Amanda Whitmire
Head of Science & Engineering Resource Group; Head Librarian & Bibliographer, Hopkins Marine Library
I grew up on the shores of Huntington Beach, CA, and my interest in marine biology goes back as far as I can remember. After spending most of my adult life studying and working in the marine sciences, I jumped ship and became a data specialist with the libraries at Oregon State University in 2012, and have been with Stanford Libraries at Hopkins Marine Station since December 2015. I have a strong interest in exploring how library collections can be leveraged to surface historical environmental and biodiversity data and embrace a "collections as data" approach at Miller Library.
Current Role at Stanford
My main goals are to:
1. support excellence in research by any means necessary, with physical and virtual library spaces and collections;
2. facilitate effective stewardship and curation of information and data generated by the research community at Hopkins Marine Station;
3. extend the preservation efforts of HMS archival collections to create actionable research products, thus broadening their utility and impact; and,
4. share the remarkable work of Hopkins researchers with our local community through meaningful engagement with diverse audiences.
As the Head of the Science and Engineering Resource Group, I have oversight of the science and engineering branch libraries at Stanford University, including the Branner Earth Sciences Library, Terman Engineering Library, Robin Li & Melissa Ma Science Library, Harold A. Miller Library, and the David Rumsey Map Center. As Head of the Harold A. Miller Library, my primary responsibilities include: overall management of the library; collection development (books, journals, data and electronic resources) in marine sciences; plan and direct curation of our unique legacy collections, including historical archives and data; assist Hopkins residents in finding the information they need, procure documents not available locally or online, and provide instruction on use of physical and virtual library resources and spaces; lead the operation of our makerspace; provide research services, including consultations on scholarly communication and data management, sharing and curation.
Find me on Bluesky @thalassalib.bsky.social
Education & Certifications
Ph.D., Oregon State University, Oceanography (2008)
B.S., honors, University of California, Santa Barbara, Aquatic Biology (2000)
Hopkins Marine Station CalCOFI hydrobiological survey of Monterey Bay, CA: 1951 - 1974, Stanford University
In 1951, the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University became a partner in the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) program in order to collect oceanographic data in and near Monterey Bay. The aim of the program was to conduct joint fisheries-oceanographic cruises that would help researchers understand what contributed to observed fluctuations in the California sardine fishery. Hopkins conducted weekly sampling (more or less) continuously from March 1951 through June 1974. The raw and aggregated data for most of these cruises currently reside in analog form (handwritten data logs, annual reports, etc.) in the library at the Hopkins Marine Station. The dataset includes variables such as temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, silicate, phytoplankton and zooplankton community structure and abundance, meteorological conditions, fish and marine mammal counts, and more. The collection includes forty-four 3-ring or loose-bound notebooks, twenty-two small, bound notebooks, minutes from annual meetings, annual data reports, and other ephemera. The Hopkins CalCOFI collection is large, completely analog, and very heterogeneous. We are in the early phases of planning a curation strategy, but our general objectives for the dataset are to digitize it, add metadata, convert sampling data to actionable formats, and make it all public.
120 Ocean View Blvd., Pacific Grove, CA 93950 USA
For More Information:
Stanford Oceanographic Expeditions: digital curation, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University
120 Ocean View Blvd., Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Service, Volunteer and Community Work
Trustee, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Board of Education (December 2018 - Present)
Monterey, CA
Personal Interests
gardening, knitting, crochet, weaving, sewing, cooking
Professional Affiliations and Activities
Steering Group Member, Environmental Data Science (EDS) RCN, NCEAS (2021 - Present)
Representative, Cyamus Regional Group, Intl. Assoc. of Aquatic & Marine Science Libraries & Information Centers (2021 - Present)
Member, IAMSLIC Aquatic Commons Board (2016 - Present)
Member, IAMSLIC - International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (2016 - Present)
Member, DataONE Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Working Group (2016 - 2020)
Secretary, Cyamus Regional Group, Intl Assoc. of Aquatic & Marine Science Libraries & Information Centers (2016 - 2018)
All Publications
Water, Water, Everywhere: Defining and Assessing Data Sharing in Academia
2016; 11 (2)
Sharing of research data has begun to gain traction in many areas of the sciences in the past few years because of changing expectations from the scientific community, funding agencies, and academic journals. National Science Foundation (NSF) requirements for a data management plan (DMP) went into effect in 2011, with the intent of facilitating the dissemination and sharing of research results. Many projects that were funded during 2011 and 2012 should now have implemented the elements of the data management plans required for their grant proposals. In this paper we define 'data sharing' and present a protocol for assessing whether data have been shared and how effective the sharing was. We then evaluate the data sharing practices of researchers funded by the NSF at Oregon State University in two ways: by attempting to discover project-level research data using the associated DMP as a starting point, and by examining data sharing associated with journal articles that acknowledge NSF support. Sharing at both the project level and the journal article level was not carried out in the majority of cases, and when sharing was accomplished, the shared data were often of questionable usability due to access, documentation, and formatting issues. We close the article by offering recommendations for how data producers, journal publishers, data repositories, and funding agencies can facilitate the process of sharing data in a meaningful way.
View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0147942
View details for Web of Science ID 000371218400011
View details for PubMedID 26886581
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4757565
Implementing a Graduate-Level Research Data Management Course: Approach, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication
2015; 3 (2)
View details for DOI 10.7710/2162-3309.1246
Building professional development opportunities in data services for academic librarians
IFLA Journal
2016; 43 (1): 65-80
View details for DOI 10.1177/0340035216678237
Using data management plans to explore variability in research data management practices across domains
International Journal of Digital Curation
2016; 11 (1): 53-67
View details for DOI 10.2218/ijdc.v11i1.423
Phenology of particle size distributions and primary productivity in the North Pacific subtropical gyre (Station ALOHA)
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
2015; 120 (11): 7381-7399
View details for DOI 10.1002/2015JC010897
Variability in academic research data management practices: implications for data services development from a faculty survey
Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems
2015; 49 (4)
View details for DOI 10.1108/PROG-02-2015-0017
Data and code from: Variability in academic research data management practices: implications for data services development from a faculty survey
View details for DOI 10.7267/N9J1012R