Kathleen M. Sochan
Administrative Associate 3, Surgery - General Surgery
Kathleen Sochan is an Administrative Associate in the Department of Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine. Kathleen supports Drs. Frederick M. Dirbas, Daniel J. Delitto and Amanda R. Kirane in the Division of General Surgery.
Kathleen Sochan started with Stanford in 2003 at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital supporting the board of directors. In 2013, she transferred to the School of Medicine to support the Chair of the Department of Surgery. In 2015, she joined Stanford Biodesign, where she supported Thomas M. Krummel, MD, Emile Holman Professor & Chair Emeritus and Biodesign Co-Director. Additionally, she supported Drs. Todd Brinton, Dan Azagury, and James Wall during her tenure at Biodesign. In October 2021, Kathleen returned to the Department of Surgery.
Current Role at Stanford
Administrative Associate
Stanford University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery
257 Campus Drive, Rm GK200, MC5148
Stanford, CA 94305