School of Humanities and Sciences
Showing 1-44 of 44 Results
Grace Huckins
COLLEGE Lecturer
Ph.D. Student in Neurosciences, admitted Autumn 2018
Ph.D. Minor, PhilosophyBioGrace Huckins is a lecturer with the Civic, Liberal, and Global Education program. They earned their PhD in neuroscience from Stanford, where they also completed a PhD minor in philosophy. Their research centers on explanation in neuroscience: they explore approaches for developing brain-based explanation of human experiences and behaviors, and they simultaneously investigate whether or not those explanations are likely to be of value to the general public. Alongside their research and teaching, they also write about neuroscience, health, and artificial intelligence for publications like WIRED, Slate, and MIT Technology Review.
Matthew Steven Sosa
Master of Arts Student in Philosophy, admitted Autumn 2022
BioPhilosophy interests: philosophy of language, philosophy of action, metaphysics, philosophical logic, representation
Music interests: jazz improvisation, music theory