School of Medicine

Showing 1 of 1 Results

  • Lola Oladini

    Lola Oladini

    Affiliate, Department Funds
    Resident in Rad/Interventional Radiology

    BioLola Oladini is an interventional radiology/ diagnostic radiology resident (2019-2024) with a passion for community service and upliftment, global health, improv/theater for social change, and optimizing medical education within the field of interventional radiology. She graduated from University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine where she also completed an MBA from Chicago Booth School of Business with a concentration in Industrial and Organizational Behavior. She also has limited experience in healthcare consulting, as part of her summer internship with The Boston Consulting Group. She hopes to leverage her experiences and skillsets to uplift low-resource communities locally and abroad.