School of Medicine

Showing 41-60 of 60 Results

  • Tyler Johnson

    Tyler Johnson

    Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Oncology

    BioDr. Tyler Johnson--a clinical associate professor of medicine and oncology at Stanford University Medical School--is a physician, author, educator, and humanitarian. A medical oncologist, Dr. Johnson sees patients with all types of gastrointestinal malignancies and particularly focuses on patients with neuroendocrine tumors, colon cancer, and pancreas cancer.

    Dr. Johnson served for many years as a leader of the Stanford Hospital in-patient oncology services and helped launch the hospital's first direct care inpatient service, med 12. He is also responsible for helping respond to the surge of patients that came with the pandemic and its aftermath.

    Dr. Johnson views the practice of medicine largely as an educational endeavor. He directs the Stanford University Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program and spends significant time teaching trainees at levels. To that end, for many years he has taught medical students, residents, and fellows—including hosting them as temporary and longer-term apprentices in his oncology clinic and working with them on the inpatient housestaff oncology service. He emphasizes diversity and inclusion in his mentoring efforts and has worked to promote the professional development of medical trainees across the training spectrum--from undergraduates to oncology fellows.

    The winner of multiple Stanford Medicine teaching awards, Dr. Johnson has established himself as a regional and increasingly as a national leader and innovator in the education of oncology fellows, including by developing novel teaching methods that have been presented across the country, including at national meetings. He also works as one of the principal faculty members of the Stanford Educators-4-CARE program.

    Dr. Johnson and his co-host, Henry Bair, became concerned about the loss of a shared sense of meaning in the medical profession and, together, have taught multiple classes in the Medical School and, in the spring of 2022, founded The Doctor's Art podcast. Since then, the podcast has become one of the most listened to medical podcasts in the world and has won multiple national awards, making it one of the most lauded and most popular medical podcasts.

    Finally, Dr. Johnson is an author with a growing reputation for insightful analysis of the intersection of medicine, ethics, and spirituality. His writings has been featured by Religion News Service, the Salt Lake Tribune, BYU Studies, Dialogue, and The San Jose Mercury News, where he is a regular contributor. He serves on the editorial boards of both BYU Studies and Wayfare and has written extensively on modernity loss of faith and meaning and the role of spirituality in constructing a purposeful and fulfilling life.

  • Laura Johnston

    Laura Johnston

    Professor of Medicine (Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy), Emerita

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsClinical research in allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT), more specifically, allogeneic transplantation and graft versus host disease. Exploring methods of improving prevention and treatment of GVHD as well as the long term follow-up and/or quality of life of affected patients.

  • Nidhi Johri MD

    Nidhi Johri MD

    Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health

    BioDr. Nidhi Johri spent her childhood experiencing various cultures, languages, foods and living styles because of her father's job postings in different parts of India. After passing her medical exam in India, she gained admission into the prestigious Lady Hardinge Medical College (in New Delhi), which was one of the top ranked medical colleges in India.

    In medical school and clinical rotations, Dr. Johri liked helping patients cope with chronic diseases and provided comprehensive adult care, while forming long-term relationships with patients. She participated in various volunteer experiences that enhanced her knowledge of public health issues. In addition, she was responsible for the health and social welfare of a family living in a slum settlement. She took care of health issues such as anemia and dealt with other social problems facing the family. Moreover, she learned about community health issues by working in local epidemics.

    After getting married, she moved to the U.S. and pursued residency in University of Southern California in the field of Internal Medicine. She also worked as a researcher in the Stanford-Veteran Affairs Gastroenterology department.

    Before joining Bay Valley Medical group, Dr. Johri worked in Kaiser Permanente (Petaluma) as a primary care physician. Over the period of five years at Kaiser, she had build strong relationship with her patients while providing excellent care to her patients. She was greatly admired and appreciated by her patients. Due to her husband's job in South Bay (Area), she decided to leave Kaiser Petaluma and join the esteem group of doctors at Bay Valley Medical Group. In addition, Dr Johri has a special interest in obesity medicine and helps her patients with weight management. For her patients, she believes in being not only their doctor but also a friend.

    On the personal side, Dr Johri enjoys playing with her three year old son. She also writes fiction and hopes to get it published someday. Moreover, she enjoys cooking, traveling and watching Bollywood movies.

  • Andrea Jonas

    Andrea Jonas

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine

    BioDr. Andrea Jonas is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine at Stanford University. She completed her undergraduate studies in chemistry and physics at Harvard University. She received her MD from Johns Hopkins University, where she stayed on to complete residency training in internal medicine on the Osler Medical Service. She pursued fellowship training in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Stanford University, where she additionally completed a research fellowship in health care innovation and systems design as part of the Clinical Excellence Research Center. Her research interests include integrating technological innovations into healthcare system practices to improve delivery of pulmonary and ICU services.

  • Evaleen Kay Jones

    Evaleen Kay Jones

    Clinical Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsEvaleen Jones has a passion for Global Health Education. She is President, Founder of Child Family Health International, a non-profit 501©(3) $2 million organization that oversees the placement of 650+l students in immersion programs (a mini 'peace corps') in developing countries. She is also Board Certified in Addiction Medicine (American Society Addiction Medicine and a certified instructor of Mindfulness through the Center for Mind Body Medicine.

  • Thulasee Jose

    Thulasee Jose

    Affiliate, Department Funds
    Fellow in Medicine - Med/Hematology

    BioFellow - Hematology & Medical Oncology ( Pathway Research Track)

  • Maria Juarez-Reyes

    Maria Juarez-Reyes

    Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health

    BioDr. Juarez-Reyes received her PhD in Health Psychology, MD and Internal Medicine residency training from the University of California at San Francisco. Her focus during medical training was in Behavioral Medicine. In 2010, she became board certified in Integrative Medicine through American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. She is currently a Clinical
    Associate Professor in the Division of Primary Care and Population Health, Department of Medicine, Stanford University. She is currently the Director of Behavioral Health Group Medical Visits and serves as Site Director for Internal Medicine Residency program at Stanford. She developed “Beyond Stress”, a six-week group intervention for patients with stress, anxiety, and depression. This intervention has now been translated into Spanish, Mas Alla del Estres, and it is delivered to community based Spanish speaking cancer patients.
    Her current research evaluates integrative behavioral health group medical visits and the relationship to anxiety, depression, burnout, and sleep in primary care and Spanish speaking community-based populations. Previous health disparities research includes tobacco cessation practices of community-based providers, breast cancer screening follow-up in Latinx women, Latinx adolescent reproductive behavior, medication eligibility criteria effects in ethnic subgroups, and TB treatment in urban county jails. She enjoys travel, walking with friends, anything science fiction and spending time with her family.

  • Prerak Juthani

    Prerak Juthani

    Affiliate, Department Funds
    Resident in Med/Hospital Medicine

    BioPrerak Juthani is a Bay Area native and completed his undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley, where he graduated summa cum laude and double-majored in Molecular Biology and Public Health. He then went on to Yale where he was able to bridge his love of medicine and entrepreneurship by completing the joint MD-MBA program. Prerak’s first stint in entrepreneurship was when he created an organic chemistry board game called REACT! (; he brought it to market by crowdfunding over $25,000 and the game has sold hundreds of copies worldwide. Outside of the hospital, Prerak has a Youtube channel where he creates videos to increase transparency of what it’s like to be a medical student and resident; he also has a podcast called Red, White & Brown, which provides an insight into the novel immigrant experiences of first-generation South Asian immigrants.

  • Nicholas Hedemann Juul

    Nicholas Hedemann Juul

    Instructor, Medicine - Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMolecular and cellular biology of the distal lung
    High altitude medicine