All Publications

  • 'Mind the Gap'-reforestation needs vs. reforestation capacity in the western United States FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE Dobrowski, S. Z., Aghai, M. M., du Lac, A., Downer, R., Fargione, J., Haase, D. L., Hoecker, T., Kildisheva, O. A., Murdoch, A., Newman, S., North, M., Saksa, P., Sjoholm, M., Baribault, T., Buonanduci, M. S., Chambers, M. E., Gonzales-Kramer, L., Harvey, B. J., Hurteau, M. D., Loevner, J., Safford, H. D., Sloan, J. 2024; 7