.35-0.50) indicates that criterion-based judgments (eg, pass-fail status) cannot be made. Phi expresses the absolute consistency of a score and reflects how closely the assessment is likely to reproduce an examinee's final score. Overall, the greatest (14.6%) variance was due to the person by item by station interaction (3-way interaction) indicating that specific residents did well on some items but poorly on other items. The variance (11.2%) due to residency programs across case items was high suggesting moderate variability in performance from residents during the OSCEs among residency programs.CONCLUSIONS: Since many residency programs aim to develop their own mock OSCEs, this study provides evidence that it is possible for programs to create a meaningful mock OSCE experience that is statistically reliable for separating resident performance.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004705
View details for PubMedID 32149757
- Economic analysis of perioperative optimization PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE Saunders/Elsevier. 2020; 2nd
Clinical practice profiles of anesthesiologists certified in or after the year 2000 participating in maintenance of certification in the United States.
Journal of clinical anesthesia
2020; 64: 109810
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2020.109810
View details for PubMedID 32305788
First-Year Results of the American Board of Anesthesiology's Objective Structured Clinical Examination for Initial Certification.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2020; 131 (5): 1412–18
In 2018, the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) became the first US medical specialty certifying board to incorporate an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) into its initial certification examination system. Previously, the ABA's staged examination system consisted of 2 written examinations (the BASIC and ADVANCED examinations) and the Standardized Oral Examination (SOE). The OSCE and the existing SOE are now 2 separate components of the APPLIED Examination. This report presents the results of the first-year OSCE administration. A total of 1410 candidates took both the OSCE and the SOE in 2018. Candidate performance approximated a normal distribution for both the OSCE and the SOE, and was not associated with the timing of the examination, including day of the week, morning versus afternoon session, and order of the OSCE and the SOE. Practice-based Learning and Improvement was the most difficult station, while Application of Ultrasonography was the least difficult. The correlation coefficient between SOE and OSCE scores was 0.35 ([95% confidence interval {CI}, 0.30-0.39]; P < .001). Scores for the written ADVANCED Examination were modestly correlated with scores for the SOE (r = 0.29 [95% CI, 0.25-0.34]; P < .001) and the OSCE (r = 0.15 [95% CI, 0.10-0.20]; P < .001). Most of the candidates who failed the SOE passed the OSCE, and most of the candidates who failed the OSCE passed the SOE. Of the 1410 candidates, 77 (5.5%) failed the OSCE, 155 (11.0%) failed the SOE, and 25 (1.8%) failed both. Thus, 207 (14.7%) failed at least 1 component of the APPLIED Examination. Adding an OSCE to a board certification examination system is feasible. Preliminary evidence indicates that the OSCE measures aspects of candidate abilities distinct from those measured by other examinations used for initial board certification.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005086
View details for PubMedID 33079864
The American Board of Anesthesiology's Staged Examination System and Performance on the Written Certification Examination After Residency.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2019; 129 (5): e159-e162
This study compared anesthesiology residency graduates' written certification examination performance before and after the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) introduced the staged examination system. After equating test scores using common test items, the first 2 cohorts (2013, 2014) in the staged system scored 7.1 points and 8.3 points higher than the 2011 baseline cohort in the former examination system. The 2013 and 2014 cohorts' pass rates (94.2% and 95.9%) were also higher than the 2011 and 2012 cohorts (91.9% and 92.6%) if a common standard had been applied. The staged examination system may be associated with improved knowledge of anesthesiology graduates.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004250
View details for PubMedID 31613812
Development of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination as a Component of Assessment for Initial Board Certification in Anesthesiology.
Anesthesia and analgesia
With its first administration of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in 2018, the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) became the first US medical specialty certifying board to incorporate this type of assessment into its high-stakes certification examination system. The fundamental rationale for the ABA's introduction of the OSCE is to include an assessment that allows candidates for board certification to demonstrate what they actually "do" in domains relevant to clinical practice. Inherent in this rationale is that the OSCE will capture competencies not well assessed in the current written and oral examinations-competencies that will allow the ABA to judge whether a candidate meets the standards expected for board certification more properly. This special article describes the ABA's journey from initial conceptualization through first administration of the OSCE, including the format of the OSCE, the process for scenario development, the standardized patient program that supports OSCE administration, examiner training, scoring, and future assessment of reliability, validity, and impact of the OSCE. This information will be beneficial to both those involved in the initial certification process, such as residency graduate candidates and program directors, and others contemplating the use of high-stakes summative OSCE assessments.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004496
View details for PubMedID 31688077
Predictors of post-anaesthesiology residency research productivity: preliminary report.
British journal of anaesthesia
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.bja.2019.07.018
View details for PubMedID 31474349
Association Between Participation and Performance in MOCA Minute and Actions Against the Medical Licenses of Anesthesiologists.
Anesthesia and analgesia
BACKGROUND: In January 2016, as part of the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA) program, the American Board of Anesthesiology launched MOCA Minute, a web-based longitudinal assessment, to supplant the former cognitive examination. We investigated the association between participation and performance in MOCA Minute and disciplinary actions against medical licenses of anesthesiologists.METHODS: All anesthesiologists with time-limited certificates (ie, certified in 2000 or after) who were required to register for MOCA Minute in 2016 were followed up through December 31, 2016. The incidence of postcertification prejudicial license actions was compared between those who did and did not register and compared between registrants who did and did not meet the MOCA Minute performance standard.RESULTS: The cumulative incidence of license actions was 1.2% (245/20,006) in anesthesiologists required to register for MOCA Minute. Nonregistration was associated with a higher incidence of license actions (hazard ratio, 2.93 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 2.15-4.00]). For the 18,534 (92.6%) who registered, later registration (after June 30, 2016) was associated with a higher incidence of license actions. In 2016, 16,308 (88.0%) anesthesiologists met the MOCA Minute performance standard. Of those not meeting the standard (n = 2226), most (n = 2093, 94.0%) failed because they did not complete the required 120 questions. Not meeting the standard was associated with a higher incidence of license actions (hazard ratio, 1.92 [95% CI, 1.36-2.72]).CONCLUSIONS: Both timely participation and meeting performance standard in MOCA Minute are associated with a lower likelihood of being disciplined by a state medical board.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004268
View details for PubMedID 31274598
Assessing the Workplace Culture and Learning Climate in the Inpatient Operating Room Suite at an Academic Medical Center.
Journal of surgical education
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to elicit perspectives from operating room (OR) personnel on the workplace culture and learning climate in the surgical suite, and to identify behaviors associated with a positive culture and learning climate.DESIGN: Qualitative analyses using survey methodology.SETTING: Main hospital OR suite at a large academic medical center.PARTICIPANTS: Nurses, faculty, and residents who work in the OR suite.RESULTS: To improve the OR environment, survey respondents (n = 60) recommended: (1) promoting a respectful "no blame" culture; (2) promoting social cohesion and cross-collaboration; (3) improving communication regarding performance feedback and patient safety; (4) building small interdisciplinary teams working toward common goals; and (5) improving learning opportunities that support professional growth.CONCLUSIONS: Opportunities exist to improve the OR workplace culture and thereby the learning environment.
View details for PubMedID 30824232
Evolving Board Certification - Glimpses of Success.
The New England journal of medicine
2019; 380 (2): 115–18
View details for PubMedID 30625058
Repeated Cross-sectional Surveys of Burnout, Distress, and Depression among Anesthesiology Residents and First-year Graduates.
Burnout has been identified in approximately 50% of residents and practicing physicians WHAT THIS ARTICLE TELLS US THAT IS NEW: Based on survey data from 2013 to 2016, the prevalence of burnout, distress, and depression in anesthesiology residents and first-year graduates was 51%, 32%, and 12%, respectivelyMore hours worked and student debt were associated with a higher risk of distress and depression, but not burnoutPerceived institutional and social support and work-life balance were associated with a lower risk of burnout, distress, and depression BACKGROUND:: This repeated cross-sectional survey study was conducted to determine the prevalence of, and factors associated with, burnout, distress, and depression among anesthesiology residents and first-year graduates. We hypothesized that heavy workload and student debt burden were associated with a higher risk of physician burnout, distress, and depression, and that perception of having adequate workplace resources, work-life balance, and social support were associated with a lower risk.Physicians beginning U.S. anesthesiology residency between 2013 and 2016 were invited to take online surveys annually from their clinical anesthesia year 1 to 1 yr after residency graduation. The Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Physician Well-Being Index, and the Harvard Department of Psychiatry/National Depression Screening Day Scale were used to measure burnout, distress, and depression, respectively. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine whether self-reported demographics, personal, and professional factors were associated with the risk of burnout, distress, and depression.The response rate was 36% (5,295 of 14,529). The prevalence of burnout, distress, and depression was 51% (2,531 of 4,966), 32% (1,575 of 4,941), and 12% (565 of 4,840), respectively. Factors associated with a lower risk of all three outcomes included respondents' perceived workplace resource availability, (odds ratio = 0.51 [95% CI, 0.45 to 0.57] for burnout; 0.51 [95% CI, 0.45 to 0.56] for distress; 0.52 [95% CI, 0.45 to 0.60] for depression) and perceived ability to maintain work-life balance (0.61 [95% CI, 0.56 to 0.67] for burnout; 0.50 [95% CI, 0.46 to 0.55] for distress; 0.58 [95% CI, 0.51 to 0.65] for depression). A greater number of hours worked per week and a higher amount of student debt were associated with a higher risk of distress and depression, but not burnout.Burnout, distress, and depression are notable among anesthesiology residents. Perceived institutional support, work-life balance, strength of social support, workload, and student debt impact physician well-being.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000002777
View details for PubMedID 31166235
Operating Theatre Management in the United States
Practical Operating Theatre Management
Cambridge University Press. University Printing House. 2019; 1st
View details for DOI 10.1017/9781108164061
The American Board of Anesthesiology's Standardized Oral Examination for Initial Board Certification.
Anesthesia and analgesia
The American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) has been administering an oral examination as part of its initial certification process since 1939. Among the 24 member boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties, 13 other boards also require passing an oral examination for physicians to become certified in their specialties. However, the methods used to develop, administer, and score these examinations have not been published. The purpose of this report is to describe the history and evolution of the anesthesiology Standardized Oral Examination, its current examination development and administration, the psychometric model and scoring, physician examiner training and auditing, and validity evidence. The many-facet Rasch model is the analytic method used to convert examiner ratings into scaled scores for candidates and takes into account how difficult grader examiners are and the difficulty of the examination tasks. Validity evidence of the oral examination includes that it measures aspects of clinical performance not accounted for by written certifying examinations, and that passing the oral examination is associated with a decreased risk of subsequent license actions against the anesthesiologist. Explaining the details of the Standardized Oral Examination provides transparency about this component of initial certification in anesthesiology.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004263
View details for PubMedID 31219924
The American Board of Anesthesiology Staged Examination System and Performance on the Written Certification Examination After Residency.
Anesthesia and analgesia
This study compared anesthesiology residency graduates' written certification examination performance before and after the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) introduced the staged examination system. After equating test scores using common test items, the first 2 cohorts (2013, 2014) in the staged system scored 7.1 points and 8.3 points higher than the 2011 baseline cohort in the former examination system. The 2013 and 2014 cohorts' pass rates (94.2% and 95.9%) were also higher than the 2011 and 2012 cohorts (91.9% and 92.6%) if a common standard had been applied. The staged examination system may be associated with improved knowledge of anesthesiology graduates.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004250
View details for PubMedID 31166233
Analysis of Milestone-based End-of-rotation Evaluations for Ten Residents Completing a Three-year Anesthesiology Residency.
2018; 10 (8): e3200
Introduction Faculty are required to assess the development of residents using educational milestones. This descriptive study examined the end-of-rotation milestone-based evaluations of anesthesiology residents by rotation faculty directors. The goals were to measure: (1) how many of the 25 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) anesthesiology subcompetency milestones were included in each of the residency's rotations evaluations, (2) the percentage of evaluations sent to the rotation director that were actually completed by the director, (3) the length of time between the end of the residents' rotations and completion of the evaluations, (4) the frequency of straightline scoring, defined as the resident receiving the same milestone level score for all subcompetencies on the evaluation, and (5) how often a resident received a score below a Level 4 in at least one subcompetency in the three months prior to graduating. Methods In 2013, the directors for each the 24 anesthesia rotations in the Stanford University School of Medicine Anesthesiology Residency Program created new milestone-based evaluations to be used at the end of rotations to evaluate residents. The directors selected the subcompetencies from the list released by the ACGME that were most appropriate for their rotation. End-of-rotation evaluations for thepost-graduate year (PGY)-2 to PGY-4from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017 were retrospectively analyzed for a sample of 10 residents randomly selected from 22 residents in the graduating class. Results The mean number of subcompetencies evaluated by each of the 24 rotations in the residency equaled 17.88 (standard deviation (SD): 3.39, range 10-24, median 18.5) from the available possible total of 25 subcompetencies. Three subcompetencies (medical knowledge, communication with patients and families, and coordination of patient care within the healthcare system) were included in the evaluation instruments of all 24 rotations. The three least frequently listed subcompetencies were: "acute, chronic, and cancer-related pain consultation/management" (25% of rotations had this on the end-of-rotation evaluation), "triage and management of critically ill patient in non-operative setting" (33%), and "education of patient, families, students, residents, and others" (38%). Overall, 418 end-of-rotation evaluations were issued and 341 (82%) completed, with 63% completed within one month, 22% between month one and two, and 15% after two months. The frequency of straight line scoring varied, from never occurring (0%) in three rotations to always occurring (100%) in two rotations, with an overall average of 51% (SD: 33%). Sixty-onepercent of straight line scoring corresponded to the residents' postgraduate year whereby, for example, a post-graduate year two resident received an ACGME Level 2 proficiency for all subcompetencies. Thirty-onepercent of the straight line scoring was higher than the resident's year of training (e.g., a PGY-2 received Level 3 or higher for all the subcompetencies). The remaining 7% of straight line scoring was below the expected level for the year of training. Three of seven residentshad at least one subcompetency rated as below a Level 4 on one of the evaluations during the three months prior to finishing residency. Conclusion Formal analysis of a residency program's end-of-rotation milestone evaluations may uncover opportunities to improve competency-based evaluations.
View details for PubMedID 30410826
Association between Performance in a Maintenance of Certification Program and Disciplinary Actions against the Medical Licenses of Anesthesiologists.
WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THIS TOPIC: WHAT THIS ARTICLE TELLS US THAT IS NEW: BACKGROUND:: In 2000, the American Board of Anesthesiology (Raleigh, North Carolina) began issuing time-limited certificates requiring renewal every 10 yr through a maintenance of certification program. This study investigated the association between performance in this program and disciplinary actions against medical licenses.METHODS: The incidence of postcertification prejudicial license actions was compared (1) between anesthesiologists certified between 1994 and 1999 (non-time-limited certificates not requiring maintenance of certification) and those certified between 2000 and 2005 (time-limited certificates requiring maintenance of certification); (2) within the non-time-limited cohort, between those who did and did not voluntarily participate in maintenance of certification; and (3) within the time-limited cohort, between those who did and did not complete maintenance of certification requirements within 10 yr.RESULTS: The cumulative incidence of license actions was 3.8% (587 of 15,486). The incidence did not significantly differ after time-limited certificates were introduced (hazard ratio = 1.15; 95% CI, 0.95 to 1.39; for non-time-limited cohort compared with time-limited cohort). In the non-time-limited cohort, 10% (n = 953) voluntarily participated in maintenance of certification. Maintenance of certification participation was associated with a lower incidence of license actions (hazard ratio = 0.60; 95% CI, 0.38 to 0.94). In the time-limited cohort, 90% (n = 5,329) completed maintenance of certification requirements within 10 yr of certificate issuance. Not completing maintenance of certification requirements (n = 588) was associated with a higher incidence of license actions (hazard ratio = 4.61; 95% CI, 3.27 to 6.51).CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that meeting maintenance of certification requirements is associated with a lower likelihood of being disciplined by a state licensing agency. The introduction of time-limited certificates in 2000 was not associated with a significant change in the rate of license actions.
View details for PubMedID 29965814
What Makes for Good Anesthesia Teaching by Faculty in the Operating Room? The Perspective of Anesthesiology Residents.
2018; 10 (5): e2563
Background Teaching during patient care is an important competency for faculty. Little is known about anesthesiology resident preferences for teaching by anesthesiology faculty in the operating room (OR). If the behaviors and characteristics of anesthesia teaching in the OR that are most valued by residents were identified, faculty could incorporate that best practice to teach residents during OR cases. The objective of this phenomenological study was to interview anesthesiology residents to determine what they perceive the best faculty teachers are doing in the OR to educate residents. Methods Thirty randomly selectedanesthesiology residents (10 in each post-graduate year class) were interviewed using a semi-structured approach with a predetermined question: "Based on your experiences as a resident, when you think about the best-attending teachers in the OR, what are the best-attending teachers doing in the OR to teach that other faculty maybe are not doing?" Interviews were recorded, transcribed, converted into codes, and grouped into themes derived from the cognitive apprenticeship framework, which includes content, teaching methods, sequencing, and social characteristics. Results Resident responses were separated into a total of 134 answers, with similar answers grouped into one of 27 different codes. The most commonly mentioned codes were: autonomy - step back and let resident work through (mentioned by 13 residents), reasoning - explain why attending does things (12), context - teach something relevant to the case (8), commitment - take time to teach (8), literature - bring relevant papers (8), prior knowledge - assess the baseline level (7), flexibility - be open to trying different approaches (7), focus on just a few learning points (6), reflection - ask resident questions (6), provide real-time feedback (6), teach back - ask residents to explain what they were taught in their own words (5), belonging - facilitate communication with the OR team (5), psychological safety - be open and approachable (5), equanimity - stay calm and collected (5), select proper timing for instruction when the resident is not occupied with patient care (5), visualization - use graphs or diagrams (5), and specify learning goals ahead of time (5). Conclusion The best practice for OR teaching, as perceived by anesthesia residents, includes social characteristics, such as context, commitment, psychological safety, equanimity, and proper timing, as well as teaching methods, such as autonomy, reasoning, literature, prior knowledge, flexibility, reflection, real-time feedback, and teach back. Further studies can determine if training anesthesiology faculty to incorporate these elements increases the caliber of daily teaching in the OR.
View details for PubMedID 29974018
Development of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination Using the American Board of Anesthesiology Content Outline for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination Component of the APPLIED Certification Examination.
A&A practice
The goal of this study was to use the American Board of Anesthesiology Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) content outline as a blueprint to develop and administer a 9-station mock OSCE with station-specific checklists to senior residents (n = 14). The G- and Ф-coefficient reliability estimates were 0.76 and 0.61, respectively. Residents judged the scenarios as either extremely or somewhat realistic (88%). It is feasible to develop and administer a mock OSCE with rigorous psychometric characteristics.
View details for PubMedID 29688921
Commentary: How Should Hospitals Respond to Surgeons' Requests to Schedule Overlapping Surgeries?
2018; 82 (4): E91–E98
View details for PubMedID 29351634
Cost-benefit Analysis of Maintaining a Fully Stocked Malignant Hyperthermia Cart versus an Initial Dantrolene Treatment Dose for Maternity Units.
The Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States recommends that dantrolene be available for administration within 10 min. One approach to dantrolene availability is a malignant hyperthermia cart, stocked with dantrolene, other drugs, and supplies. However, this may not be of cost benefit for maternity units, where triggering agents are rarely used.The authors performed a cost-benefit analysis of maintaining a malignant hyperthermia cart versus a malignant hyperthermia cart readily available within the hospital versus an initial dantrolene dose of 250 mg, on every maternity unit in the United States. A decision-tree model was used to estimate the expected number of lives saved, and this benefit was compared against the expected costs of the policy.We found that maintaining a malignant hyperthermia cart in every maternity unit in the United States would reduce morbidity and mortality costs by $3,304,641 per year nationally but would cost $5,927,040 annually. Sensitivity analyses showed that our results were largely driven by the extremely low incidence of general anesthesia. If cesarean delivery rates in the United States remained at 32% of all births, the general anesthetic rate would have to be greater than 11% to achieve cost benefit. The only cost-effective strategy is to keep a 250-mg dose of dantrolene on the unit for starting therapy.It is not of cost benefit to maintain a fully stocked malignant hyperthermia cart with a full supply of dantrolene within 10 min of maternity units. We recommend that hospitals institute alternative strategies (e.g., maintain a small supply of dantrolene on the maternity unit for starting treatment).
View details for PubMedID 29672336
- Prehabilitation Before Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery: What Is the Evidence? https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/890589. 2018
- Vaporizers The Anesthesia Technologist's Manual Lippincott Williams & Wilkins . 2018; 2nd
- Management of staffing and case scheduling for anesthesia outside of the operating room Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room Oxford University Press. 2018; 2nd
Advances and challenges in postgraduate anesthesia education
Journal of Head & Neck Anesthesia
2018: 1-3
View details for DOI 10.1097/HN9.0000000000000006
Overlapping Surgery: A Case Study in Operating Room Throughput and Efficiency.
Anesthesiology clinics
2018; 36 (2): 161–76
A keystone of operating room (OR) management is proper OR allocation to optimize access, safety, efficiency, and throughput. Access is important to surgeons, and overlapping surgery may increase patient access to surgeons with specialized skill sets and facilitate the training of medical students, residents, and fellows. Overlapping surgery is commonly performed in academic medical centers, although recent public scrutiny has raised debate about its safety, necessitating monitoring. This article introduces a system to monitor overlapping surgery, providing a surgeon-specific Key Performance Indicator, and discusses overlapping surgery as an approach toward OR management goals of efficiency and throughput.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.anclin.2018.01.002
View details for PubMedID 29759280
Cancellation of Elective Cases in a Recently Opened, Tertiary/Quaternary-Level Hospital in the Middle East.
Anesthesia and analgesia
Case cancellations have a negative financial impact due to revenue loss and the potential costs of underutilized time. The goals of this study at a recently opened hospital in the Middle East were to measure the cancellation rates for elective surgical or endoscopic cases and to identify the reasons for cancellation. During the 1-month study period, 170 (22.4%) of the 760 scheduled cases were cancelled. Cultural norms and patient no-shows on the day of surgery accounted for the majority of case cancellations. Understanding local factors on hospital functions may be vital for organizations expanding into new geographic areas.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000002104
View details for PubMedID 28514326
Comparing Anesthesiology Residency Training Structure and Requirements in Seven Different Countries on Three Continents.
2017; 9 (2)
Little has been published comparing the graduate medical education training structure and requirements across multiple countries. The goal of this study was to summarize and compare the characteristics of anesthesiology training programs in the USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Denmark, and Switzerland as a way to better understand efforts to train anesthesiologists in different countries. Two physicians trained in each of the seven countries (convenience sample) were interviewed using a semi-structured approach. The interview was facilitated by use of a predetermined questionnaire that included, for example, the duration of post-medical school training and national requirements for certain rotations, a number of cases, faculty supervision, national in-training written exams, and duty hour limits. These data were augmented by review of each country's publicly available residency training documents as available on the internet. Post-medical school anesthesia residency duration varied: three years (Brazil), four years (USA), five years (Canada and Switzerland), six years (Japan and Denmark) to nine years (UK), as did the number of explicitly required clinical rotations of a defined duration: zero (Denmark), one (Switzerland and UK), four (Brazil), six (Canada), and 12 (USA). Minimum case requirements exist in the USA, Japan, and Brazil, but not in the other countries. National written exams taken during training exist for all countries studied except Japan and Denmark. The countries studied increasingly aim to have competency-based education with milestone assessments. Training duty hour limits also varied including for example 37 hours/week averaged over a one month with limitations on night duties (Denmark), a weekly average of 48 hours taken over a 17 week period (UK), 50 hours/week maximum (Switzerland), 60 hours/week maximum (Brazil), and 80 hours/week averaged over four weeks (USA). Some countries have highly structured training programs with multiple national requirements with training principally carried out at a home institution. Other countries have a more decentralized and unregulated approach with fewer (if any) specific case or rotation requirements, where the trainee creates his/her own customized training to meet broad objectives and goals. The countries studied have different national training requirements, unique duty hour rules and are at varying stages in transitioning to an outcome based model of residency.
View details for DOI 10.7759/cureus.1060
View details for PubMedID 28367396
Implementation of a Needs-Based, Online Feedback Tool for Anesthesia Residents With Subsequent Mapping of the Feedback to the ACGME Milestones
2017; 124 (2): 627-635
Optimizing feedback that residents receive from faculty is important for learning. The goals of this study were to (1) conduct focus groups of anesthesia residents to define what constitutes optimal feedback; (2) develop, test, and implement a web-based feedback tool; and (3) then map the contents of the written comments collected on the feedback tool to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) anesthesiology milestones.All 72 anesthesia residents in the program were invited to participate in 1 of 5 focus groups scheduled over a 2-month period. Thirty-seven (51%) participated in the focus groups and completed a written survey on previous feedback experiences. On the basis of the focus group input, an initial online feedback tool was pilot-tested with 20 residents and 62 feedback sessions, and then a final feedback tool was deployed to the entire residency to facilitate the feedback process. The completed feedback written entries were mapped onto the 25 ACGME anesthesiology milestones.Focus groups revealed 3 major barriers to good feedback: (1) too late such as, for example, at the end of month-long clinical rotations, which was not useful because the feedback was delayed; (2) too general and not specific enough to immediately remedy behavior; and (3) too many in that the large number of evaluations that existed that were unhelpful such as those with unclear behavioral anchors compromised the overall feedback culture. Thirty residents (42% of 72 residents in the program) used the final online feedback tool with 121 feedback sessions with 61 attendings on 15 rotations at 3 hospital sites. The number of feedback tool uses per resident averaged 4.03 (standard deviation 5.08, median 2, range 1-21, 25th-75th % quartile 1-4). Feedback tool uses per faculty averaged 1.98 (standard deviation 3.2, median 1, range 1-25, 25th-75th % quartile 1-2). For the feedback question item "specific learning objective demonstrated well by the resident," this yielded 296 milestone-specific responses. The majority (71.3%) were related to the patient care competency, most commonly the anesthetic plan and conduct (35.8%) and airway management (11.1%) milestones; 10.5% were related to the interpersonal and communication skills competency, most commonly the milestones communication with other professionals (4.4%) or with patients and families (4.4%); and 8.4% were related to the practice-based learning and improvement competency, most commonly self-directed learning (6.1%). For the feedback tool item "specific learning objective that resident may improve," 67.0% were related to patient care, most commonly anesthetic plan and conduct (33.5%) followed by use/interpretation of monitoring and equipment (8.5%) and airway management (8.5%); 10.2% were related to practice-based learning and improvement, most commonly self-directed learning (6.8%); and 9.7% were related to the systems-based practice competency.Resident focus groups recommended that feedback be timely and specific and be structured around a tool. A customized online feedback tool was developed and implemented. Mapping of the free-text feedback comments may assist in assessing milestones. Use of the feedback tool was lower than expected, which may indicate that it is just 1 of many implementation steps required for behavioral and culture change to support a learning environment with frequent and useful feedback.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001647
View details for Web of Science ID 000392366200035
Occupational Radiation Exposure of Anesthesia Providers.
Seminars in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
2017: 1089253217692110-?
Anesthesia providers are frequently exposed to radiation during routine patient care in the operating room and remote anesthetizing locations. Eighty-two percent of anesthesiology residents (n = 57 responders) at our institution had a "high" or "very high" concern about the level of ionizing radiation exposure, and 94% indicated interest in educational materials about radiation safety. This article highlights key learning points related to basic physical principles, effects of ionizing radiation, radiation exposure measurement, occupational dose limits, considerations during pregnancy, sources of exposure, factors affecting occupational exposure such as positioning and shielding, and monitoring. The principle source of exposure is through scattered radiation as opposed to direct exposure from the X-ray beam, with the patient serving as the primary source of scatter. As a result, maximizing the distance between the provider and the patient is of great importance to minimize occupational exposure. Our dosimeter monitoring project found that anesthesiology residents (n = 41) had low overall mean measured occupational radiation exposure. The highest deep dose equivalent value for a resident was 0.50 mSv over a 3-month period, less than 10% of the International Commission on Radiological Protection occupational limit, with the eye dose equivalent being 0.52 mSv, approximately 4% of the International Commission on Radiological Protection recommended limit. Continued education and awareness of the risks of ionizing radiation and protective strategies will reduce exposure and potential for associated sequelae.
View details for DOI 10.1177/1089253217692110
View details for PubMedID 28190371
Implementation of a Needs-Based, Online Feedback Tool for Anesthesia Residents With Subsequent Mapping of the Feedback to the ACGME Milestones.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2017; 124 (2): 627-635
Optimizing feedback that residents receive from faculty is important for learning. The goals of this study were to (1) conduct focus groups of anesthesia residents to define what constitutes optimal feedback; (2) develop, test, and implement a web-based feedback tool; and (3) then map the contents of the written comments collected on the feedback tool to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) anesthesiology milestones.All 72 anesthesia residents in the program were invited to participate in 1 of 5 focus groups scheduled over a 2-month period. Thirty-seven (51%) participated in the focus groups and completed a written survey on previous feedback experiences. On the basis of the focus group input, an initial online feedback tool was pilot-tested with 20 residents and 62 feedback sessions, and then a final feedback tool was deployed to the entire residency to facilitate the feedback process. The completed feedback written entries were mapped onto the 25 ACGME anesthesiology milestones.Focus groups revealed 3 major barriers to good feedback: (1) too late such as, for example, at the end of month-long clinical rotations, which was not useful because the feedback was delayed; (2) too general and not specific enough to immediately remedy behavior; and (3) too many in that the large number of evaluations that existed that were unhelpful such as those with unclear behavioral anchors compromised the overall feedback culture. Thirty residents (42% of 72 residents in the program) used the final online feedback tool with 121 feedback sessions with 61 attendings on 15 rotations at 3 hospital sites. The number of feedback tool uses per resident averaged 4.03 (standard deviation 5.08, median 2, range 1-21, 25th-75th % quartile 1-4). Feedback tool uses per faculty averaged 1.98 (standard deviation 3.2, median 1, range 1-25, 25th-75th % quartile 1-2). For the feedback question item "specific learning objective demonstrated well by the resident," this yielded 296 milestone-specific responses. The majority (71.3%) were related to the patient care competency, most commonly the anesthetic plan and conduct (35.8%) and airway management (11.1%) milestones; 10.5% were related to the interpersonal and communication skills competency, most commonly the milestones communication with other professionals (4.4%) or with patients and families (4.4%); and 8.4% were related to the practice-based learning and improvement competency, most commonly self-directed learning (6.1%). For the feedback tool item "specific learning objective that resident may improve," 67.0% were related to patient care, most commonly anesthetic plan and conduct (33.5%) followed by use/interpretation of monitoring and equipment (8.5%) and airway management (8.5%); 10.2% were related to practice-based learning and improvement, most commonly self-directed learning (6.8%); and 9.7% were related to the systems-based practice competency.Resident focus groups recommended that feedback be timely and specific and be structured around a tool. A customized online feedback tool was developed and implemented. Mapping of the free-text feedback comments may assist in assessing milestones. Use of the feedback tool was lower than expected, which may indicate that it is just 1 of many implementation steps required for behavioral and culture change to support a learning environment with frequent and useful feedback.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001647
View details for PubMedID 28099326
Robotic Technology
in Perioperative Management in Robotic Surgery
Cambridge University Press. 2017
View details for DOI https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316534229
- How Do Patients Choose a Surgeon? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/874533 2017
- Is Fibrinogen Useful in High-Risk Cardiac Surgery? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/877718 2017
Historical overview of Robotic Assisted Surgery
Perioperative Management in Robotic Surgery
Cambridge University Press. 2017; 1
View details for DOI https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316534229
- Operating Room Management, Measures of OR Efficiency, and Cost-Effectiveness. Surgical Patient Care: Improving Safety, Quality and Value Springer. 2017: 313–325
Does Faculty Follow the Recommended Structure for a New Classroom-based, Daily Formal Teaching Session for Anesthesia Residents?
2016; 8 (10)
A newly implemented 15-minute classroom-based, formal teaching session for anesthesia residents is given three times daily by the same faculty. The faculty member was provided a suggested template for the presentation. The template structure was developed by a group of residents and faculty to include best teaching practices. The goal of the current study was to measure how frequently the faculty teaching these sessions followed the template.From February 20, 2015 to February 6, 2016, a research assistant trained in education mapped a total of 48 teaching sessions to determine how frequently the teaching sessions included each of the elements in the recommended template structure. The assistant was chosen from outside the anesthesia department so as to minimize biases.It was found that 98% of the sessions used the teaching template's suggestion of using computer slides (e.g., a Powerpoint presentation). We observed that 75% of the sessions provided specific recommendations about patient care, 65% had reinforcement of learning points, 56% had a test or a quiz, 49% provided references and directions for further reading, 44% provided take-home messages, and 31% used a clinical case vignette presentation to introduce the keyword. The most common visuals were the use of a picture (38%) and a chart or a graph (35%). We also saw that 65% of the sessions had active involvement of residents. With respect to time and slide limitations mentioned in the template, we saw that 35% of the sessions finished within the recommended time limit of 15 mins and 21% had the recommended 10 or fewer slides. Conclusion: Compliance by the faculty to the recommended structure was variable. Despite this, the sessions have been well received and have become a permanent part of the residency curriculum more than two years after their implementation.
View details for PubMedID 27843736
Mapping of Primary Instructional Methods and Teaching Techniques for Regularly Scheduled, Formal Teaching Sessions in an Anesthesia Residency Program.
A & A case reports
2016; 6 (11): 343-347
In this study, we examined the regularly scheduled, formal teaching sessions in a single anesthesiology residency program to (1) map the most common primary instructional methods, (2) map the use of 10 known teaching techniques, and (3) assess if residents scored sessions that incorporated active learning as higher quality than sessions with little or no verbal interaction between teacher and learner. A modified Delphi process was used to identify useful teaching techniques. A representative sample of each of the formal teaching session types was mapped, and residents anonymously completed a 5-question written survey rating the session. The most common primary instructional methods were computer slides-based classroom lectures (66%), workshops (15%), simulations (5%), and journal club (5%). The number of teaching techniques used per formal teaching session averaged 5.31 (SD, 1.92; median, 5; range, 0-9). Clinical applicability (85%) and attention grabbers (85%) were the 2 most common teaching techniques. Thirty-eight percent of the sessions defined learning objectives, and one-third of sessions engaged in active learning. The overall survey response rate equaled 42%, and passive sessions had a mean score of 8.44 (range, 5-10; median, 9; SD, 1.2) compared with a mean score of 8.63 (range, 5-10; median, 9; SD, 1.1) for active sessions (P = 0.63). Slides-based classroom lectures were the most common instructional method, and faculty used an average of 5 known teaching techniques per formal teaching session. The overall education scores of the sessions as rated by the residents were high.
View details for DOI 10.1213/XAA.0000000000000317
View details for PubMedID 27243580
Analysis of Resident Case Logs in an Anesthesiology Residency Program.
A & A case reports
2016; 6 (8): 257-262
Our goal in this study was to examine Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education case logs for Stanford anesthesia residents graduating in 2013 (25 residents) and 2014 (26 residents). The resident with the fewest recorded patients in 2013 had 43% the number of patients compared with the resident with the most patients, and in 2014, this equaled 48%. There were residents who had 75% more than the class average number of cases for several of the 12 case types and 3 procedure types required by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Also, there were residents with fewer than half as many for some of the required cases or procedure types. Some of the variability may have been because of the hazards of self-reporting.
View details for DOI 10.1213/XAA.0000000000000248
View details for PubMedID 26517235
The Heart of the Matter: Increasing Quality and Charge Capture from Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography.
A & A case reports
2016; 6 (8): 249-252
Although transesophageal echocardiography is routinely performed at our institution, there is no easy way to document the procedure in the electronic medical record and generate a bill compliant with reimbursement requirements. We present the results of a quality improvement project that used agile development methodology to incorporate intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography into the electronic medical record. We discuss improvements in the quality of clinical documentation, technical workflow challenges overcome, and cost and time to return on investment. Billing was increased from an average of 36% to 84.6% when compared with the same time period in the previous year. The expected recoupment of investment for this project is just 18 weeks.
View details for DOI 10.1213/XAA.0000000000000169
View details for PubMedID 27082233
Impact of an Innovative Classroom-Based Lecture Series on Residents' Evaluations of an Anesthesiology Rotation.
Anesthesiology research and practice
2016; 2016: 8543809-?
Introduction. Millennial resident learners may benefit from innovative instructional methods. The goal of this study is to assess the impact of a new daily, 15 minutes on one anesthesia keyword, lecture series given by faculty member each weekday on resident postrotation evaluation scores. Methods. A quasi-experimental study design was implemented with the residents' rotation evaluations for the 24-month period ending by 7/30/2013 before the new lecture series was implemented which was compared to the 14-month period after the lecture series began on 8/1/2013. The primary endpoint was "overall teaching quality of this rotation." We also collected survey data from residents at clinical rotations at two other different institutions during the same two evaluation periods that did not have the education intervention. Results. One hundred and thirty-one residents were eligible to participate in the study. Completed surveys ranged from 77 to 87% for the eight-question evaluation instrument. On a 5-point Likert-type scale the mean score on "overall teaching quality of this rotation" increased significantly from 3.9 (SD 0.8) to 4.2 (SD 0.7) after addition of the lecture series, whereas the scores decreased slightly at the comparison sites. Conclusion. Rotation evaluation scores for overall teaching quality improved with implementation of a new structured slide daily lectures series.
View details for DOI 10.1155/2016/8543809
View details for PubMedID 26989407
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4773520
- Determining readmission risk after hip replacement http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/861235. 2016
- How effective is video laryngoscopy for rescue intubation? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/868970 2016
- Complex systems and approaches to quality improvement Quality and Safety in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care Oxford University Press. 2016: 143–158
- Supratrochlear nerve block http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1826449-overview 2016
Ambulatory Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks and the Perioperative Surgical Home.
2015; 123 (6): 1224-6
View details for DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000912
View details for PubMedID 26488667
Examining Health Care Costs: Opportunities to Provide Value in the Intensive Care Unit.
Anesthesiology clinics
2015; 33 (4): 753-770
As health care costs threaten the economic stability of American society, increasing pressures to focus on value-based health care have led to the development of protocols for fast-track cardiac surgery and for delirium management. Critical care services can be led by anesthesiologists with the goal of improving ICU outcomes and at the same time decreasing the rising cost of ICU medicine.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.anclin.2015.07.012
View details for PubMedID 26610628
In Response.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2015; 121 (4): 1113-?
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000827
View details for PubMedID 26378711
A Case Illustrating the Costs of Quality Improvement: Nine Months to Move Needles and Syringes on the Anesthesia Cart.
A & A case reports
2015; 5 (5): 88-90
Powerful entities are pushing physicians to become more involved with quality improvement (QI). We report a QI project to standardize and improve the ergonomics of the anesthesia medication and supply cart. Simply obtaining approval to make minor changes to the cart involved 54 phone calls, 164 e-mails, 4 presentations, 2 forms, 9 meetings, and 4 months of time. Confusion over fiscal matters further delayed the project by an additional 3 months. A combination of competing regulations, administrative overprocessing, and the lack of dedicated QI financial resources made simple improvements a challenge. The costs of participating in QI deserve attention.
View details for DOI 10.1213/XAA.0000000000000148
View details for PubMedID 26323036
No Significant Association between Anesthesia Group Concentration and Private Insurer Payments in the United States
2015; 123 (3): 507-514
Markets for physician services are becoming increasingly concentrated, with many areas being dominated by a few groups. Antitrust authorities are concerned that increasing concentration will lead to inappropriately high payments for physician services from private insurers. The authors examined the association between market concentration and private insurer payments for anesthesia services.The authors obtained data on average payments from private insurers for five commonly used anesthesia Current Procedure Terminology codes for physicians located in 229 counties in the United States between 2002 and 2010. The authors calculated a measure of market concentration (the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index [HHI]) for anesthesiologists in each county using Medicare claims data. The authors then estimated the association between market concentration and private insurer payments using a difference-in-differences approach to minimize confounding.Private insurer payments to anesthesiologists in more concentrated markets were not significantly different from payments in less concentrated markets. Compared with the 25% of counties with the least concentration (counties with an HHI in the 0th to 25th percentile), payments in counties in the 25th to 50th percentile of HHI were approximately 0.51% less (95% CI, -2.3 to 1.3%, P = 0.95), whereas payments in counties in the 50th to 75th percentile of HHI were approximately 2.8% less (95% CI, -6.7 to 1.4%, P = 0.41) and payments in counties in the 75th to 100th percentile were approximately 3.1% less (95% CI, -8.1 to 1.2%, P = 0.32).Increasing market concentration of anesthesia groups is not associated with significantly greater payments from private insurers.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000779
View details for Web of Science ID 000363536900005
View details for PubMedID 26192028
Bariatric Surgery Operating Room Time-Size Matters
2015; 25 (6): 1078-1085
The goal of this study was to document the relationship between BMI and the components of bariatric surgical operating room (OR) time.The Stanford Translational Research Integrated Database Environment identified all patients who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedures at Stanford University Medical Center between May 2008 and November 2013. The 434 patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1 (n = 213) BMI ≥35 to <45 kg/m(2), group 2 (n = 188) BMI ≥45.0 to <60 kg/m(2), and group 3 (n = 33) BMI ≥60 kg/m(2). The primary variable measured was total operating room time, defined as beginning when the patient entered the OR until the moment the patient physically left the OR. Secondary variables were anesthetic induction time, nursing preparation time, operation time, time for emergence from anesthesia, and total length of hospital stay.Increasing BMI was associated with increased total OR time (group 1 = 202 min, group 2 = 215 min, group 3 = 235 min), mainly due to longer operation time (group 1 = 147 min, group 2 = 154 min, group 3 = 163 min). Anesthetic induction (group 1 = 17 min, group 2 = 18 min, group 3 = 23 min) and emergence times (group 1 = 12 min, group 2 = 12 min, group 3 = 22 min) were also significantly longer in the largest patients.Operating room schedules and plans for resource utilization should recognize that the same bariatric procedure will require more time for patients with BMI >60 kg/m(2) than for smaller bariatric patients.
View details for DOI 10.1007/s11695-015-1651-5
View details for Web of Science ID 000354216500022
View details for PubMedID 25802066
- Financial and operation analysis for non-OR anesthesia Non-operating room anesthesia Springer. 2015; 1: 183–189
- Can we predict rehospitalization after an ICU admission? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/839755_2 2015
- The optimal nerve block for knee replacement surgery http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/848765 2015
- Are Americans taking too many medications? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/854549. 2015
Positive end-expiratory pressure to increase internal jugular vein size is poorly tolerated in obese anesthetized adults.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2014; 119 (3): 619-621
Central venous cannulation is technically challenging in obese patients. We hypothesized that positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) increases the size of the internal jugular vein (IJV) in obese adults.The circumference and cross-sectional area of the IJV were measured in obese patients under general anesthesia at PEEP 0, 5, and 10 cm H2O. Results are reported as means ± SE.PEEP at 10 cm H2O was tolerated by 18 of 24 obese patients. Each 5 cm H2O of PEEP increased the cross-sectional area by 0.16 ± 0.02 cm (P < 0.0001) and the circumference by 0.23 ± 0.03 cm (P < 0.0001).PEEP modestly increases the size of the IJV in obese adults but was poorly tolerated because of hypotension.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000347
View details for PubMedID 25137000
Data, data, on the server: challenges in applying data analysis to operating room management.
2014; 121 (1): 6-8
View details for DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000288
View details for PubMedID 24796683
Implementing operating room management science: From the bench to the scheduling office.
European journal of anaesthesiology
2014; 31 (7): 355-60
View details for DOI 10.1097/EJA.0000000000000026
View details for PubMedID 24887131
Scheduling of procedures and staff in an ambulatory surgery center.
Anesthesiology clinics
2014; 32 (2): 517-527
For ambulatory surgical centers (ASC) to succeed financially, it is critical for ASC managers to schedule surgical procedures in a manner that optimizes operating room (OR) efficiency. OR efficiency is maximized by using historical data to accurately predict future OR workload, thereby enabling OR time to be properly allocated to surgeons. Other strategies to maintain a well-functioning ASC include recruiting and retaining the right staff and ensuring patients and surgeons are satisfied with their experience. This article reviews different types of procedure scheduling systems. Characteristics of well-functioning ASCs are also discussed.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.anclin.2014.02.020
View details for PubMedID 24882135
In response.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2014; 118 (4): 884-885
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000114
View details for PubMedID 24651247
Economic Burden of Back and Neck Pain: Effect of a Neuropathic Component.
Population health management
Abstract This was a retrospective database analysis (2001-2009) of employees' medical, prescription drug, and absence costs and days from sick leave, short- and long-term disability, and workers' compensation. Employees with an ICD-9 diagnostic code for back or neck pain and an ICD-9 for a back- or neck-related neuropathic condition (eg, myelopathy, compression of the spinal cord, neuritis, radiculitis) or radiculopathy were considered to have nociceptive back or neck pain with a neuropathic component. Employees with an ICD-9 for back pain or neck pain and no ICD-9 for a back- or neck-related neuropathic condition or radiculopathy were defined to have nociceptive back or neck pain. Patients with nociceptive back or neck pain with a neuropathic component were classified as having or not having prior nociceptive pain. Annual costs (medical and prescription drug costs and absence costs) and days from sick leave, short- and long-term disability, and workers' compensation were evaluated. Mean annual total costs were highest ($8512) for nociceptive pain with a neuropathic component with prior nociceptive pain (n=9162 employees), $7126 for nociceptive pain with a neuropathic component with no prior nociceptive pain (n=5172), $5574 for nociceptive pain only (n=35,347), and $3017 for control employees with no back or neck pain diagnosis (n=226,683). Medical, short-term disability, and prescription drugs yielded the highest incremental costs compared to controls. Mean total absence days/year were 8.26, 7.86, 5.70, and 3.44, respectively. The economic burden of back pain or neck pain is increased when associated with a neuropathic component. (Population Health Management 2014;xx:xxx-xxx).
View details for DOI 10.1089/pop.2013.0071
View details for PubMedID 24684443
- Opiates for Chronic Pain Management and Surgical Considerations Essentials of Pharmacology for Anesthesia, Pain Medicine, and Critical Care Springer. 2014; 1
- Combining morphine with acetaminophen for postsurgical pain http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/818935_2 2014
- Antibiotics for epidural-related fever in labor? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/822103 2014
- Enhanced recovery protocol for colorectal surgery http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/824730_2 2014
Obesity increases operating room times in patients undergoing primary hip arthroplasty: a retrospective cohort analysis.
2014; 2: e530
Background. Obesity impacts utilization of healthcare resources. The goal of this study was to measure the relationship between increasing body mass index (BMI) in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) with different components of operating room (OR) time. Methods. The Stanford Translational Research Integrated Database Environment (STRIDE) was utilized to identify all ASA PS 2 or 3 patients who underwent primary THA at Stanford Medical Center from February 1, 2008 through January 1, 2013. Patients were divided into five groups based on the BMI weight classification. Regression analysis was used to quantify relationships between BMI and the different components of total OR time. Results. 1,332 patients were included in the study. There were no statistically significant differences in age, gender, height, and ASA PS classification between the BMI groups. Normal-weight patients had a total OR time of 138.9 min compared 167.9 min (P < 0.001) for morbidly obese patients. At a BMI > 35 kg/m(2) each incremental BMI unit increase was associated with greater incremental total OR time increases. Conclusion. Morbidly obese patients required significantly more total OR time than normal-weight patients undergoing a THA procedure. This increase in time is relevant when scheduling obese patients for surgery and has an important impact on health resource utilization.
View details for DOI 10.7717/peerj.530
View details for PubMedID 25210656
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4157296
Obesity increases operating room times in patients undergoing primary hip arthroplasty: a retrospective cohort analysis.
2014; 2
Background. Obesity impacts utilization of healthcare resources. The goal of this study was to measure the relationship between increasing body mass index (BMI) in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) with different components of operating room (OR) time. Methods. The Stanford Translational Research Integrated Database Environment (STRIDE) was utilized to identify all ASA PS 2 or 3 patients who underwent primary THA at Stanford Medical Center from February 1, 2008 through January 1, 2013. Patients were divided into five groups based on the BMI weight classification. Regression analysis was used to quantify relationships between BMI and the different components of total OR time. Results. 1,332 patients were included in the study. There were no statistically significant differences in age, gender, height, and ASA PS classification between the BMI groups. Normal-weight patients had a total OR time of 138.9 min compared 167.9 min (P < 0.001) for morbidly obese patients. At a BMI > 35 kg/m(2) each incremental BMI unit increase was associated with greater incremental total OR time increases. Conclusion. Morbidly obese patients required significantly more total OR time than normal-weight patients undergoing a THA procedure. This increase in time is relevant when scheduling obese patients for surgery and has an important impact on health resource utilization.
View details for DOI 10.7717/peerj.530
View details for PubMedID 25210656
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4157296
Simulation-based mastery learning with deliberate practice improves clinical performance in spinal anesthesia.
Anesthesiology research and practice
2014; 2014: 659160-?
Introduction. Properly performing a subarachnoid block (SAB) is a competency expected of anesthesiology residents. We aimed to determine if adding simulation-based deliberate practice to a base curriculum improved performance of a SAB. Methods. 21 anesthesia residents were enrolled. After baseline assessment of SAB on a task-trainer, all residents participated in a base curriculum. Residents were then randomized so that half received additional deliberate practice including repetition and expert-guided, real-time feedback. All residents were then retested for technique. SABs on all residents' next three patients were evaluated in the operating room (OR). Results. Before completing the base curriculum, the control group completed 81% of a 16-item performance checklist on the task-trainer and this increased to 91% after finishing the base curriculum (P < 0.02). The intervention group also increased the percentage of checklist tasks properly completed from 73% to 98%, which was a greater increase than observed in the control group (P < 0.03). The OR time required to perform SAB was not different between groups. Conclusions. The base curriculum significantly improved resident SAB performance. Deliberate practice training added a significant, independent, incremental benefit. The clinical impact of the deliberate practice intervention in the OR on patient care is unclear.
View details for DOI 10.1155/2014/659160
View details for PubMedID 25157263
Can physician performance be assessed via simulation?
2014; 120 (1): 18-21
View details for DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000056
View details for PubMedID 24195973
Brief report: a cost analysis of neuraxial anesthesia to facilitate external cephalic version for breech fetal presentation.
Anesthesia and analgesia
2013; 117 (1): 155-159
BACKGROUND:In this study, we sought to determine whether neuraxial anesthesia to facilitate external cephalic version (ECV) increased delivery costs for breech fetal presentation.METHODS:Using a computer cost model, which considers possible outcomes and probability uncertainties at the same time, we estimated total expected delivery costs for breech presentation managed by a trial of ECV with and without neuraxial anesthesia.RESULTS:From published studies, the average probability of successful ECV with neuraxial anesthesia was 60% (with individual studies ranging from 44% to 87%) compared with 38% (with individual studies ranging from 31% to 58%) without neuraxial anesthesia. The mean expected total delivery costs, including the cost of attempting/performing ECV with anesthesia, equaled $8931 (2.5th-97.5th percentile prediction interval $8541-$9252). The cost was $9207 (2.5th-97.5th percentile prediction interval $8896-$9419) if ECV was attempted/performed without anesthesia. The expected mean incremental difference between the total cost of delivery that includes ECV with anesthesia and ECV without anesthesia was $-276 (2.5th-97.5th percentile prediction interval $-720 to $112).CONCLUSION:The total cost of delivery in women with breech presentation may be decreased (up to $720) or increased (up to $112) if ECV is attempted/performed with neuraxial anesthesia compared with ECV without neuraxial anesthesia. Increased ECV success with neuraxial anesthesia and the subsequent reduction in breech cesarean delivery rate offset the costs of providing anesthesia to facilitate ECV.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0b013e31828e5bc7
View details for PubMedID 23592608
A Cost Analysis of Neuraxial Anesthesia to Facilitate External Cephalic Version for Breech Fetal Presentation
2013; 117 (1): 155-159
BACKGROUND:In this study, we sought to determine whether neuraxial anesthesia to facilitate external cephalic version (ECV) increased delivery costs for breech fetal presentation.METHODS:Using a computer cost model, which considers possible outcomes and probability uncertainties at the same time, we estimated total expected delivery costs for breech presentation managed by a trial of ECV with and without neuraxial anesthesia.RESULTS:From published studies, the average probability of successful ECV with neuraxial anesthesia was 60% (with individual studies ranging from 44% to 87%) compared with 38% (with individual studies ranging from 31% to 58%) without neuraxial anesthesia. The mean expected total delivery costs, including the cost of attempting/performing ECV with anesthesia, equaled $8931 (2.5th-97.5th percentile prediction interval $8541-$9252). The cost was $9207 (2.5th-97.5th percentile prediction interval $8896-$9419) if ECV was attempted/performed without anesthesia. The expected mean incremental difference between the total cost of delivery that includes ECV with anesthesia and ECV without anesthesia was $-276 (2.5th-97.5th percentile prediction interval $-720 to $112).CONCLUSION:The total cost of delivery in women with breech presentation may be decreased (up to $720) or increased (up to $112) if ECV is attempted/performed with neuraxial anesthesia compared with ECV without neuraxial anesthesia. Increased ECV success with neuraxial anesthesia and the subsequent reduction in breech cesarean delivery rate offset the costs of providing anesthesia to facilitate ECV.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0b013e31828e5bc7
View details for Web of Science ID 000326512300025
The stanford anesthesia faculty teaching scholars program: summary of faculty development, projects, and outcomes.
Journal of graduate medical education
2013; 5 (2): 294-298
The Stanford Anesthesia Teaching Scholars Program was launched in 2007 to further pedagogic training of faculty and improve residency education.The goals of this article are to describe the program intervention and improvements made based on participant feedback, summarize the characteristics of the faculty enrolled and projects undertaken, and report on program outcomes tracked to date.THE TEACHING SCHOLARS PROGRAM HOUSED WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF ANESTHESIA SUPPORTS FACULTY IN THESE AREAS: (1) attending education-related meetings; (2) engaging in a monthly seminar on core topics paired with independent study reading; and (3) undertaking a project to improve resident education. Structured interviews with all graduates (n = 19; 47% women) were conducted using a pilot-tested questionnaire.A total of 15 of 19 Scholars (79%) were instructors/assistant professors. Sixteen Scholars (84%) attended an off-site education meeting. The Scholars pursued a variety of projects, including curriculum (53%), teaching (26%), administration (11%), assessment (5%), and advising/mentoring (5%). Projects were fully completed by 13 of 19 participants (68%), and 12 of 19 projects (63%) are currently integrated into the residency. Completed projects were published/presented at conferences by 4 of 13 participants (31%), and education grants were received by 3 of 19 participants (16%).This is the first description of a faculty development (education) program in an anesthesiology department. The program has been well accepted by participants and resulted in increased educational products, some of which have become a permanent part of the residency curriculum. This educational innovation can be replicated in other departments of anesthesiology provided that funding is available for faculty time and meeting expenses.
View details for DOI 10.4300/JGME-D-12-00246.1
View details for PubMedID 24404276
The Use of Facebook Among Seventy-Seven Departments of Anesthesia in United States Medical Schools
View details for DOI 10.7759/cureus.102
- Ultrasound assessment of gastric volume http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/780670 2013
- Obstructive sleep apnea in surgical patients http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/782002 2013
- Patient satisfaction with anesthesia care http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/808801. 2013
- Preoperative smoking cessation: does it work? is it practical? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/812634 2013
- Calidad, ética y profesión en Anastesiología Tratado de Anestesia y Reanimación Arun. 2013; 2
Use of Tablet (iPad (R)) as a Tool for Teaching Anesthesiology in an Orthopedic Rotation
2012; 62 (2): 214-222
The goal of this study was to compare scores on house staff evaluations of "overall teaching quality" during a rotation in anesthesia for orthopedics in the first six months (n=11 residents were provided with curriculum in a printed binder) and in the final six months (n=9 residents were provided with the same curriculum in a tablet computer (iPad, Apple®, Inc, Cupertino, Ca)).At the beginning of the two-week rotation, the resident was given an iPad containing: a syllabus with daily reading assignments, rotation objectives according to the ACGME core competencies, and journal articles. Prior to the study, these curriculum materials had been distributed in a printed binder. The iPad also provided peer reviewed internet sites and direct access to online textbooks, but was not linked to the electronic medical record. At the end of the rotation, residents anonymously answered questions to evaluate the rotation on an ordinal scale from 1 (unsatisfactory) to 5 (outstanding). All residents were unaware that the data would be analyzed retrospectively for this study.The mean global rating of the rotation as assessed by "overall teaching quality of this rotation" increased from 4.09 (N=11 evaluations before intervention, SD 0.83, median 4, range 3-5) to 4.89 (N=9 evaluations after intervention, SD 0.33, median 5, range 4-5) p=0.04.Residents responded favorably to the introduction of an innovative iPad based curriculum for the orthopedic anesthesia rotation. More studies are needed to show how such mobile computing technologies can enhance learning, especially since residents work at multiple locations, have duty hour limits, and the need to document resident learning in six ACGME core competencies.
View details for Web of Science ID 000301768500007
View details for PubMedID 22440376
Anesthesia Information Management Systems: Past, Present, and Future of Anesthesia Records
2012; 79 (1): 154-165
Documenting a patient's anesthetic in the medical record is quite different from summarizing an office visit, writing a surgical procedure note, or recording other clinical encounters. Some of the biggest differences are the frequent sampling of physiologic data, volume of data, and diversity of data collected. The goal of the anesthesia record is to accurately and comprehensively capture a patient's anesthetic experience in a succinct format. Having ready access to physiologic trends is essential to allowing anesthesiologists to make proper diagnoses and treatment decisions. Although the value provided by anesthesia information management systems and their functions may be different than other electronic health records, the real benefits of an anesthesia information management system depend on having it fully integrated with the other health information technologies. An anesthesia information management system is built around the electronic anesthesia record and incorporates anesthesia-relevant data pulled from disparate systems such as laboratory, billing, imaging, communication, pharmacy, and scheduling. The ability of an anesthesia information management system to collect data automatically enables anesthesiologists to reliably create an accurate record at all times, regardless of other concurrent demands. These systems also have the potential to convert large volumes of data into actionable information for outcomes research and quality-improvement initiatives. Developing a system to validate the data is crucial in conducting outcomes research using large datasets. Technology innovations outside of healthcare, such as multitouch interfaces, near-instant software response times, powerful but simple search capabilities, and intuitive designs, have raised the bar for users' expectations of health information technology.
View details for DOI 10.1002/msj.21281
View details for Web of Science ID 000299033500016
View details for PubMedID 22238048
The Timing of Staffing Decisions in Hospital Operating Rooms: Incorporating Workload Heterogeneity into the Newsvendor Problem
2012; 14 (1): 99-114
View details for DOI 10.1287/msom.1110.0350
View details for Web of Science ID 000300480700008
- Cost identification analysis of anesthesia fiberscope use for tracheal intubation Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research 2012; 3 (5): 1-4
Book Review: ANESTHESIOLOGY CLINICS - Quality of Anesthesia Care
Anesthesia & Analgesia
2012; 114 (6): 1371
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0b013e318245dc92
- Leadership Principles Operating Room Leadership and Management Cambridge University Press. 2012; 1: 1–15
- The timing of staffing decisions in hospital operating room: incorporating workload heterogeneity into the newsvendor problem Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 2012; 14: 99-114
Technology and Anesthesia Education
Technology and Anesthesia Education.
2012: e101
View details for DOI 10.4172/2167-0846.1000e101
Smart Device Use Among Resident Physicians at Stanford Hospital
2012; 4 (12)
View details for DOI 10.7759/cureus.73
- Vaporizers The Anesthesia Technician and Technologist's Manual: All You Need to Know for Study and Reference Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2012; 1: 247–254
Analysis of 4999 Online Physician Ratings Indicates That Most Patients Give Physicians a Favorable Rating
2011; 13 (4)
Many online physician-rating sites provide patients with information about physicians and allow patients to rate physicians. Understanding what information is available is important given that patients may use this information to choose a physician.The goals of this study were to (1) determine the most frequently visited physician-rating websites with user-generated content, (2) evaluate the available information on these websites, and (3) analyze 4999 individual online ratings of physicians.On October 1, 2010, using Google Trends we identified the 10 most frequently visited online physician-rating sites with user-generated content. We then studied each site to evaluate the available information (eg, board certification, years in practice), the types of rating scales (eg, 1-5, 1-4, 1-100), and dimensions of care (eg, recommend to a friend, waiting room time) used to rate physicians. We analyzed data from 4999 selected physician ratings without identifiers to assess how physicians are rated online.The 10 most commonly visited websites with user-generated content were HealthGrades.com, Vitals.com, Yelp.com, YP.com, RevolutionHealth.com, RateMD.com, Angieslist.com, Checkbook.org, Kudzu.com, and ZocDoc.com. A total of 35 different dimensions of care were rated by patients in the websites, with a median of 4.5 (mean 4.9, SD 2.8, range 1-9) questions per site. Depending on the scale used for each physician-rating website, the average rating was 77 out of 100 for sites using a 100-point scale (SD 11, median 76, range 33-100), 3.84 out of 5 (77%) for sites using a 5-point scale (SD 0.98, median 4, range 1-5), and 3.1 out of 4 (78%) for sites using a 4-point scale (SD 0.72, median 3, range 1-4). The percentage of reviews rated ≥75 on a 100-point scale was 61.5% (246/400), ≥4 on a 5-point scale was 57.74% (2078/3599), and ≥3 on a 4-point scale was 74.0% (740/1000). The patient's single overall rating of the physician correlated with the other dimensions of care that were rated by patients for the same physician (Pearson correlation, r = .73, P < .001).Most patients give physicians a favorable rating on online physician-rating sites. A single overall rating to evaluate physicians may be sufficient to assess a patient's opinion of the physician. The optimal content and rating method that is useful to patients when visiting online physician-rating sites deserves further study. Conducting a qualitative analysis to compare the quantitative ratings would help validate the rating instruments used to evaluate physicians.
View details for DOI 10.2196/jmir.1960
View details for PubMedID 22088924
2011; 25 (3): 175-181
Monitoring depth of anesthesia via the processed electroencephalogram (EEG) has been found useful in reducing the amount of anesthetic drugs, optimizing wake-up times, and, in some studies, reducing awareness. Our goal was to determine if titrating sevoflurane as the maintenance anesthetic to a depth of anesthesia monitor (SEDLine™, Masimo, CA) would shorten time to extubation in elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery while on beta-adrenergic blockade. This patient population was selected because the usual cardiovascular signs of inadequate general anesthesia may be masked by beta-blocker therapy.Surgical patients older than 65 years of age receiving beta-adrenergic blockers for a minimum of 24 h preoperatively were randomized to two groups: a group whose titration of sevoflurane was based on SEDLine™ data (SEDLine™ group) and a group whose titration was based on usual clinical criteria (control group) where SEDLine™ data were concealed. The primary endpoint was time from skin closure to time to extubation. Aldrete score, White Fast Track score and QoR-40 were also assessed.There was no significant difference in time to extubation [12.5 (SD 7.4) min in the control group versus 13.0 (SD 5.9) min for the treatment group]. The control group used more fentanyl [339 mcg (SD 205)] than did the treatment group [238 mcg (SD 123)] (P<0.02). There was no difference in sevoflurane utilization, Aldrete, White Fast Track scores, time to PACU discharge, or QoR-40 assessments between the groups.Use of the SEDLine™ monitor's data to titrate sevoflurane did not improve the time to extubation or change short-term outcome of geriatric surgical patients receiving beta-adrenergic blockers. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00938782).
View details for DOI 10.1007/s10877-011-9293-1
View details for PubMedID 21830049
A Literature Review of Randomized Clinical Trials of Intravenous Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) for Acute Postoperative Pain
2011; 11 (3): 290-296
This study's objective was to systematically review the literature to assess analgesic outcomes of intravenous (IV) acetaminophen for acute postoperative pain in adults.We searched Medline and the Cochrane library (January 1, 2000 to January 17, 2010, date of last search) for prospective, randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) of IV acetaminophen vs. either an active comparator or placebo.Sixteen articles from 9 countries published between 2005 and 2010 met inclusion criteria and had a total of 1,464 patients. Median sample size=54 patients (range 25 to 165) and median follow-up=1 day (range 1 hour to 7 days). Four of the 16 articles had 3 arms in the study. One article had 4 arms. As a result, 22 study comparisons were analyzed: IV acetaminophen to an active comparator (n=8 studies) and IV acetaminophen to placebo (n=14 studies). The RCTs were of high methodological quality with Jadad median score=5. In 7 of 8 active comparator studies (IV parecoxib [n=3 studies], IV metamizol [n=4], oral ibuprofen [n=1]), IV acetaminophen had similar analgesic outcomes as the active comparator. Twelve of the 14 placebo studies found that IV acetaminophen patients had improved analgesia. Ten of those 14 studies reported less opioid consumption, a lower percentage of patients rescuing, or a longer time to first rescue with IV acetaminophen. Formal meta-analysis pooling was not performed because the studies had different primary end points, and the IV acetaminophen dosing regimens varied in dose, and duration and timing.In aggregate, these data indicate that IV acetaminophen is an effective analgesic across a variety of surgical procedures.
View details for DOI 10.1111/j.1533-2500.2010.00426.x
View details for Web of Science ID 000296466700011
View details for PubMedID 21114616
The IRB Process Needs to Be Reexamined
2011; 112 (5): 1249-1250
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0b013e31821224d5
View details for Web of Science ID 000289785100046
View details for PubMedID 21515655
Self-Reported Information Needs of Anesthesia Residency Applicants and Analysis of Applicant-Related Web Sites Resources at 131 United States Training Programs
2011; 112 (2): 430-439
Despite the use of web-based information resources by both anesthesia departments and applicants, little research has been done to assess these resources and determine whether they are meeting applicant needs. Evidence is needed to guide anesthesia informatics research in developing high-quality anesthesia residency program Web sites (ARPWs).We used an anonymous web-based program (SurveyMonkey, Portland, OR) to distribute a survey investigating the information needs and perceived usefulness of ARPWs to all 572 Stanford anesthesia residency program applicants. A quantitative scoring system was then created to assess the quality of ARPWs in meeting the information needs of these applicants. Two researchers independently analyzed all 131 ARPWs in the United States to determine whether the ARPWs met the needs of applicants based on the scoring system. Finally, a qualitative assessment of the overall user experience of ARPWs was developed to account for the subjective elements of the Web site's presentation.Ninety-eight percent of respondents reported having used ARPWs during the application process. Fifty-six percent reported first visiting the Stanford ARPW when deciding whether to apply to Stanford's anesthesia residency program. Multimedia and Web 2.0 technologies were "very" or "most" useful in "learning intangible aspects of a program, like how happy people are" (42% multimedia and Web 2.0 versus 14% text and photos). ARPWs, on average, contained only 46% of the content items identified as important by applicants. The average (SD) quality scores among all ARPWs was 2.06 (0.59) of 4.0 maximum points. The mean overall qualitative score for all 131 ARPWs was 4.97 (1.92) of 10 points. Only 2% of applicants indicated that the majority (75%-100%) of Web sites they visited provided a complete experience.Anesthesia residency applicants rely heavily on ARPWs to research programs, prepare for interviews, and formulate a rank list. Anesthesia departments can improve their ARPWs by including information such as total hours worked and work hours by rotation (missing in 96% and 97% of ARPWs) and providing a valid web address on the Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database Access System (FREIDA) (missing in 28% of ARPWs).
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0b013e3182027a94
View details for PubMedID 21081766
- Management of staffing and case scheduling for anesthesia outside the operatng room Anesthesia Outside of the Operating Room Oxford University Press. 2011; 1: 42–48
- Medical Device Innovation. An Overview for the Physician-Inventor http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/739515 2011
- Processed EEG and Awareness Monitoring Manual of Clinical Anesthesiology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011; 1: 96–100
- Pharmacoeconomics Anesthetic Pharmacology: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice Cambridge University Press. 2011; 2: 166–176
Can an Acute Pain Service Be Cost-Effective?
2010; 111 (4): 841-844
View details for DOI 10.1213/ANE.0b013e3181f33533
View details for Web of Science ID 000282310200005
View details for PubMedID 20870982
Restoration of disk height through non- surgical spinal decompression is associated with decreased discogenic low back pain: a retrospective cohort study
2010; 11
Because previous studies have suggested that motorized non-surgical spinal decompression can reduce chronic low back pain (LBP) due to disc degeneration (discogenic low back pain) and disc herniation, it has accordingly been hypothesized that the reduction of pressure on affected discs will facilitate their regeneration. The goal of this study was to determine if changes in LBP, as measured on a verbal rating scale, before and after a 6-week treatment period with non-surgical spinal decompression, correlate with changes in lumbar disc height, as measured on computed tomography (CT) scans.A retrospective cohort study of adults with chronic LBP attributed to disc herniation and/or discogenic LBP who underwent a 6-week treatment protocol of motorized non-surgical spinal decompression via the DRX9000 with CT scans before and after treatment. The main outcomes were changes in pain as measured on a verbal rating scale from 0 to 10 during a flexion-extension range of motion evaluation and changes in disc height as measured on CT scans. Paired t-test or linear regression was used as appropriate with p < 0.05 considered to be statistically significant.We identified 30 patients with lumbar disc herniation with an average age of 65 years, body mass index of 29 kg/m2, 21 females and 9 males, and an average duration of LBP of 12.5 weeks. During treatment, low back pain decreased from 6.2 (SD 2.2) to 1.6 (2.3, p < 0.001) and disc height increased from 7.5 (1.7) mm to 8.8 (1.7) mm (p < 0.001). Increase in disc height and reduction in pain were significantly correlated (r = 0.36, p = 0.044).Non-surgical spinal decompression was associated with a reduction in pain and an increase in disc height. The correlation of these variables suggests that pain reduction may be mediated, at least in part, through a restoration of disc height. A randomized controlled trial is needed to confirm these promising results.NCT00828880.
View details for DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-11-155
View details for Web of Science ID 000280834100001
View details for PubMedID 20615252
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2912793
Patient and physician perceptions of treatment of moderate-to-severe chronic pain with oral opioids
2010; 26 (7): 1579-1585
To study physician and patient perceptions of moderate-to-severe chronic pain and its management with oral opioids.Two separate surveys were developed and administered to one of two respective study groups: patients and physicians. All study participants recruited from a pool of individuals who had previously agreed to participate in market research. Survey questions addressed the impact of various factors (e.g., quality of life indicators, potential for opioid addiction, side-effects) on pain management decision making, patient satisfaction and compliance. Responses for the first 500 patients and 275 physicians to respond were assessed using descriptive statistics.On average, patients were 53 years of age, white (89%), and female (71%). The majority of patients (80%) had been taking oral opioids longer than 6 months. Physicians reported that 45% of their patients received schedule II opioids, with 27% having severe chronic pain. Patients indicated the most common activities interfered with by chronic pain were exercising (76% of patients), working outside the home (67%), and job responsibilities (60%). When developing a treatment approach physicians considered patients' sleeping (91%), walking (86%), maintaining an independent lifestyle (84%), and job responsibilities (83%). Patients and physicians both rated the ability to relieve pain and the duration of relief as the most important factors when considering opioid therapy. The majority (63%) of patients reported experiencing opioid side effects. When physicians discontinued opioids due to side effects, the most frequent reason was nausea (78%) for immediate-release opioids, and constipation (64%) for extended-release formulations.The ability to relieve pain and the duration of that pain relief are the most important factors for both patients and physicians when selecting an opioid. A high percentage of patients surveyed experienced side effects related to their treatment, which may impact adherence and overall treatment effectiveness. Study results should be assessed within study limitations including responder and selection biases, physicians responded about their patients, who were not the same patients surveyed, and the fact that the survey instruments were not formally validated. Further research is warranted to address these limitations.
View details for DOI 10.1185/03007991003783747
View details for Web of Science ID 000279704500004
View details for PubMedID 20429822
Learning management systems and lecture capture in the medical academic environment.
International anesthesiology clinics
2010; 48 (3): 27-51
As residents work disparate schedules at multiple locations and because of workweek hour limits mandated by the ACGME, residents may be unable to attend lectures, seminars, or other activities that would enhance their skills. Further, the ACGME requires that residency programs document resident learning in six stated core competencies and provide proof of completion for various other requirements. LMS/LC is a promising technology to provide a means by which residency programs may overcome these obstacles. More studies are needed to show under what conditions an LMS/LC program actually enhances learning, and which elements are most useful to the new generation of learners comfortable with Web 2.0 technologies.
View details for DOI 10.1097/AIA.0b013e3181e5c1d5
View details for PubMedID 20616636
The role of social networking applications in the medical academic environment.
International anesthesiology clinics
2010; 48 (3): 61-82
View details for DOI 10.1097/AIA.0b013e3181e6e7d8
View details for PubMedID 20616638
The limitations of using operating room utilisation to allocate surgeons more or less surgical block time in the USA
2010; 65 (6): 548-552
View details for DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2010.06374.x
View details for Web of Science ID 000277522000002
View details for PubMedID 20565390
What does one minute of operating room time cost?
2010; 22 (4): 233-236
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2010.02.003
View details for Web of Science ID 000278710100001
View details for PubMedID 20522350
Preoperative evaluation clinics
2010; 23 (2): 167-172
The ever-increasing demand for productivity has forced anesthesiology departments to implement a safe, efficient, and structured approach to the preoperative evaluation of surgical patients. The goal of the present article is to discuss the evolution, benefits, and the future of preoperative clinics including a telephone-based system.Outpatient preoperative evaluation clinics are common, but the optimal model is unknown and may depend on a hospital's characteristics such as the types of specialty care provided, geographic and socioeconomic differences of the population served by the hospital, the expectations of patients, and whether the facility is private versus academic practice where house staff education is necessary. The advantages of a telephone-based screening and assessment system include that patients need not make a separate visit to the hospital that typically would require taking time off from work.It is difficult to compare the efficacy of different preoperative evaluation systems with regard to properly educating the patient, minimizing complications, and maximizing surgical suite functioning. Several authors have pointed out that quality improvement of the preoperative clinic should be guided by obtaining patient feedback.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACO.0b013e328336f4b9
View details for Web of Science ID 000275817300008
View details for PubMedID 20124896
Challenges that limit meaningful use of health information technology
2010; 23 (2): 184-192
Health information technology (HIT) is perceived as an essential component for addressing inefficiencies in healthcare. Without understanding the challenges that limit meaningful use of HIT, there is a high chance that institutions will convert complex paper-based systems to expensive digital chaos.Clinical information systems do not communicate with each other automatically because integration of existing data standards is lacking. Data standards for medical specialties need further development. Database architectures are often designed to support single clinical applications and are not easily modified to meet the enterprise-wide needs desired by all end-users. Despite the improvements in charge capture and better access to health information the realized savings and impact on patient throughput is not enough to cover the cost of the technology, maintenance, and support. HIT is necessary for improved quality of care but it increases the cost of doing business. Poor user interface and system design hinders clinical workflow and can result in wasted time, poor data collection, misleading data analysis, and potentially negative clinical outcomes. Healthcare organizations have little recourse if a vendor fails to deliver as intended once the vendor's system becomes embedded into the organization. Decisions on technology acquisitions and implementations are often made by individuals or groups that lack clinical informatics expertise.Government incentives to increase HIT will likely result in a more computerized clinical environment. Understanding the challenges can help avoid costly mistakes. The future looks promising but caution is warranted, as achievement of full benefits of HIT requires addressing significant challenges.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACO.0b013e328336ea0e
View details for Web of Science ID 000275817300011
View details for PubMedID 20084001
Anesthesia 2.0: Internet-based information resources and Web 2.0 applications in anesthesia education
2010; 23 (2): 218-227
Informatics is a broad field encompassing artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, information science, and social science. The goal of this review is to illustrate how Web 2.0 information technologies could be used to improve anesthesia education.Educators in all specialties of medicine are increasingly studying Web 2.0 technologies to maximize postgraduate medical education of housestaff. These technologies include microblogging, blogs, really simple syndication (RSS) feeds, podcasts, wikis, and social bookmarking and networking. 'Anesthesia 2.0' reflects our expectation that these technologies will foster innovation and interactivity in anesthesia-related web resources which embraces the principles of openness, sharing, and interconnectedness that represent the Web 2.0 movement. Although several recent studies have shown benefits of implementing these systems into medical education, much more investigation is needed.Although direct practice and observation in the operating room are essential, Web 2.0 technologies hold great promise to innovate anesthesia education and clinical practice such that the resident learner need not be in a classroom for a didactic talk, or even in the operating room to see how an arterial line is properly placed. Thoughtful research to maximize implementation of these technologies should be a priority for development by academic anesthesiology departments. Web 2.0 and advanced informatics resources will be part of physician lifelong learning and clinical practice.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACO.0b013e328337339c
View details for PubMedID 20090518
Prevalence of anaesthesia information management systems in university-affiliated hospitals in Europe
2010; 27 (2): 202-208
An increasing number of studies suggest that anaesthesia information management systems (AIMS) improve clinical care. The purpose of this web survey study was to assess the prevalence of AIMS in European university-affiliated anaesthesia departments and to identify the motivations for and barriers to AIMS adoption.A survey was e-mailed to 252 academic anaesthesia chairs of 294 university-affiliated hospitals in 22 European countries, with 41 e-mails returned as undeliverable, leaving the final sample equal to 211. Responders provided information on demographics, the other information technology systems available in their hospitals, and current implementation status of AIMS. Adopters were asked about motivations for installing AIMS, whereas nonadopters were asked about barriers to AIMS adoption.Eighty-six (29%) of 294 hospitals responded. Forty-four of the 86 departments (51%) were considered AIMS adopters because they were already using (n = 15), implementing (n = 13) or selecting an AIMS (n = 16). The 42 remaining departments (49%) were considered nonadopters as they were not expecting to install an AIMS owing to lack of funds (n = 27), other reasons (n = 13) such as lack of support from the information technology department, or simply did not have a plan (n = 2). The top ranked motivators for adopting AIMS were improved clinical documentation, improvement in patient care and safety, and convenience for anaesthesiologists. AIMS adopters were more likely than nonadopters to already have other information technology systems deployed throughout the hospital.At least 44 (or 15%) of the 294 university-affiliated departments surveyed in this study have already implemented, are implementing, or are currently selecting an AIMS. The main barrier identified by AIMS nonadopters is lack of funds.
View details for DOI 10.1097/EJA.0b013e3283313fc2
View details for Web of Science ID 000274176900013
View details for PubMedID 19918183
Cost-effectiveness of external cephalic version for term breech presentation
2010; 10
External cephalic version (ECV) is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to convert a breech fetus to vertex position and reduce the need for cesarean delivery. The goal of this study was to determine the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, from society's perspective, of ECV compared to scheduled cesarean for term breech presentation.A computer-based decision model (TreeAge Pro 2008, Tree Age Software, Inc.) was developed for a hypothetical base case parturient presenting with a term singleton breech fetus with no contraindications for vaginal delivery. The model incorporated actual hospital costs (e.g., $8,023 for cesarean and $5,581 for vaginal delivery), utilities to quantify health-related quality of life, and probabilities based on analysis of published literature of successful ECV trial, spontaneous reversion, mode of delivery, and need for unanticipated emergency cesarean delivery. The primary endpoint was the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio in dollars per quality-adjusted year of life gained. A threshold of $50,000 per quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) was used to determine cost-effectiveness.The incremental cost-effectiveness of ECV, assuming a baseline 58% success rate, equaled $7,900/QALY. If the estimated probability of successful ECV is less than 32%, then ECV costs more to society and has poorer QALYs for the patient. However, as the probability of successful ECV was between 32% and 63%, ECV cost more than cesarean delivery but with greater associated QALY such that the cost-effectiveness ratio was less than $50,000/QALY. If the probability of successful ECV was greater than 63%, the computer modeling indicated that a trial of ECV is less costly and with better QALYs than a scheduled cesarean. The cost-effectiveness of a trial of ECV is most sensitive to its probability of success, and not to the probabilities of a cesarean after ECV, spontaneous reversion to breech, successful second ECV trial, or adverse outcome from emergency cesarean.From society's perspective, ECV trial is cost-effective when compared to a scheduled cesarean for breech presentation provided the probability of successful ECV is > 32%. Improved algorithms are needed to more precisely estimate the likelihood that a patient will have a successful ECV.
View details for DOI 10.1186/1471-2393-10-3
View details for Web of Science ID 000296428000001
View details for PubMedID 20092630
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2826287
- Anesthesia group management and strategies Handbook of Healthcare Delivery Systems CRC Press. 2010; 1
- Training the Physician and the Anesthesiologist of the Future http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/726653 2010
- Is It Possible to Predict How Long a Surgery Will Last? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/724756 2010
Improving safety in the operating room: a systematic literature review of retained surgical sponges
2009; 22 (2): 207-214
Gossypibomas are surgical sponges that are unintentionally left inside a patient during a surgical procedure. To improve this patient safety indicator, anesthesiologists will need to work with operating room personnel. This study's goal was to systematically review the literature on retained sponges to identify body location, time to discovery, methods for detection, and risk factors.Two hundred and fifty-four gossypiboma cases (147 reports from the period 1963-2008) were identified via the National Library of Medicine's Medline and the Cochrane Library. Gossypibomas (mean patient age 49 years, range 6-92 years) were most commonly found in the abdomen (56%), pelvis (18%), and thorax (11%). Average discovery time equaled 6.9 years (SD 10.2 years) with a median (quartiles) of 2.2 years (0.3-8.4 years). The most common detection methods were computed tomography (61%), radiography (35%), and ultrasound (34%). Pain/irritation (42%), palpable mass (27%), and fever (12%) were the leading signs and symptoms, but 6% of cases were asymptomatic. Complications included adhesion (31%), abscess (24%), and fistula (20%). Risk factors were case specific (e.g. emergency) or related to the surgical environment (e.g. poor communication). Most gossypibomas occurred when the sponge count was falsely pronounced correct at the end of surgery.More is being discovered about the patterns leading to a retained sponge. Multidisciplinary approaches and new technologies may help reduce this low frequency but clinically significant event. However, given the complexity of surgical care, eliminating retained sponges may prove elusive.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACO.0b013e328324f82d
View details for Web of Science ID 000265349200011
View details for PubMedID 19390247
Managing quality in an anesthesia department
2009; 22 (2): 223-231
To provide a practical approach to measure and then improve the quality of an academic anesthesia department.The quality of any entity is defined by the user. Anesthesia departments should adopt practices that meet their specific operational needs. The relative importance of each of the user groups will be determined by the purpose of an individual department. Four categories of users will be considered: patients, surgeons (and other proceduralists), the hospital organization and the department itself (i.e. faculty and trainees). Patients value avoiding nausea and vomiting and pain after surgery, surgeons want cases to start on time with low turnover times, and the hospital desires high throughput of surgical cases, all facilitated by department faculty who value professional development. Quality improvement efforts in anesthesia should be aligned with broad healthcare quality improvement initiatives and avoid distortions in perceptions of quality by over-emphasizing what is easily measurable at the expense of what is important.Departments of anesthesia should develop performance criteria in multiple domains and recognize the importance of human relationships (between staff and between staff and patients) in quality and safety. To improve the value of anesthesia services, departments should identify their user groups, survey them to determine what attributes are important to the user, then deliver, measure, monitor and improve them on an ongoing basis.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACO.0b013e328324f810
View details for Web of Science ID 000265349200013
View details for PubMedID 19390249
Can anesthesia information management systems improve quality in the surgical suite?
2009; 22 (2): 215-222
To summarize developments related to the use of anesthesia information management systems (AIMS) and quality assurance and quality improvement.A real challenge for AIMS is that the technology is too often seen as a solution. The reality is that the technology is simply a tool, which is increasingly being installed by hospitals to give anesthesiologists better capabilities for managing quality assurance programs, developing guidelines, facilitating computerized decision support, and standardizing care in the surgical suite so that every patient receives optimal care. Anesthesia groups will likely have to assign a dedicated biomedical team and programmer to fully realize the clinical and business benefits of AIMS.Implementation of information technologies in anesthesia as well as in all aspects of healthcare redesigns how patients receive care. AIMS accurately measure, store, query, and recall vital sign data, and enable the systematic analysis of anesthesia-related perioperative data. Using AIMS, quality management programs will be able to study more incidents and analyze them more quickly. Ideally, decision-support systems with practice guidelines delivered via AIMS should help overcome the usual barriers to guideline adherence, and improve care and safety.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACO.0b013e328324b9e6
View details for Web of Science ID 000265349200012
View details for PubMedID 19390248
Should I get a Master of Business Administration? The anesthesiologist with education training: training options and professional opportunities
2009; 22 (2): 191-198
Many physicians want to know whether they should get a Master of Business Administration (MBA), what type of program is best, and what career paths exist.It is commonly (incorrectly) assumed that a physician successful in clinical practice can easily transfer to managing/leading an organization. To be effective, the MD/MBA must bridge the cultures of the business world and medicine. Often just a single management course is sufficient to give the physician the knowledge they seek. MBA programs come in many forms and require choosing from a range of time commitments. Leaving a good clinical job in favor of the less-defined course of an MD/MBA can be daunting. Although a wide spectrum of opportunities are available, the MD/MBA may have to start over professionally, most likely with a pay cut, and will have to 'work their way up' again. A stigma exists for MD/MBAs because they are often perceived as caring more about business than about patients. Many MD/MBAs eventually choose to stay in full-time medical practice because financial and geographic stability may be more easily attained.The MBA is a good idea for the physicians who enjoy the intellectual challenges of business administration and proactively plan their own career.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACO.0b013e3283232c4e
View details for Web of Science ID 000265349200009
View details for PubMedID 19307894
Truth in Scheduling: Is It Possible to Accurately Predict How Long a Surgical Case Will Last?
2009; 108 (3): 681-685
View details for DOI 10.1213/ane.0b013e318196a617
View details for Web of Science ID 000263537300001
View details for PubMedID 19224765
- Wastage of Supplies and Drugs in the Operating Room: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Restrict. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/710513 2009
- Proper Scheduling of Anesthesia Services Outside of the Operating Room Suite. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/714107 2009
Operative Time and Other Outcomes of the Electrothermal Bipolar Vessel Sealing System (LigaSure (TM)) Versus Other Methods for Surgical Hemostasis: A Meta-Analysis
2008; 15 (4): 284-291
A meta-analysis was performed of 29 prospective, randomized trials (published January 1, 2000, to August 14, 2007) comparing an electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing system (EBVS-LigaSure, Covidien) (total n = 1107 patients) with either clamping with suture ligation/ electrocauterization (n = 1079 patients) or ultrasonic energy (eg, Harmonic Scalpel, Johnson & Johnson). Hemorrhoidectomy (12 articles), hysterectomy (4 articles), and thyroidectomy (3 articles) were the most common procedures. For 15 of 26 studies reporting standard deviations, the normalized mean operative time reduction for EBVS equaled 28% (95% confidence interval [CI] 18%-39%, P < .0001) compared with conventional surgical hemostasis. Operative time was reduced with EBVS in 24 of 26 studies (P < .0001). EBVS was associated with 43 mL (95% CI 14-73 mL, P = .0021) less blood loss, fewer complications (odds ratio 0.66, 95% CI 0.47-0.92, P = .02), and mean reduction in postoperative pain of 2.8 units (95% CI 1.5-4.1, P < .0001). Five studies used ultrasonic energy as the comparator, but none reported standard deviation so data could not be pooled.
View details for DOI 10.1177/1553350608324933
View details for Web of Science ID 000261137700008
View details for PubMedID 18945705
Part-time clinical anesthesia practice: a review of the economic, quality, and safety issues.
Anesthesiology clinics
2008; 26 (4): 707-?
Part-time clinical practice in anesthesia is increasing due to the feminization and the aging of the medical workforce, as well as the arrival of generations X and Y to the health care workforce. Recruiting the best and brightest physicians requires accommodating their needs and interests, as well as retaining older workers who wish to reduce their hours as they approach retirement. This article discusses steps to help departments or groups optimally manage the part-time anesthesia workforce.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.anclin.2008.07.004
View details for PubMedID 19041625
How to evaluate whether a new technology in the operating room is cost-effective from society's viewpoint.
Anesthesiology clinics
2008; 26 (4): 745-?
The hospital operating room is one of the most important and costly environments in health care. Given the current reductions in reimbursement and limited resources, hospital administrators and operating room managers have to be careful about adopting new technologies into the operating room. Operating rooms must balance the improved care a new technology can provide with its additional costs. Economic analysis provides systematic methods to guide decisions by quantitatively assessing the value of a new technology.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.anclin.2008.07.003
View details for PubMedID 19041627
Anesthesiology clinics. Value-based anesthesia. Preface.
Anesthesiology clinics
2008; 26 (4): xiii-xiv
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.anclin.2008.08.002
View details for PubMedID 19041618
Adoption of anesthesia information management systems by academic departments in the United States
2008; 107 (4): 1323-1329
Information technology has been promoted as a way to improve patient care and outcomes. Whereas information technology systems for ancillary hospital services (e.g., radiology, pharmacy) are deployed commonly, it has been estimated that anesthesia information management systems (AIMS) are only installed in a small fraction of United States (US) operating rooms. In this study, we assessed the adoption of AIMS at academic anesthesia departments and explored the motivations for and resistance to AIMS adoption.Members of the Society of Academic Anesthesiology Chairs and the Association of Anesthesiology Program Directors were solicited by e-mail to participate in an online survey of AIMS adoption. Two months after closing the survey, another e-mail was sent with a single question asking for an update to their AIMS implementation status.Surveys were fully completed by 48 (34%) of the 140 Society of Academic Anesthesiology Chairs and Association of Anesthesiology Program Directors departments surveyed, with 72 (51%) providing AIMS status information. Twenty of these 72 departments have an AIMS installed, 12 are currently implementing, 11 have selected but not yet installed, and 18 are planning to purchase an AIMS in 2008 or 2009. Therefore, at least 61 (44%) of all 140 US academic anesthesia departments have committed to AIMS. This estimated adoption rate is conservative because the numerator equals the affirmative responses, whereas the denominator equals the total population of academic departments. Among adopters, the top ranked anticipated benefits from installing an AIMS included improved clinical documentation, improved data collection for clinical research, enhancement of quality improvement programs, and compliance with requirements of regulatory authorities. The hospital provided funding in almost all facilities (90%), with co-funding by the anesthesia group in 35%.At least 61 or 44% of the 140 US academic departments surveyed in this study have already implemented, are planning to acquire, or are currently searching for an AIMS. Adoption of AIMS technology appears to have reached sufficient momentum within academic anesthesiology departments to result in a fundamental change.
View details for DOI 10.1213/ane.0b013e31818322d2
View details for Web of Science ID 000259522100042
View details for PubMedID 18806048
Vaginal twin delivery: a survey and review of location, anesthesia coverage and interventions
38th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Obstetric-Anesthesia-and-Perinatology
Twin pregnancies are associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. No consensus exists whether vaginal twin delivery should take place in the labor room or operating room, or whether anesthesiologists should be present. We surveyed members of the California Society of Anesthesiologists (CSA) to review management of vaginal twin delivery, and examined anesthetic intervention retrospectively at our institution.230 CSA members were asked to complete an online survey on location of vaginal twin delivery in their institution and whether they were required to be present throughout. We then retrospectively reviewed charts of vaginal twin deliveries at our institution over a 36-month period to analyze frequency and type of anesthetic intervention.The online survey response rate was 58%; 64% of responders reported that vaginal twin deliveries were performed in the operating room and 55% that an anesthesiologist was present. There was a strong association between anesthesiologist's presence and delivery in the operating room (OR 7; 95% CI 3-20). We reviewed 81 charts of women who underwent vaginal twin delivery. The median (range) time that the anesthesiologist was present for each delivery was 60 (20-380) min. Of women undergoing vaginal twin delivery, 27% required anesthetic intervention during the second stage of labor with 6% having emergency cesarean delivery.There is a lack of consensus regarding the appropriate location for vaginal twin delivery and the role of anesthesiologists. A significant percentage of women undergoing vaginal twin delivery in our institution received anesthetic intervention in the immediate delivery period.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.ijoa.2007.04.004
View details for Web of Science ID 000257844200003
View details for PubMedID 17881218
Training attendings to be expert teachers: the Stanford Anesthesia Teaching Scholars Program
2008; 20 (3): 241-242
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2008.01.002
View details for Web of Science ID 000256730800021
View details for PubMedID 18502376
The reuse of anesthesia breathing systems: another difference of opinion and practice between the United States and Europe
2008; 20 (2): 81-83
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2007.10.006
View details for Web of Science ID 000255252000001
View details for PubMedID 18410859
Treatment of 94 outpatients with chronic discogenic low back pain with the DRX9000: a retrospective chart review.
Pain practice
2008; 8 (1): 11-17
This study's goal was a retrospective chart audit of 100 outpatients with discogenic low back pain (LBP) lasting more than 12 weeks treated with a 2-month course of motorized spinal decompression via the DRX9000 (Axiom Worldwide, Tampa, FL, U.S.A.).Patients at a convenience sample of four clinics received 30-minute DRX9000 sessions daily for the first 2 weeks tapering to 1 session/week. Treatment protocol included lumbar stretching, myofascial release, or heat prior to treatment, with ice and/or muscle stimulation afterwards. Primary outcome was verbal numerical pain intensity rating (NRS) 0 to 10 before and after the 8-week treatment.Of the 100 initial subjects, three withdrew their protected health information, and three were excluded because their LBP duration was less than 12 weeks. The remaining 94 subjects (63% female, 95% white, age = 55 (SD 16) year, 52% employed, 41% retired, LBP median duration of 260 weeks) had diagnoses of herniated disc (73% of patients), degenerative disc disease (68%), or both (27%). Mean NRS equaled 6.05 (SD 2.3) at presentation and decreased significantly to 0.89 (SD 1.15) at end of 8-week treatment (P < 0.0001). Analgesic use also appeared to decrease (charts with data = 20) and Activities of Daily Living improved (charts with data = 38). Follow-up (mean 31 weeks) on 29/94 patients reported mean 83% LBP improvement, NRS of 1.7 (SD 1.15), and satisfaction of 8.55/10 (median 9).This retrospective chart audit provides preliminary data that chronic LBP may improve with DRX9000 spinal decompression. Randomized double-blind trials are needed to measure the efficacy of such systems.
View details for DOI 10.1111/j.1533-2500.2007.00167.x
View details for PubMedID 18211590
Book Review: Complications of Regional Anesthesia
2008; 299 (21): 2569-2570
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.299.21.2569
Book Review: Management of the Difficult and Failed Airway
2008; 300 (7): 850-851
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.300.7.jbk0820-b
Book Review: Geriatric Anesthesiology
2008: 299(15):1839-1840
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.299.15.1839
Complications in Anesthesiology (book review)
2008; 299 (21): 2569-2570
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.299.21.2569
Management of the Difficult and Failed Airway
2008; 300 (7): 850-851
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.300.7.jbk0820-b
- Tratado de anestesia y reanimacion Cost control and quality improvement in anesthesia Aran Ediciones, S.A., Madrid, Spain. 2008; 2
- Ambulatory surgery center profitability, efficiency and cost containment Handbook of Ambulatory Anesthesia Springer. 2008; 2: 396–419
Geriatric Anesthesiology
2008; 299 (15): 1839-1840
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.299.15.1839
Are your operating rooms 'efficient'?
OR manager
2007; 23 (12): 16-18
View details for PubMedID 18196866
Identification of systematic underestimation (bias) of case durations during case scheduling would not markedly reduce overutilized operating room time
Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Anesthesiologists
If a case has a high probability of taking longer than scheduled, then increasing the case's scheduled duration could reduce over-utilized operating room (OR) time. We studied surgeons' and schedulers' case scheduling behavior to evaluate whether such a strategy would be useful.Observational study.University hospital.The probability of each of 66,561 cases taking longer than scheduled was estimated with an accuracy to within 1-2%.Overall underestimation by surgeons and schedulers was 22 minutes for each 8 hours of used operating room (OR) time. If a 90% or 95% chance of taking longer than scheduled were required to conclude that a case's duration was deliberately underestimated, and if such cases' scheduled durations were changed, overall underestimation would be reduced by only 0.2 or 0.9 minutes per 8 hours of used OR time because only 0.1% or 0.6% of used OR time met that criterion. In contrast, underestimation would be reduced by 20 minutes if the cases identified were those with only a 50% to 60% chance of taking longer than scheduled because they accounted for more than 40% of OR time. Persistent underestimation of cases' durations was caused not by poor decisions for a few outlier cases, but instead by slight underestimation for many cases. Surgeons' and schedulers' behavior that fit cases into staffed (allocated) OR time was to underestimate slightly the duration of many cases.The impact of inaccurate, scheduled case duration on staffing costs and unpredictable work hours can be reduced by allocating appropriate total hours of OR time (ie, staffing) for the cases that will get done, regardless of the inaccuracy of the scheduled durations of those cases.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jclinane.2006.10.009
View details for Web of Science ID 000247128200007
View details for PubMedID 17531728
Is external cephalic version cost-effective?
39th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Obstetric-Anesthesia-and-Perinatology
View details for Web of Science ID 000246032500055
A cost-analysis of neuraxial analgesia to facilitate external cephalic version
39th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Obstetric-Anesthesia-and-Perinatology
View details for Web of Science ID 000246032500129
Complications of Regional Anesthesia Peripheral Nerve Blocks on DVD: Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs (book and media reviews)
2007; 298 (21): 2546-2552
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.298.21.2546
Book Review: Complications of Regional Anesthesia Peripheral Nerve Blocks on DVD: Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs
2007; 21: 2546-2552
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.298.21.2546
Hospitalization costs of total knee arthroplasty with a continuous femoral nerve block provided only in the hospital versus on an ambulatory basis: A retrospective, case-control, cost-minimization analysis
2007; 32 (1): 46-54
After total knee arthroplasty (TKA), hospitalization may be shortened by allowing patients to return home with a continuous femoral nerve block (CFNB). This study quantified the hospitalization costs for 10 TKA patients receiving ambulatory CFNB versus a matched cohort of 10 patients who received CFNB only during hospitalization.We examined the medical records (n = 125) of patients who underwent a unilateral, primary, tricompartment TKA with a postoperative CFNB by 1 surgeon at one institution in an 18-month period beginning January 2004. Each of the 10 patients discharged home with an ambulatory CFNB (cases) was matched with a patient with a hospital-only CFNB (controls) for age, gender, body mass index, and health status. Financial data were extracted from the hospital microcosting database.Nine patients with ambulatory CFNB (cases) were discharged home on postoperative day (POD) 1 and 1 on POD 4. Of the controls, 3 were discharged home on POD 3, 6 on POD 4, and 1 on POD 5. The median (range) costs of hospitalization (excluding implant and professional fees) was US dollars 5,292 (US dollars 4,326-US dollars 7,929) for ambulatory cases compared with US dollars 7,974 (US dollars 6,931-US dollars 9,979) for inpatient controls (difference = US dollars 2,682, 34% decrease, P < .001). The total charges for hospitalization, the implant, and professional fees was US dollars 33,646 (US dollars 31,816-US dollars 38,468) for cases compared with US dollars 39,100 (US dollars 36,096-US dollars 44,098) for controls (difference = US dollars 5,454, 14% decrease, P < .001).This study provides evidence that ambulatory CFNB for selected patients undergoing TKA has the potential to reduce hospital length of stay and associated costs and charges. However, the current study has significant inherent limitations based on the study design. Additional research is required to replicate these results in a prospective, randomized, controlled trial and to determine whether any savings exceed additional CFNB costs such as from complications, having caregivers provide care at home, and additional hospital/health care provider visits.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.rapm.2006.10.010
View details for Web of Science ID 000243311100009
View details for PubMedID 17196492
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC1986758
- Economic analysis of perioperative optimization. Perioperative Medicine: Managing for Outcome Saunders. 2007; 1: 673–687
Scheduling elective pediatric procedures that require anesthesia: The perspective of parents
2006; 103 (6): 1426-1431
Daily variability in volume of elective pediatric procedures that require anesthesia may lead to an imbalance between available operating room resources and case load. Longer intervals between scheduling and the surgical date generally result in higher operating room utilization. In this study, we sought to determine which factors influence when parents schedule their children for procedures. We also aimed to identify parents' ideal and longest acceptable waiting intervals and determine whether type of procedure, for example, affects scheduling. From a convenience sample of 250 randomly selected parents of children presenting for elective surgery, 236 completed surveys were analyzed. The remaining 14 surveys were not returned. Overall, parents scheduled their child's procedure a median of 4.3 wk (interquartile range 2.0-8.6) in advance and reported an ideal waiting interval of 3 wk (interquartile range 2-4), and longest acceptable interval of 6 wk (interquartile range 4-10). Parents were willing to wait longer to schedule cardiac (4 wk, P = 0.004) and plastic (3.5 wk, P = 0.024) surgery when compared with general surgical procedures. Overall, parents ranked severity of the child's illness, earliest available time, and surgeon's suggested date as the three most important factors influencing when their child's surgery is scheduled. The timetable for scheduling procedures was highly correlated with both mother and father having available time off work (tau(b) = 0.72, P < 0.0001). Surprisingly, parents did not show a preference for scheduling cases during vacation or summer months.
View details for DOI 10.1213/01.ane.0000244596.03605.3e
View details for Web of Science ID 000242289100019
View details for PubMedID 17122217
Systematic literature review of spinal decompression via motorized traction for chronic discogenic low back pain.
Pain practice
2006; 6 (3): 171-178
The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature to assess the efficacy of nonsurgical spinal decompression achieved with motorized traction for chronic discogenic lumbosacral back pain.Computer-aided systematic literature search of MEDLINE and the Cochrane collaboration for prospective clinical trials on adults with low back pain in the English literature from 1975 to October 2005. Methodologic quality for each study was assessed. Studies were included if the intervention group received motorized spinal decompression and the comparison group received sham or another type of nonsurgical treatment.Data from 10 studies were fully analyzed. Seven studies were randomized controlled trials using various apparatus types. Because of this low number, we also analyzed three nonrandomized case series studies of spinal decompression systems. As the overall quality of studies was low and the patient groups heterogeneous, a meta-analysis was not appropriate and a qualitative review was undertaken. Sample sizes averaged 121 patients (range 27-292), with six of the seven randomized studies reporting no difference with motorized spinal decompression and one study reporting reduced pain but not disability. The three unrandomized studies (no control group) of motorized spinal decompression found a 77% to 86% reduction in pain.These data suggest that the efficacy of spinal decompression achieved with motorized traction for chronic discogenic low back pain remains unproved. This may be, in part, due to heterogeneous patient groups and the difficulties involved in properly blinding patients to the mechanical pulling mechanism. Scientifically more rigorous studies with better randomization, control groups, and standardized outcome measures are needed to overcome the limitations of past studies.
View details for PubMedID 17147594
Staffing and case scheduling for anesthesia in geographically dispersed locations outside of operating rooms.
Current opinion in anaesthesiology
2006; 19 (4): 453-458
Scheduling and staffing for anesthetics outside of the operating room that are geographically dispersed is different than for operating room cases. Whereas methods to predict how long such cases take were published recently, this article reviews staffing and case scheduling.Methods have been developed based on the assumption that physicians doing procedures requiring anesthesia are provided open access to anesthesia time within a reasonable number of days (e.g., 2 weeks) or on any future workday. The latter is commonly used in operating rooms. Outside of operating rooms, the former is more practical economically. Statistical forecasting of anesthesia staffing months ahead is conducted by using billing data with the objective of maximizing the efficiency of use of anesthesia time. Calculations assume that anesthesia time that would otherwise be underutilized is released for use by services that would otherwise work in overutilized anesthesia time. Forecasting is different for services with many patients hospitalized preoperatively (e.g., electroconvulsive therapy). Implementation encourages longer-term changes benefiting the anesthesia group (e.g., services choose to work longer hours for fewer days of the week).Plan staffing based on providing open access to anesthesia time within a reasonable number of days (e.g., 2 weeks). Schedule cases and release allocated time based on reducing overutilized anesthesia time.
View details for PubMedID 16829731
Staffing and case scheduling for anesthesia in geographically dispersed locations outside of operating rooms
2006; 19 (4): 453-458
View details for Web of Science ID 000209632100015
Are your hospital operating rooms "efficient"? A scoring system with eight performance indicators
2006; 105 (2): 237-240
View details for Web of Science ID 000239411600003
View details for PubMedID 16871055
Initial clinical evaluation of a handheld device for detecting retained surgical gauze sponges using radiofrequency identification technology
2006; 141 (7): 659-662
A handheld wand-scanning device (1.5 lb, battery powered, 10 x 10 x 1.5 in) has been developed to detect commonly used surgical gauze sponges, which have been tagged with a radiofrequency identification (RFID) chip. We tested the hypothesis that this wand device has a successful detection rate of 100%, with 100% specificity and 100% sensitivity.Prospective, blinded, experimental clinical trial.Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, Calif.Eight patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery.Eight untagged sponges (1 control per patient) and 28 RFID sponges were placed in the patients. Just before closure, the first surgeon placed 1 RFID sponge (adult laparotomy tape; 18 x 18 in, 4-ply) in the surgical site, while the second surgeon looked away so as to be blinded to sponge placement. The edges of the wound were pulled together so that the inside of the cavity was not exposed during the detection experiments. The second (blinded) surgeon used the wand-scanning device to try to detect the RFID sponge.A successful detection was defined as detection of an RFID sponge within 1 minute. We also administered a questionnaire to the surgeon and nurse involved in the detections to assess ease of use.The RFID wand device detected all sponges correctly, in less than 3 seconds on average. There were no false-positive or false-negative results.We found a detection accuracy of 100% for the RFID wand device. Despite this engineering success, the possibility of human error and retained sponges remains because handheld scanning can be performed incorrectly.
View details for Web of Science ID 000238914400009
View details for PubMedID 16847236
Is there value in obtaining a patient's willingness to pay for a particular anesthetic intervention?
2006; 104 (5): 906-909
View details for Web of Science ID 000237375400002
View details for PubMedID 16645439
Factors affecting supply and demand of anesthesiologists in Western Europe
2006; 19 (2): 207-212
Current demographic and macroeconomic trends indicate that, in Western Europe, the demand for anesthesia services will continue to increase. It is, however, questionable whether there will be sufficient supply.In Western Europe, admission to medical schools is typically restricted. The European Working Time Directive has decreased the clinical exposure of residents. Also, increasing feminization of the physician workforce and the aging of current practitioners may change the available workforce. Current healthcare reforms that include demand-lowering elements may also negatively affect supply and demand for anesthesiologists.Steps must be taken to augment the number of practitioners to ensure a sufficient number of anesthesiologists. Employers will have to offer flexible working practices and adequate compensation to attract new anesthesiologists. Alternatively, more responsibilities and tasks may be allocated to well-trained anesthesia assistants (e.g. nurses). National anesthesia associations must improve and coordinate resident training, which may alleviate the recruitment problem. A European training standard in anesthesia might adjust the regional disequilibrium of supply and demand, as might salary competition. In the long run, the undersupply of anesthesiologists may be offset by factors such as more procedures being performed non-invasively and further demand-lowering healthcare policies.
View details for Web of Science ID 000209631900016
Factors affecting supply and demand of anesthesiologists in Western Europe.
Current opinion in anaesthesiology
2006; 19 (2): 207-12
Current demographic and macroeconomic trends indicate that, in Western Europe, the demand for anesthesia services will continue to increase. It is, however, questionable whether there will be sufficient supply.In Western Europe, admission to medical schools is typically restricted. The European Working Time Directive has decreased the clinical exposure of residents. Also, increasing feminization of the physician workforce and the aging of current practitioners may change the available workforce. Current healthcare reforms that include demand-lowering elements may also negatively affect supply and demand for anesthesiologists.Steps must be taken to augment the number of practitioners to ensure a sufficient number of anesthesiologists. Employers will have to offer flexible working practices and adequate compensation to attract new anesthesiologists. Alternatively, more responsibilities and tasks may be allocated to well-trained anesthesia assistants (e.g. nurses). National anesthesia associations must improve and coordinate resident training, which may alleviate the recruitment problem. A European training standard in anesthesia might adjust the regional disequilibrium of supply and demand, as might salary competition. In the long run, the undersupply of anesthesiologists may be offset by factors such as more procedures being performed non-invasively and further demand-lowering healthcare policies.
View details for DOI 10.1097/01.aco.0000192793.57054.ec
View details for PubMedID 16552229
The drive for operating room efficiency will increase quality of patient care
2006; 19 (2): 171-176
View details for Web of Science ID 000209631900011
The drive for operating room efficiency will increase quality of patient care.
Current opinion in anaesthesiology
2006; 19 (2): 171-176
The public is demanding that medicine both increase its efficiency and lower its costs. 'Watchdog' groups are scrutinizing our performance, publicizing our results, and forcing us to compete. They want doctors first to use evidence-based medicine to identify truly beneficial healthcare interventions and then to use continuous quality improvement to perform those beneficial interventions consistently at lower costs.A renaissance is underway in our thinking about quality and efficiency in the operating room. 'Work process redesign' and 'the systems approach' are starting to be more than slogans, as researchers redesign the physical environment of the operating room, along with its 'workflow' and methods of communication.Soon physicians and hospitals will be receiving 'pay-for-performance', whereby our income will depend on our ability to demonstrate both good patient care processes and good outcomes. Medicine is starting to act like a competitive industry, and this tendency will be good for quality and efficiency in the operating room. Community and academic practitioners need to understand and participate in this transformation in order to be able to influence its evolution and to survive financially.
View details for PubMedID 16552224
A Markov computer simulation model of the economics of neuromuscular blockade in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
BMC medical informatics and decision making
2006; 6: 15-?
Management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the intensive care unit (ICU) is clinically challenging and costly. Neuromuscular blocking agents may facilitate mechanical ventilation and improve oxygenation, but may result in prolonged recovery of neuromuscular function and acute quadriplegic myopathy syndrome (AQMS). The goal of this study was to address a hypothetical question via computer modeling: Would a reduction in intubation time of 6 hours and/or a reduction in the incidence of AQMS from 25% to 21%, provide enough benefit to justify a drug with an additional expenditure of $267 (the difference in acquisition cost between a generic and brand name neuromuscular blocker)?The base case was a 55 year-old man in the ICU with ARDS who receives neuromuscular blockade for 3.5 days. A Markov model was designed with hypothetical patients in 1 of 6 mutually exclusive health states: ICU-intubated, ICU-extubated, hospital ward, long-term care, home, or death, over a period of 6 months. The net monetary benefit was computed.Our computer simulation modeling predicted the mean cost for ARDS patients receiving standard care for 6 months to be $62,238 (5%-95% percentiles $42,259-$83,766), with an overall 6-month mortality of 39%. Assuming a ceiling ratio of $35,000, even if a drug (that cost $267 more) hypothetically reduced AQMS from 25% to 21% and decreased intubation time by 6 hours, the net monetary benefit would only equal $137.ARDS patients receiving a neuromuscular blocker have a high mortality, and unpredictable outcome, which results in large variability in costs per case. If a patient dies, there is no benefit to any drug that reduces ventilation time or AQMS incidence. A prospective, randomized pharmacoeconomic study of neuromuscular blockers in the ICU to asses AQMS or intubation times is impractical because of the highly variable clinical course of patients with ARDS.
View details for PubMedID 16539706
Book Review: Clinical Anesthesia. 5th Edition
2006; 295 (9): 1067-1072
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.295.9.1067-b
- Operating Room Management: an update Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia (CME) Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs. 2006: 27–34
Anesthesiology (book review)
2006; 295 (9): 1067-1072
View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.295.9.1067-b
Anesthesiologists' practice patterns for treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting in the ambulatory Post Anesthesia Care Unit.
BMC anesthesiology
2006; 6: 6-?
When patients are asked what they find most anxiety provoking about having surgery, the top concerns almost always include postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Only until recently have there been any published recommendations, mostly derived from expert opinion, as to which regimens to use once a patient develops PONV. The goal of this study was to assess the responses to a written survey to address the following questions: 1) If no prophylaxis is administered to an ambulatory patient, what agent do anesthesiologists use for treatment of PONV in the ambulatory Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)?; 2) Do anesthesiologists use non-pharmacologic interventions for PONV treatment?; and 3) If a PONV prophylaxis agent is administered during the anesthetic, do anesthesiologists choose an antiemetic in a different class for treatment?A questionnaire with five short hypothetical clinical vignettes was mailed to 300 randomly selected USA anesthesiologists. The types of pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions for PONV treatment were analyzed.The questionnaire was completed by 106 anesthesiologists (38% response rate), who reported that on average 52% of their practice was ambulatory. If a patient develops PONV and received no prophylaxis, 67% (95% CI, 62%-79%) of anesthesiologists reported they would administer a 5-HT3-antagonist as first choice for treatment, with metoclopramide and dexamethasone being the next two most common choices. 65% (95% CI, 55%-74%) of anesthesiologists reported they would also use non-pharmacologic interventions to treat PONV in the PACU, with an i.v. fluid bolus or nasal cannula oxygen being the most common. When PONV prophylaxis was given during the anesthetic, the preferred PONV treatment choice changed. Whereas 3%-7% of anesthesiologists would repeat dose metoclopramide, dexamethasone, or droperidol, 26% (95% confidence intervals, 18%-36%) of practitioners would re-dose the 5-HT3-antagonist for PONV treatment.5-HT3-antagonists are the most common choice for treatment of established PONV for outpatients when no prophylaxis is used, and also following prophylactic regimens that include a 5HT3 antagonist, regardless of the number of prophylactic antiemetics given. Whereas 3%-7% of anesthesiologists would repeat dose metoclopramide, dexamethasone, or droperidol, 26% of practitioners would re-dose the 5-HT3-antagonist for PONV treatment.
View details for PubMedID 16740165
Validity and usefulness of a method to monitor surgical services' average bias in scheduled case durations
2005; 52 (9): 935-939
Unbiased prediction of case durations is an integral part of matching operating room (OR) staffing to workload. Monitoring systematic bias in surgeons' scheduled case durations can identify those services with estimates sufficiently inaccurate that statistical analysis of historical data may be useful in preference to the surgeons' estimates. We describe a method to monitor surgical services' average bias in scheduled case durations.Actual case duration, predicted (scheduled) case duration, and service were obtained for all 58,291 cases during 39 four-week periods at an academic hospital. For each four-week period, a ratio was computed for each service. The numerator for each service equalled the sum of the differences in minutes between actual case duration and scheduled case duration. The denominator equalled the sum in hours of the actual durations of all of the service's cases. The ratio was multiplied by eight hours to yield the number of minutes of underestimated case duration per eight hours of OR time during the four-week period.The ratios followed a normal distribution for each service. Using the Student's t distribution, the 95% lower confidence bounds for the average underestimate of case duration ranged from three to 65 min per eight hours of used OR time.To reduce over-utilized OR time, we recommend monitoring each service's 95% lower confidence bound of the bias in scheduled case durations. For services consistently underestimating their case durations, schedule their cases using statistical estimates of case durations based on their historical data, and disregard their own estimates.
View details for Web of Science ID 000233532700007
View details for PubMedID 16251558
Patient preferences for anesthesia outcomes associated with Cesarean delivery
2005; 101 (4): 1182-1187
When deciding on neuraxial medication (e.g., spinal opioids) for cesarean delivery (CS) under regional anesthesia, anesthesiologists make treatment decisions that "trade off" relieving pain with the potential for increased risk of side effects. No previous studies have examined obstetric patients' anesthesia preferences. Researchers administered 100 written surveys to pregnant women attending our institutions' expectant parent class. We determined patients' preferences for importance of specific intraoperative and postoperative anesthesia outcomes using priority ranking and relative value scales. We also explored patients' fears, concerns, and tolerance regarding CS and analgesics. Eighty-two of 100 surveys were returned and analyzed. Pain during and after CS was the greatest concern followed by vomiting, nausea, cramping, pruritus, and shivering. Ranking and relative value scores were closely correlated (R2 = 0.7). Patients would tolerate a visual analog pain score (0-100 mm) of 56 +/- 22 before exposing their baby to the potential effects of analgesics they receive. In contrast to previous general surgical population surveys that found nausea and vomiting as primary concerns, we found pain during and after CS as parturients' most important concern. Common side effects such as pruritus and shivering caused only moderate concern. This information should be used to guide anesthetic choices, e.g., inclusion of spinal opioids given in adequate doses.Medical care can be improved by incorporating patients' preferences into medical decision making. We surveyed obstetric patients to determine their preferences regarding potential cesarean delivery anesthesia outcomes. Unlike general surgical patients who rate nausea and vomiting highest, parturients considered pain during and after cesarean delivery the most important concern.
View details for DOI 10.1213/01.ane.0000167774.36833.99
View details for Web of Science ID 000232115400045
View details for PubMedID 16192541
Quantifying effect of a hospital's caseload for a surgical specialty on that of another hospital using multi-attribute market segments.
Health care management science
2005; 8 (2): 121-131
Inpatient and outpatient data were used to create market segments consisting of hierarchical combinations of surgical procedure, then type of payer, and then location of patients' residences. The competitive effect of one hospital's caseload for a given surgical specialty on the caseload of another hospital was determined from the numbers of patients in each segment. Earlier methods for estimating surgical competition that ignored market segments over-estimated the competitive effects of one hospital on another. Thus, results differed from those obtained previously for all types of hospital admissions. When actual market segments with homogeneous groups of patients are used, competitive effects of hospitals in the same market area are far less than expected.
View details for PubMedID 15952609
Meta-analysis of trial comparing postoperative recovery after anesthesia with sevoflurane or desflurane
13th World Congress of Anesthesiologists
Results of published, randomized controlled trials comparing sevoflurane and desflurane were pooled to measure differences in times until patients obeyed commands, were extubated, were oriented, were discharged from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU), and were ready to be discharged to home, as well as the occurrence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).We reviewed all randomized clinical trials in MEDLINE through December 18, 2003, with a title or abstract containing the words sevoflurane and desflurane. Two reviewers independently extracted study data from papers that met inclusion criteria. Endpoints were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis.Twenty-two reports of 25 studies (3 reports each described 2 studies) met our inclusion criteria. A total of 746 patients received sevoflurane, and 752 received desflurane. Patients receiving desflurane recovered 1-2 minutes quicker in the operating room than patients receiving sevoflurane. They obeyed commands 1.7 minutes sooner (p < 0.001; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.7-2.7 minutes), were extubated 1.3 minutes sooner (p = 0.003; 95% CI, 0.4-2.2 minutes), and were oriented 1.8 minutes sooner (p < 0.001; 95% CI, 0.7-2.9 minutes). No significant differences were detected in the phase I or II PACU recovery times or in the rate of PONV.Meta-analysis of studies in which the duration of anesthesia was up to 3.1 hours indicated that patients receiving either desflurane or sevoflurane did not have significant differences in PACU time or PONV frequency. Patients receiving desflurane followed commands, were extubated, and were oriented 1.0-1.2 minutes earlier than patients receiving sevoflurane.
View details for Web of Science ID 000226150100013
View details for PubMedID 15658074
- Urine drug testing in chronic pain patients taking opioids: a clinical practice update Macario A, Pergolizzi J. Urine drug testing in chronic pain patients taking opioids: a clinical practice update. The International Journal of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care (Journal no longer published) 2005; 4 (1): 17-23
- The Post Anesthesia Care Unit Miller's Anesthesia Churchill Livingstone . 2005; 6
- Systematic literature review of economics of IV patient controlled analgesia. Pharmacy and Therapeutics (ISSN 1052-1372) 2005; 30 (7): 392-399
- Improving the quality of anesthesia care Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia (CME) 2005; 25 (25): 323-331
Cost-effectiveness of a trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery depends on the a priori chance of success
2004; 47 (2): 378-385
View details for Web of Science ID 000231530600009
View details for PubMedID 15166861
Patient preferences regarding cesarean section anesthesia outcomes
36th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Obstetric-Anesthesia-and-Perinatology
View details for Web of Science ID 000221070400116
When to release allocated operating room time to increase operating room efficiency
2004; 98 (3): 758-762
We studied when allocated, but unfilled, operating room (OR) time of surgical services should be released to maximize OR efficiency. OR time was allocated for two surgical suites based on OR efficiency. Then, we analyzed real OR schedules. We added new hypothetical cases lasting 1, 2, or 3 h into OR time of the service that had the largest difference between allocated and scheduled cases (i.e., the most unfilled OR time) 5 days before the day of surgery. The process was repeated using the updated OR schedule available the day before surgery. The pair-wise difference in resulting overutilized OR time was calculated for n = 754 days of data from each of the two surgical suites. We found that postponing the decision of which service gets the new case until early the day before surgery reduces overutilized OR time by <15 min per OR per day as compared to releasing the allocated OR time 5 days before surgery. These results show that when OR time is released has a negligible effect on OR efficiency. This is especially true for ambulatory surgery centers with brief cases or large surgical suites with specialty-specific OR teams. What matters much more is having the correct OR allocations and, if OR time needs to be released, making that decision based on the scheduled workload.Provided operating room (OR) time is allocated and cases are scheduled based on maximizing OR efficiency, then whether OR time is released five days or one day before the day of surgery has a negligible effect on OR efficiency.
View details for Web of Science ID 000189250000036
View details for PubMedID 14980933
- Profit maximization in an ambulatory surgery cente Ambulatory Anesthesia and Perioperative Analgesia McGraw-Hill Professional. 2004; 1
- Pain and nausea management after surgery The International Journal of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care (journal no longer published) 2004; 3 (3): 91-100
- Pharmacoeconomics Anesthetic Pharmacology: Physiologic Principles and Clinical Practice Churchill Livingstone. 2004: 91–103
Economics of one-stage versus two-stage bilateral total knee arthroplasties
2003: 149-156
Patients requiring bilateral total knee arthroplasties may have both joints replaced simultaneously during one hospitalization (one-stage) or during two separate hospitalizations (two-stage). The goals of the current study were to retrospectively analyze discharge patterns for 91 patients who had one-stage bilateral total knee arthroplasties and 32 patients who had two-stage surgeries, and to quantify their in-hospital costs and their costs if the patients were discharged from the hospital to an inpatient unit. Patients having one-stage and two-stage surgery were similar in age, gender, severity of illness (as measured by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status score), principal diagnosis, and ethnicity. Using a microcosting approach, the authors found that the average in-hospital costs for one-stage total knee arthroplasty (27,468 US dollars) were significantly lower (by 24%) than for two-stage total knee arthroplasty. However, 38% of patients who had the one-stage bilateral total knee arthroplasties were admitted to an acute rehabilitation unit, which had a mean cost of 6469 US dollars and length of stay of 9 days. In contrast, none of the patients who had the two-stage procedure required acute rehabilitation. Patients who had the two-stage procedure were discharged directly home (or with home health services) 42% of the time, versus 21% for patients who had the one-stage procedure. Patients from both groups were discharged to a skilled nursing facility approximately (1/2) of the time, accruing similar costs. Economic analyses of the one-stage procedure need to consider that these patients will require increased use of acute inpatient rehabilitation after hospital discharge.
View details for DOI 10.1097/01.blo.0000079265.91782.ca
View details for PubMedID 12966288
What questions do patients undergoing lower extremity joint replacement surgery have?
2003; 3
The value of the Internet to deliver preoperative education would increase if there was variability in questions patients want answered. This study's goal was to have patients consulting an orthopedic surgeon about undergoing either a total hip arthroplasty (THA) or a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) rate the importance of different questions concerning their care.We assembled questions patients might have about joint replacement surgery by analyzing the literature and querying a pilot group of patients and surgeons. Twenty-nine patients considering undergoing THA and 19 patients considering TKR completed a written survey asking them to rate 30 different questions, with a 5 point Likert scale from 1 (least important)--5 (most important).For patients considering THA or TKR, the 4 highest rated questions were: Will the surgery affect my abilities to care for myself?, Am I going to need physical therapy?, How mobile will I be after my surgery?, When will I be able to walk normally again? The mean percentage disagreement was 42% for questions answered by TKR patients and 47% for the THA group. Some patients gave a high rating to questions lowly rated by the rest of the group.Although there was enough agreement to define a core set of questions that should be addressed with most patients considering THA or TKA, some of the remaining questions were also highly important to some patients. The Web may offer a flexible medium for accommodating this large variety of information needs.
View details for PubMedID 12823860
Operating room utilization alone is not an accurate metric for the allocation of operating room block time to individual surgeons with low caseloads
2003; 98 (5): 1243-1249
Many surgical suites allocate operating room (OR) block time to individual surgeons. If block time is allocated to services/groups and yet the same surgeon invariably operates on the same weekday, for all practical purposes block time is being allocated to individual surgeons. Organizational conflict occurs when a surgeon with a relatively low OR utilization has his or her allocated block time reduced. The authors studied potential limitations affecting whether a facility can accurately estimate the average block time utilizations of individual surgeons performing low volumes of cases.Discrete-event computer simulation.Neither 3 months nor 1 yr of historical data were enough to be able to identify surgeons who had persistently low average OR utilizations. For example, with 3 months of data, the widths of the 95% CIs for average OR utilization exceeded 10% for surgeons who had average raw utilizations of 83% or less. If during a 3-month period a surgeon's measured adjusted utilization is 65%, there is a 95% chance that the surgeon's average adjusted utilization is as low as 38% or as high as 83%. If two surgeons have measured adjusted utilizations of 65% and 80%, respectively, there is a 16% chance that they have the same average adjusted utilization. Average OR utilization can be estimated more precisely for surgeons performing more cases each week.Average OR utilization probably cannot be estimated precisely for low-volume surgeons based on 3 months or 1 yr of historical OR utilization data. The authors recommend that at surgical suites trying to allocate OR time to individual low-volume surgeons, OR allocations be based on criteria other than only OR utilization (e.g., based on OR efficiency).
View details for Web of Science ID 000182523200028
View details for PubMedID 12717148
Physicians' perceptions of minimum time that should be saved to move a surgical case from one operating room to another: Internet-based survey of the membership of the association of anesthesia clinical directors (AACD)
2003; 15 (3): 206-210
Moving the last case of the day from one operating room (OR) to another OR can increase OR efficiency. However, there is a penalty cost for moving a case. The goal of the study was to measure perceptions of the minimum time that needs to be saved for it to be worthwhile to move a case from a late-running OR to another OR.Internet-based survey of the Association of Anesthesia Clinical Directors (AACD) and/or attendees at one of its courses. As subjects completed the computer-assisted survey, answers to test questions were checked immediately to ensure respondents understood the relevant concepts.Respondents were asked to complete the statement: "I would move the case if I would expect to save ____ hours of overutilized OR time."234 E-mail invitations to complete the survey were transmitted. Of that number, 87 completed surveys were returned. Respondents were physicians, mostly from the United States. The 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the penalty cost were 1.0 hour of overutilized OR time. The 95% confidence intervals were 0.5 to 1.0 hour for the 25th percentile, 1.0 to 1.0 hour for the 50th percentile, and 1.0 to 2.0 hours for the 75th percentile. There was no significant correlation between the penalty cost and the number of ORs at the respondent's facility, number of times the survey was submitted until it was completed correctly, or total number of errors in responses.Members of the AACD perceive the penalty cost for moving a case to be 1 hour.
View details for DOI 10.1016/S0952-8180(03)00018-7
View details for Web of Science ID 000183360400009
View details for PubMedID 12770657
The pharmacy cost of delivering postoperative analgesia to patients undergoing joint replacement surgery
2003; 4 (1): 22-28
Few data exist on the distribution of pharmaceutical costs for inpatient surgical procedures across different drug categories (eg, analgesia, anti-infectives). The goals of this study were to categorize pharmaceuticals administered to patients after joint replacement surgery and then to take the hospital's perspective and quantify the pharmacy cost of delivering postoperative analgesia to these patients. Two hundred ninety-eight patients undergoing unilateral hip replacement (n = 145), unilateral knee replacement (n = 121), or bilateral knee replacement (n = 32) were studied retrospectively. For each patient, we determined what hospital resources (eg, supplies) were utilized by each patient in each of 12 different hospital departments. This was done to determine what fraction of overall hospital costs was incurred as a result of pharmacy. Then, we classified the hundreds of items (from acetaminophen to warfarin) included as pharmacy costs into 1 of the following categories: postoperative epidural analgesia, opioids, nonopioids, respiratory, gastrointestinal, naloxone, anti-infective, anticoagulant/antiplatelets, miscellaneous, cardiovascular, pharmacist clinical intervention, intravenous fluids, and benzodiazepines. The pharmacy costs for epidural analgesia, opioids, and nonopioids were summed to compute the fraction of pharmacy costs attributed to postoperative analgesia. The results showed that 3.3% (95% confidence interval CI, 2.7% to 3.6%) of total hospitalization costs were pharmacy costs, which averaged 560 US dollars (95% CI, 500 US dollars to 620 US dollars) for hip replacement, 595 US dollars (95% CI, 551 to 639 US dollars) for knee replacement, and 922 US dollars (95% CI, 588 US dollars to 1256 US dollars) for bilateral knee replacement surgery. An average of 9.9% (95% CI, 7.37% to 12.43%) of total pharmacy costs for the 3 surgery types were for postoperative epidural analgesia, whereas opioids averaged 19.9% (95% CI, 18.67% to 21.13%), and nonopioids averaged 0.8% (95% CI 0.65% to 0.95%) of pharmacy costs. Thus, analgesics accounted for approximately 31% of pharmacy costs. The pharmacy cost of delivering postoperative analgesia to patients undergoing joint replacement surgery represents 1% of the total costs of surgery. Almost two thirds of the analgesic costs were for opioids.
View details for DOI 10.1054/jpai.2003.2
View details for Web of Science ID 000181068000002
View details for PubMedID 14622724
How to release allocated operating room time to increase efficiency: Predicting which surgical service will have the most underutilized operating room time
2003; 96 (2): 507-512
At many facilities, surgeons and patients choose the day of surgery, cases are not turned away, and staffing is adjusted to maximize operating room (OR) efficiency. If a surgical service has already filled its allocated OR time, but has an additional case to schedule, then OR efficiency is increased by scheduling the new case into the OR time of a different service with much underutilized OR time. The latter service is said to be "releasing" its allocated OR time. In this study, we analyzed 3 years of scheduling data from a medium-sized and a large surgical suite. Theoretically, the service that should have its OR time released is the service expected to have the most underutilized OR time on the day of surgery (i.e., any future cases that may be scheduled into that service's time also need to be factored in). However, we show that OR efficiency is only slightly less when the service whose time is released is the service that has the most allocated but unscheduled (i.e., unfilled) OR time at the moment the new case is scheduled. In contrast, compromising by releasing the OR time of a service other than the one with the most allocated but unscheduled OR time markedly reduces OR efficiency. OR managers can use these results when releasing allocated OR time.
View details for DOI 10.1213/01.ANE.0000042450.45778.AB
View details for Web of Science ID 000180601400036
View details for PubMedID 12538204
- A Sabbatical in Madrid travel memoir book 2003
Technology and computing in the surgical suite: Key features of an OR management information system and opportunities for the future
2002; 95 (4): 1120-1121
View details for DOI 10.1213/01.ANE.0000027968.49693.17
View details for Web of Science ID 000178261900069
View details for PubMedID 12351310
Development of an appropriate list of surgical procedures of a specified maximum anesthetic complexity to be performed at a new ambulatory surgery facility
2002; 95 (1): 78-82
A common but difficult task for a hospital when it decides to open a freestanding ambulatory surgery facility is how to decide which surgical procedures should be done at the new facility. This is necessary in order to determine how many operating rooms to plan for the new facility and which ancillary services are needed on-site. In this case study, we describe a novel methodology that we used to develop a comprehensive list of procedures to be done at a new ambulatory facility. The level of anesthetic complexity of a procedure was defined by its number of ASA Relative Value Guide basic units. Broad categories of procedures (e.g., eye surgery) were defined according to the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification. We identified 22 categories that are of a type that every procedure in the category has no more than seven basic units. In addition, by analyzing all procedures that the hospital being studied actually performed on an ambulatory basis, we identified six other categories of procedures that were of a type that all procedures eligible for surgery at the new facility had seven or fewer basic units.We describe a novel method to develop a comprehensive list of procedures that have a prespecified maximum level of anesthetic complexity to be performed at a new ambulatory surgery facility.
View details for Web of Science ID 000176634100014
View details for PubMedID 12088947
Economic evaluation of noncontact normothermic wound therapy for treatment of pressure ulcers.
Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research
2002; 2 (3): 211-217
New adjunctive treatments for pressure ulcers have become available to complement standard care. The economic benefits of new advanced wound care treatments like noncontact normothermic wound therapy are related to: the costs of adequately providing standard care treatment, the baseline probability of healing a pressure ulcer to closure with standard care, the relative improvement in healing rates with the advanced wound care treatment and the acquisition cost of the advanced treatment. Healing data from preliminary clinical trials suggest that pressure ulcer healing in long-term care patients is accelerated two-fold with noncontact normothermic wound therapy. At this healing rate, noncontact normothermic wound therapy for stage III and IV pressure ulcer is an economically attractive intervention. Additional well-controlled clinical trials are necessary.
View details for DOI 10.1586/14737167.2.3.211
View details for PubMedID 19807413
Changing allocations of operating room time from a system based on historical utilization to one where the aim is to schedule as many surgical cases as possible
2002; 94 (5): 1272-1279
Many facilities allocate operating room (OR) time based on historical utilization of OR time. This assumes that there is a fixed amount of regularly scheduled OR time, called "block time". This "Fixed Hours" system does not apply to many surgical suites in the US. Most facilities make OR time available for all its surgeons' patients, even if cases are expected to finish after the end of block time. In this setting, OR time should be allocated to maximize OR efficiency, not historical utilization. Then, cases are scheduled either on "Any Workday" (i.e., date chosen by patient and surgeon) or within a reasonable time (e.g., "Four Weeks"). In this study, we used anesthesia billing data from two facilities to study statistical challenges in converting from a Fixed Hours to an Any Workday or Four Weeks patient scheduling system. We report relationships among the number of staffed ORs (i.e., first case of the day starts), length of the regularly scheduled OR workday, OR efficiency, OR staffing cost, and changes in services' OR allocations. These relationships determine the expected changes in each service's OR allocation, when a facility using Fixed Hours considers converting to the Any Workday or Four Weeks systems.We investigated the complex relationships among the number of surgical services, number of staffed operating rooms (ORs), length of the regularly scheduled OR workday, efficiency of use of OR time, OR staffing cost, and changes in each services' allocated OR time.
View details for Web of Science ID 000175284500043
View details for PubMedID 11973204
Is noncontact normothermic wound therapy cost effective for the treatment of stages 3 and 4 pressure ulcers?
2002; 14 (3): 93-106
View details for Web of Science ID 000178801900002
What is quality improvement in the preoperative period?
International anesthesiology clinics
2002; 40 (2): 1-16
View details for PubMedID 11897932
What are the most important risk factors for a patient's developing intraoperative hypothermia?
2002; 94 (1): 215-220
Anesthesiologists attempt to maintain perioperative normothermia for surgical patients. We surveyed clinical anesthesiologists and physician researchers and asked them to prioritize risk factors for a patient to develop intraoperative hypothermia. The questionnaire included 41 factors associated with changes in patient temperature identified during a computerized literature search. We asked respondents to estimate the relative importance of each risk factor on a 10-point scale. The survey was mailed to two groups: 1) 180 anesthesiologists (n = 84 respondents) randomly selected from the 1999 American Society of Anesthesiologists Members Directory and to 2) 24 physician researchers (n = 12 respondents) in thermoregulation. Researchers rated the following to be the most important risk factors for hypothermia (in sequence): neonates, a low ambient operating room temperature, burn injuries, general anesthesia with neuraxial anesthesia, geriatric patients, low temperature of the patient before induction, a thin body type, and large blood loss. The results for the clinician group were similar, because the median differences between the groups' results were two or fewer units for all items. The risk factors identified to be most important can now be further evaluated in clinical trials to develop a multivariate predictive tool for calculating a patient's a priori risk for developing hypothermia.Surveys of clinicians and physician researchers identified what they consider to be the most important risk factors for perioperative hypothermia (e.g., neonates, a low ambient operating room temperature, burn patients, and general anesthesia with neuraxial anesthesia).
View details for Web of Science ID 000173082800042
View details for PubMedID 11772832
- Is non-contact thermal wound therapy cost-effective for the treatment of stage 3 and 4 pressure ulcers? Wounds (ISSN 1044-7946) 2002; 14 (3): 1-14
Economic considerations related to providing adequate pain relief for women in labour - Comparison of epidural and intravenous analgesia
2002; 20 (5): 305-318
Epidural analgesia and intravenous analgesia with opioids are two techniques for providing pain relief for women in labour. Labour pain is comparable to surgical pain in its severity, and epidural analgesia provides better relief from this pain than intravenous analgesia; a meta-analysis quantified this improvement to be 40 mm on a 100mm pain scale during the first stage of labour. Epidural analgesia also has fewer adverse effects. However, providing epidural analgesia for labour pain costs more. The full cost of providing epidural analgesia can be divided into two components: a baseline-cost component, which captures the costs of hospital care to parturients receiving intravenous analgesia for labour pain; and an incremental-cost component, which estimates the costs arising from incremental care specific to epidural analgesia. The baseline component may be constructed using hospital cost-accounting data pertaining to actual obstetric patients. The incremental component is constructed from a set of recognised complications of epidural and intravenous analgesia, associated incidence rates and estimates of the costs involved, from society's perspective. The incremental expected cost per patient to society of providing epidural analgesia was calculated to be approximately $US338 (1998 values). This cost difference results primarily from increased professional costs (and is particularly sensitive to the method used to estimate the cost of anaesthesia professional services) and increased complication costs associated with epidural analgesia. A rational social policy for providing labour analgesia must weigh the value of improved pain relief from epidural analgesia against the increased cost of epidural analgesia.
View details for Web of Science ID 000175870700002
View details for PubMedID 11994040
Ketorolac in the era of cyclo-oxygenase-2 selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: A systematic review of efficacy, side effects, and regulatory issues
2001; 2 (4): 336-351
The recent introduction of oral COX-2 selective NSAIDs with potential for perioperative use, and the ongoing development of intravenous formulations, stimulated a systemic review of efficacy, side effects, and regulatory issues related to ketorolac for management of postoperative analgesia.To examine the opioid dose sparing effect of ketorolac, we compiled published, randomized controlled trials of ketorolac versus placebo, with opioids given for breakthrough pain, published in English-language journals from 1986-2001. Odds ratios were computed to assess whether the use of ketorolac reduced the incidence of opioid side effects or improved the quality of analgesia.Depending on the type of surgery, ketorolac reduced opioid dose by a mean of 36% (range 0% to 73%). Seventy percent of patients in control groups experienced moderate-severe pain 1 hour postoperatively, while 36% of the control patients had moderate to severe pain 24 hours postoperatively. Analgesia was improved in patients receiving ketorolac in combination with opioids. However, we did not find a concomitant reduction in opioid side effects (e.g., nausea, vomiting). This may be due to studies having inadequate (to small) sample sizes to detect differences in the incidence of opioid related side effects. The risk for adverse events with ketorolac increases with high doses, with prolonged therapy (>5 days), or invulnerable patients (e.g. the elderly). The incidence of serious adverse events has declined since dosage guidelines were revised.Ketorolac should be administered at the lowest dose necessary. Analgesics that provide effective analgesia with minimal adverse effects are needed.
View details for Web of Science ID 000173125200011
View details for PubMedID 15102238
Hospital profitability per hour of operating room time can vary among surgeons
94th Annual Meeting of the Southern-Medical-Association
The operating margins (i.e., profits) of hospitals are decreasing. An important aspect of a hospital's finances is the profitability of individual surgical cases, which is measured by contribution margin. We sought to determine the extent to which contribution margin per hour of operating room (OR) time can vary among surgeons. We retrospectively analyzed 2848 elective cases performed by 94 surgeons at the Stanford University School of Medicine. For each case, we subtracted variable costs from the total payment to the hospital to compute contribution margin. We found moderate variability in contribution margin per hour of OR time among surgeons, relative to the variability in contribution margins per OR hour among each surgeon's cases (Cohen's f equaled 0.29, 95% lower confidence interval bound 0.27). Contribution margin per OR hour was negative for 26% of the cases. These results have implications for hospitals for which OR utilization is extensive, and for which elective cases are only scheduled if they can be completed during regularly scheduled hours. To increase or achieve profitability, managers need to increase the hours of lucrative cases, rather than encourage surgeons to do more and more cases. Whether the variability in contribution margin among surgeons should be used to more optimally (profitably) allocate OR time depends on the scheduling objectives of the surgical suite.
View details for Web of Science ID 000170672100028
View details for PubMedID 11524339
Variation in practice patterns of anesthesiologists in California for prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting
2001; 13 (5): 353-360
To assess the responses to a survey asking anesthesiologists to report their clinical practice patterns for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) prophylaxis. These practice patterns data may be useful for understanding how to optimize the decision to provide PONV prophylaxis.A written questionnaire with three detailed clinical scenarios with differing levels of a priori risk of PONV (a low-risk patient, a medium-risk patient, and a high-risk patient) was mailed to 454 anesthesiologists.Survey was completed by anesthesiologists (n = 240) in 3 university and 3 community practices in California.Type and number of pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions for PONV prophylaxis were recorded. To assess the variability in the responses (by the a priori risk of patient), we counted the number of different regimens that would be necessary to account for 80% of the responses.For the 240 respondents, we found that 1, 9, and 11 different pharmacological prophylaxis regimens were required to account for 80% of the variability in practice patterns for the low-, medium-, and high-risk patients, respectively. For the low-risk patient, 19% of practitioners would use pharmacological prophylaxis, and 37% would use nonpharmacological prophylaxis. For the medium-risk patient, 61% would use nonpharmacological prophylaxis and 67% of practitioners would use multidrug prophylaxis: 45% of patients would receive a 5HT(3) antagonist, 35% would receive metoclopramide, and 16% would receive droperidol. For the high-risk patient, 94% of practitioners would administer a 5HT(3) antagonist, whereas 84% would use multi-drug prophylaxis.We found a wide range of PONV prophylaxis management patterns. This variation in clinical practice may reflect uncertainty about the efficacy of available interventions, or differences in practitioners' clinical judgment and beliefs about how to treat PONV. Some therapies with proven benefit for PONV may be underused. Our results may be useful for designing studies aimed at determining the impact on PONV rates when physicians develop and implement guidelines for PONV prophylaxis.
View details for Web of Science ID 000170504200007
View details for PubMedID 11498316
Cost-effectiveness of a trial of labor after previous cesarean
2001; 97 (6): 932-941
To determine the cost-effective method of delivery, from society's perspective, in patients who have had a previous cesarean.We completed an incremental cost-effectiveness analysis of a trial of labor relative to cesarean using a computerized model for a hypothetical 30-year old parturient. The model incorporated data from peer-reviewed studies, actual hospital costs, and utilities to quantify health-related quality of life. A threshold of $50,000 per quality-adjusted life-years was used to define cost-effective.The model was most sensitive to the probability of successful vaginal delivery. If the probability of successful vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) was less than 0.65, elective repeat cesarean was both less costly and more effective than a trial of labor. Between 0.65 and 0.74, elective repeat cesarean was cost-effective (the cost-effectiveness ratio was less than $50,000 per quality-adjusted life-years), because, although it cost more than VBAC, it was offset by improved outcomes. Between 0.74 and 0.76, trial of labor was cost-effective. If the probability of successful vaginal delivery exceeded 0.76, trial of labor became less costly and more effective. Costs associated with a moderately morbid neonatal outcome, as well as the probabilities of infant morbidity occurring, heavily impacted our results.The cost-effectiveness of VBAC depends on the likelihood of successful trial of labor. Our modeling suggests that a trial of labor is cost-effective if the probability of successful vaginal delivery is greater than 0.74. Improved algorithms are needed to more precisely estimate the likelihood that a patient with a previous cesarean will have a successful vaginal delivery.
View details for Web of Science ID 000169206300013
View details for PubMedID 11384699
The surgical suite meets the new health economy
2001; 192 (6): 768-776
View details for Web of Science ID 000169043500014
View details for PubMedID 11400971
The impact on revenue of increasing patient volume at surgical suites with relatively high operating room utilization
2001; 92 (5): 1215-1221
We previously studied hospitals in the United States of America that are losing money despite limiting the hours that operating room (OR) staff are available to care for patients undergoing elective surgery. These hospitals routinely keep utilization relatively high to maximize revenue. We tested, using discrete-event computer simulation, whether increasing patient volume while being reimbursed less for each additional patient can reliably achieve an increase in revenue when initial adjusted OR utilization is 90%. We found that increasing the volume of referred patients by the amount expected to fill the surgical suite (100%/90%) would increase utilization by <1% for a hospital surgical suite (with longer duration cases) and 4% for an ambulatory surgery suite (with short cases). The increase in patient volume would result in longer patient waiting times for surgery and more patients leaving the surgical queue. With a 15% reduction in payment for the new patients, the increase in volume may not increase revenue and can even decrease the contribution margin for the hospital surgical suite. The implication is that for hospitals with a relatively high OR utilization, signing discounted contracts to increase patient volume by the amount expected to "fill" the OR can have the net effect of decreasing the contribution margin (i.e., profitability).Hospitals may try to attract new surgical volume by offering discounted rates. For hospitals with a relatively high operating room utilization (e.g., 90%), computer simulations predict that increasing patient volume by the amount expected to "fill" the operating room can have the net effect of decreasing contribution margin (i.e., profitability).
View details for Web of Science ID 000168335900024
View details for PubMedID 11323349
Optimal number of beds and occupancy to minimize staffing costs in an obstetrical unit?
2001; 48 (3): 295-301
We describe how the science of analyzing patient arrival and discharge data can be used to determine the optimal number of staffed OB beds to minimize labour costs.The number of staffed beds represents a balance between having as few staffed beds as possible to care properly for parturients vs having enough capacity to assure available staff for new admissions. The times of admission and discharge of patients from the OB unit can be used to calculate an average census. From this average census, and the properties of the Poisson distribution, the optimal number of staffed beds can be estimated. This calculation requires specification of the risk of having all in-house and on-call staff caring for patients, such that additional staff are unavailable should another parturient arrive. As an example, patient admission and discharge times were obtained for 777 successive patients cared for at an obstetrical unit. The numbers of patients present in the OB unit each two-hour period were calculated and analyzed statistically.There was variation in the average census among hours of the day and days of the week. Poisson distributions fit the data for each of four periods throughout the week. Simply benchmarking the current average occupancy and comparing it to a desired occupancy would have been inadequate as this neglected consideration of the risk of being unable to appropriately care for an additional patient.The optimal number of beds and occupancy of an OB unit to minimize staffing costs can be determined using straightforward statistical methods.
View details for Web of Science ID 000167487700015
View details for PubMedID 11305833
Can peri-operative quality be maintained in the drive for operating room efficiency? An American perspective.
Best Practice and Research Clinical Anaesthesiology
2001; 15 (4): 607-619
View details for DOI 10.1053/bean.2002.0194
- Cost control and quality improvement in anesthesia - a perspective from the United States Tratado de anestesia y reanimacion Aran Ediciones. 2001
Improving quality of anesthesia care: opportunities for the new decade
2001; 48 (1): 6-11
View details for Web of Science ID 000166585000001
View details for PubMedID 11212052
Regional anesthesia and pediatric cardiac surgery - In response
2000; 91 (6): 1562-1562
View details for Web of Science ID 000165452100055
Enterprise-wide patient scheduling information systems to coordinate surgical clinic and operating room scheduling can impair operating room efficiency
2000; 91 (3): 617-626
View details for Web of Science ID 000088973700023
View details for PubMedID 10960388
Is a trial of labor in a patient who has had a previous cesarean delivery cost-effective?
View details for Web of Science ID 000089136800986
Quantitative description of the workload associated with airway management procedures
Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Anesthesiologists
To measure the workload associated with specific airway management tasks.Written survey instrument.166 Stanford University and 75 University of California, San Diego, anesthesia providers.Subjects were asked to use a seven-point Likert-type scale to rate the level of perceived workload associated with different airway management tasks with respect to the physical effort, mental effort, and psychological stress they require to perform in the typical clinical setting. The 126 subjects completing questionnaires (overall 52% response rate) consisted of 43% faculty, 26% residents, 23% community practitioners, and 8% certified registered nurse-anesthetists (CRNAs). Faculty physicians generally scored lower workload measures than residents, whereas community practitioners had the highest workload scores. Overall, workload ratings were lowest for laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion and highest for awake fiberoptic intubation. Airway procedures performed on sleeping patients received lower workload ratings than comparable procedures performed on awake patients. Direct visualization procedures received lower workload ratings than fiberoptically guided procedures.These kinds of data may permit more objective consideration of the nonmonetary costs of technical anesthesia procedures. The potential clinical benefits of the use of more complex airway management techniques may be partially offset by the impact of increased workload on other clinical demands.
View details for Web of Science ID 000088827800004
View details for PubMedID 10960198
What is the relative frequency of uncommon ambulatory surgery procedures performed in the United States with an anesthesia provider?
2000; 90 (6): 1343-1347
Between 1994 and 1996, the National Center for Health Statistics used sophisticated sampling methods to measure the number and types of ambulatory surgery cases performed in the United States. We reanalyzed raw data obtained from this National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery to select cases with an anesthesia provider and here report characteristics of these 228,332 cases (e.g., patient age, anesthetic type). The goal of our study was to estimate what percentage of cases, of a specified surgical procedure or combination of procedures, may have been performed less than once per year per facility. Previous studies suggest the most important source of scheduling inaccuracy can be the absence of recently performed cases on which to base predictions of case duration. We found that 36% +/- 1% (SE) of all cases in the United States were a type of procedure or combination of procedures that occurred <6984 times per year (the number of surgery facilities performing ambulatory surgery in the United States). Approximately one third of all ambulatory cases were of a procedure or combination of procedures that may have been performed as infrequently as once per year per facility. This could impair the effectiveness of predicting the durations of ambulatory cases by using historical case-duration data. Implications: Approximately one third of all ambulatory cases were a procedure or combination of procedures possibly performed as infrequently as once per year per facility. This could impair the effectiveness of predicting the durations of ambulatory cases by using historical case-duration data.
View details for Web of Science ID 000087266400015
View details for PubMedID 10825318
A retrospective examination of regional plus general anesthesia in children undergoing open heart surgery
2000; 90 (5): 1020-1024
The use of regional anesthesia in combination with general anesthesia for children undergoing cardiac surgery is receiving increasing attention from clinicians. The addition of regional anesthesia may improve clinical outcomes and decrease costs as a result of the reduced need for postoperative mechanical ventilation. The goal of this retrospective chart review was to evaluate whether spinal anesthesia (SAB) or epidural anesthesia (EPID) in combination with general anesthesia was associated with circulatory stability, satisfactory postoperative sedation/analgesia, and a low incidence of adverse effects. The medical records of 50 consecutive children having open heart surgery with SAB or EPID and general anesthesia between September 1996 and December 1997 were reviewed. We found no significant differences in the incidence of clinically significant changes in vital signs, oxygen desaturation, hypercarbia, or vomiting. Patients in the SAB group received significantly more sedative/analgesic interventions than those in the EPID group.
View details for PubMedID 10781446
Effect of compensation and patient scheduling on OR labor costs.
AORN journal
2000; 71 (4): 860-?
To determine whether to accept a contract to provide additional surgical cases, OR managers must determine the incremental costs of caring for the new patients. The expected profitability of the contract can be computed by subtracting the incremental costs from the revenue. For surgical procedures, the incremental costs of OR labor significantly depend on how employees are paid (e.g., part-time versus full-time). If a surgical suite employs full-time staff members, incremental labor costs also are affected by how the day and time of patients' cases are selected (e.g., whether new cases are scheduled weeks in advance by the surgeon and the patient, or are performed on short notice based on the discretion of the surgical suite). This article explains how to estimate the incremental costs of staffing an OR for a case and discusses the use of internet-based online exchanges to match demand for OR time for additional cases to available unused OR capacity in variety of surgical suites.
View details for PubMedID 10806540
Is a trial of labor in a patient who has had a previous cesarean delivery cost-effective?
View details for Web of Science ID 000086274300035
Scheduling surgical cases into overflow block time - Computer simulation of the effects of scheduling strategies on operating room labor costs
Computers in Anesthesia Conference
"Overflow" block time is operating room (OR) time for a surgical group's cases that cannot be completed in the regular block time allocated to each surgeon in the surgical group. Having such overflow block time increases OR utilization. The optimal way to schedule patients into a surgical group's overflow block time is unknown. In this study, we developed a scheduling strategy that balances the OR manager's need to reduce staffing costs and the needs of patients and surgeons for flexibility in choosing the dates and times of cases. We used computer simulation to evaluate our scheduling strategy. Surgeons and patients (i) can schedule the case into any overflow block within 2 wk; (ii) can only schedule the case into a "first case of the day" start time more than 2 wk in the future if there is not enough open time for the case within 2 wk; (iii) must schedule the case to be done within 4 wk; and (iv) are encouraged to perform the case on the earliest possible date. Staffing costs were lowest when the OR manager did not incorporate surgeon and patient preferences when scheduling cases into overflow block time. The strategy we developed provides surgeons and patients with some flexibility in scheduling, while only increasing OR staffing costs slightly over the minimum achieved when the OR manager controls scheduling.The strategy we developed provides surgeons and patients with some flexibility in scheduling, while increasing OR staffing costs only slightly over the minimum achieved when the OR manager controls scheduling. Staffing costs were lowest when the operating room (OR) manager did not incorporate surgeon and patient preferences when scheduling cases into overflow block time.
View details for Web of Science ID 000086191800038
View details for PubMedID 10735811
Analgesia for labor pain: A cost model
Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Anesthesiologists
Epidural analgesia and intravenous analgesia with opioids are two techniques for the relief of labor pain. The goal of this study was to develop a cost-identification model to quantify the costs (from society's perspective) of epidural analgesia compared with intravenous analgesia for labor pain. Because there is no valid method to assign a dollar value to differing levels of analgesia, the cost of each technique can be compared with the analgesic benefit (patient pain scores) of each technique.The authors created a cost model for epidural and intravenous analgesia by reviewing the literature to determine the rates of associated clinical outcomes (benefit of each technique to produce analgesia) and complications (e.g., postdural puncture headache). The authors then analyzed data from their institution's cost-accounting system to determine the hospital cost for parturients admitted for delivery, estimated the cost of each complication, and performed a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the cost impact of changing key variables. A secondary analysis was performed assuming that the cost of nursing was fixed (did not change depending on the number of nursing interventions).If the cesarean section rate equals 20% for both intravenous and epidural analgesia, the additional expected cost per patient to society of epidural analgesia of labor pain ranges from $259 (assuming nursing costs in the labor and delivery suite do not vary with the number of nursing interventions) to $338 (assuming nursing costs do increase as the number of interventions increases) relative to the expected cost of intravenous analgesia for labor pain. This cost difference results from increased professional costs and complication costs associated with epidural analgesia.Epidural analgesia is more costly than intravenous analgesia. How the cost of the anesthesiologist and nursing care is calculated affects how much more costly epidural analgesia is relative to intravenous analgesia. Published studies have determined that epidural analgesia provides relief of labor pain superior to intravenous analgesia, quantified in one study as 40 mm better on a 100-mm scale during the first stage of labor and 29 mm better during the second stage of labor. Patients, physicians, and society need to weigh the value of improved pain relief from epidural analgesia versus the increased cost of epidural analgesia.
View details for Web of Science ID 000085628800026
View details for PubMedID 10719963
Statistical method using operating room information system data to determine anesthetist weekend call requirements.
AANA journal
2000; 68 (1): 21-26
We present a statistical method that uses data from surgical services information systems to determine the minimum number of anesthetists to be scheduled for weekend call in an operating room suite. The staffing coverage is predicted that provides for sufficient anesthetists to cover each hour of a 24-hour weekend period, while satisfying a specified risk for being understaffed. The statistical method incorporates shifts of varying start times and durations, as well as historical weekend operating room caseload data. By using this method to schedule weekend staff, an anesthesia group can assure as few anesthetists are on call as possible, and for as few hours as possible, while maintaining the level of risk of understaffing that the anesthesia group is willing to accept. An anesthesia group also can use the method to calculate its risk of being understaffed in the surgical suite based on its existing weekend staffing plan.
View details for PubMedID 10876448
- Calculating the cost of anesthesia care Current Anesthesiology Reports (ISSN: 1523-3855) 2000; 2 (5): 409-417
- Common problems in the postanesthetic care unit Contemporary Surgery (ISSN: 0045-8341) 2000; 56 (11): 691-700
Estimating the duration of a case when the surgeon has not recently scheduled the procedure at the surgical suite
1999; 89 (5): 1241-1245
For some scheduled cases, there may be no previous cases of the same procedure type by the same surgeon for use in estimating the duration of the new case. We evaluated which of 16 different methods of analysis of other surgeons' cases of the same procedure type resulted in the most accurate prediction of the duration of the case that the surgeon had not recently scheduled. We analyzed durations for 4,955 cases, from an operating room information system, for which a surgeon had only scheduled the procedure once, and for which other surgeons had scheduled that same procedure one or more times. Using these data, we determined the difference between the actual duration of the new case and the estimated duration of the new case as calculated by each of the methods (average absolute error of 1.1 h with average case duration of 3.1 h).When no recent historical time data are available for a surgeon doing a given procedure, the mean of the durations of cases of the same scheduled procedure performed by other surgeons is as accurate an estimate as more sophisticated analyses. More research is needed to improve the precision of estimates of case durations.
View details for Web of Science ID 000083498200030
View details for PubMedID 10553843
Forecasting surgical groups' total hours of elective cases for allocation of block time - Application of time series analysis to operating room management
1999; 91 (5): 1501-1508
Allocation of the correct amount of operating room (OR) "block time" can provide surgeons with access to sufficient OR time to complete their elective cases while optimally matching staffing with the elective case workload (to maximize labor productivity). To evaluate how to predict accurately total hours of elective cases performed by a surgical group using data from surgical services information systems, the authors addressed the following questions: (1) How many previous 4-week periods of data should be used to minimize error in forecasting a surgical group's total hours of elective cases? (2) Using the number of 4-week periods from question #1, can we detect trends or correlations between successive periods that could be used to improve forecasting accuracy? (3) How can results from questions #1 and #2 be used to calculate an upper prediction bound (upper limit) for the total hours of elective cases that will be completed in a future period? Prediction bounds can be used to budget staffing accurately.Time series analysis was performed on total hours of elective cases over 39 consecutive 4-week periods from 17 surgical groups.The average of 12 consecutive periods' total hours of elective cases had an appropriate error profile. The observations within each series of 12 consecutive 4-week periods followed a normal distribution, with each observation of total hours of elective cases not correlated with the subsequent observation.The average of the most recent 12 4-week periods can be used to predict surgical groups' future use of block time.
View details for Web of Science ID 000083335200040
View details for PubMedID 10551603
Relying solely on historical surgical times to estimate accurately future surgical times is unlikely to reduce the average length of time cases finish late
1999; 11 (7): 601-605
To determine whether using only previous cases' surgical times for predicting accurately surgical times of future cases is likely to reduce the average length of time cases finish late (after their scheduled finish times).Computer simulation.Data from an operating room (OR) information system for two surgical suites were analyzed. For each case performed in fiscal year 1996, we searched backward for 1 year and counted the number of previous cases that were the same type of procedure performed by the same surgeon. Then, for each suite, surgical times were fitted to a statistical model estimating the effect of the type of procedure and who the surgeon was on surgical time. The estimated "variance components" were used in Monte-Carlo computer simulations to evaluate whether a hypothetical increase in the number of previous cases available to estimate the next case's surgical time would improve scheduling accuracy. Predictions of how long newly scheduled cases should take were impaired because 36.5% +/- 0.4% (mean +/- SE) of cases at a tertiary surgical suite and 28.6% +/- 0.7% of cases at an ambulatory surgery center did not have any cases in the previous year with the same procedure type and surgeon. Computer simulation was used to generate additional hypothetical cases. Using this data, even having many previous cases on which to base predictions of future surgical times would only decrease the average length of time that cases finish late by a few minutes.An OR manager considering using only historical surgical times to estimate future surgical times should first investigate, using data from their own surgical suite, what percentage of cases do not have historical data. Even if there are sufficient historical data to estimate future surgical times accurately, relying solely on historical times is probably an ineffective strategy to have future cases finish on time.
View details for Web of Science ID 000084383600015
View details for PubMedID 10624647
Which algorithm for scheduling add-on elective cases maximizes operating room utilization? Use of bin packing algorithms and fuzzy constraints in operating room management
1999; 91 (5): 1491-1500
The algorithm to schedule add-on elective cases that maximizes operating room (OR) suite utilization is unknown. The goal of this study was to use computer simulation to evaluate 10 scheduling algorithms described in the management sciences literature to determine their relative performance at scheduling as many hours of add-on elective cases as possible into open OR time.From a surgical services information system for two separate surgical suites, the authors collected these data: (1) hours of open OR time available for add-on cases in each OR each day and (2) duration of each add-on case. These empirical data were used in computer simulations of case scheduling to compare algorithms appropriate for "variable-sized bin packing with bounded space." "Variable size" refers to differing amounts of open time in each "bin," or OR. The end point of the simulations was OR utilization (time an OR was used divided by the time the OR was available).Each day there were 0.24 +/- 0.11 and 0.28 +/- 0.23 simulated cases (mean +/- SD) scheduled to each OR in each of the two surgical suites. The algorithm that maximized OR utilization, Best Fit Descending with fuzzy constraints, achieved OR utilizations 4% larger than the algorithm with poorest performance.We identified the algorithm for scheduling add-on elective cases that maximizes OR utilization for surgical suites that usually have zero or one add-on elective case in each OR. The ease of implementation of the algorithm, either manually or in an OR information system, needs to be studied.
View details for Web of Science ID 000083335200039
View details for PubMedID 10551602
What can the postanesthesia care unit manager do to decrease costs in the postanesthesia care unit?
Journal of perianesthesia nursing
1999; 14 (5): 284-293
The economic structure of the PACU dictates whether a cost-reducing intervention (e.g., reducing the length of time patients stay in the PACU) is likely to decrease hospital costs. Cost-reducing interventions, such as changes in medical practice patterns (e.g., to reduce PACU length of stay), only impact variable costs. How PACU nurses are paid (e.g., salaried v hourly) affects which strategies to decrease PACU staffing costs will actually save money. For example, decreases in PACU labor costs resulting from increases in the number of patients that bypass the PACU vary depending on how the staff is compensated. The choice of anesthetic drugs and the elimination of low morbidity side effects of anesthesia, such as postoperative nausea, are likely to have little effect on the peak numbers of patients in a PACU and PACU staffing costs. Because the major determinant of labor productivity in the PACU is hour-to-hour and day-to-day variability in the timing of admissions from the operating room, a more even inflow of patients into the PACU could be attained by appropriate sequencing of cases in the operating room suite (e.g., have long cases scheduled at the beginning of the day). However, this mathematically proven solution may not be desirable. Surgeons, for example, may not want to lose control over the order of their cases. Guidelines for analysis of past daily peak numbers of patients are provided that will provide data to predict the minimum adequate number of nurses needed. Though many managers already do this manually on an ad hoc basis statistical methods summarized in this article may increase the accuracy.
View details for PubMedID 10827638
A strategy for deciding operating room assignments for second-shift anesthetists
1999; 89 (4): 920-924
We developed a relief strategy for assigning second-shift anesthetists to late-running operating rooms. The strategy relies on a statistical method which analyzes historical case durations available from surgical services information systems to estimate the expected (mean) remaining hours in cases after they have begun. We tested our relief strategy by comparing the number of hours that first-shift anesthetists would work overtime if second-shift anesthetists were assigned using our strategy versus if the anesthesia coordinator knew in advance the exact amount of time remaining in each case. Our relief strategy resulted in 3.4% to 4.9% more overtime hours for first-shift anesthetists than the theoretical minimum, as would have been obtained had perfect retrospective knowledge been available. Few additional staff hours would have been saved by supplementing our relief strategy with other methods to monitor case durations (e.g., real-time patient tracking systems or closed circuit cameras in operating rooms).A relief strategy that relies only on analyzing historical case durations from an operating room information system to predict the time remaining in cases performs well at minimizing anesthetist staffing costs.
View details for Web of Science ID 000082827700019
View details for PubMedID 10512265
Which clinical anesthesia outcomes are important to avoid? the perspective of patients
1999; 89 (3): 652-658
Healthcare quality can be improved by eliciting patient preferences and customizing care to meet the needs of the patient. The goal of this study was to quantify patients' preferences for postoperative anesthesia outcomes. One hundred one patients in the preoperative clinic completed a written survey. Patients were asked to rank (order) 10 possible postoperative outcomes from their most undesirable to their least undesirable outcome. Each outcome was described in simple language. Patients were also asked to distribute $100 among the 10 outcomes, proportionally more money being allocated to the more undesirable outcomes. The dollar allocations were used to determine the relative value of each outcome. Rankings and relative value scores correlated closely (r2 = 0.69). Patients rated from most undesirable to least undesirable (in order): vomiting, gagging on the tracheal tube, incisional pain, nausea, recall without pain, residual weakness, shivering, sore throat, and somnolence (F-test < 0.01).Although there is variability in how patients rated postoperative outcomes, avoiding nausea/vomiting, incisional pain, and gagging on the endotracheal tube was a high priority for most patients. Whether clinicians can improve the quality of anesthesia by designing anesthesia regimens that most closely meet each individual patient's preferences for clinical outcomes deserves further study.
View details for Web of Science ID 000082249700022
View details for PubMedID 10475299
Spinal vs. epidural anesthesia and analgesia in children undergoing open heart surgery
View details for Web of Science ID 000082480601285
An operating room scheduling strategy to maximize the use of operating room block time: Computer simulation of patient scheduling and survey of patients' preferences for surgical waiting time
1998 Annual Meeting of the Association-of-Anesthesia-Clinical-Directors
Determining the appropriate amount of block time to allocate to surgeons and selecting the days on which to schedule elective cases can maximize operating room (OR) use. We used computer simulation to model OR scheduling. Inputs in the computer model included different methods to determine when a patient will have surgery (on-line bin-packing algorithms), case durations, lengths of time patients wait for surgery (2 wk is the median longest length of time that the outpatients [n = 367] surveyed considered acceptable), hours of block time each day, and number of blocks each week. For block time to be allocated to maximize OR utilization, two parameters must be specified: the method used to decide on what day a patient will have surgery and the average length of time patients wait to have surgery. OR utilization depends greatly on, and increases as, the average length of time patients wait for surgery increases.Operating room utilization can be maximized by allocating block time for the elective cases based on expected total hours of elective cases, scheduling patients into the first available date provided open block time is available within 4 wk, and otherwise scheduling patients in "overflow" time outside of the block time.
View details for Web of Science ID 000081101100003
View details for PubMedID 10389771
Statistical method to evaluate management strategies to decrease variability in operating room utilization: Application of linear statistical modeling and Monte Carlo simulation to operating room management
1999; 91 (1): 262-274
Operating room (OR) managers seeking to maximize labor productivity in their OR suite may attempt to reduce day-today variability in hours of OR time for which there are staff but for which there are no cases ("underutilized time"). The authors developed a method to analyze data from surgical services information systems to evaluate which management interventions can most effectively decrease variability in underutilized time.The method uses seven summary statistics of daily workload in a surgical suite: daily allocated hours of OR time, estimated hours of elective cases, actual hours of elective cases, estimated hours of add-on cases, actual hours of add-on cases, hours of turnover time, and hours of underutilized time. Simultaneous linear statistical equations (a structural equation model) specify the relationship among these variables. Estimated coefficients are used in Monte Carlo simulations.The authors applied the analysis they developed to two OR suites: a tertiary care hospital's suite and an ambulatory surgery center. At both suites, the most effective strategy to decrease variability in underutilized OR time was to choose optimally the day on which to do each elective case so as to best fill the allocated hours. Eliminating all (1) errors in predicting how long elective or add-on cases would last, (2) variability in turnover or delays between cases, or (3) day-to-day variation in hours of add-on cases would have a small effect.This method can be used for decision support to determine how to decrease variability in underutilized OR time.
View details for Web of Science ID 000081188400034
View details for PubMedID 10422952
Which clinical anesthesia outcomes are both common and important to avoid? The perspective of a panel of expert anesthesiologists
1999; 88 (5): 1085-1091
Anesthesia groups may need to determine which clinical anesthesia outcomes to track as part of quality improvement efforts. The goal of this study was to poll a panel of expert anesthesiologists to determine which clinical anesthesia outcomes associated with routine outpatient surgery were judged to occur frequently and to be important to avoid. Outcomes scoring highly in both scales could then be prioritized for measurement and improvement in ambulatory clinical practice. A mailed survey instrument instructed panel members to rate 33 clinical anesthesia outcomes in two scales: how frequently they believe the outcomes occur and which outcomes they expect patients find important to avoid. A feedback process (Delphi process) was used to gain consensus rankings of the outcomes for each scale. Importance and frequency scores were then weighted equally to qualitatively rank order the outcomes. Of the 72 anesthesiologists, 56 (78%) completed the questionnaire. The five items with the highest combined score were (in order): incisional pain, nausea, vomiting, preoperative anxiety, and discomfort from IV insertion. To increase quality of care, reducing the incidence and severity of these outcomes should be prioritized.Expert anesthesiologists reached a consensus on which low-morbidity clinical outcomes are common and important to the patient. The outcomes identified may be reasonable choices to be monitored as part of ambulatory anesthesia clinical quality improvement efforts.
View details for Web of Science ID 000080063000023
View details for PubMedID 10320175
Optimal sequencing of urgent surgical cases
1999; 15 (3-4): 153-162
Optimal sequencing of urgent cases (i.e., selecting which urgent case should be performed first and which second) may enhance patient safety, increase patient satisfaction with timeliness of surgery, and minimize surgeons' complaints. Before determining the optimal sequence of urgent cases, an operating room (OR) suite must identify the primary scheduling objective to be satisfied when prioritizing pending urgent cases. These scheduling objectives may include: 1) perform the cases in the sequence that minimizes the average length of time each surgeon and patient waits; 2) perform the cases in the order that they were submitted; or 3) perform the cases based on medical priority, as prioritized by an OR director, or surgeons discussing the cases among themselves. We provide mathematical structure which can be used to program a computerized surgical services information system to assist in optimizing the sequence of urgent cases. We use an example to illustrate that the optimal sequence varies depending on the scheduling objective chosen.
View details for Web of Science ID 000081074400002
View details for PubMedID 12568166
Another use of a bronchoscopic swivel adapter
1999; 88 (5): 1187-1188
View details for Web of Science ID 000080063000043
View details for PubMedID 10320195
Computer simulation to determine how rapid anesthetic recovery protocols to decrease the time for emergence or increase the phase I postanesthesia care unit bypass rate affect staffing of an ambulatory surgery center
1999; 88 (5): 1053-1063
Ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) are implementing new anesthetic techniques and rapid recovery protocols in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) to achieve earlier discharge after general anesthesia. Using computer simulation, we addressed two questions. First, what is the decrease in an ASC's operating room (OR) staff if the time from which the surgery is finished to the time the patient leaves the OR is decreased? Second, what is the decrease in PACU nursing staffing if patients bypass phase I PACU (i.e., proceed from the OR directly to the phase II PACU)? The decrease in labor costs from rapid emergence or fast-tracking depends on how staff are compensated, how many ORs routinely run concurrently, and what percentage of patients undergo general anesthesia. The results show potential decreases in ASCs' labor costs ($7.39 per case) from technologies (e.g., new anesthetics or Bispectral Index [Aspect Medical Systems, Natick, MA] monitoring) to decrease emergence times or increase the phase I bypass rates.Decreases in operating room and postanesthesia care unit labor costs resulting from faster emergence and phase I postanesthesia care unit bypass vary depending on the amount of routine overtime, how the staff are compensated, and how many patients are routinely anesthetized each day.
View details for Web of Science ID 000080063000016
View details for PubMedID 10320168
Selecting double-lumen tubes for small patients
1999; 88 (2): 466-466
View details for Web of Science ID 000078404300050
View details for PubMedID 9972778
Decrease in case duration required to complete an additional case during regularly scheduled hours in an operating room suite: A computer simulation study
1999; 88 (1): 72-76
We used Monte-Carlo computer simulation to determine whether surgical or anesthetic interventions to achieve small decreases in case duration may create enough new open operating room (OR) time to permit an additional case to be scheduled for completion in an OR suite during regular working hours. We used rules for scheduling of cases assuming that OR personnel are compensated so that the OR suite can profit financially from decreasing case duration to complete an additional case during regularly scheduled hours. The decreases in each case's duration required to create enough new open OR time to reliably (> or =95%) schedule another case were 30-39 min, 79-110 min, and 105-206 min for OR suites with 1-15 ORs and mean case durations of 1, 2, or 3 h, respectively.Computer simulation shows decreasing case duration is unlikely to create sufficient operating room time to reliably permit an additional case to be scheduled for completion during working hours. Additional cases may best be added to the operating room suite schedule by optimizing case scheduling, not by decreasing the duration of all cases in the suite.
View details for Web of Science ID 000077901200013
View details for PubMedID 9895069
- Management of the operating room. A new practice opportunity for anesthesiologists Anesthesiology Clinics of North America 1999; 17 (2): 365-394
- How do hospitals account for costs in the operating room? Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia (CME) Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs. 1999: 193–204
- Delivering value to the customers of anesthesia service Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia (CME) Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs. 1999: 253–264
- The economics of delivering surgical care in the OR suite Progress in Anesthesiology (Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation) ISSN: 0891-5784 1999; 8 (17): 315-328
- Do clinical pathways improve efficiency? Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain (incorporated into Journal of Critical Care) 1999; 18 (4): 281-288
- Defining quality in medicine to determine how to improve the value of anesthesia care. Progress in Anesthesiology Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation. 1999: 375–388
- Macario A. Defining quality in medicine to determine how to improve the value of anesthesia care. Progress in Anesthesiology issn: 0891-5784 1999; VIII (21): 375-388
Obstetric postanesthesia care unit stays - Reevaluation of discharge criteria after regional anesthesia
Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Anesthesiologists
Obstetric patients may have long postanesthesia care unit (OB-PACU) stays after surgery because of residual regional block or other conditions. This study evaluated whether modified discharge criteria might allow for earlier discharge without compromising patient safety.Data were prospectively collected for 6 months for all patients (N=358) who underwent cesarean section or tubal ligation and recovered in the OB-PACU. Regional anesthesia was used in 94% of patients. The duration of anesthesia and PACU stays, the presence and treatment of events in the PACU, and the regression of neural blockade were recorded. Discharge from the OB-PACU required a 60-min minimum stay, stable vital signs, adequate analgesia, and ability to flex the knees. After completion of prospective data collection, events that kept patients in the PACU after 60 min were reevaluated as to whether patients needed to stay in the PACU for medical reasons. "Needed to stay" events included bleeding, cardiorespiratory problems, sedation, dizziness, and pain. "Safe to leave" conditions included pruritus, nausea, and residual neural blockade. The cumulative duration of OB-PACU stays not clearly justifiable for medical reasons was calculated.Residual block and spinal opioid side effects accounted for the majority of "unnecessary" stays. Annually, 429 h of PACU time could have been saved using the revised criteria. Complications did not develop subsequently in any patient deemed "safe to leave."In many obstetric patients, the duration of PACU stays could safely be shortened by continuing observation in a lower-acuity setting. This may result in greater flexibility and more efficient use of nursing personnel.
View details for Web of Science ID 000077376100035
View details for PubMedID 9856733
Computer simulation of changes in nursing productivity from early tracheal extubation of coronary artery bypass graft patients
1998; 10 (7): 593-598
To determine whether the results from a clinical trial, which showed that early extubation of elective coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients can reduce hospital costs by more rapid discharge of patients from the intensive care unit (ICU), are likely to apply to other hospitals.Discrete-event computer simulation.We (1) generated simulated CABG patients, (2) had them "flow" from one condition to the next according to specified rules, and (3) calculated the labor productivity of simulated nurses who would be caring for the patients. We defined nursing labor productivity as the number of patients undergoing elective CABG cared for each year per nursing full-time equivalent working 40 hours per week. Our simulations predict that the increase in nursing labor productivity achieved by early extubation of CABG patients is sensitive to the number of elective CABG cases performed each year at the hospital and the method of compensating nurses. Hospitals with an "hourly workforce" and many cases per year are predicted to achieve a greater increase in productivity from early extubation than are hospitals with a "salaried workforce" and less active volume. At hospitals with a salaried workforce, increasing the percentage of patients extubated early may have no effect on labor productivity.Although "fast-tracking" protocols may offer benefits other than increasing nursing labor productivity (i.e., saving money), the results of clinical trials that demonstrate cost savings from clinical pathways that include early tracheal extubation are likely to apply only to hospitals that have similar annual CABG volume and method of compensating nurses as those in the clinical trial. To estimate the likely economic impact from early extubation protocols, a hospital should complete a simulation study with parameter values appropriate to its institution.
View details for Web of Science ID 000076637900010
View details for PubMedID 9805701
Hospital profitability for a surgeon's common procedures predicts the surgeon's overall profitability for the hospital
1998; 10 (6): 457-463
To evaluate whether a hospital's profitability for a surgeon's common procedures predicts the surgeon's overall profitability for the hospital.Observational study.Community and university-affiliated tertiary hospital with 21,903 surgical procedures performed per year.7,520 patients having surgery performed by one of 46 surgeons.None.Financial data were obtained for all patients cared for by all the surgeons who performed at least ten cases of one of the hospital's six most common procedures. A surgeon's overall profitability for the hospital was measured using his or her contribution margin ratio (i.e., total revenue for all of the surgeon's patients divided by total variable cost for the patients). Contribution margin was calculated twice: once with all of a surgeon's patients, and second, limiting consideration to those patients who underwent one of the six common procedures. The common procedures accounted for 22 +/- 15% of the 46 surgeons' overall caseload, 29 +/- 10% of their patients' hospital costs, and 30 +/- 12% of the hospital revenue generated by the surgeons. Hospital contribution margin ratios ranged from 1.4 to 4.2. Contribution margin ratios for common procedures and contribution margin ratios for all patients were correlated (tau = 0.58, n = 46, p < 0.0001).Even though most surgical cases were for uncommon procedures, a surgeon's hospital profitability on common procedures predicted the surgeon's overall financial performance. Perioperative incentive programs based on common surgical procedures (clinical pathways) are likely to accurately reflect a surgeon's financial performance on their other surgeries.
View details for Web of Science ID 000076413500003
View details for PubMedID 9793808
Analgesia for labor pain: An economic model
View details for Web of Science ID 000075810901014
Postoperative epidural injection of saline can shorten postanesthesia care unit time for knee arthroscopy patients
Feminist Theory and Music 4 Conference
The goal of this prospective, double-blind study was to ascertain if the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) stay of outpatients receiving epidural anesthesia for knee arthroscopy is decreased by injection of epidural saline at the end of the case.Twenty healthy patients undergoing knee arthroscopy received lumbar epidural anesthesia with 2% lidocaine. At the end of surgery, in a double-blind design, group 1 patients (intervention group) received 20 mL 0.9% saline injected into the epidural catheter. Patients in group 2 (control group) had 1 mL 0.9% saline injected into the epidural catheter. In the PACU, the epidural catheter was removed, and motor block was assessed at 15-minute intervals according to the Bromage scale. Standard discharge criteria for our ambulatory surgery center were followed.Patients who received 20 mL epidural 0.9% saline remained in phase I (intensive nursing) 83 +/- 8 minutes compared with control patients who stayed 110 +/- 8 minutes (P < .01). Nonmedical issues related to the unavailability of the patients transportation or waiting for medications to be issued from the pharmacy delayed discharge from phase II (non-nursing) in 70% of group 1 patients and 60% of group 2 patients. Time to actual hospital dismissal for group I was 119 +/- 14 minutes, compared with 159 +/- 13 minutes (P < .05) for group 2.Patients receiving epidural anesthesia for knee arthroscopy had a shorter PACU stay if they received an injection of saline into the epidural space at the end of surgery.
View details for PubMedID 9613534
The effect of a perioperative clinical pathway for knee replacement surgery on hospital costs
1998; 86 (5): 978-984
Clinical pathways are being introduced by hospitals to reduce costs and control unnecessary variation in care. We studied 766 inpatients to measure the impact of a perioperative clinical pathway for patients undergoing knee replacement surgery on hospital costs. One hundred twenty patients underwent knee replacement surgery before the development of a perioperative clinical pathway, and 63 patients underwent knee replacement surgery after pathway implementation. As control groups, we contemporaneously studied 332 patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (no clinical pathway in place for these patients) and 251 patients undergoing hip replacement surgery without a clinical pathway (no clinical pathway and same surgeons as patients having knee replacement surgery). Total hospitalization costs (not charges), excluding professional fees, were computed for all patients. Mean (+/-SD) hospital costs for knee replacement surgery decreased from $21,709 +/- $5985 to $17,618 +/- $3152 after implementation of the clinical pathway. The percent decrease in hospitalization costs was 1.56-fold greater (95% confidence interval 1.02-2.28) in the knee replacement patients than in the radical prostatectomy patients and 2.02-fold greater (95% confidence interval 1.13-5.22) than in the hip replacement patients. If patient outcomes (e.g., patient satisfaction) remain constant with clinical pathways, clinical pathways may be a useful tool for incremental improvements in the cost of perioperative care. Implications: Doctors and nurses can proactively organize and record the elements of hospital care results in a clinical pathway, also known as "care pathways" or "critical pathways." We found that implementing a clinical pathway for patients undergoing knee replacement surgery reduced the hospitalization costs of this surgery.
View details for PubMedID 9585280
The impact of managed care on anesthesia residency training and clinical practice.
Current opinion in anaesthesiology
1998; 11 (2): 221-224
In this review, we attempt to summarize some of the complex issues surrounding managed care and discuss the resultant changes in anesthesiology practice and residency training in the USA. These changes have affected physician autonomy, job availability for graduates of residency training, and interest by medical students in the specialty. Anesthesiologists are focusing on increasing the value of the anesthesia service to patients, surgeons, hospitals, and managed care organizations, thereby securing the future growth of the specialty.
View details for PubMedID 17013225
Setting performance standards for an anesthesia department
1998; 10 (2): 166-175
The Stanford University Department of Anesthesia established performance standards by identifying aspects of their service that were related to an important "customer's" perception of quality. A "quality grid" targeted service attributes that surgeons scored high for importance and low for performance. Control charts and flow charts helped establish reasonable performance levels for "timely first case starts" and "turnaround time." Control charts indicated that a reasonable performance standard for timely first case starts was "less than 20% of first case delays will be related to anesthesia activities." For turnaround time, the standard was set at "less than 10% of all turnaround times will be greater than 15 minutes, because of anesthesia-related activities." After instituting performance standards, the performance for first case start times improved from a 36% defective rate to a 9% defective rate. Anesthesia-related delays in turnaround times stabilized at a 16% defective rate. Using appropriate service standards can improve performance.
View details for Web of Science ID 000072403200017
View details for PubMedID 9524906
- Evaluating operating room anesthesia staffing American Journal of Anesthesiology ISSN: 1078-4500 1998; 15 (3): 105-106
Bilateral vocal cord paralysis after radical cystectomy in a patient with a history of bulbar polio
1997; 85 (5): 1171-1172
View details for Web of Science ID A1997YD31300040
View details for PubMedID 9356120
Does early extubation (''fast-tracking'') of coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients truly decrease perioperative costs?: Appropriate analysis of direct variable costs
1997; 87 (1): 181-181
View details for Web of Science ID A1997XJ86200038
View details for PubMedID 9232158
Economics of anesthesia care - A call to arms!
1997; 86 (5): 1018-1019
View details for Web of Science ID A1997WX85900003
View details for PubMedID 9158348
Hospital costs and severity of illness in three types of elective surgery
1997; 86 (1): 92-100
If patients who are more severely ill have greater hospital costs for surgery, then health-care reimbursements need to be adjusted appropriately so that providers caring for more seriously ill patients are not penalized for incurring higher costs. The authors' goal for this study was to determine if severity of illness, as measured by either the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status (ASA PS) or the comorbidity index developed by Charlson, can predict anesthesia costs, operating room costs, total hospital costs, or length of stay for elective surgery.The authors randomly selected 224 inpatients (60% sampling fraction) having either colectomy (n = 30), total knee replacement (n = 100), or laparoscopic cholecystectomy (n = 94) from September 1993 to September 1994. For each surgical procedure, backward-elimination multiple regression was used to build models to predict (1) total hospital costs, (2) operating room costs, (3) anesthesia costs, and (4) length of stay. Explanatory candidate variables included patient age (years), sex, ASA PS, Charlson comorbidity index (which weighs the number and seriousness of coexisting diseases), and type of insurance (Medicare/Medicaid, managed care, or indemnity). These analyses were repeated for the pooled data of all 224 patients. Costs (not patient charges) were obtained from the hospital cost accounting software.Mean total hospital costs were $3,778 (95% confidence interval +/- 299) for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, $13,614 (95% CI +/- 3,019) for colectomy, and $18,788 (95% CI +/- 573) for knee replacement. The correlation (r) between ASA PS and Charlson comorbidity scores equaled 0.34 (P < .001). No consistent relation was found between hospital costs and either of the two severity-of-illness indices. The Charlson comorbidity index (but not the ASA PS) predicted hospital costs only for knee replacement (P = .003). The ASA PS, but not the Charlson index, predicted operating room and anesthesia costs only for colectomy (P < .03).Severity of illness, as categorized by ASA PS categories 1-3 or by the Charlson comorbidity index, was not a consistent predictor of hospital costs and lengths of stay for three types of elective surgery. Hospital resources for these lower-risk elective procedures may be expended primarily to manage the consequences of the surgical disease, rather than to manage the patient's coexisting diseases.
View details for Web of Science ID A1997WB86800013
View details for PubMedID 9009944
- Computers: a practical guide for anesthesiologists Advances in Anesthesia 1997; 14: 29-53
Applications of information systems to operating room scheduling
1996; 85 (6): 1232-1234
View details for Web of Science ID A1996VX62100003
View details for PubMedID 8968168
Fuzzy logic: Theory and medical applications
1996; 10 (6): 800-808
View details for Web of Science ID A1996VP29100019
View details for PubMedID 8910164
Severity of illness does not predict hospital costs for three types of elective surgery
View details for Web of Science ID A1996VM46600981
Improved outcome with chronic subcutaneous infusion of ondansetron for intractable nausea and vomiting
1996; 83 (1): 194-195
View details for Web of Science ID A1996UT70200042
View details for PubMedID 8659741
Tracheal diameter predicts double-lumen tube size: A method for selecting left double-lumen tubes
1996; 82 (4): 861-864
View details for PubMedID 8615510
1995; 83 (6): 1138-1144
Many health-care institutions are emphasizing cost reduction programs as a primary tool for managing profitability. The goal of this study was to elucidate the proportion of anesthesia costs relative to perioperative costs as determined by charges and actual costs.Costs and charges for 715 inpatients undergoing either discectomy (n = 234), prostatectomy (n = 152), appendectomy (n = 122) or laparoscopic cholecystectomy (n = 207) were retrospectively analyzed at Stanford University Medical Center from September 1993 to September 1994. Total hospital costs were separated into 11 hospital departments. Cost-to-charge ratios were calculated for each surgical procedure and hospital department. Hospitalization costs were also divided into variable and fixed costs (costs that do and do not change with patient volume). Costs were further partitioned into direct and indirect costs (costs that can and cannot be linked directly to a patient).Forty-nine (49%) percent of total hospital costs were variable costs. Fifty-seven (57%) percent were direct costs. The largest hospital cost category was the operating room (33%) followed by the patient ward (31%). Intraoperative anesthesia costs were 5.6% of the total hospital cost. The overall cost-to-charge ratio (0.42) was constant between operations. Cost-to-charge ratios varied threefold among hospital departments. Patient charges overestimated resource consumption in some hospital departments (anesthesia) and underestimated resource consumption in others (ward).Anesthesia comprises 5.6% of perioperative costs. The influence of anesthesia practice patterns on "downstream" events that influence costs of hospitalization requires further study.
View details for Web of Science ID A1995TJ32900002
View details for PubMedID 8533904
1995; 81 (6): 1319-1319
View details for Web of Science ID A1995TH07400056
Modified BronchoCath double-lumen tube
1995; 9 (6): 784-785
View details for Web of Science ID A1995TM82400028
View details for PubMedID 8664477
Defining value in health care: Outcomes
1995; 33 (4): 15-31
View details for Web of Science ID A1995TN56600002
View details for PubMedID 8964623
1995; 23 (5): 583-586
A prospective analysis of placement of left-sided plastic double-lumen tubes in 100 patients is presented. Intubation of the left bronchus was successfully accomplished using only auscultation and clinical signs ("blind" placement) in 91 patients. Double-lumen tubes were positioned in less than five minutes in 84 patients. The most common problem encountered (30%) was initial intubation of the right main bronchus. Seven of these patients required bronchoscopic assistance to guide the tube into the left bronchus. There were four minor intraoperative complications due to DLT malposition that were recognized and corrected by withdrawing the tube slightly back in the bronchus. The plastic double-lumen tubes functioned properly during the procedure in all 100 patients.
View details for PubMedID 8787258
1995; 9 (5): 534-537
To evaluate postthoractomy analgesia in patients receiving lumbar epidural hydromorphone versus intrapleural bupivacaine.A randomized, prospective, double-blind study.A university-affiliated medical center.Twenty patients undergoing lateral thoracotomy for either pulmonary wedge resection, lobectomy, or pneumonectomy.Nine patients received epidural hydromorphone, and 11 patients received intrapleural bupivacaine in the postoperative period.Severity of pain was assessed using a visual analog pain scale (VAPS) (0 to 100 mm) at 1, 3, and 5 hours. Patients receiving epidural hydromorphone had a statistically significant improvement in VAPS scores. Patients who received intrapleural bupivacaine did not achieve a significant reduction in pain scores. Nine of 11 patients in the intrapleural bupivacaine group had "failed" postoperative analgesia as defined by a VAPS greater than 30. Only 3 of 9 patients in the continuous epidural hydromorphone group had "failed" analgesia.Epidural hydromorphone is superior to intrapleural bupivacaine in achieving satisfactory pain outcomes during the first 5 hours after thoracotomy.
View details for PubMedID 8547554
1995; 7 (6): 507-511
To examine the demographics of inpatient anesthesia care for infants and children in a specific region to determine if there were sufficient numbers of procedures to permit credentialing to take place, as a first step in understanding the consequences of implementing credentialing policies based on caseload.Retrospective computerized review of discharge abstracts.All hospitals in northern California.Surgical procedures and date of surgery were linked to create "procedure-days." Each procedure-day counted as one anesthesia case. Annual hospital caseloads (procedure-days) were tabulated for three separate age subgroups under six years of age. The proximity of hospitals with smaller surgical volumes to those with larger volumes was determined. Of the 205 hospitals in the region, 162 had at least one procedure-day for children less than 6 years of age for a total of 14,435 procedure-days (anesthesia cases). For each of three age groups studied--0 to 6 months, 7 to 24 months, and 25 to 72 months--85%, 90%, and 81%, respectively, of hospitals had caseloads of 1 to 50 per year. When procedure days from all three age groups were totalled, 59% of hospitals had less than 20 cases per year and 72% of hospitals had less than 50 cases per year; 86% of hospitals had less than 100 cases per year. Of hospitals with less than 100 cases per year, 75% were within 50 miles of a hospital with more than 100 cases.Performance based credentialing for pediatric anesthesia based on caseload may be problematic for many hospitals due to the distribution of cases: a majority of hospitals care for a few children, and most children are cared for in a few hospitals.
View details for Web of Science ID A1995RU81700013
View details for PubMedID 8534469
View details for Web of Science ID A1995RX68501270
1995; 83 (2): 250-257
Since the introduction of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) into the United States in 1991, the device has become widely used in anesthesia practice. The purpose of this economic analysis was to use existing data to evaluate the costs of the LMA relative to three other common airway management techniques and to identify the variables that had the greatest effect on cost efficiency.We evaluated four airway management techniques for healthy adults receiving an isoflurane-nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthetic for elective outpatient surgery: (1) LMA with spontaneous ventilation; (2) face mask with spontaneous ventilation; (3) tracheal intubation after succinylcholine with subsequent spontaneous ventilation; and (4) tracheal intubation after nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade and controlled ventilation. We analyzed published clinical studies of the LMA and obtained cost data from Stanford University Medical Center. The best available estimates of the independent variables were incorporated into a baseline case. For each airway technique we derived cost equations that excluded costs common to all four techniques.Relative to airway management with an LMA, calculated values for the baseline analysis included additional isoflurane costs for use of a face mask ($ 0.12/min) and for tracheal intubation with ($ 0.043/min) and without neuromuscular blockade ($ 0.06/min). With a neuromuscular blocking drug cost of $ 0.21/min and an LMA cost per use of $ 20, the face mask with spontaneous ventilation was the cost-efficient airway choice for anesthetics lasting as long as 100 min. Increasing the LMA reuse rate from 10 to 25 made the LMA the least costly airway technique for cases lasting more than 70 min.If the LMA is reused 40 times, the LMA is the cost-efficient airway choice for outpatients receiving an isoflurane-nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthetic lasting longer than 40 min. This finding does not change if the cost of neuromuscular blockade or the incidence of airway-related complications is varied over a clinically relevant range.
View details for Web of Science ID A1995RM71100004
View details for PubMedID 7631945
1995; 80 (4): 709-712
Spinal anesthesia recently has gained popularity for elective cesarean section. Our anesthesia service changed from epidural to spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean section in 1991. To evaluate the significance of this change in terms of time management, costs, charges, and complication rates, we retrospectively reviewed the charts of patients who had received epidural (n = 47) or spinal (n = 47) anesthesia for nonemergent cesarean section. Patients who received epidural anesthesia had significantly longer total operating room (OR) times than those who received spinal anesthesia (101 +/- 20 vs 83 +/- 16 min, [mean +/- SD] P < 0.001); this was caused by longer times spent in the OR until surgical incision (46 +/- 11 vs 29 +/- 6 min, P < 0.001). Length of time spent in the postanesthesia recovery unit was similar in both groups. Supplemental intraoperative intravenous (i.v.) analgesics and anxiolytics were required more often in the epidural group (38%) than in the spinal group (17%) (P < 0.05). Complications were noted in six patients with epidural anesthesia and none with spinal anesthesia (P < 0.05). Average per-patient charges were more for the epidural group than for the spinal group. Although direct cost differences between the groups were negligible, there were more substantial indirect costs differences. We conclude that spinal block may provide better and more cost effective anesthesia for uncomplicated, elective cesarean sections.
View details for Web of Science ID A1995QP46200010
View details for PubMedID 7893022
1995; 7 (2): 175-175
View details for Web of Science ID A1995QP80500019
View details for PubMedID 7598931
- Comparison of estimated variable costs is a surrogate for actual cost experience (correspondence reply) Anesthesiology 1995: 6
1994; 41 (10): 1017-1018
View details for Web of Science ID A1994PL75500024
View details for PubMedID 8001204
1994; 79 (2): 393-393
View details for Web of Science ID A1994NZ33700043
View details for PubMedID 7639391
1994; 80 (6): 1405-1405
View details for Web of Science ID A1994NR92600037
View details for PubMedID 8010491
1992; 175 (6): 539-547
To test the hypothesis that physicians have substantially reduced the ordering of unwarranted preoperative tests, the authors reviewed 2,093 medical records of patients having four surgical procedures performed at three institutions in three cities in 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985 or 1987. Excluding hemoglobin measurements, the incidence of ordering preoperative laboratory tests unwarranted by findings on history or physical examination decreased from 32.2 to 25.9 percent during this decade, representing a 19.6 percent reduction. This decrease was irregular and varied from operation to operation, test to test and institution to institution. Overall, the percentage of preoperative tests ordered that were unwarranted decreased from 66.9 percent in 1979 to 60.1 percent in 1987. Extrapolating these results, the authors estimate that more than $320 million was saved annually by elimination of unwarranted tests and that the potential savings could exceed $1.35 billion a year. Unexpectedly, the preoperative ordering of medically indicated tests also decreased (from 92.9 to 80.9 percent, representing a 12.9 percent reduction). Because the benefit of performing justified tests is probably greater than the benefit of avoiding unwarranted tests, the net change has probably not been beneficial. A better system for obtaining justified tests and for eliminating the unwarranted tests may be necessary before a net benefit occurs. Punitive measures to reduce testing without prior establishment of such a system may save money, but impair health.
View details for Web of Science ID A1992KA77100009
View details for PubMedID 1448735