School of Medicine
Showing 11-20 of 49 Results
Gordon Wang
Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
BioGordon Wang received his Bachelors of Arts and Science from the University of California, Davis in 2000 majoring in Comparative literature and Genetics. He received his PhD under Dr. Mu-ming Poo at the University of California, Berkeley in 2005 studying the role of ion channels in mediating neuronal growthcone guidance decisions. As a postdoctoral scholar in the lab of Dr. Stephen Smith at Stanford University, Gordon developed a computational architecture for the detailed study of molecular diversity in synapses and using this system, he studied the diverse role of synaptic diversity in neurodevelopmental diseases, such as fragile x syndrome. In a co-postdoc in Dr. Philippe Mourrain's lab, he studied the dynamic plasticity of synapses in sleep and circadian cycles in larval zebrafish using multi-photon microscopy. The Wang lab focuses on developing imaging tools to deeply analyze proteins, mRNA and lipids at the synapses, and understand how synaptic heterogeneity affect the function of neural circuits throughout development and aging and in diseases such as autism and fragile x syndrome.
Po Wang
Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsBipolar Disorders, Psychopharmacology, Treatment, Anticonvulsants, Mood stabilizers