
Ramón Antonio Martínez is an associate professor in the Graduate School of Education and the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University. His research explores the intersections of language, race, and ideology in K-12 public schools, with a particular focus on literacy learning among multilingual children and youth, and the preparation of teachers to work in multilingual settings. In addition to his long-term, community-engaged, and ethnographically informed research, Dr. Martínez actively supports pre-service teachers through his ongoing work in the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP). His scholarship has been published in journals such as Anthropology & Education Quarterly, International Multilingual Research Journal, Language Policy, Linguistics and Education, Modern Language Journal, Research in the Teaching of English, and Review of Research in Education. Dr. Martínez earned his Ph.D. from the Division of Urban Schooling in the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Associate Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Education (2022 - Present)
  • Assistant Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Education (2015 - 2022)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Elementary School Teacher, Los Angeles Unified School District (1996 - 2002)
  • English Teacher, Prague, Czech Republic (2002 - 2003)
  • English Teacher, Mexico City, Mexico (2003 - 2004)
  • Adjunct Instructor, Teacher Education Program, University of California, Los Angeles (2004 - 2008)
  • Adjunct Instructor, Linguistics Department and Teacher Education Department, California State University, Long Beach (2007 - 2008)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin (2009 - 2015)

Professional Education

  • PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, Education (2009)
  • MEd, University of California, Los Angeles, Education (1997)
  • BA, University of California, San Diego, Literature (1994)

Research Interests

  • Achievement
  • Diversity and Identity
  • Educational Policy
  • Immigrants and Immigration
  • Literacy and Language
  • Poverty and Inequality
  • Sociology
  • Teachers and Teaching

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • On the necessity (and insufficiency) of ethnographic perspectives: Towards an inter-scalar approach to research on " academic language" " LINGUISTICS AND EDUCATION Martinez, R. 2024; 84
  • Misma Direccion, Distinto Sentido: Reconceptualizing Problems and Possibilities in Educational Language Learning EQUITY IN MULTILINGUAL SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES Munoz-Munoz, E. R., Martinez, R., Rosa, J., Kibler, A. K., Walqui, A., Bunch, G. C., Faltis, C. J. 2024; 143: 100-111
  • Learning in Dialogue with Latinx Children of Immigrants: Reflections on the Co-emergence of Collaborative Linguistic Inquiry and Critical Pedagogical Praxis URBAN EDUCATION Martinez, R., Martinez, D. C. 2022
  • Black lives matter versus Castaneda v. Pickard: a utopian vision of who counts as bilingual (and who matters in bilingual education) LANGUAGE POLICY Martinez, R., Martinez, D. C., Morales, P. 2022
  • Looking closely and listening carefully: A sociocultural approach to understanding the complexity of Latina/o/x students' everyday language THEORY INTO PRACTICE Martinez, R., Mejia, A. 2019
  • Beyond the English Learner Label: Recognizing the Richnessof Bi/Multilingual Students' LinguisticRepertoires READING TEACHER Martinez, R. 2018; 71 (5): 515–22

    View details for DOI 10.1002/trtr.1679

    View details for Web of Science ID 000426294500002

  • <bold>"</bold>Are you gonna show this to white people?': Chicana/o and Latina/o students' counter-narratives on race, place, and representation RACE ETHNICITY AND EDUCATION Martinez, R. A. 2017; 20 (1): 101-116
  • Becoming "Spanish Learners": Identity and Interaction Among Multilingual Children in a Spanish-English Dual Language Classroom INTERNATIONAL MULTILINGUAL RESEARCH JOURNAL Martinez, R., Duran, L., Hikida, M. 2017; 11 (3): 167-183
  • A digital tool grows (and keeps growing) from the work of a community of writers Reading & Writing Quarterly Roser, N. L., Wetzel, M. M., Martínez, R. A., Price-Dennis, D. 2015; 31 (2): 185-200
  • Unpacking ideologies of linguistic purism: How dual language teachers make sense of everyday translanguaging International Multilingual Research Journal Martínez, R. A., Hikida, M., Durán, L. 2015; 9 (1): 26-42
  • ¿ Puras Groserías?: Rethinking the Role of Profanity and Graphic Humor in Latin@ Students' Bilingual Wordplay Anthropology & Education Quarterly Martínez, R. A., Morales, Z. 2014; 45 (4): 337-354
  • Reframing the debate on language separation: Toward a vision for translanguaging pedagogies in the dual language classroom The Modern Language Journal Palmer, D. K., Martínez, R. A., Mateus, S. G., Henderson, K. 2014; 98 (3): 757-772
  • Language Brokering and Translanguaging: Lessons on Leveraging Students' Linguistic Competencies Language Arts Orellana, M. F., Martínez, D. C., Martínez, R. A. 2014; 91 (5): 311
  • “Do they even know that they do it?”: Exploring awareness of Spanish-English code-switching in a sixth-grade English language arts classroom Bilingual Research Journal Martínez, R. A. 2014; 37 (2): 195-210
  • Reading the world in Spanglish: Hybrid language practices and ideological contestation in a sixth-grade English language arts classroom Linguistics and Education Martínez, R. A. 2013; 24 (3): 276-288
  • Teacher agency in bilingual spaces: A fresh look at preparing teachers to educate Latina/o bilingual children Review of Research in Education Palmer, D., Martínez, R. A. 2013; 37 (1): 269-297
  • Zoned for Change: A Historical Case Study of the Belmont Zone of Choice. Teachers College Record Martínez, R. A., Quartz, K. H. 2012; 114 (10): n10
  • ' Spanglish ' as Literacy Tool: Toward an Understanding of the Potential Role of Spanish-English Code-Switching in the Development of Academic Literacy Research in the Teaching of English Martínez, R. A. 2010: 124-149