School of Medicine
Showing 61-72 of 72 Results
Jessica M. Ross, PhD
Instructor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
BioDr. Ross uses transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG) for her research on neuromodulation-based psychiatric treatments, and on aberrant brain plasticity, cortical reactivity, and connectivity in older adults with cognitive disorder and healthy adults.
Fernanda Rossi, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Rossi’s research focuses on developing, evaluating, and implementing assessment tools and interventions to improve the safety and mental health of individuals at risk of intimate partner violence, suicide, and drug overdose. She is particularly interested in using technology and clinical decision support tools to enhance the quality and implementation of intimate partner violence-, suicide-, and substance use-related care.
Maryam Rostami
Professional-NX, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
BioMaryam Rostami is a professional data analyst in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stanford university, currently working in the area of neuroethics and public health. She got a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging from Tohoku university/Japan that folloed by two years of research in the same area at Stanford university.
Walton T. Roth
Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Emeritus
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsLaboratory and ambulatory recording of physiological, responses to stressors in anxious and phobic patients.
Cristin Runfola
Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Runfola's research focuses on the epidemiology of dysregulated eating and weight concerns in undeserved populations and her primary interest is in developing and testing the efficacy of clinical interventions designed to improve outcome for eating disorders.
With support from GFED, Dr. Runfola adapted the Uniting Couples in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (UCAN) therapy manual for couples in which one or both members have binge-eating disorder (UNITE) and recently completed pilot testing on this treatment. She is in the process of expanding this treatment for all couples affected by binge eating, and is submitting a grant to fund future work testing efficacy.