School of Medicine

Showing 1-10 of 11 Results

  • Pardis Miri

    Pardis Miri

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Genetics

    BioPardis Miri, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University where she is focused on building technology to facilitate mental well being. With a PhD in computer science and years of training in area of affective science (under the supervision of Professor James J. Gross), Pardis has assembled a unique team (see to not only run clinical studies to evaluate their efficacy in changing emotion, mood, and stress but also build product-ready technology.

    Pardis is the principal investigator of a large multi-disciplinary project (FAR) to design, build, and evaluate a wearable system tailored to the needs of children with emotion dysregulation, especially children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. FAR aims to empower them to manage their problem behaviors in a more adaptive way. The FAR project involves collaborations between the departments of Computer Science, Psychology, Mechanical Engineering, and the School of Medicine at Stanford University.

    Pardis is being advised by Professors Micheal Snyder, Professor Keith Marzullo at the University of Maryland iSchool, whose research is on distributed systems, and by Professor James Gross, whose research underlies much of what we now know about emotion regulation. She is also working with Professor Antonio Hardan of the Stanford School of Medicine, whose research is on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  • Dhriti Nagar

    Dhriti Nagar

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Neonatal and Developmental Medicine

    BioPremature birth is a leading cause of developmental and neuropsychiatric disorders in children. One of the factors causing these defects is lowered levels of available oxygen (hypoxia) in the newborn due to immature lungs. My research focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying hypoxia-induced developmental disorders of the nervous system due to preterm birth.

  • Michitaka Nakano

    Michitaka Nakano

    Basic Life Research Scientist, Medicine - Med/Hematology

    BioI am a MD/PhD postdoctoral fellow and medical oncologist with a long-standing interest in translational cancer research. My long-term goal is to be a lab-based physician-scientist and independent academic researcher, translating basic cancer research, and mentoring next-generation scientists. My thesis work in Japan focused on cancer stem cell equilibrium by uniquely applying organoid culture as a method to elucidate cancer stem cell dynamics, which was awarded in Japanese Cancer Association. Along with the development of the field represented by success in T cell checkpoint, my interest gradually shifted to immune oncology while I examined numerous numbers of cancer patients as a medical oncology fellow. My postdoctoral fellowship at Calvin Kuo Lab in Stanford (2019-present) focuses on tumor immune microenvironment. Kuo lab developed a unique 3D air-liquid interface (ALI) organoid system that cultures tumors while preserving their endogenous infiltrating immune cells (T,B ,NK, Myeloid cells). My postdoctoral work will prove the significance of organoids as a translational tool to discover tumor-immune interaction by novel checkpoint inhibitors for immune cells, which can be broadly applicable to basic cancer biology, precision medicine, therapeutics validation and biomarker discovery.

  • Kouta Niizuma

    Kouta Niizuma

    Basic Life Research Scientist, Stem Cell Bio Regenerative Med Institute

    BioI am a Research Scientist in Prof. Hiromitsu Nakauchi's laboratory at Stanford University. I obtained my PhD in Immunology from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. During my doctoral studies in Prof. Akira Shibuya's laboratory, I focused on the characterization of cell surface receptors expressed on immune cells. I successfully cloned a novel human immunoglobulin-like receptor, CD300H, and established a specific monoclonal antibody. My research demonstrated that CD300H is expressed on a subset of human monocytes and dendritic cells and plays a crucial role in enhancing inflammation by promoting the production of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines.

    During my PhD, I also studied as a visiting scholar in Prof. Lewis L. Lanier's laboratory at UCSF, where I investigated the role of the activating receptor NKG2D on NK cells in viral immunity.

    Since May 2018, I have been a member of the Nakauchi lab. My current research focuses on the development of new immunotherapies using myeloid cells derived from iPS cells, the generation of monoclonal antibodies, and hematopoietic stem cell biology.

  • Sean Paul Spencer, MD,PhD

    Sean Paul Spencer, MD,PhD

    Instructor, Medicine - Gastroenterology & Hepatology

    BioSean Spencer, MD,PhD is a Gastroenterologist and Physician Scientist at Stanford University working with Justin Sonennburg,PhD to uncover the role of dietary intake on the gut microbiome and mucosal immune system. Sean obtained his medical degree University of Pennsylvania, earning his PhD studying nutritional immunology with Yasmine Belkaid,PhD at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), after which he moved to Boston for residency training at Massachusetts General Hospital and completed his Gastroenterology training at Stanford University. Sean’s career goal is to study mechanisms by which dietary intake influences our microbiome and immune system to better understand and treat gastrointestinal disease.