School of Humanities and Sciences
Showing 1-30 of 30 Results
Zach Haines
Ph.D. Student in Music, admitted Autumn 2022
Research Assistant to Professor Kathryn Starkey, GermanBioZachary Haines is a PhD student in Musicology at Stanford University. He is both an active scholar and performer as a baritone, with research interests in the vocal repertoires of the late Renaissance and early Baroque.
Aidan Houston
Juris Doctor Student, Law
Tanner Library Student Assistant, PhilosophyBioAidan is currently a student at Stanford Law School. Before starting law school, he was a student at Harvard University completing joint master's degrees at the Kennedy School of Government and the Divinity School. Aidan's work and research focuses on economic justice and policy in the United States and beyond. He also maintains a strong interest in moral philosophy, jurisprudence, and social theory that informs his life and academic work.