School of Medicine
Showing 1-10 of 15 Results
Kimberly Schertzer
Clinical Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsInterests include simulation for procedural training, faculty development, and teamwork.
Donald Schreiber
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Stanford University Medical Center, Emeritus
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research group focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular emergencies including acute myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome and congestive heart failure. We have evaluated novel cardiac markers and point-of-care testing in clinical practice. Current projects also include the diagnosis and treatment of acute pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis. Other interests include spinal cord injury, pneumonia and sepsis.
Manish I. Shah, MD, MS
Professor of Emergency Medicine (Pediatrics) and, by courtesy, of Pediatrics (Hospital Medicine)
BioI have dedicated my career to improving pediatric prehospital care on local, statewide, national, and international levels through research, education, and advocacy. My primary research interest focuses on integration of pediatric evidence into emergency medical services (EMS) systems. I serve on the Executive Committee of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) as the nodal Principal Investigator (PI) for the Charlotte, Houston, and Milwaukee Prehospital (CHaMP) research node. In addition, I am the PI for the Pediatric Dose Optimization for Seizures in EMS (PediDOSE) clinical trial and co-investigator for the Pediatric Prehospital Airway Resuscitation Trial (Pedi-PART). As an educational researcher, I have obtained several grants to produce an online EMS educational resource for physicians, create the Pediatric Simulation Training of Emergency Prehospital Providers (PediSTEPPs) program, and study the implementation of an EMS training curriculum for the Botswana Ministry of Health. As an EMS advocate, I led the Prehospital and State Partnership domains for the national EMS for Children (EMSC) Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC), served as an appointed member of the National Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (NEMSAC), chaired the EMS subcommittee for the American Academy of Pediatrics Section of Emergency Medicine, and directed the EMSC State Partnership in Texas. I have published policy on pediatric readiness in EMS systems and co-chaired the workgroup that created the first-ever national assessment of pediatric readiness of EMS systems for the National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP).
Sam Shen
Clinical Professor, Emergency Medicine
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsEmergency Department process improvement
Digital Health
ED operations
ED innovations -
Shyam Mohan Sivasankar
Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
BioMy interests lie in the intersection of Medicine and Media, Global Pediatric Emergency Medicine Education, Child Abuse Pediatrics, and in Medical Student Education.