Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Showing 201-300 of 674 Results
Patti Hanlon-Baker
Director, Frosh 101, Frosh 101
Current Role at StanfordDirector, Frosh 101
Resident Fellow, Larkin House -
Choukri Hmed
Overseas Studies - Paris, Bing Overseas Studies
BioChoukri Hmed is Visiting Associate Professor in political science at Stanford university (Bing Overseas Program in Paris) and Associate Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, France (Paris Sciences et Lettres Research University). He is also research fellow at the IRISSO (Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences sociales, CNRS), and codirector of the National Scientific Consortium for Middle East Studies (GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes musulmans, CNRS, France). Choukri holds a PhD in political sociology from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2006), and an habilitation in social sciences from Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, (2019) along with a MA of Arabic Literature & Civilization from Université Paris 4 Sorbonne (1994).
His main works have been in comparative politics (public policies, immigration, revolutions, colonization...) and Middle Eastern studies (especially Tunisia). He has recently coedited the special issue « Revolutions and Political Crisis in the Maghreb and the Machrek » (Actes de la Recherche en Sciences sociales, n° 211-212, 2016). He has been Visiting professor in political science and sociology in several foreigner universities: New York University (USA), Cairo University (Egypt), Tampere University (Finland), and Institut Tunis Dauphine (Tunisia). -
Ivan Avannus Jacob Jimbangan
Undergraduate, Economics
Cda (Course Development Assistant), Freshman and Sophomore Programs (FSP)BioSenior (c/o 2025) at Stanford University studying Economics (major). Officer in the Senior Class Cabinet, and a Course Development Assistant (CDA) for CHEM 29N -- the most popular Freshman IntroSem.
Formerly an Undergraduate Research Fellow at the King Center on Global Development for Prof. Karen Eggleston. Was also a Visiting Student at the University of Oxford's Säid Business School, studying Strategic Management under the supervision of Dr. Devarchan Banerjee (Cantab) (Trinity 2023). Also the former ASSU Executive Cabinet Director for International Student Advocacy (2022/2023).
Originally from Malaysia. -
Martin Jander
Overseas Studies - Berlin, Bing Overseas Studies
BioDr. Jander was born in Freiburg im Breisgau. During his studies of German, History, Sociology, and Political Science in the late 1970s and early 1980s in West-Berlin, he established contact with several opposition members in the GDR and followed their activities. Since then, the topic of opposition in the GDR has been one of his main research fields. Martin Jander's second important field of research is German left-wing terrorism and its international connections. In both fields of research, Jander is particularly interested in references to Antisemitism. Together with Anetta Kahane, he developed the concept of an "unfinished republic" to describe the current Federal Republic of Germany (M. Jander, A. Kahane: Gefährdungen demokratischer Kultur: Die unvollendete Republik, 2020). The republic refuses to understand itself to the full extent as an immigration society. It also refuses to see itself to the full extent as a successor society to National Socialism.
Zandra L. Jordan
Director, Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, Writing and Rhetoric Operations
BioRev. Dr. Zandra L. Jordan is Director of the Hume Center for Writing and Speaking. A trained rhetorician and ordained Baptist minister, she holds a B.A. in English from Spelman College, a M.A.T in English from Brown University, a MDiv with Certification in Black Church Studies from Emory University, and a PhD in English and Education from the University of Michigan. Her current scholarship focuses on womanist ethics, racial justice, and writing center administration. At Stanford, she also serves as a Chaplain Affiliate with the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. Beyond Stanford, she leads THRIVE Women's Ministry at University AME Zion Church in Palo Alto. Dr. Jordan is a proud member of the San Francisco-Peninsula Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and the San Jose Chapter of the Links, Incorporated.
Suchismito Khatua
Ph.D. Student in Modern Thought and Literature, admitted Autumn 2023
Grad Writing Tutor, Hume CenterBioIf art is contingent rather than necessary, and often distinct from lived experience, how can it be mobilized to effect political change? In broaching this question, Suchismito Khatua’s research girdles the idea of the avant-garde, and its many figurations in a transnational and translational frame. Thus far, Smito has studied, presented, and published on the theory of the avant-garde, modernist “minor”/ “underground” literary cultures in the Bangla, Hindi, and Marathi languages, and concomitant histories of far-left militancy in post-independence India. His current interests span the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, histories of labor, subalternity, and resistance, theories of affect and sexuality, psychoanalysis, and translation.
Smito was formerly affiliated with the Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, where he worked as a UGC Research Fellow and Undergraduate Course Instructor. In 2022, he was a visiting fellow in the research cluster “Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective” and the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School at Freie Universität Berlin.
Much of Smito’s thinking on living, and love, sweeps along a scissored trajectory of anarcho-communism and intersectional, anti-assimilationist queer politics. Poetry sustains him.