School of Humanities and Sciences
Showing 1-20 of 22 Results
Sinead Brennan-McMahon
Ph.D. Student in Classics, admitted Autumn 2019
BioSinead is an ABD PhD candidate in the Department of Classics and is expecting to complete her dissertation in 2024. Her research investigates ancient Roman sexual culture and where it shows up in the landscape. It focuses on displays of sexuality that do not match up to any social or political identities, including statues of Priapus, emperors portrayed as sexual aggressors and agricultural language adopted as sexual slang.
Sinead comes from Auckland, New Zealand, where she received her M.A. with First Class Honours. Her M.A. thesis examined the reception of Martial’s sexually obscene homosexual epigrams in school texts and commentaries. Using a comprehensive statistical analysis, she argued that Victorian editors of Martial’s Epigrams expurgated the text to remove references to material they found offensive and to curate a culturally appropriate view of the ancient world for their schoolboy readers.
Sinead is also interested in the Digital Humanities, Data Science and programming. As a CESTA DH Graduate Fellow, she is developing an ngram viewer tool for the Latin literary canon. -
James Flynn
Ph.D. Student in Classics, admitted Autumn 2023
Master of Arts Student in Religious Studies, admitted Autumn 2024Current Research and Scholarly InterestsJamie Flynn is a PhD student in Ancient History. He focuses on the cultural, religious, and economic history of the eastern Mediterranean during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, ancient India and its connection with Mediterranean societies, and the historical impact of climate change on the ancient world. As an undergrad, he researched the economic history of warfare in the Greek and Roman worlds. His undergraduate thesis compared contemporary trends among Hellenistic philosophers and Indian ascetics of withdrawing from society. During his M.A. degree, he worked on the Yale Nile Initiative, an interdisciplinary group of historians and scientists studying climate change in antiquity, where he covered South Asia. He also worked on digitally documenting Greek epigraphy from Dura Europos and has an ongoing interest in the digital humanities. He studies the Indian languages Sanskrit and Pali in addition to Latin and Greek.
Mengyao Liu
Ph.D. Student in Classics, admitted Autumn 2022
Friday Talk student liaison, Classics
Grad student worker, Classics
Research Assistant, History DepartmentBioI am broadly interested in the production of knowledge in ancient worlds, with a particular interest in the Greco-Roman and Chinese traditions. My curiosity is a comparative and genealogical one at root: by comparing different societies, I seek to grasp the historicity of intellectual practices and the ideas thus produced. Currently, my research interest focuses on astronomy and astrology in Ancient Greece and China.
While completing my B.A. in Classics at Sorbonne University, I investigated how the urban metamorphoses of Rome materialized the transformation of the political regime. My master's thesis at EHESS, "Statues pour les corps, livres pour les mots" : La vie (βἰος) et la rhétorique (λόγος) dans les Discours Sacrés, offers insight into the psychosomatic relations conceived by the Greeks. The inquiry breaks into two interdependent questions: the therapeutic usage of rhetorical practices and the unconventional representation of Asclepius in the Sacred Tales of Aristides.
Having one year of training in software engineering from Tsinghua University, I am also passionate about the potentials of digital humanities.