
Rima Greenhill has taught all levels of Russian at Stanford, and prior to that at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, England.

Rima's research interests are Shakespeare and the Age of Discovery. Her book 'Shakespeare, Elizabeth and Ivan: The Role of English-Russian Relations in Love's Labours Lost' came out in April 2023.

Ph.D. Russian Language and Literature. School of Slavonic and East European
Studies, University College London, England. Dissertation: “Lexical and Stylistic
Devices in the Novels of I. Il’f and E. Petrov’s 'Twelve Chairs' and 'The Golden Calf'.

M.A. History of the Russian Language and the 19th c. Russian Novel.
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, England.

M.A. Foreign Language Teaching Methodology. Garnet College of Education, London University, England.

B.A. (double major) Russian Language and Linguistics. University of Essex, England.

Academic Appointments

  • Senior Lecturer, Stanford Language Center

Honors & Awards

  • Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching at Stanford, Stanford University

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Member, American Council for Teaching of Foreign Languages
  • Member, Shakespeare Association of America
  • Member, European Shakespeare Research Association

All Publications

  • ‘Shakespeare, Elizabeth and Ivan: The Role of English-Russian Relations in Love’s Labours Lost’, McFarland Publishers, April 2023. Greenhill, R. McFarland Publishers. 2023
  • Gamlet (Hamlet) Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Shakespeare Greenhill, R. 2022
  • Moscow Arts Theatre Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Shakespeare Greenhill, R. 2022
  • Istoriya pro Richarda, Milorda and prekrasnuyu Zhar-Ptitsu (Story about Richard, Milord and the wonderful Firebird) Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Shakespeare Greenhill, R. 2022
  • Mnogo shumai z nichego (Much Ado About Nothing) International Online Shakespeare Encyclopedia. Greenhill, R. 2022
  • Komediya Oshibok (Comedy of Errors) Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Shakespeare, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, UK. Greenhill, R. 2022
  • Hamlet The Literary Encyclopedia Greenhill, R. 2015
  • Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii (Notes on the Moscovites), Reading East Greenhill, R. 2014
  • • Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum (The Voyage to Russia). Reading East: Irish Sources and Resources. Essay No. 6. Reading East: Irish Sources and Resources. Greenhill, R. 2013
  • "Ostap Bender- Hamlet of the NEP Era? Shakespeare's Influence in the Novels of Il'ya Il'f and Evgeny Petrov." Language. Culture and Society in Russian/Eng/ish Studies Greenhill, R. 2012
  • Shakespeare's Echoes in the Works of ll'ya Il'f and Evgeny Petrov Shakespeare Discourse Greenhill, R. 2010; 1
  • Idyom! Greenhill, R. 2001
  • Russian Video Phrasebook for Travelers California Language Laboratories Greenhill, R. 1998
  • A Reading Circle edited by Greenhill, R. Hermitage Publishers. 1997
  • I Think I Am a Tram Greenhill, R. Hermitage Publishers. 1994