School of Medicine
Showing 1,161-1,170 of 1,188 Results
Kin Min Yuen
Clinical Instructor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Sleep Medicine
BioDr. Kin Yuen is a board-certified physician in sleep medicine, and is a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. She is an associate physician diplomate at University of California at San Francisco, and adjunct faculty member at Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Services. Before her fellowship in Sleep Medicine, she practiced internal medicine at the Stanford Medical Group. She then spent two years in clinical sleep medicine research at the Stanford Sleep Disorders Center concurrent with acquiring her Masters of Science degree from Stanford University in Health Policy/Health Services Research. She was a current member of Public Safety Committee of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
She is also an advisory member to the Continuing Medical Education Committee of School of Sleep Medicine in Palo Alto. Dr. Yuen has been a principal investigator in clinical research of cardiac arrhythmia, medical devices, and has co-authored articles in health economic evaluations, women and sleep disorders. -
Sanno Zack
Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Zack is involved with ongoing research related to the treatment of adolescent and adult trauma (Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - TF-CBT; Prolonged Exposure - PE), and the effective provision of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to adolescent girls and women with disorder of emotion regulation. She additionally studies Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adolescent girls with anxiety. More broadly she is interested in the impact of Evidenced Based Treatments on improving quality of life, and helping individuals find the right match for clinical care. Research is conducted through the Early Life Stress and Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Program at Stanford Children's Hospital and the Stanford Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program.
Natalie M. Zahr
Assistant Professor (Research) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Major Laboratories)
BioNatalie M. Zahr received a graduate education in the basic sciences including the study of neuro- pharmacology, physiology, and anatomy. After completing her graduate training in electrophysiology, she began a postdoctoral fellowship as a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scientist. Her work focuses on translational approaches using in vivo MR imaging and spectroscopy in studies of human with Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) and in rodent models of alcohol exposure with the goal of identifying mechanisms of alcohol effects on the brain. Her human studies include participants with HIV, those co-morbid for HIV and AUD and recently, aging individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Her position allows her to explore emerging MR technologies and apply them to test relevant hypotheses. Before joining Stanford, she taught at several local institutions including UC Berkeley extension and Santa Clara University where she enjoyed sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for learning with students.
Isheeta Zalpuri
Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Child Development
BioDr. Isheeta Zalpuri is a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist. She specializes in the treatment of pediatric anxiety and mood disorders.
Dr. Zalpuri has a special interest in faculty development, professional development of trainees, physician well-being and cultural psychiatry.