School of Engineering
Showing 1-10 of 22 Results
Jonathan Fan
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsOptical engineering plays a major role in imaging, communications, energy harvesting, and quantum technologies. We are exploring the next frontier of optical engineering on three fronts. The first is new materials development in the growth of crystalline plasmonic materials and assembly of nanomaterials. The second is novel methods for nanofabrication. The third is new inverse design concepts based on optimization and machine learning.
Shanhui Fan
Joseph and Hon Mai Goodman Professor of the School of Engineering and Professor, by courtesy, of Applied Physics
BioFan's research interests are in fundamental studies of nanophotonic structures, especially photonic crystals and meta-materials, and applications of these structures in energy and information technology applications
Shaghayegh Fazliani
Ph.D. Student in Mathematics, admitted Autumn 2021
Grader EE 236B, Electrical Engineering - Student ServicesBioShaghayegh, my first name, means red poppy in Persian. Here in the US, I go with 'Shay' as a nickname since Shaghayegh might be hard to pronounce! I graduated with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Sharif University of Technology, focusing on pure mathematics. As of September 2021, I'll be a mathematics graduate student at Stanford University.