Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Showing 701-773 of 773 Results
Darion Aaron Wallace
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2020
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2020
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2020
Department Community Graduate Associate, African and African American Studies
MMUF Graduate Mentor, Other Advising ProgramsBioDarion A. Wallace, from Inglewood, CA, is a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Education in the Race, Inequality, and Language in Education, History of Education, and Sociology of Education programs. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Rhetoric and African American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, and a master’s degree in International Education Policy Analysis from Stanford University. As a Black Education Studies scholar, Darion’s research draws upon Black Studies, Sociology, and History, while employing mixed methods, to interrogate the ways K-12 American schools cohere logics of (anti)blackness and structure the life and educational outcomes of Black students across temporal and spatial bounds. Moreover, he is interested in how abolitionist praxes, pedagogies, and epistemologies rooted in the Black radical and intellectual tradition have and continue to serve a liberatory function in the project of Black education. To this aim, Darion is interested in partnering with public schools and libraries to develop secondary students’ historical literacies and archival skills to help them better understand the localized sociopolitical context that undergirds their lived experience. Previously, he has worked with the Learning Policy Institute as a Research and Policy Associate, the Service Employees International Union as an Organizer, and San Francisco State University as an Africana Studies Lecturer on Black Masculinities and Black Social Science.
Katie Wang
Director, Pre-Professional Advising, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordDirector of Pre-Professional Advising
Tracey Dawn Ward
Office and Program Coordinator, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordOffice and Program Coordinator, Office of Academic Advising
Tammy Wilks
Overseas Studies - Cape Town, Bing Overseas Studies
BioTammy Wilks examines the dynamics of religion and belonging in Nairobi, Kenya. Her research explores how religious communities forge and maintain belonging in a city beset by change, crisis, and conflict and regards these forms of belonging as infrastructural to the making of Nairobi. She employs this research focus in her teaching to investigate how communities in Africa create, communicate, and preserve their texts and teaches a range of texts including oral histories, seeds and foodways, material culture, vernacular, and ritual practices.
Randall A. Williams
Associate Dean; Academic Policy, and Specialized Educational & Advising Programs, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordAssociate Dean; Academic Policy, and Specialized Educational & Advising Programs
Jonah Willihnganz
The Stanford Storytelling Project Manager, Writing and Rhetoric Operations
BioJonah Willihnganz is the Director of the Stanford Storytelling Project, an arts program that explores how story craft and practices can be used to create personal and social change. He is also the co-founder of the LifeWorks Program for Integrative Learning in the School of Medicine, a program that helps students explore orientations and practices from the arts, humanities, psychology, and contemplative traditions that can help them meet the challenges they face.
His research focuses on how narrative practices can help deepen natural human capacities such as presence, courage, and empathy, and he has published fiction, essays, and articles on American literature. He teaches courses in creative writing, American literature, media studies, and critical theory, and created the first college courses on storytelling in audio media. A long-time contemplative and student of Aikido, he incorporates their practices of into many of his courses, and he helps faculty integrate both narrative and contemplative practices into their courses.
He received a bachelor's degree in political economy from Georgetown University, an MFA in creative writing from Hollins University, and a PhD in English from Brown. He belongs to the communities of the San Francisco Zen Center and Palo Alto Friends (Quakers), is a slow but avid swimmer, and is learning to fly fish. -
Niles Wilson
Assistant Director, Frosh 101 & Transfer 101, Frosh 101
Current Role at StanfordProgram Coordinator, New Student Programs
Shannon Wilson
Undergraduate Advising Director, Student-Athletes, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordUndergraduate Advising Director, Student-Athletes
Shannon Winters
Director of Finance and Administration, Stanford Introductory Studies Operations
Current Role at StanfordDirector of Finance and Administration, Stanford Introductory Studies
Gabriel K. Wolfenstein, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Advising Director, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordAcademic Advising Director
Kathryn Wright
Undergraduate Advising Director, Pre-Professional Advising, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordUndergraduate Academic Director, Upper-Division Advising and Pre-Professional Programs, Pre-Law Advisor, Pre-Health Advisor, Pre-Business Advisor
Edith Wu
Associate Dean of First Year Experience, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordAssociate Dean, First Year Experience