Vered Karti Shemtov
Eva Chernov Lokey Senior Lecturer in Hebrew Language and Literature
Comparative Literature
See bio at: https://dlcl.stanford.edu/people/vered-karti-shemtov
Academic Appointments
Senior Lecturer, Comparative Literature
Honors & Awards
Chancellor's Award and Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley (1999)
Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching, Stanford University (2006)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Past Co-Director, Taube Center for Jewish Studies (6 years of service)
Coordinator, Hebrew@Stanford, Stanford University
Past Board Member, Taube Foundation
Member, National Association of Professors of Hebrew
Past Board Member, Lively Arts, Stanford University
Core Executive Committee Member, Taube Center for Jewish Studies, Stanford University
Editorial Board Member, Prooftexts
Conference Board Member, National Association of Professors of Hebrew
Advisory Board Member, Venice Center for Interdisciplinary Jewish Studies
Test Committee Chair, SAT Hebrew (up to 8/2011)
Review Editor, Hebrew Studies Journal, Modern Hebrew (2006 - 2006)
Member, Modern Language Association
Member, Association of Jewish Studies
Member, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Professional Education
B.A., Tel Aviv University, Israel, Comparative Literature
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Comparative Literature
All Publications
- History and Responsibility: Hebrew Literature and 1948 Special Issue of Jewish Social Studies edited by Shemtov, V., Eshel, A., Hever, H. 2013
- Dan Pagis: Poetic lines without a Home in Collected Essays on the work of Dan Pagis edited by Hever, H. Bialik Insittuion, TBP, Tel Aviv . 2013
- Changing Rhythms: Towards a Prosodic Theory in Literary Context Bar Ilan University Press. 2012
- Technology and Language Teaching in Higher Education: Some thoughts about the State of the Field Gadish 2012
- Hebrew Literature 1920 to the present Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics edited by Greene, R., Cushman, S., Cavanagh, C., Ramazani, J., Rouzer, P. Princeton University Press. 2012
- Hebrew Poetry: 1781-1920 Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics edited by Greene, R., Cushman, S., Cavanagh, C., Ramazani, J., Rouzer, P. Princeton University Press. 2012
- Dwelling in the Stanzas of the Text: The Concept of 'Bayt' in Hebrew Poetry Sh'ma 2012
- Technology and Language Teaching in Higher Education: Some thoughts about the State of the Field Issues in the Acquisition and Teaching of Hebrew edited by Feuer, A., Armon-Lotem, S., Cooperman, B. Bethesda: University Press of Maryland. 2009
- Attraversando I Confini: Dallo Spazio Letterario Alle Frontiere Geografico-Politiche Nei Romanzi la Sposa Liberata Opera Letteraria di Yehoshua 2008
- The Bible in Contemporary Israeli Literature: Text and Place in Zeruya Shalev's Husband and Wife and Michal Govrin's Snapshots Hebrew Studies 2006
- Between a Jewish and an Israeli Perspective of Space: A Reading in Yehuda Amichai’s “Jewish Travel” and “Israeli Travel" JSS 2005
- Jewish Conceptions and Practices of Space Special issue ofJewish Social Studies edited by Shemtov, V., Fonrobert, C. 2005
Metrical hybridization: Prosodic ambiguities as a form of social dialogue
2001; 22 (1): 65-87
View details for Web of Science ID 000169721100004
- Metrical Hybridization: Prosodic ambiguities as a form of social dialogues Poetics Today 2001