Terry Castle
Walter A. Haas Professor of the Humanities, Emerita
Terry Castle has taught English literature at Stanford since 1983. She specializes in the history of the novel, especially the works of Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, and Austen. But she has taught a wide variety of other subjects too: the literature of the First World War, British modernism, Virginia Woolf, Radclyffe Hall, and other twentieth-century women writers, psychoanalytic theory, literature and opera, and gay and lesbian writing. She has written seven books: Clarissa's Ciphers: Meaning and Disruption in Richardson's 'Clarissa' (1982); Masquerade and Civilization: The Carnivalesque in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction (1986); The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture (1993); The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the Invention of the Uncanny (1995), Noel Coward and Radclyffe Hall: Kindred Spirits (1996); Boss Ladies, Watch Out! Essays on Women, Sex, and Writing (2002); Courage, Mon Amie (2002), and The Professor: A Sentimental Education (2010). She is the editor of a prize-winning anthology, The Literature of Lesbianism: A Historical Anthology from Ariosto to Stonewall (2003). Several of her essays have likewise won individual prizes--including the William Riley Parker Prize awarded annually by the Modern Language Association for the best critical essay of the year. In 1995 her book The Female Thermometer was a finalist for the PEN Spielvogel-Diamondstein Award for the Art of the Essay. Her 2010 collection of personal essays, The Professor, was named as a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. She writes regularly for the London Review of Books, New Republic, New York Review of Books, Harper's, Atlantic, Slate, and other magazines and journals.
Castle is also a visual artist and collector of tintypes, anonymous photos, Outsider Art, vintage postcards, art zines, artists' books, and other paper ephemera. Some of her own artwork can be seen on her blog, Fevered Brain Productions [ http://terry-castle-blog.blogspot.com/ ]; Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com /chateauthierry/ ]; and SaatchiArt [ https://www.saatchiart.com/thierrychateau .].
Academic Appointments
Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, English
Administrative Appointments
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa Society (2010 - 2011)
Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities, Stanford University (1997 - Present)
Beckman Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley (1993 - 1993)
Professor of English, Stanford University (1988 - 1997)
Associate Professor of English, Stanford University (1985 - 1988)
Assistant Professor of English, Stanford University (1983 - 1985)
Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows, Harvard University (1980 - 1983)
Teaching Associate, Department of English, University of Minnesota (1978 - 1979)
Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Research Centre, University of Warwick (1998 - 1998)
Miegunyah Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Melbourne University (1996 - 1996)
Internal Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center (2008 - 2009)
Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1989 - 1990)
Fellowship, Stanford Humanities Center (1986 - 1987)
Summer Research Fellowship, National Endowment for the Humanities (1984 - 1984)
Resident Fellowship, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (1983 - 1983)
Junior Fellowship, Society of Fellows, Harvard University (1980 - 1983)
Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota (1979 - 1980)
Bush Foundation Fellowship, University of Minnesota (1975 - 1978)
Honors & Awards
National Merit Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship Corporation. (1971-1975)
Morrow Scholar-in-Residence, Bucknell University (2013)
Clarendon Lecturer, Oxford University (2011)
Finalist, National Book Critics Circle Award (2011)
Laureate 2010, San Francisco Public Library (2011)
Elected Member, PEN American Center (2010)
Editor’s Choice Book Award, Lambda Literary Foundation (2004)
Walpole Library Lecturer, Yale University (2001)
Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Puget Sound (2001)
Finalist, PEN/Spielvogel-Diamonstein Award for The Art of the Essay (1996)
Finalist, Lambda Literary Award (1994)
Crompton-Noll Essay Award, MLA Lesbian and Gay Caucus (1993)
Mrs. William Beckman Distinguished Lecturer, Department of English University of California, Berkeley (1993)
Heberle Lecturer, Deptartment of English, University of Michigan (1993)
James L. Clifford Prize,, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 1986 (1988)
Phi Beta Kappa, Alumnus Member, University of Puget Sound (1988)
Runner-up, James L. Clifford Prize, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (1985)
William Riley Parker Prize, Modern Language Association (1985)
Honorable Mention, James L. Clifford Prize, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (1983)
Distinguished Visiting Alumna, University of Puget Sound (1982)
Honorable Mention, Academy of American Poets (1978)
Top Ten Books of 2010, New York Magazine (2010)
Best Books of 2010, BookForum (2010)
Editor’s Choice Award for Gay and Lesbian Writing, Amazon.com
Top 5 Books on Music, Bookforum
Staff Picks (twice), The Paris Review Blog
Critics' Books of the Year list, The New Statesman
Best Books of the Year list, The Guardian (selected by playwright David Hare)
Non-Fiction Books of the Year, The Times
Best Books of 2011, Varsity (Cambridge, U.K.) (2011)
Books of 2011, Radio New Zealand, National Edition (2011)
'Read This,' Australian Writers Choose Favorite Books of 2011, Sydney Morning Herald
Selected as one of the year’s “Ten Best Books,”, The Advocate (2003)
Editor’s Choice Award, Lambda Literary Foundation (2004)
One of three finalists for the for the Art of the Essay, PEN/Spielvogel-Diamonstein Award (1996)
Nominated for the Lambda Literary Award, Lambda Literary Award (1994)
Selected as “Breakthrough Book” in Victorian Studies, Lingua Franca (1995)
Alternate Selection, Reader’s Subscription Book Club (1994)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Member, Organizing Committee, 1985 meeting of Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Referee, University of Iowa
Referee, University of Virginia Press
Referee, PMLA
Referee, New York University Press
Referee, Haverford College
Referee, University of Minnesota
Referee, Yale University
Referee, Modern Language Quarterly
Referee, University of Rochester
Referee, Rutgers University Press
Referee, University of Michigan
Referee, UC Santa Barbara
Referee, City University of New York
Referee, University of Pennsylvania
Referee, M.I.T
Referee, American Council of Learned Societies
Referee, UC Riverside
Referee, Carnegie-Mellon University
Referee, Eighteenth-Century Studies
Referee, Guggenheim Foundation
Referee, National Endowment for the Humanities
Referee, Mellon Foundation
Referee, Stanford University Press
Referee, Texas A&M
Referee, Eighteenth-Century Fiction
Referee, Scriblerian
Referee, Fairfield University
Referee, MacArthur Foundation
Referee, Oxford University Press
Referee, Cambridge University Press
Referee, University of Chicago Press
Referee, Basil Blackwell
Referee, Harvard University Press
Referee, Columbia University Press
Referee, University of Pennsylvania Press
Referee, University of California Press
Referee, Cambridge University
Referee, Signs: A Journal of Women and Society
Referee, Polity Press
Referee, Melbourne University
Referee, University of Auckland
Referee, Palgrave
Referee, GLQ: Gay and Lesbian Quarterly
Referee, U.C. Berkeley
Referee, UCLA
Referee, Canada Council, Bellagio Center
Referee, University of Notre Dame
Referee, Rutgers University
Referee, Harvard University
Referee, Syracuse University
Referee, Routledge
Visiting Committee Member, English Department, Harvard University
Chair, Faculty Promotion Committee (Alex Woloch), Stanford University (2013 - 2014)
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Stanford University (2013 - 2014)
Member, Faculty Reappointment Committee (Vaughn Rasberry), Stanford University (2013 - 2014)
Ph.D. Qualifying Examiner, English Department, Stanford University (2013 - 2004)
Chair, Faculty Promotion Committee (Alex Woloch), Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
Member, Curriculum Committee, English Department, Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
Member, Board of Directors, ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies) (2010 - Present)
Chair, Senior Appointment Committee (Sianne Ngai), Stanford University (2010 - 2011)
Director, Undergraduate Studies, English Deptartment, Stanford University (2010 - 2011)
Member, English Department Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (2010 - 2011)
Member, English Department Advisory Committee, Stanford University (2010 - 2011)
Chair, English Department Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Member, English Department Tenure Committee (Nick Jenkins), Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Member, Appointments and Promotions Com., School of Humanities and Sciences (Alternate), Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Member, Chair’s Creative Planning Committee, Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Member, English Department Junior Search Committee (for British Literature), Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Member, English Department Undergraduate Studies Committee, Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Member, English Department Graduate Studies Committee, Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Ph.D. Qualifiying Examiner, English Department Ph.D., Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Member, Visiting Committee, Department of English, University of Southern California (2007 - 2007)
Chair, English Department Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
Member, Chair’s Creative Planning Committee, Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
Member, English Department Graduate Studies Committee, Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
Member, English Department Undergraduate Studies Committee, Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
Member, English Department Tenure Committee (Nick Jenkins), Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
Chair, English Department Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (2005 - 2006)
Chair, English Department Tenure Committee (Denise Gigante), Stanford University (2005 - 2006)
Judge, Lambda Literary Foundation book prize in Gay and Lesbian Studies (2005 - 2006)
Member, Search Committee for Senior Poetry Scholar, Stanford University (2005 - 2006)
Member (elected), Chair’s Advisory Committee, Stanford University (2005 - 2006)
Member, Visiting Committee, Department of English and American Literature, University of California, Berkeley (2005 - 2005)
Member, ACLS Fellowship Selection Committee (2004 - 2006)
Chair, English Department Tenure Committee (Brett Bourbon), Stanford University (2004 - 2005)
Guest lecturer, Structured Liberal Education Program, Stanford University (2004 - 2005)
Judge, English Department Alden Dissertation Prize, Stanford University (2004 - 2005)
Member, English Department Tenure Committee (Alex Woloch), Stanford University (2004 - 2005)
Ph.D. Qualifying Examiner, English Department, Stanford University (2004 - 2005)
Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
Member, English Department Reappointment Review Committee (for Denise Gigante), Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
Member, English Department Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
Member (elected), Chair’s Advisory Committee, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
Member, Ad Hoc Tenure Review Committee, Columbia University (2003 - 2003)
Member, James Russell Lowell Prize Committee, Modern Language Association (2002 - Present)
Chair, Visiting Committee, Department of English and American Literature, Harvard University (2002 - 2005)
Member, Editorial Board, Eighteenth-Century Studies (2002 - 2004)
Member, English Department Graduate Studies Committee, Stanford University (2002 - 2003)
Member, English Department Graduate Admissions Committee, Stanford University (2002 - 2003)
Member, Humanities and Sciences Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (2002 - 2003)
Member, (elected), English Department Chair’s Advisory Committee, Stanford University (2002 - 2003)
Member, Dean’s Advisory Committee, selection of new Humanities and Science Associate Dean, Stanford University (2002 - 2003)
Member, Ad Hoc Tenure Review Committee, Harvard University (2002 - 2002)
Member, Selection Committee, Truman Capote Prize in Literary Criticism (2001 - Present)
Member, English Department Reappointment Review Committee (for Nicholas Jenkins), Stanford University (2001 - 2002)
Member, Nominating Committee, Truman Capote Prize in Literary Criticism (2001 - 2001)
Chair, English Department Senior Search Committee, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Chair, Department of English, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Member, English Department Reappointment Committee (ex officio, for Robert Kaufman), Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Member, English Department Reappointment Committee (for Maureen Harkin), Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Member, English Department Reappointment Committee (ex officio, for Paula Moya), Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Chair, Department of English, Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Junior Faculty Mentor, Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Member, English Department Tenure Review Committee (for Robert Warrior), Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Member, English Department Junior Search Committee (ex officio), Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Member, English Department Reappointment Review Com. (ex officio for Jennifer Summit), Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Member, English Department Tenure Review Committee (for Suvir Kaul), Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Member, Executive Committee and Advisory Board, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Member, English Department Planning Committee, Stanford University (1998 - 1999)
Member, Scholarly Focus Group, OED On-Line Project, Oxford University Press (1998 - 1998)
Chair, English Department Senior Search Committee, Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Chair, Department of English, Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Junior Faculty Mentor, Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Member, English Department External Review Committee, Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Member, English Department Tenure Review Committee (ex officio; for Joss Marsh), Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Member, Department Planning Committee, Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Member, English Department Junior Search Committee (ex officio), Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Member, Executive Committee and Advisory Board, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1997 - 1998)
Member, Fellows Selection Committee, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1996 - 1997)
Member, English Department Planning Committee, Stanford University (1996 - 1997)
Member, Executive Committee and Advisory Board, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1996 - 1997)
Member, Planning Committee, Stanford Seminar on Enlightenment and Revolution, Stanford University (1996 - 1997)
Member (elected), English Department Advisory Committee, Stanford University (1996 - 1997)
Member, Advisory Board, Between Men-Between Women Series on Lesbian and Gay Studies, Columbia University Press (1995 - 1999)
Director, Undergraduate Studies, English Department, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Junior Faculty Mentor, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Member, English Department Graduate Admissions Committee, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Member, Planning Committee, Stanford Seminar on Enlightenment and Revolution, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Member, English Department Planning Committee, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Member, Advisory Board, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Member, (elected), English Department Advisory Committee, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Chair, William Riley Parker Prize Committee, Modern Language Association (1995 - 1995)
Corresponding Editor, Eighteenth-Century Life (1994 - Present)
Member, Executive Committee, Prose Fiction Division, Modern Language Association (1994 - 1998)
Director, Undergraduate Studies, English Department, Stanford University (1994 - 1995)
Member, English Department Junior Search Committee, Stanford University (1994 - 1995)
Member, Planning Committee, Stanford Seminar on Enlightenment and Revolution, Stanford University (1994 - 1995)
Member, English Department Graduate Admissions Committee, Stanford University (1994 - 1995)
Member, Graduate Student Fellows Selection Committee, Stanford Humanities Center (1994 - 1995)
Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University (1994 - 1995)
Member, Advisory Board, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1994 - 1995)
Member, Gottschalk Prize Committee, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (1994 - 1995)
Member, Advisory Board, Modern Language Quarterly (1993 - 2008)
Member, Advisory Board, GLQ: Gay and Lesbian Quarterly (1993 - 1998)
Member, William Riley Parker Prize Committee, Modern Language Association (1993 - 1995)
Director, Undergraduate Studies, English Department, Stanford University (1993 - 1994)
Faculty Senate, (elected), Alternate Representative, Stanford University (1993 - 1994)
Member, English Department Planning Committee, Stanford University (1993 - 1994)
Member, Advisory Board, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1993 - 1994)
Member, Fellowship Committee, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1992 - 1993)
Member, English Department Planning Committee, Stanford University (1992 - 1993)
Member, English Department Promotion and Tenure Review Committee (for B. Gelpi), Stanford University (1991 - 1992)
Member, English Department Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (1991 - 1992)
Member, University Graduate Fellowships Selection Committee, Stanford University (1991 - 1992)
Member, English Department Committee on Awards, Stanford University (1991 - 1992)
Member, Undergraduate Studies Panel on Gender Requirement, Stanford University (1990 - 1991)
Member, Oxford Panel, Overseas Study Program, Stanford University (1990 - 1991)
Member, English Department Graduate Admissions Committee, Stanford University (1990 - 1991)
Member, English Department Junior Search Committee, Stanford University (1990 - 1991)
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Modern Thought and Literature Program, Stanford University (1990 - 1991)
Member, English Department Graduate Admissions Committee, Stanford University (1989 - 1990)
Member, Editorial Board, Eighteenth-Century Fiction (1988 - 1991)
Member, Executive Committee, MLA Division on Later Eighteenth-Century English Literature (1987 - 1991)
Member, Editorial Board, Eighteenth-Century Studies (1987 - 1990)
Member, Search Committee, Literature and the Arts Track, Western Culture Program, Stanford University (1987 - 1988)
Advisory Editor, PMLA (1986 - 1990)
Graduate Student Advisor, Stanford Humanites Center, Stanford University (1986 - 1987)
Member, Policy Board, Innovative Academic Courses, Stanford University (1985 - 1986)
Member, Stanford Judicial Council, Stanford University (1985 - 1986)
Member, English Department Graduate Admissions Committee, Stanford University (1985 - 1986)
Member, Humanities Study Group, Stanford University (1985 - 1986)
Member, Policy Board, Center for Research on Women, Stanford University (1985 - 1986)
member (Elected), English Department Advisory Committee, Stanford University (1985 - 1986)
Advisor, Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (1984 - 1985)
Member, Freshman Advising Prgram, Stanford University (1984 - 1985)
Member, Committee on Graduate Studies, Stanford University (1984 - 1985)
Member (Elected), English Department Advisory Committee, Stanford University (1984 - 1985)
Policy Board, Member, Center for Research on Women, Stanford University (1984 - 1985)
Editorial Board, Member, Enclitic: Texts on Contemporary Critical Theories (1977 - 1979)
Program Affiliations
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Professional Education
Honorary Degree, University of Puget Sound (2001)
B.A, University of Puget Sound, English (1975)
M.A., University of Minnesota, English (1978)
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, English (1980)
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
I have three scholarly books in progress:
"The Not-A-Woman, and Other Essays" (New York: Harper Collins, forthcoming 2017-18). A collection of essays, some autobiographical, on lesbian culture and history.
Editing first scholarly and critical edition of "The Price of Salt" (1952) by Patricia Highsmith. (New York: W.W. Norton, in progress, forthcoming 2017-18).
Revisions and Epilogue for "Rococophilia: The Eighteenth Century and British Modernism" (Clarendon Lectures), (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2019) On the fashionable rediscovery and rehabilitation of 18th-century art, literature, philosophy, and visual styles (clothing, interior design, advertising, book design, etc.) in the decades after the Great War. Prominent historical figures: Alexander Pope, Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, Claud Lovat Fraser, Montague Summers, Robert Graves, Lytton Strachey, Elsie de Wolfe, T.S. Eliot, the Sitwells, Wyndham Lewis, Radclyffe Hall, Robert Graves, Raymond Mortimer, Noel Coward, Siegfried Sassoon, Stephen Tennant, Rex Whistler, Georges Barbier, Edward Blunden, Virginia Woolf, Philip Sassoon, James Laver, Cecil Beaton, et alia.
I continue to write on a mélange of intellectual topics and themes-- some of which have now absorbed me for more than 40 years: English and American literature, past and present; British cultural and social history, especially of the 18th-20th centuries; the First World War and its aftermath; feminism and its discontents; post-Enlightenment women writers and intellectuals; literature and the visual arts; the history of criticism and taste; stylistics and the English prose essay; British and European modernism; satire; autobiography and memoir; the history of the novel; Freud and psychoanalysis; contemporary art and photography; jazz and other kinds of popular music; the history of gay and lesbian culture and style; camp, sexual travesty and impersonation; the carnivalesque; Outsider Art, zine culture, graffiti and other informal and/or rebellious kinds of artistic production.
2023-24 Courses
Independent Studies (2)
- Individual Work
ENGLISH 198 (Spr) - Research Course
ENGLISH 398 (Sum)
- Individual Work
Prior Year Courses
2022-23 Courses
- Female Modernists: Women Writers in Paris Between the Wars
ENGLISH 244F, FEMGEN 244F (Spr) - High Life and Low Life: Polite and Popular Forms in 18th-century British Literature
ENGLISH 341 (Spr)
2021-22 Courses
- Introduction to English II: High Life and Low Life: British Literature 1660-1820
ENGLISH 11A (Win) - Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf
ENGLISH 222 (Win)
- Female Modernists: Women Writers in Paris Between the Wars
All Publications
- "Love on the Run: Rereading Patricia Highsmith's Eerie Romance-as-Thriller" BookForum 2016
- “The First Female Photographer” Frieze Masters 2016
- "On Iris Murdoch" (Book Choice for 2016) ArtForum 2016
- "Shaking Hands with the Hildebeest" London Review of Books 2016
- “New Music” [On Robin Williamson and the Incredible String Band] Harper’s 2015
- “New Art” [on Vivian Maier, rediscovered French-American street photographer] February 2015. Harper’s 2015
- “The Youngest Old Master: The Art of Nicole Eisenman.” Nicole Eisenman: Dear Nemesis, 1993-2013. Contemporary Art Museum of St. Louis and Walther König. 2014
- “Within Her Sights” [On Hilary Mantel, The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher New York Times Book Review 2014
- “The Woman in the Gallery,” New York Review of Books, August 14, 2014. New York Review of Books 2014
- Sylvia Plath: "The Unbearable" New York Review of Books 2013
- Same-Sex Marriage: "Rah, Rah, Cheers, Queers" London Review of Books 2013
- Breath’s End: Opera and Mortality The Arts of the Prima Donna in the Long Nineteenth Century edited by Poriss, H., Cowgill, R. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012: 206–213
- "Unoccupied--With Time to Kill," Introductory essay for exhibition booklet YOUNG PEOPLE - Set 9 from the Collection of Fotomuseum Winterthur 2012
- Contemporary Undergraduate Life and the Case for Breaking Up With Your Parents' Chronicle of Higher Education 2012
- Lesbian Biography: "You Better Not Tell Me You Forgot" London Revew of Books 2012
CHILDREN, ANON. from the personal collection of Terry Castle
2011: 144-169
View details for Web of Science ID 000294880800012
- The Photographic Uncanny: "Doubles--From the Collection of Terry Castle ZUM: revista de fotografia contemporânea do Instituto Moreira Salles 2011; 2
- Anonymous Photography: "Children Anon. (From the Personal Collection of Terry Castle)" Paris Review 2011; 198
- Karl-Heinz Stockhausen and the Unsettling Question of the Sublime New York Magazine 2011
- The Professor and Other Essays. Tuskar Rock Books. 2011
- 2010: A Year of Reading—Terry Castle’s Favorites BookForum 2011
- Outsider Art: "Do I Like It?" London Revew of Books 2011
- Sarah Bernhardt: “Adieu, madame” London Revew of Books 2010
- The Professor and Other Essays New York: Harper Collins. 2010
- Heartfelt Ramifications (A Letter to Mrs. Malaprop) Pen America 2010; 12
- The Lesbianism of Philip Larkin The Movement Reconsidered: Essays on Larkin, Amis, Gunn, Davie & Their Contemporaries edited by Leader, Z. Oxford University Press. 2009: 79–105
- Diary: Terry Castle Moves House London Review of Books 2009
- Notes on Notes on Camp The Sensibilities of Susan Sontag (1933-2004) edited by Ching, B., Wagner-Lawlor, J. New York: Columbia University Press. 2009
- How I Got Bored with Feminism-and Why It Still Matters Double 2009; X
- Mercedes de Acosta: “Seductress Extraordinaire" London Review of Books 2008
- First World War: “Courage, Mon Amie” A Part of History: Aspects of the British Experience of the First World War London: Continuum. 2008
- Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas: “Husband and Wives” La Revue internationale des livres et des idées 2008; 4
- Maud Hutchins: “Tickle and Flutter” London Revew of Books 2008
The lesbianism of Philip Larkin
2007; 136 (2): 88-102
View details for Web of Science ID 000245912900009
- Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas: “Husband and Wives” London Review of Books 2007
- Georgia O’Keefe, Agnes Martin, Santa Fe: “Travels with my Mom” London Review of Books 2007
- The Sitwells and Façade 1001 Books: Over a Century of the Greatest Books, Writers Characters, Passages and Events That Rocked the Literary World edited by Daniel, L. London: Cassell. 2007
- The Death of Oscar Wilde 1001 Books: Over a Century of the Greatest Books, Writers Characters, Passages and Events That Rocked the Literary World edited by Daniel, L. London: Cassell. 2007
- Mr. Pooter 1001 Books: Over a Century of the Greatest Books, Writers Characters, Passages and Events That Rocked the Literary World edited by Daniel, L. London: Cassell. 2007
- “Shelter” Literature: “Home Alone: The Dark Heart of Shelter-Lit Addiction” The Atlantic 2006
- Women’s Empowerment: 150 Years of The Atlantic The Atlantic 2006
- Introduction Victorine New York: New York Review of Books. 2006
- Pulp Valentine: Patricia Highsmith’s Erotic Lesbian Thriller Slate 2006
- Introduction The Illusionist San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2006. 2006
- Walk-In Closet: Post-Brokeback, More Gay Love Stories for Straight People The Atlantic 2006
- Gender Bending, Part 2: Women’s Books That Men Should Read The Atlantic 2005
- Strange Butterflies: Recent Collections from the Photographic Fringe The Atlantic 2005
- Gender Bending, Part 1: Men’s Books That Women Should Read The Atlantic 2005
- The Gothic Novel The Cambridge History of English Literature, 1660-1780. edited by Richetti, J. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2005
- First World War: “Our First View of the End of the World” Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science 2005; 12
- Susan Sontag: “Desperately Seeking Susan” London Review of Books 2005
'iPod, Therefore I Am'
2004; 73 (3): 144-144
View details for Web of Science ID 000223774100027
- Mirror, Mirror-Astonishing Memoirs by (and about) Deeply Repellent People Atlantic Monthly 2004
- Cervantes: “High Plains Drifter” The Atlantic 2004
- Natalie Clifford Barney: “Love-of-One’s-Life-Department” London Review of Books 2004
- First World War: “Our First View of the End of the World” Chronicle of Higher Education 2004
- Marie-Antoinette Obsession Marie Antoinette: Writings on the Body of a Queen edited by Goodman, D., Kaiser, T. New York: Routledge. 2003
- Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Counterplot of Lesbian Fiction Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism Whitehouse, Tx.: The Gale Group. 2003
- Courage, Mon Amie London: Profile Books/London Review of Books Publications. 2003
- Art Pepper: “My Heroin Christmas” London Review of Books 2003
- Patricia Highsmith: “The Ick Factor” The New Republic 2003
- The Literature of Lesbianism: A Historical Anthology from Ariosto to Stonewall New York: Columbia University Press. 2003
- The Muses: “The Proper Stranger” The New Republic 2002
- The Spectralization of the Other in The Mysteries of Udolpho Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism edited by Truda, L. Milford, MI.: The Gale Group Publishers. 2002
- Introduction Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism edited by Trudeau, L. Milford, Mi.: The Gale Group. 2002
- Boss Ladies, Watch Out! Essays on Women, Sex, and Writing New York: Routledge. 2002
- First World War: “Courage, Mon Amie” London Review of Books 2002; 4
- Reflections on 9/11 London Review of Books 2001
- Afterword: ‘It Was Good, Good, Good’ Palatable Poison: Rereading Radclyffe Hall’s ‘The Well of Loneliness edited by Doan, K., Prosser, J. New York: Columbia University Press. 2001
- Reflections on 9/11 London Review of Books: A 25th Anniversary Anthology edited by Coode, V. London: Profile Books. 2001
- Willa Cather: “Pipe Down Back There!” London Review of Books 2000; 14
- Phantasmagoria: Spectral Technology and the Metaphorics of Modern Reverie Genso Bungku 2000; 37
- Phantasmagoria: Spectral Technology and the Metaphorics of Modern Reverie The Horror Reader edited by Gelder, K. New York and London: Routledge University Press. 2000
- Colette: “Yes You Sweetheart” London Review of Books 2000; 16
- Lillian Hellman: “Boss Ladies Watch Out” London Review of Books 1999; 15
- Sappho: “Always the Bridesmaid” London Review of Books 1999
- Joe Carstairs: “If Everybody Had a Wadley” London Review of Books 1998; 5
- Cole Porter: “Night and Day” The New Republic 1998
- Lesbian Aesthetics: A Historical View Encyclopedia of Aesthetics edited by Kelly, M. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1998
- Masquerade International Encyclopedia of Dance Berkeley: University of California Press. 1998
- Introduction The Mysteries of Udolpho Oxford University Press. 1998
- Casanova: “Boogie Nights” The New Republic 1997
- Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Counterplot of Lesbian Fiction Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism edited by Herndl, D. P., Warhol, R. R. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 1997
- Women and Literary Criticism The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism edited by Nisbet, H. B., Rawson, C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1997
- Jane Austen: “Sister-Sister” London Review of Books: An Anthology edited by Hindle, J. London and New York: Verso. 1996: 138–148
- Noel Coward and Radclyffe Hall: Kindred Spirits New York: Columbia University Press. 1996
- Charlotte Brontë: “Hush Hush, Sweet Charlotte” The New Republic 1996
- 19th-Century Spiritualism: “Flournoy’s Complaint" London Review of Books 1996
- Jane Austen: “Sister-Sister” Lingua Franca 1995
- First Ed. Lesbian Words: State of the Art edited by Turoff, R. New York: Richard Kasak Books. 1995
- Introduction Emma Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1995
- The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the Invention of the Uncanny New York: Oxford University Press. 1995
- Geisterhafte Politik: Der Glaube an Erscheinungen und die romantische Imagination Nach der Aufklärung? Beiträge zum Diskurs der Kulturwissenschaften edited by Klein, W., Naumann-Beyer, W. 1995: 67–94
- Jane Austen: “Sister-Sister” London Review of Books 1995; 2
- Eliza Fenwick and 18th-Century Women’s Writing: “Sublimely Bad” London Review of Books 1995
- In Praise of Brigitte Fassbaender En Travesti: Women, Gender, Subversion, Opera edited by Blackmer, C., Smith, P. J. New York: Columbia University Press. 1995: 20–58
- History of Sexuality: “Sex Please--We’re British" The New Republic 1995; 5
- Gertrude Stein: “Very Fine is My Valentine” Times Literary Supplement 1994
- Why the Houyhnhnms Don't Write: Swift, Satire, and the Fear of the Text Gulliver's Travels: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism edited by Fox, C. New York: Bedford Books. 1994
- Contagious Folly: An Adventure and its Skeptics Questions of Evidence: Proof, Practice, and Persuasion across the Disciplines edited by Chandler, J. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1994: 11–15
- Sylvia Townsend Warner: “The Will to Whimsy” Times Literary Supplement 1994
- First Ed Cartographies: Contemporary American Essays edited by Young, D. Boston: Bedford Books. 1994
- Why the Houyhnhnms Don't Write: Swift, Satire, and the Fear of the Text Critical Essays on Jonathan Swift edited by Palmeri, F. New York: G.K. Hall. 1993
- The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture New York: Columbia University Press. 1993
- The Spectralization of the Other in The Mysteries of Udolpho The Critical Response to Ann Radcliffe edited by Rogers, D. New York: Greenwood Press. 1993
- Lesbian Writing: “Love Between Women” Times Literary Supplement 1993
1992: 1-38
View details for Web of Science ID A1992HZ83200001
- Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Counterplot of Lesbian Fiction Sexual Sameness: Textual Differences in Lesbian and Gay Writing edited by Bristow, J. London: Routledge. 1992: 128–147
- The Brontës: “Another Brontë Country” Times Literary Supplement 1992
1991; 17 (4): 741-772
View details for Web of Science ID A1991FU11700005
1991; 13 (3): 86-90
View details for Web of Science ID A1991GN36700032
- The Carnivalization of Eighteenth-Century English Narrative The Country Myth: Motifs in the British Novel from Defoe to Smollett edited by Hahn, H. G. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 1991
- Janet Flanner: “An Americaine in Paris” The New Republic 1990
- Warner and the Counterplot of Lesbian Fiction Textual Practice 1990; 4: 213-235
- Introduction Northanger Abbey Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990
- 18th-Century Bluestockings: “Learned Ladies” Times Literary Supplement 1990
- 18th-Century Women’s Poetry: “Unruly and Unresigned” Times Literary Supplement 1989
- Review of "I Know My Own Heart: The Diaries of Anne Lister," ed. by Helena Whitbread Women's Review of Books 1989
- Lesbian Writing: “Pursuing the Amazonian Dream” Times Literary Supplement 1989
1988; 15 (1): 26-61
View details for Web of Science ID A1988Q124400002
1987: 1-27
View details for Web of Science ID A1987G407600001
- The Culture of Travesty. Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment edited by Rouseaau, G. S., Porter, R. Manchester University Press. 1987: 156–180
- The Spectralization of the Other in The Mysteries of Udolpho The New Eighteenth Century: Theory, Politics, English Literature edited by Brown, L., Nussbaum, F. New York: Methuen. 1987: 231–253
- Masquerade and Civilization: The Masquerade in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction London: Methuen. 1986
- Masquerade and Civilization: The Masquerade in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1986
- The Masquerade in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction Stanford University Press. 1986
- The Masquerade in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction London Press. 1986
- Review of "Sex and Enlightenment: Women in Richardson and Diderot" by Rita Goldberg Women's Review of Books 1985
- Review of The "Dress Work at Masquerades in England, 1730 to 1790, and its Relation to Fancy Dress in the Portraiture" by Aileen Ribeiro The Eighteenth-Century: A Current Bibliography 1985
1984; 17 (2): 156-176
View details for Web of Science ID A1984SC65500003
- Lovelace's Dream Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture edited by Brack, O. M. University of Wisconsin Press. 1984: 29–42
1984; 16 (2): 168-169
View details for Web of Science ID A1984TA73300016
1984; 99 (5): 903-916
View details for Web of Science ID A1984TH85700003
1984; 9 (4): 717-720
View details for Web of Science ID A1984TH02900020
1983; 81 (1): 76-80
View details for Web of Science ID A1983RH42600014
- Review of "Reading Deconstruction: Deconstructive Reading" by Douglas Atkins The Eighteenth-Century: A Current Bibliography 1983
- Clarissa's Ciphers: Meaning and Disruption in Richardson's 'Clarissa'. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1982
1982; 16 (1): 86-90
View details for Web of Science ID A1982PN00200009
1982; 22 (3): 469-489
View details for Web of Science ID A1982PF54600006
1982; 49 (3): 602-622
View details for Web of Science ID A1982PG50300003
- Review of "The Heroine's Text: Readings in French and English Fiction 1722-1782" by Nancy K. Miller and Women, Letters, and the Novel by Ruth Perry Signs 1981; 7
1980; 7 (1): 31-44
View details for Web of Science ID A1980KH38500004
1979; 78 (2): 193-208
View details for Web of Science ID A1979JH70800003
1979; 46 (1): 81-96
View details for Web of Science ID A1979GR76000005
- Their Heads in their Canoos: Comic Myth in Marvell's 'Upon Appleton House' Gypsy Scholar 1978; 5: 3-17