Kaylee Shen
Masters Student in Sustainability Science and Practice, admitted Autumn 2022
Stanford Student Employee, Earth Systems Program
Research Assistant, SIEPR Operations
Honors & Awards
Presenter, 2023 Symposium of Undergraduate Research and Public Service (November, 2023)
Human Rights Fellowship, Stanford Center for Human Rights and International Justice (April, 2023)
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
I am conducting an observational study on the interactions between Indonesian seaweed farmers on Facebook groups, which often serve as a public discussion forum for seaweed related activities such as harvesting, buying, and selling seaweed. My research is part of a wider research initiative to understand the potential for digital technologies to help Indonesian smallholder seaweed farmers learn farm management practices and market opportunities from each other. I will focus on the largest public seaweed farmer Facebook group called the Rumput Laut Centre (RLC), and my guiding research questions include 1) What kinds of data are seaweed farmers willing to share to existing online platforms? and 2) What benefits do seaweed farmers see from participating in these Facebook groups? Answering these questions will be critical to understanding the potential and nuances necessary for the development of online platforms and digital technologies for Indonesian seaweed farmers, as has been done in other Indonesian aquaculture industries.
Blue Foods for Indonesia, Stanford University
A graduate level policy action lab hosted by the Stanford Law School. Graduate-level researchers are put into groups to investigate successful blue food–aquatic plants, animals, and algae–initiatives around the world and create a report for the client, BAPPENAS, the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning.
I am in the Blue Food Technology team, and we are researching how other governments have successfully incorporated tech solutions that can promote inclusive development of their blue food sector and compiling these insights for Indonesia. Through this course, I have conducted informational interviews with many Indonesian and non-Indonesian tech entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and NGOs funding technology innovations in this field, many of which are involved through endeavors to digitize smallholder farming.Location
Stanford, CA