
Chris Gerdes is a Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. His laboratory studies how cars move, how humans drive cars and how to design future cars that work cooperatively with the driver or drive themselves. Vehicles in the lab include X1, a student-built electric, steer-by-wire test vehicle; Takumi, a modified Toyota Supra capable of autonomous drifting in tandem with another car; and Marty, the electrified, automated, drifting DeLorean. Chris' interests in vehicle safety extend to ethics and government policy, having helped to develop the US Federal Automated Vehicle Policy while serving as the first Chief Innovation Officer of the US Department of Transportation.

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Chief Innovation Officer, United States Department of Transportation (2016 - 2017)

Honors & Awards

  • Best Paper Award, 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (2014)
  • Rudolf Kalman Award, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division (2013)
  • Villa Ladenburg Fellowship, Daimler and Benz Foundation (2012-2014)
  • Arch T. Colwell Merit Award, SAE International (2006)
  • Rudolf Kalman Award, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division (2006)
  • Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, SAE International (2005)
  • Samuel M. Burka Award, Institute of Navigation (2004)
  • Best Paper Award, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (2002)
  • CAREER Award, National Science Foundation (2002)
  • Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, National Science Foundation (2002)
  • Frederick Emmons Terman Fellowship, Stanford University (1998-2001)

Professional Education

  • BSE, University of Pennsylvania, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (1990)
  • BSEcon, University of Pennsylvania, Entrepreneurial Management (1990)
  • MS, University of Pennsylvania, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (1992)
  • PhD, UC Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering (1996)


  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 11,614,752 Vehicle platooning systems and methods", Peloton Technology, Inc., Mar 28, 2023
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 11,474,538 Methods and systems for semi-autonomous vehicular convoys", Peloton Technology, Inc., Oct 18, 2022
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes. "United States Patent 10,732,645 Methods and systems for semi-autonomous vehicular convoys", Peloton Technology, Inc., Aug 4, 2020
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 10,481,614 Vehicle platooning systems and methods", Peloton Technology, Inc., Nov 19, 2019
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 10,281,927 Systems and methods for semi-autonomous vehicular convoys", Peloton Technology, Inc., May 7, 2019
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes. "United States Patent 10,162,366 Methods and systems for semi-autonomous vehicular convoys", Peloton Technology, Inc., Dec 25, 2018
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes. "United States Patent 10,042,365 Methods and systems for semi-autonomous vehicular convoys", Peloton Technology, Inc., Aug 7, 2018
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 9,665,102 Systems and methods for semi-autonomous vehicular convoys", Peloton Technology, Inc., May 30, 2017
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, D Lyons, S Boyd, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 9,645,579 Vehicle platooning systems and methods", Peloton Technology, Inc., May 9, 2017
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 9,582,006 Systems and methods for semi-autonomous convoying of vehicles", Peloton Technology, Inc., Feb 28, 2017
  • J Switkes, J Gerdes, E Berdichevsky. "United States Patent 8,744,666 Systems and methods for semi-autonomous vehicular convoys", Peloton Technology, Inc., Jun 3, 2014
  • S Joe, Y Deguchi, Y-H Hsu, S Laws, J Gerdes. "United States Patent 7,845,218 Tire state estimator and tire state estimation method", Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Leland Stanford Junior University, Dec 7, 2010
  • D Bevly, J Gerdes. "United States Patent 6,681,180 Determination and control of vehicle sideslip using GPS", Leland Stanford Junior University, Jan 20, 2004

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Modeling and Control for Dynamic Drifting Trajectories IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES Weber, T. P., Gerdes, J. 2024; 9 (2): 3731-3741
  • Shared Control Up to the Limits of Vehicle Handling IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES Talbot, J., Brown, M., Gerdes, J. 2024; 9 (1): 2977-2987
  • Exploiting Linear Structure for Precision Control of Highly Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES Peterson, M. T., Goel, T., Gerdes, J. 2023; 8 (2): 1852-1862
  • High Speed Emulation in a Vehicle-in-the-Loop Driving Simulator IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES Weiss, E., Gerdes, J. 2023; 8 (2): 1826-1836
  • Learning Policies for Automated Racing Using Vehicle Model Gradients IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Spielberg, N. A., Templer, M., Subosits, J., Gerdes, J. 2023; 4: 130-142
  • Long-Horizon Vehicle Planning and Control Through Real-Time Iterations Fors, V., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2023
  • Neural networks overtake humans in a racing game NATURE Gerdes, J. 2022; 602 (7896): 213-214

    View details for DOI 10.1038/d41586-022-00304-2

    View details for Web of Science ID 000753550800009

    View details for PubMedID 35140381

  • Long-Horizon Vehicle Motion Planning and Control Through Serially Cascaded Model Complexity IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Laurense, V. A., Gerdes, J. 2022; 30 (1): 166-179
  • Combining Virtual Reality and Steer-by-Wire Systems to Validate Driver Assistance Concepts Weiss, E., Talbot, J., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2022: 1709-1715
  • Neural Network Model Predictive Motion Control Applied to Automated Driving With Unknown Friction IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Spielberg, N. A., Brown, M., Gerdes, J. 2021
  • Impacts of Model Fidelity on Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles in Extreme Maneuvers IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES Subosits, J. K., Gerdes, J. 2021; 6 (3): 546-558
  • Game-Theoretic Planning for Self-Driving Cars in Multivehicle Competitive Scenarios IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS Wang, M., Wang, Z., Talbot, J., Gerdes, J., Schwager, M. 2021; 37 (4): 1313-1325
  • Optimal Decision Making for Automated Vehicles Using Homotopy Generation and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Patterson, V. Z., Lewis, F. E., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2021: 1045-1050
  • On infusing reachability-based safety assurance within planning frameworks for human-robot vehicle interactions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH Leung, K., Schmerling, E., Zhang, M., Chen, M., Talbot, J., Gerdes, J., Pavone, M. 2020
  • Learning at the Racetrack: Data-Driven Methods to Improve Racing Performance Over Multiple Laps IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Kapania, N. R., Gerdes, J. 2020; 69 (8): 8232–42
  • On Infusing Reachability-Based Safety Assurance Within Probabilistic Planning Frameworks for Human-Robot Vehicle Interactions Leung, K., Schmerling, E., Chen, M., Talbot, J., Gerdes, J., Pavone, M., Xiao, J., Kroger, T., Khatib, O. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. 2020: 561-574
  • Robust Stabilization and Collision Avoidance through Minimizing Open-Loop Velocity Uncertainty Brown, M., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2020: 259-264
  • The Virtues of Automated Vehicle Safety - Mapping Vehicle Safety Approaches to Their Underlying Ethical Frameworks Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2020: 107-113
  • Towards Automated Vehicle Control Beyond the Stability Limits: Drifting Along a General Path ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Goh, J. Y., Goel, T., Gerdes, J. C. 2020; 142 (2)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4045320

  • Opening New Dimensions: Vehicle Motion Planning and Control using Brakes while Drifting Goel, T., Goh, J. Y., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2020: 560-565
  • Vehicle control synthesis using phase portraits of planar dynamics VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS Bobier-Tiu, C. G., Beal, C. E., Kegelman, J. C., Hindiyeh, R. Y., Gerdes, J. 2019; 57 (9): 1318–37
  • Neural network vehicle models for high-performance automated driving. Science robotics Spielberg, N. A., Brown, M., Kapania, N. R., Kegelman, J. C., Gerdes, J. C. 2019; 4 (28)


    Automated vehicles navigate through their environment by first planning and subsequently following a safe trajectory. To prove safer than human beings, they must ultimately perform these tasks as well or better than human drivers across a broad range of conditions and in critical situations. We show that a feedforward-feedback control structure incorporating a simple physics-based model can be used to track a path up to the friction limits of the vehicle with performance comparable with a champion amateur race car driver. The key is having the appropriate model. Although physics-based models are useful in their transparency and intuition, they require explicit characterization around a single operating point and fail to make use of the wealth of vehicle data generated by autonomous vehicles. To circumvent these limitations, we propose a neural network structure using a sequence of past states and inputs motivated by the physical model. The neural network achieved better performance than the physical model when implemented in the same feedforward-feedback control architecture on an experimental vehicle. More notably, when trained on a combination of data from dry roads and snow, the model was able to make appropriate predictions for the road surface on which the vehicle was traveling without the need for explicit road friction estimation. These findings suggest that the network structure merits further investigation as the basis for model-based control of automated vehicles over their full operating range.

    View details for DOI 10.1126/scirobotics.aaw1975

    View details for PubMedID 33137751

  • Neural network vehicle models for high-performance automated driving SCIENCE ROBOTICS Spielberg, N. A., Brown, M., Kapania, N. R., Kegelman, J. C., Gerdes, J. 2019; 4 (28)
  • A Hybrid Control Design for Autonomous Vehicles at Uncontrolled Crosswalks Kapania, N. R., Govindarajan, V., Borrelli, F., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2019: 1604–11
  • Contingency Model Predictive Control for Automated Vehicles Alsterda, J. P., Brown, M., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2019: 717-722
  • Contingency Model Predictive Control for Automated Vehicles American Control Conference Alsterda, J. P., Brown, M., Gerdes, J. C. 2019
  • From the Racetrack to the Road: Real-Time Trajectory Replanning for Autonomous Driving IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles Subosits, J. K., Gerdes, J. C. 2019; 4 (2): 309-320

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIV.2019.2904390

  • Toward Closing the Loop on Human Values IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles Thornton, S. M., Limonchik, B., Lewis, F. E., Kochenderfer, M. J., Gerdes, J. C. 2019; 4 (3): 437-446

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIV.2019.2919471

  • Coordinating Tire Forces to Avoid Obstacles Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles Brown, M., Gerdes, J. C. 2019; 5 (1): 21-31

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIV.2019.2955362

  • Designing Automated Vehicles Around Human Values. Road Vehicle Automation 6. AVS 2019. Gerdes, J. C., Thornton, S. M., Millar, J. edited by Meyer, G., Beiker, S. Springer. 2019
  • Game Theoretic Planning for Self-Driving Cars in Competitive Scenarios Wang, M., Wang, Z., Talbot, J., Gerdes, J., Schwager, M., Bicchi, A., KressGazit, H., Hutchinson, S. MIT PRESS. 2019
  • Mind over motor mapping: Driver response to changing vehicle dynamics HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING Bruno, J. L., Baker, J. M., Gundran, A., Harbott, L. K., Stuart, Z., Piccirilli, A. M., Hosseini, S., Gerdes, J., Reiss, A. L. 2018; 39 (10): 3915–27

    View details for DOI 10.1002/hbm.24220

    View details for Web of Science ID 000443941200008

  • Mind over motor mapping: Driver response to changing vehicle dynamics. Human brain mapping Bruno, J. L., Baker, J. M., Gundran, A. n., Harbott, L. K., Stuart, Z. n., Piccirilli, A. M., Hosseini, S. M., Gerdes, J. C., Reiss, A. L. 2018


    Improvements in vehicle safety require understanding of the neural systems that support the complex, dynamic task of real-world driving. We used functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and pupilometry to quantify cortical and physiological responses during a realistic, simulated driving task in which vehicle dynamics were manipulated. Our results elucidate compensatory changes in driver behavior in response to changes in vehicle handling. We also describe associated neural and physiological responses under different levels of mental workload. The increased cortical activation we observed during the late phase of the experiment may indicate motor learning in prefrontal-parietal networks. Finally, relationships among cortical activation, steering control, and individual personality traits suggest that individual brain states and traits may be useful in predicting a driver's response to changes in vehicle dynamics. Results such as these will be useful for informing the design of automated safety systems that facilitate safe and supportive driver-car communication.

    View details for PubMedID 29885097

  • Value Sensitive Design for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Planning Thornton, S. M., Lewis, F. E., Zhang, V., Kochenderfer, M. J., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 1157-1162
  • Analysis of Feasible Tire Force Regions for Optimal Tire Force Allocation with Limited Actuation IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE Park, H., Gerdes, J. 2017; 9 (3): 75–87
  • Neural, physiological, and behavioral correlates of visuomotor cognitive load. Scientific reports Hosseini, S. M., Bruno, J. L., Baker, J. M., Gundran, A., Harbott, L. K., Gerdes, J. C., Reiss, A. L. 2017; 7 (1): 8866


    Visuomotor ability is quite crucial for everyday functioning, particularly in driving and sports. While there is accumulating evidence regarding neural correlates of visuomotor transformation, less is known about the brain regions that accommodate visuomotor mapping under different cognitive demands. We concurrently measured cortical activity and pupillary response, using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and eye-tracking glasses, to examine the neural systems linked to pupil dilation under varying cognitive demands. Twenty-three healthy adults performed two sessions of a navigation task, in which the cognitive load was manipulated by either reversing the visuomotor mapping or increasing the speed of the moving object. We identified a region in the right superior parietal lobule that responded to both types of visuomotor load and its activity was associated with larger pupillary response and better performance in the task. Our multimodal analyses suggest that activity in this region arises from the need for increased attentional effort and alertness for visuomotor control and is an ideal candidate for objective measurement of visuomotor cognitive load. Our data extend previous findings connecting changes in pupil diameter to neural activity under varying cognitive demand and have important implications for examining brain-behavior associations in real-world tasks such as driving and sports.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-07897-z

    View details for PubMedID 28821719

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC5562732

  • Collision Avoidance and Stabilization for Autonomous Vehicles in Emergency Scenarios IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Funke, J., Brown, M., Erlien, S. M., Gerdes, J. 2017; 25 (4): 1204–16
  • Incorporating Ethical Considerations Into Automated Vehicle Control IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Thornton, S. M., Pan, S., Erlien, S. M., Gerdes, J. 2017; 18 (6): 1429–39
  • Safe driving envelopes for path tracking in autonomous vehicles CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Brown, M., Funke, J., Erlien, S., Gerdes, J. C. 2017; 61: 307-316
  • Insights into vehicle trajectories at the handling limits: analysing open data from race car drivers VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS Kegelman, J. C., Harbott, L. K., Gerdes, J. C. 2017; 55 (2): 191-207
  • Biomimetic Creatures Teach Mechanical Systems Design Estrada, M. A., Kegelman, J. C., Gerdes, J., Cutkosky, M. R., Mangan, M., Cutkosky, M., Mura, A., Verschure, P. F., Prescott, T., Lepora, N. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. 2017
  • A Synthetic Input Approach to Slip Angle Based Steering Control for Autonomous Vehicles Subosits, J. K., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 2297–2302
  • Path-Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles at the Limit of Friction Laurense, V. A., Goh, J. Y., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 5586–91
  • Design of Variable Vehicle Handling Characteristics Using Four-Wheel Steer-by-Wire IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Russell, H. E., Gerdes, J. C. 2016; 24 (5): 1529-1540
  • A Sequential Two-Step Algorithm for Fast Generation of Vehicle Racing Trajectories JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Kapania, N. R., Subosits, J., Gerdes, J. C. 2016; 138 (9)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4033311

    View details for Web of Science ID 000382747500005

  • Shared Steering Control Using Safe Envelopes for Obstacle Avoidance and Vehicle Stability IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Erlien, S. M., Fujita, S., Gerdes, J. C. 2016; 17 (2): 441-451
  • Simple Clothoid Lane Change Trajectories for Automated Vehicles Incorporating Friction Constraints JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Funke, J., Gerdes, J. C. 2016; 138 (2)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4032033

    View details for Web of Science ID 000367549700002

  • Autonomous Driving - Technical, Legal and Social Aspects edited by Maurer, M., Gerdes, J. C., Lenz, B., Winner, H. Springer. 2016
  • Prescriptive and Proscriptive Moral Regulation for Autonomous Vehicles in Approach and Avoidance Pan, S., Thornton, S. M., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2016
  • Simultaneous Stabilization and Tracking of Basic Automobile Drifting Trajectories Goh, J. Y., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2016: 597–602
  • Predictive Haptic Feedback for Obstacle Avoidance Based on Model Predictive Control IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Balachandran, A., Brown, M., Erlien, S. M., Gerdes, J. C. 2016; 13 (1): 26-31
  • Motor learning affects car-to-driver handover in automated vehicles. Science robotics Russell, H. E., Harbott, L. K., Nisky, I. n., Pan, S. n., Okamura, A. M., Gerdes, J. C. 2016; 1 (1)


    Vehicles in the foreseeable future will be required to transition between autonomous driving (without human involvement) and full human control. During this transition period, the human, who has not been actively engaged in the driving process, must resume the motor control necessary to steer the car. The in-car study presented here demonstrates that when human drivers are presented with a steering behavior that is different from the last time they were in control, specifically the ratio of hand wheel angle to road wheel angle (emulating a change in vehicle speed), they undergo a significant period of adaptation before they return to their previous steering behavior. However, drivers do not require an adaptation period to return to previous driving behavior after changes in steering torque. These findings have implications for the design of vehicles that transition from automated to manual driving and for understanding of human motor control in real-world tasks.

    View details for DOI 10.1126/scirobotics.aah5682

    View details for PubMedID 33157857

  • Design of a feedback-feedforward steering controller for accurate path tracking and stability at the limits of handling VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS Kapania, N. R., Gerdes, J. C. 2015; 53 (12): 1687-1704
  • An analytical method for reducing combustion instability in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines through cycle-to-cycle control INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH Jungkunz, A. F., Ravi, N., Liao, H., Erlien, S. M., Gerdes, J. C. 2015; 16 (3): 485-500
  • Designing Steering Feel for Steer-by-Wire Vehicles Using Objective Measures IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS Balachandran, A., Gerdes, J. C. 2015; 20 (1): 373-383
  • Autonomes Fahren - Technische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte edited by Maurer, M., Gerdes, J. C., Lenz, B., Winner, H. Springer Vieweg. 2015
  • Path Tracking of Highly Dynamic Autonomous Vehicle Trajectories via Iterative Learning Control Kapania, N. R., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 2753–58
  • Autonomous Vehicle Control for Emergency Maneuvers: The Effect of Topography Subosits, J., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 1405–10
  • Cooperative Collision Avoidance via Proximal Message Passing Ong, H., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 4124–30
  • Prioritizing Collision Avoidance and Vehicle Stabilization for Autonomous Vehicles Funke, J., Brown, M., Erlien, S. M., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 1134–39
  • Creating Predictive Haptic Feedback For Obstacle Avoidance Using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) Framework Balachandran, A., Brown, M., Erlien, S. M., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 31–36
  • Optimal tire force allocation for trajectory tracking with an over-actuated vehicle Park, H., Gerdes, J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 1032–37
  • Implementable Ethics for Autonomous Vehicles Autonomes Fahren Gerdes, J. C., Thornton, S. M. edited by Maurer, M., Gerdes, J. C., Lenz, B., Winner, H. Springer Vieweg. 2015
  • A Controller Framework for Autonomous Drifting: Design, Stability, and Experimental Validation JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Hindiyeh, R. Y., Gerdes, J. C. 2014; 136 (5)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4027471

    View details for Web of Science ID 000340615600015

  • Hybrid Model Predictive Control of Exhaust Recompression Hcci ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL Widd, A., Liao, H., Gerdes, J. C., Tunestal, P., Johansson, R. 2014; 16 (2): 370-381

    View details for DOI 10.1002/asjc.725

    View details for Web of Science ID 000332412100006

  • Incorporating Non-Linear Tire Dynamics into a Convex Approach to Shared Steering Control American Control Conference Erlien, S. M., Funke, J., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2014: 3468–3473
  • Low Friction Emulation of Lateral Vehicle Dynamics Using Four-Wheel Steer-by-Wire American Control Conference Russell, H. E., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2014: 3924–3929
  • Multicylinder HCCI Control With Coupled Valve Actuation Using Model Predictive Control JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Erlien, S. M., Jungkunz, A. F., Gerdes, J. C. 2013; 135 (5)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4024299

    View details for Web of Science ID 000326090400018

  • Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Stabilization at the Limits of Handling IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Beal, C. E., Gerdes, J. C. 2013; 21 (4): 1258-1269
  • Staying within the nullcline boundary for vehicle envelope control using a sliding surface VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS Bobier, C. G., Gerdes, J. C. 2013; 51 (2): 199-217
  • Control of recompression HCCI with a three region switching controller CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Liao, H., Widd, A., Ravi, N., Jungkunz, A. F., Kang, J., Gerdes, J. C. 2013; 21 (2): 135-145
  • MULTI-CYLINDER HCCI CONTROL WITH CAM PHASER VARIABLE VALVE ACTUATION USING MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Division Conference / 11th JSME Motion and Vibration Conference Erlien, S. M., Jungkunz, A. F., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2013: 823–831
  • NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION OF A RACING LINE FOR AN AUTONOMOUS RACECAR USING PROFESSIONAL DRIVING TECHNIQUES 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Division Conference / 11th JSME Motion and Vibration Conference Theodosis, P. A., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2013: 235–241
  • Modeling and Control of Exhaust Recompression HCCI SPLIT FUEL INJECTION FOR CYLINDER-INDIVIDUAL COMBUSTION CONTROL IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE Ravi, N., Liao, H., Jungkunz, A. F., Song, H. H., Gerdes, J. C. 2012; 32 (4): 26-42
  • Model predictive control of HCCI using variable valve actuation and fuel injection IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) Ravi, N., Liao, H., Jungkunz, A. F., Widd, A., Gerdes, J. C. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2012: 421–30
  • Sliding Surface Vehicle Envelope Control: A Cooperative Design Between Controller and Envelope American Control Conference (ACC) Bobier, C. G., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2012: 6521–6526
  • Nonlinear optimization of a racing line for an autonomous racecar using professional driving techniques Theodosis, P., Gerdes, J. C. 2012
  • Modeling and control of exhaust recompression HCCI: split fuel injection for cylinder-individual combustion control IEEE Control Systems Magazine Ravi, N., Liao, H., Jungkunz, Adam, F., Song, H. H., Gerdes, J., Christian 2012; 4 (32): 26-42
  • Multi-Cylinder HCCI Control with Cam Phaser Variable Valve Actuation Using Model Predictive Control Erlien, S., Jungkunz, A., Gerdes, J., Christian 2012
  • Autonomous vehicle control at the limits of handling International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2012; 4 (10): 271-296
  • Using the center of percussion to design a steering controller for an autonomous race car Vehicle System Dynamics, 50 (Supplement) Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2012: 33-51
  • Analysis of Measured Racing Lines: A Path Primitive Based Curve Fitting Approach Koch, G., Kegelman, John, C., Gerdes, J., Christian 2012
  • Up to the Limits: Autonomous Audi TTS IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) Funke, J., Theodosis, P., Hindiyeh, R., Stanek, G., Kritatakirana, K., Gerdes, C., Langer, D., Hernandez, M., Mueller-Bessler, B., Huhnke, B. IEEE. 2012: 541–547
  • CONTROLLING VEHICLE INSTABILITY THROUGH STABLE HANDLING ENVELOPES ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference / Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Beal, C. E., Bobier, C. G., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2012: 861–868
  • COMBUSTION PHASING VARIATION REDUCTION FOR LATE-PHASING HCCI THROUGH CYCLE-TO-CYCLE PILOT INJECTION TIMING CONTROL ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference / Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Jungkunz, A. F., Ravi, N., Liao, H., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2012: 685–692
  • Modeling and Control of an Exhaust Recompression HCCI Engine Using Split Injection JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Ravi, N., Liao, H., Jungkunz, A. F., Chang, C., Song, H. H., Gerdes, J. C. 2012; 134 (1)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4004787

    View details for Web of Science ID 000299123800016

  • A CONTROLLER FRAMEWORK FOR AUTONOMOUS DRIFTING: DESIGN, STABILITY, AND EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference / Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Hindiyeh, R. Y., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2012: 901–908
  • GENERATING A RACING LINE FOR AN AUTONOMOUS RACECAR USING PROFESSIONAL DRIVING TECHNIQUES ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference / Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Theodosis, P. A., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2012: 853–860
  • Using the centre of percussion to design a steering controller for an autonomous race car 22nd Symposium of the International-Association-of-Vehicle-System-Dynamics (IAVSD) Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J. C. TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. 2012: 33–51
  • Late Phasing Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Cycle-to-Cycle Combustion Timing Control With Fuel Quantity Input American Control Conference (ACC) Jungkunz, A. F., Erlien, S., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2012: 2078–2083
  • Implementation and Analysis of a Repetitive Controller for an Electro-Hydraulic Engine Valve System IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Liao, H., Roelle, M. J., Chen, J., Park, S., Gerdes, J. C. 2011; 19 (5): 1102-1113
  • Pushing the limits: From lanekeeping to autonomous racing ANNUAL REVIEWS IN CONTROL Talvala, K. L., Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J. C. 2011; 35 (1): 137-148
  • Control of Exhaust Recompression HCCI using Hybrid Model Predictive Control American Control Conference (ACC) Widd, A., Liao, H., Gerdes, J. C., Tunestal, P., Johansson, R. IEEE. 2011: 420–425
  • Combustion Phasing Variation Reduction for Late-phasing HCCI Through Cycle-to-cycle Pilot Injecion Timing Control Jungkuz, A., Ravi, N., Liao, H., Gerdes, J., Christian 2011
  • Driftkeeping: Path tracking at the friction limits using high sideslip cornering Hindiyeh, R., Gerdes, J., Christian 2011
  • Using the center of percussion to generate feedforward steering for an autonomous race car Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2011
  • Controlling Vehicle Instability Through Stable Handling Envelopes Beal, Craig, E., Bobier, Carrie, G., Gerdes, J., Christian 2011
  • Implementation and analysis of a repetitive controller for an electo-hydraulic engine valve system IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Liao, H., Roelle, M., Chen, J., Park, S., Gerdes, J., Christian 2011; 5 (19): 1102-1113
  • A controller framework for autonomous drifting: Design, stability, and experimental validation Hindiyeh, R., Gerdes, J., Christian 2011
  • Model-Based Control of HCCI Engines Using Exhaust Recompression IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Ravi, N., Roelle, M. J., Liao, H., Jungkunz, A. F., Chang, C., Park, S., Gerdes, J. C. 2010; 18 (6): 1289-1302
  • Estimation of Tire Slip Angle and Friction Limits Using Steering Torque IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Hsu, Y. J., Laws, S. M., Gerdes, J. C. 2010; 18 (4): 896-907
  • Representing Recompression HCCI Dynamics with a Switching Linear Model American Control Conference Liao, H., Ravi, N., Jungkunz, A. F., Kang, J., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2010: 3803–3808
  • Experimental Validation of a Linear Model Predictive Envelope Controller in the Presence of Vehicle Nonlinearities Beal, Craig, E., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Controlling Combustion Phasing of Recompression HCCI with a Switching Controller Liao, H., Ravi, N., Jungkunz, A., Widd, A., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Mid-Ranging Control of a Multi-Cylinder HCCI Engine Using Split Fuel Injection and Valve Timings Ravi, N., Liao, H., Jungkunz, A., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Autonomous Cornering at the Limits: Maximizing a ‘g-g’ Diagram by Using Feedforward Trail-Braking and Throttle-On-Exit Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Envelope Control: Stabilizing within the Limits of Handling Using a Sliding Surface Bobierand, C., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Model based control of HCCI engines using exhaust recompression IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Ravi, N., Liao, H., Jungkunz, Adam, F., Chang, C., Park, S., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010; 6 (18): 1289-1302
  • Design of a Dynamic Surface Controller for Vehicle Sideslip Angle During Autonomous Drifting Hindiyehand, Rami, Y., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Reducing Combustion Variation of Late-Phasing HCCI with Cycle-To-Cycle Exhaust Valve Timing Control Jungkunz, A., Liao, H., Ravi, N., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Predictive control of vehicle roll dynamics with rear wheelsteering Beal, Craig, E., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • Autonomous Cornering at the Limits: Designing a Longitudinal Feedback Controller Using a Tire Slip Circle Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • PHYSICAL MODELING AND CONTROL OF A MULTI-CYLINDER HCCI ENGINE 2nd Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2009)/Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Ravi, N., Roelle, M. J., Liao, H., Jungkunz, A. F., Chang, C., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2010: 549–556
  • Analysis and control of high sideslip manoeuvres VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS Voser, C., Hindiyeh, R. Y., Gerdes, J. C. 2010; 48: 317-336
  • Modeling and control of exhaust recompression HCCI using split injection American Control Conference Ravi, N., Liao, H., Jungkunz, A. F., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2010: 3797–3802
  • EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS OF DRIFTING VEHICLES FOR CONTROL DESIGN 2nd Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2009)/Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Hindiyeh, R. Y., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2010: 181–188
  • ENHANCING VEHICLE STABILITY THROUGH MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL 2nd Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2009)/Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Beal, C. E., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2010: 197–204
  • PREDICTIVE CONTROL OF VEHICLE ROLL DYNAMICS WITH REAR WHEEL STEERING American Control Conference Beal, C. E., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2010: 1489–1494
  • Autonomous Cornering at the Limits: Designing a Longitudinal Feedback Controller Using a Tire Slip Circle Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2010
  • CONTROLLING AN AUTONOMOUS RACING VEHICLE: USING FEEDFORWARD AND FEEDBACK TO CONTROL STEERING AND SPEED 2nd Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2009)/Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2010: 173–180
  • Physics-Based Modeling and Control of Residual-Affected HCCI Engines JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Shaver, G. M., Gerdes, J. C., Roelle, M. J. 2009; 131 (2)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.3023125

    View details for Web of Science ID 000265526900002

  • Analysis and Control of High Sideslip Maneuvers Voser, C., Hindiyeh, Rami, Y., Gerdes, J., Christian 2009
  • Rollover event prevention through predictive control of coordinated actuators Beal, Craig, E., Gerdes, J., Christian 2009
  • Steer-by-wire suspension design: geometries to enhance peak tire force estimation Bobier, Carrie, G., Gerdes, J., Christian 2009
  • Controlling an Autonomous Racing Vehicle: Using Feedforward and Feedback to Control Steering and Speed Kritayakirana, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2009
  • Envelope control: keeping the vehicle within its handling limits using front steering Hsu, Y. J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2009
  • Transient responses of alternative vehicle configurations: A theoretical and experimental study on the effects of atypical moments of inertia American Control Conference 2008 Bobier, C. G., Laws, S. M., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2008: 230–235
  • Changing lanes with active lanekeeping assistance: a simulator study Human Factors for assistance and automation Schmidt, G., Talvala, Kirstin, L.R., Switkes, Joshua, P., Kiss, M., Gerdes, J., Christian edited by de Waard, D., Flemisch, F., Lorenz, B. Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, the Netherlands. 2008: 1
  • Lanekeeping at the Handling Limits Hindiyeh, Rami, Y., Talvala, Kirstin, L. R., Gerdes, J., Christian 2008
  • Design and Tests of a Controller for Autonomous Vehicle Path Tracking Using GPS/INS Sensors Kang, J., Hindiyeh, Rami, Y., Moon, S., Yi, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2008
  • The Jacobian Expression of Roll Center: Derivation and Interpretation with Application to a Suspension with Active Camber Laws, Shad, M., Gerdes, J., Christian 2008
  • Lanekeeping at the Limits of Handling: Stability via Lyapunov Functions and a Comparison with Stability Control Talvala, Kirstin, L.R., Gerdes, J., Christian 2008
  • The Predictive Nature of Pneumatic Trail: Tire Slip Angle and Peak Force Estimation using Steering Torque Hsu, Y. J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2008
  • Controller-observer implementation for cycle-by-cycle control of an HCCI engine ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Ravi, N., Roelle, M. J., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2008: 177–185
  • Estimating thermodynamic state and ignition in HCCI with variable fuel injection timing ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Roelle, M. J., Ravi, N., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2008: 195–204
  • Repetitive control of an electro-hydraulic engine valve actuation system American Control Conference 2008 Liao, H., Roelle, M. J., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2008: 975–980
  • Robust fault detection filter design with applications to steer-by-wire vehicles ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Gadda, C. D., Laws, S. M., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2008: 215–223
  • Generating diagnostic residuals for steer-by-wire vehicles IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Gadda, C. D., Laws, S. M., Gerdes, J. C. 2007; 15 (3): 529-540
  • Experimental vehicle handling modification through steer-by-wire and differential drive 26th American Control Conference Brown, J. W., MacLean, R. K., Laws, S., Gadda, C., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2007: 3814–3819
  • Driver Response to Steering Torque Disturbances: A User Study on Assisted Lane-keeping Switkes, Joshua, P., Gerdes, J., Christian, Schmidt, Gerrit, F., Kiss, M. 2007
  • Degenerate Mechanical Systems – A Framework for Tracking Control Chang, Samuel, Y., Gerdes, J., Christian 2007
  • Model Based Control of Exhaust Recompression HCCI Ravi, N., Roelle, Matthew, J., Jungkunz, Adam, F., Gerdes, J., Christian 2007
  • Experimental Studies of Using Steering Torque Under Various Road Conditions for Sideslip and Friction Estimation Hsu, Y. J., Laws, S., Gerdes, J., Christian 2007
  • Degenerate mechanical systems - A framework for tracking control 26th American Control Conference Chang, S. Y., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2007: 3729–3734
  • Integrating INS sensors with GPS measurements for continuous estimation of vehicle sideslip, roll, and tire cornering stiffness IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Bevly, D. A., Ryu, J., Gerdes, J. C. 2006; 7 (4): 483-493
  • Handwheel force feedback for lanekeeping assistance: Combined dynamics and stability JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Switkes, J. P., Rossetter, E. J., Coe, I. A., Gerdes, J. C. 2006; 128 (3): 532-542

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.2229256

    View details for Web of Science ID 000240924300007

  • Lyapunov based performance guarantees for the potential field lane-keeping assistance system JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Rossetter, E. J., Gerdes, J. C. 2006; 128 (3): 510-522

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.2192835

    View details for Web of Science ID 000240924300005

  • Modeling cycle-to-cycle dynamics and mode transition in HCCI engines with variable valve actuation CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Shaver, G. M., Roelle, M. J., Gerdes, J. C. 2006; 14 (3): 213-222
  • High-Frequency Vehicle Characteristics: Modeling and Experimental Validation of Yaw, Sideslip, and Roll Modes Law, S., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • A 2-Input, 2-State Model of Residual-Affected HCCI Engines Shaver, Gregory, M., Roelle, Matthew, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • A Physically Based Two-State Model for Controlling Exhaust Recompression HCCI in Gasoline Engines Ravi, N., Roelle, Matthew, J., Jungkunz, Adam, F., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • Lyapunov based performance guarantees for the potential field lanekeeping assistance system ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Rossetter, Eric, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006; 3 (128): 532-542
  • An Energy Based Performance Bound for Lanekeeping Assistance with Force Feedback Switkes, Joshua, P., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • A Dynamic Model of Recompression HCCI Combustion Including Cylinder Wall Temperature Roelle, Matthew, J., Ravi, N., Jungkunz, Adam, F., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • Cycle-to-cycle dynamics and mode transition in HCCI engines with variable valve actuation Control Engineering Practice Shaver, Gregory, M., Roelle, Matthew, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006; 3 (14): 213-222
  • A Method to Estimate the Friction Coefficient and Tire Slip Angle Using Steering Torque Hsu, Y. J., Laws, S., Gadda, Christopher, D., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • GPS-Augmented vehicle dynamics control SAE Transactions, Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems Beiker, Sven, A., Gaubatz, K., Gerdes, J., Christian, Rock, Kirstin, L. 2006: 1174-1182
  • Integrating INS sensors with GPS velocity measurements for continuous estimation of vehicle sideslip and tire cornering stiffness IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Bevly, David, M., Ryu, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006; 4 (7): 483-493
  • GPS Augmented Vehicle Dynamics Control Beiker, S. A., Gaubatz, K. H., Gerdes, J., Christian, Rock, Kirstin, L. 2006
  • Real-time Tire Parameter Estimation in a Steer-by-wire Vehicle Hsu, Y. J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • Eliminating the Need for Sensor Redundancy in Diagnostic Systems for Steer-by-Wire Vehicles Gadda, Christopher, D., Gerdes, J., Christian 2006
  • A two-input two-output control model of HCCI engines American Control Conference 2006 Shaver, G. M., Roelle, M., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2006: 472–477
  • Modification of vehicle handling characteristics via steer-by-wire IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Yih, P., Gerdes, J. C. 2005; 13 (6): 965-976
  • Consistent nonlinear estimation of longitudinal tire stiffness and effective radius IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Carlson, C. R., Gerdes, J. C. 2005; 13 (6): 1010-1020
  • Dynamic modeling of residual-affected homogeneous charge compression ignition engines with variable valve actuation JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Shaver, G. M., Gerdes, J. C., Roelle, M. J., Caton, P. A., Edwards, C. F. 2005; 127 (3): 374-381

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.1979511

    View details for Web of Science ID 000232071400008

  • Automotive diagnostic decisions using probabilistic infomation ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Schwall, M. L., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2005: 157–166
  • Steer-by-Wire Suspension and Steering Design for Controllability and Observability Laws, S., Gadda, C., Kohn, S., Yih, P., Gerdes, J., Christian, Milroy, J., Craig 2005
  • Residual autocorrelation in probabilistic model-based diagnostics ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Schwall, M. L., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2005: 1255–1264
  • A physically based approach to control of HCCI engines with variable valve actuation International Journal of Engine Research Shaver, Gregory, M., Roelle, Matthew, J., Caton, Patrick, A., Kaahaaina, Nalu, B., Ravi, N., Hathout, J., Gerdes, J. C. 2005; 4 (6): 361-375
  • Decoupled Control of Combustion Timing and Peak Pressure on an HCCI Engine Shaver, Gregory, M., Roelle, Matthew, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2005
  • Automotive Diagnostic Decisions Using Probabilistic Information Schwall, Matthew, L., Gerdes, J., Christian 2005
  • Decoupled control of combustion timing and work output in residual-affected HCCI engines American Control Conference 2005 (ACC) Shaver, G. M., Roelle, M., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2005: 3871–3876
  • Guaranteeing lanekeeping performance with tire saturation using computed polynomial lyapunov functions ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Switkes, J. P., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2005: 415–424
  • Validating GPS based measurements for vehicle control ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Rock, K. L., Beiker, S. A., Laws, S., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2005: 583–592
  • Residual Autocorrelation in Probabilistic Model-Based Diagnostics Schwall, Matthew, L., Gerdes, J., Christian 2005
  • Stabilization of a steer-by-wire vehicle at the limits of handling using feedback linearization ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Hsu, Y. J., Gerdes, J. C. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2005: 483–492
  • Differential geometric structures in vehicle lane keeping and roll mitigation American Control Conference 2005 (ACC) Chang, S. Y., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2005: 441–446
  • Integrating inertial sensors with global positioning system (GPS) for vehicle dynamics control JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Ryu, J., Gerdes, J. C. 2004; 126 (2): 243-254

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.1766026

    View details for Web of Science ID 000223382800002

  • Experimental validation of the potential field lanekeeping system INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Rossetter, E. J., Switkes, J. R., Gerdes, J. C. 2004; 5 (2): 95-108
  • Input shaper design in convex optimization framework with frequency domain constraints American Control Conference Bae, H. S., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2004: 2687–2692
  • Multi-cycle modeling of HCCI Engines Shaver, Gregory, M., Roelle, M., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004
  • Tackling theTransition: A Multi-Mode Combustion Model of SI and HCCI for Mode Transition Control Roelle, M., Shaver, Gregory, M., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004
  • Steer-by-Wire for Vehicle State Estimation and Control Yih, P., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004
  • Using MEMS Accelerometers to Improve Automobile Handwheel State Estimation for Force Feedback Switkes, Joshua, P., Coe, Ian, A., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004
  • Vehicle State Estimation in Diagnostic Systems for Steer-by-Wire Vehicles Gadda, Christopher, D., Yih, P., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004
  • Handwheel Force Feedback for Lanekeeping Assistance: Combined Dynamics and Stability Switkes, Joshua, P., Rossetter, Eric, J., Coe, Ian, A., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004
  • Contraction and Sum of Squares Analysis of HCCI Engines Shaver, Gregory, M., Kojic, A., Gerdes, J., Christian, Hathout, J., Ahmed, J. 2004
  • Integrating inertial sensors with GPS for vehicle dynamics control ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Ryu, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004; 2 (126): 243-254
  • Estimation of vehicle roll and road bank angle American Control Conference Ryu, J., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2004: 2110–2115
  • Physics-based closed-loop control of phasing, peak pressure and work output in HCCI engines utilizing variable valve actuation American Control Conference Shaver, G. M., Gerdes, J. C., Roelle, M. IEEE. 2004: 150–155
  • Vehicle sideslip and road bank angle estimation using GPS Review of Automotive Engineering JSAE Ryu, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2004; 3 (25): 347-359
  • Error sources when land vehicle dead reckoning with differential wheelspeeds Navigation Carlson, Christopher, R., Gerdes, J., Christian, Powell, J., David 2004; 1 (51): 13-29
  • Vehicle state estimation using steering torque American Control Conference Yih, P., Ryu, J., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2004: 2116–2121
  • Nonlinear estimation of longitudinal tire slip under several driving conditions Annual American Control Conference (ACC 2003) Carlson, C. R., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2003: 4975–4980
  • Optimal Rollover Prevention with Steer by Wire and Differential Braking Carlson, Christopher, R., Gerdes, J., Christian 2003
  • Cam System Modeling Cam Design Handbook Gerdes, J., Christian edited by Rothbart, Harold, A. Mc-Graw-Hill. 2003: 1
  • Safety Guarantees For Lanekeeping Assistance Systems With Time-Varying Disturbances: A Lyapunov Approach Rossetter, Eric, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2003
  • Cycle-to-cycle control of HCCI Engines Shaver, Gregory, M., Gerdes, J., Christian 2003
  • Command Modification Using Input Shaping for Automated Systems with Heavy Trucks Bae, Hong, S., Gerdes, J., Christian 2003
  • Residual-effected homogeneous charge compression ignition at low compression ratio using exhaust reinduction International Journal of Engine Research Caton, Patrick, A., Simon, A., J., Gerdes, J., Christian, Edwards, Christopher, F. 2003; 3 (4): 163-177
  • A Probabilistic Vehicle Diagnostic System Using Multiple Models Schwall, Matthew, L., Gerdes, J., Christian 2003
  • Command modification using input shaping for automated highway systems with heavy trucks Annual American Control Conference (ACC 2003) Bae, H. S., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2003: 54–59
  • Modification of vehicle handling characteristics via steer-by-wire Annual American Control Conference (ACC 2003) Yih, P., Ryu, J., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2003: 2578–2583
  • A gentle nudge towards safety: Experimental validation of the potential field driver assistance system Annual American Control Conference (ACC 2003) Rossetter, E. J., Switkes, J. P., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2003: 3744–3749
  • Modeling for control of HCCI engines Annual American Control Conference (ACC 2003) Shaver, G. M., Gerdes, J. C., Jain, P., Caton, P. A., Edwards, C. F. IEEE. 2003: 749–754
  • A new yaw dynamic model for improved high speed control of a farm tractor JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Bevly, D. M., Gerdes, J. C., Parkinson, B. W. 2002; 124 (4): 659-667

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.1515329

    View details for Web of Science ID 000180232400021

  • "Loop-at-a-time" design of Dynamic Surface Controllers for nonlinear systems JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Gerdes, J. C., Hedrick, J. K. 2002; 124 (1): 104-110

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.1433804

    View details for Web of Science ID 000175335800013

  • An error energy shaping interpretation of tracking controllers for mechanical systems 20th Annual American Control Conference (ACC) Chang, S. Y., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2002: 3968–3973
  • The use of GPS based velocity measurements for measurement of sideslip and wheel slip VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS Bevly, D. M., Gerdes, J. C., Wilson, C. 2002; 38 (2): 127-147
  • Loop-at-a-time’ design of dynamic surface controllers for nonlinear systems ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Gerdes, J., Christian, Hedrick, J., Karl 2002; 1 (124): 104-110
  • Performance Guarantees for Hazard Based Lateral Vehicle Control Rossetter, Eric, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2002
  • Yaw dynamic modeling for improved high speed control of a farm tractor ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Bevly, David, M. 2002; 4 (124): 659-667
  • The use of GPS based velocity measurements for measurement of sideslip and wheel slip Vehicle System Dynamics Bevly, David, M., Gerdes, J., Christian, Wilson, C. 2002; 2 (38): 127-147
  • Identifying Tire Pressure Variation by Nonlinear Estimation of Longitudinal Stiffness and Effective Radius Carlson, Christopher, R., Gerdes, J., Christian 2002
  • Practical Position and Yaw Rate Estimation with GPS and Differential Wheelspeeds Carlson, Christopher, R., Gerdes, J., Christian, Powell, J., David 2002
  • A Comparison of Several Sliding Surfaces for Stability Control Uematsu, K., Gerdes, J., Christian 2002
  • Vehicle Sideslip and Roll Parameter Estimation Using GPS Ryu, J., Rossetter, Eric, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2002
  • A Study of Lateral Vehicle Control Under a ‘Virtual’ Force Framework Rossetter, Eric, J., Gerdes, J., Christian 2002
  • A probabilistic approach to residual processing for vehicle fault detection 20th Annual American Control Conference (ACC) Schwall, M. L., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2002: 2552–2557
  • Combining lanekeeping and vehicle following with hazard maps VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS Gerdes, J. C., Rossetter, E. J., Saur, U. 2001; 36 (4-5): 391-411
  • A unified approach to driver assistance systems based on artificial potential fields JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Gerdes, J. C., Rossetter, E. J. 2001; 123 (3): 431-438
  • Road grade and vehicle parameter estimation for longitudinal control using GPS IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC'01) Bae, H. S., Ryu, R. H., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2001: 166–171
  • Multi-Modal Diagnostics for Vehicle Fault Detection Schwall, Matthew, L., Gerdes, J., Christian 2001
  • A Lyapunov Function Approach to Energy Based Model Reduction Chang, Samuel, Y., Carlson, Christopher, R., Gerdes, J., Christian 2001
  • Integrating INS sensors with GPS velocity measurements for continuous estimation of vehicle sideslip and tire cornering stiffness American Control Conference (ACC) Bevly, D. M., Sheridan, R., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2001: 25–30
  • Calculating longitudinal wheel slip and tire parameters using GPS velocity American Control Conference (ACC) Miller, S. L., YOUNGBERG, B., Millie, A., Schweizer, P., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2001: 1800–1805
  • Dynamic surface control for a class of nonlinear systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Swaroop, D., Hedrick, J. K., Yip, P. P., Gerdes, J. C. 2000; 45 (10): 1893-1899
  • The use of GPS based velocity measurements for improved vehicle state estimation 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000) Bevly, D. M., Gerdes, J. C., Wilson, C., Zhang, G. S. IEEE. 2000: 2538–2542
  • Yaw dynamic modeling for improved high speed control of a farm tractor Bevly, David., M., Gerdes, J., Christian, Parkinson, B. 2000
  • Parameter Estimation and Command Modification for Longitudinal Control of Heavy Vehicles Bae, H. S., Gerdes, J., Christian 2000
  • Combining Lanekeeping and Vehicle Following with Hazard Maps Gerdes, J., Christian, Saur, U., Rossetter, Eric, J. 2000
  • The role of handling characteristics in driver assistance systems with environmental interaction 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000) Rossetter, E. J., Gerdes, J. C. IEEE. 2000: 2528–2532
  • Brake system modeling for simulation and control JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Gerdes, J. C., Hedrick, J. K. 1999; 121 (3): 496-503
  • Hysteresis Control of Nonlinear Single-Acting Actuators as Applied to Brake/Throttle Switching Gerdes, J., Christian, Hedrick, J., Karl 1999
  • A Unified Approach to Driver Assistance Systems Based On Artificial Potential Fields Gerdes, J., Christian, Rossetter, Eric, J. 1999
  • Loop-at-a-time Design of Dynamic Surface Controllers for Nonlinear Systems Gerdes, J., Christian, Hedrick, J., Karl 1999
  • Vehicle speed and spacing control via coordinated throttle and brake actuation CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Gerdes, J. C., Hedrick, J. K. 1997; 5 (11): 1607-1614
  • Dynamic Surface Control of Nonlinear Systems Swaroop, D., V.A.H.G, Gerdes, J., Christian, Yip, Patrick, P., Hedrick, J., Karl 1997
  • Fault tolerant control of automatically controlled vehicles in response to brake system failures 1997 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Swaroop, D., Gerdes, J. C., Hedrick, J. K. I E E E. 1997: 705–710
  • Dynamic surface control of nonlinear system 1997 American Control Conference Swaroop, D., Gerdes, J. C., Yip, P. P., Hedrick, J. K. IEEE. 1997: 3028–3034
  • Vehicle speed and spacing control via coordinated throttle and brake actuation Control Engineering Practice Gerdes, J., Christian, Hedrick, J., Karl 1997; 11 (5): 1607-1614
  • Fault Tolerant Control of Automatically Controlled Vehicles in Response to Brake System Failures Swaroop, D., V.A.H.G, Gerdes, J., Christian, Hedrick, J., Karl 1997
  • Vehicle Speed and Spacing Control via Coordinated Throttle and Brake Actuation Gerdes, J., Christian, Hedrick, J., Karl 1996
  • An Impact Model of Mechanical Backlash for Control System Analysis Gerdes, J., Christian, Kumar, V. 1995
  • Brake system requirements for platooning on an automated highway 1995 American Control Conference Gerdes, J. C., Hedrick, J. K. AMER AUTOMATIC CONTROL COUNCIL. 1995: 165–169
  • Brake System Requirements for Platooning on an Automated Highway Gerdes, J., Christian, Hedrick, J., Karl 1995
  • Brake System Modeling for Vehicle Control Gerdes, J., Christian, Brown, Aaron, S., Hedrick, J., Karl 1995
  • Brake System Modeling for IVHS Longitudinal Control, Advances in Robust and Nonlinear Control Gerdes, J., Christian, Maciuca, Dragos, B., Hedrick, J., Karl, Devlin, Peter, E. 1993
  • Incorporating Design Into an Undergraduate Laboratory Course Gerdes, J., Christian 1993