Emily H. Wood
Research Project Manager, Medicine - Med/Oncology
Web page: http://web.stanford.edu/people/ehwood
All Publications
Food for Cancer Health Equity: A Qualitative Study Among People With Cancer Who Are Low-Income, Latino or Hispanic, Immigrant, and Individuals With Multiple Minoritized Races and Ethnicities.
JCO oncology practice
2025: OP2400322
Food insecurity is prevalent among patients with cancer. Gaps in our understanding of preferences for food assistance among Latino or Hispanic, immigrant, and people with multiple races and ethnicities limit uptake of food assistance interventions among these populations. We aimed to deeply understand the needs and preferences and barriers to food assistance intervention uptake among low-income, predominantly Latino or Hispanic, immigrant, and people with multiple races and ethnicities and cancer to inform development of tailored interventions.Participants were recruited among low-income adult patients with cancer who screened positive for food insecurity using the two-item Hunger Vital Sign as part of an ongoing parent randomized controlled trial evaluating a precision medicine intervention. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to assess dietary habits, barriers to food security, and preferences for intervention. Interview responses were transcribed, translated, and thematically analyzed using an inductive-deductive iterative approach.Among 40 (36.4%) participants in the parent randomized trial who screened positive for food insecurity, 20 (50%) were randomly selected to participate in this study. The mean age of participants was 56 years, 17 (85%) self-identified as Latino or Hispanic, 17 (85%) identified Spanish as their preferred language, 13 (65%) reported annual household income <$34,000 in US dollars, and 12 (60%) were unemployed. Three main themes emerged: (1) individualized nutritional needs and culturally specific food preferences; (2) financial, logistical, and emotional barriers to food security; and (3) self-efficacy, autonomy, and approaches to reduce stigma in food assistance interventions.Assessing and integrating the needs and preferences for food assistance is crucial for the development and uptake of food assistance interventions among Latino or Hispanic, immigrant, and other racial and ethnic minoritized individuals with cancer.
View details for DOI 10.1200/OP.24.00322
View details for PubMedID 39787452
A Community-Engaged Process for Adapting a Proven Community Health Worker Model to Integrate Precision Cancer Care Delivery for Low-income Latinx Adults With Cancer.
Health promotion practice
2022: 15248399221096415
INTRODUCTION: Disparities in precision cancer care delivery among low-income Latinx adults are well described. In prior work, we developed a community health worker-led goals of care and cancer symptom assessment intervention. The objective of this study was to adapt this intervention for a community setting, incorporating precision cancer care delivery.METHODS: We used a two-phased systematic approach to adapt an evidence-based intervention for our community. Specifically, we used the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework to identify barriers and facilitators to precision cancer care delivery via 1-hr interviews with Latinx adults with cancer, Latinx caregivers, community leaders, primary care and oncology clinicians, and community health workers. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the constant comparative method and grounded theory analysis. Phase 2 involved interviews with key community advisors using the Expert Panels Method to decide on final adaptations.RESULTS: Using this community-engaged approach, we identified specific intervention adaptations to ensure precision cancer care delivery in a community setting, which included: (a) expansion of the intervention inclusion criteria and mode of delivery; (b) integration of low-literacy precision cancer care intervention activities in Spanish in collaboration with community-based organizations; (c) ensuring goals reflective of patient and community priorities.CONCLUSIONS: This systematic and community-engaged approach to adapt an intervention for use in delivering precision cancer care strengthened an evidence-based approach to promote the needs and preferences of patients and key community stakeholders.
View details for DOI 10.1177/15248399221096415
View details for PubMedID 35658733
Evaluation of first-person storytelling on changing health-related attitudes, knowledge, behaviors, and outcomes: A scoping review
2020; 103 (10): 1922–34
First-person storytelling (FPS) has the potential to engage patients in changing behavior differently than didactic education. We assessed the prevalence of FPS in health education interventions; whether published FPS research has shown improvements in attitudinal, knowledge, behavioral, or clinical outcomes; and whether randomized controlled trials (RCTs) including FPS have shown more effectiveness than non-FPS interventions.A scoping review of FPS studies published before October 2019 in five medical databases was conducted.22 out of 10,363 identified studies met eligibility criteria. FPS has been studied primarily in cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Of the 12 RCTs, compared to controls, patients receiving FPS interventions improved attitudes (N = 6 studies) and knowledge (N = 1), improved health behaviors like quitting smoking (N = 6), and improved clinical outcomes like lowering A1C levels (N = 3). Of the 10 non-RCT studies, compared to baseline assessments, patients who received FPS interventions had improved knowledge (N = 1), attitudes (N = 3), clinical outcomes (N = 4), and improved health behaviors (N = 7).While rarely used, FPS interventions can improve patient health attitudes and outcomes. Future research should expand FPS to new health areas and determine best practices for developing FPS interventions.FPS may be particularly effective with low income patients and racial/ethnic minorities.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.pec.2020.04.014
View details for Web of Science ID 000572849700007
View details for PubMedID 32359877
Amplifying the Patient Voice: Key Priorities and Opportunities for Improved Transplant and Living Donor Advocacy and Outcomes During COVID-19 and Beyond.
Current transplantation reports
2020: 1-10
To define patient advocacy and engagement for modern transplant and living donation care, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, describe the patient experience when transplant advocacy and engagement are optimized, and recommend opportunities for advocacy within three key areas: (1) including the patient voice in healthcare decisions and drug development, (2) access to the best evidence-based treatments and informed decision-making, and (3) present and future care innovations and policies.There are many avenues for transplant and living donation advocacy and engagement at the patient, provider, family, system, community, and policy levels. Key recommendations include the following: (1) simplifying education to be health literate, written at the appropriate reading level, culturally sensitive, and available in multiple languages and across many delivery platforms, (2) inviting transplant patients and donors to the conversation through advisory panels, consensus conferences, and new mediums like digital storytelling and patient-reported outcomes (PROs), (3) training all members of the health team to understand their role as advocates, and (4) advancing policies and programs that support the financial neutrality of living donation, and support recipients with the cost of immunosuppressive drugs. Key recommendations specific to the COVID-19 pandemic include providing up-to-date, health literate, concise information about preventing COVID-19 and accessing care including telehealth.Enhancing advocacy and engagement for transplant patients and donors along the pre-to-post transplant/donation continuum can improve clinical outcomes and quality of life generally, and more so, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
View details for DOI 10.1007/s40472-020-00295-x
View details for PubMedID 32904875
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7462355
Why Policy Changes May Be Necessary but Not Sufficient in Overcoming Disparities
2020; 5 (9): 1385–86
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.ekir.2020.07.037
View details for Web of Science ID 000568662700004
View details for PubMedID 32955517
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7486334
Recommendations for Systematizing Transplant Education Within a Care Delivery System for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 3 to 5
2020; 30 (2): 76–87
Early tailored transplant education could help patients make informed transplant choices.We interviewed 40 patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages 3 to 5, 13 support persons, and 10 providers at Kaiser Permanente Southern California to understand: (1) barriers to transplant education and (2) transplant educational preferences and recommendations based on CKD stage and primary language spoken.A grounded theory analysis identified central themes related to transplant education barriers, preferences, and recommendations.Barriers included confusion about diagnosis and when transplant may be necessary, concerns about transplant risks, families' lack of transplant knowledge, financial burdens, transportation and scheduling, and the emotional overload of chronic illness. Hispanic and Spanish-speaking participants reported difficulty in understanding transplant education and medical mistrust. Recommendations included providing general education, earlier introduction to transplant, wait-listing information, transplant education for support persons, living donation education for patients and potential donors, opportunities to meet living donors and kidney recipients, information on the benefits of transplant, recovery, and available financial resources, flexible class scheduling, online and print resources, and more provider follow-up. Spanish-speaking and Hispanic participants recommended using bilingual educators, print, video, and online resources in Spanish, and culturally responsive education. Patients with CKD stages 3 to 4 wanted information on slowing disease progression and avoiding transplant.Increasing access to culturally responsive transplant education in multiple languages, pairing appropriate content to the disease stage, and increasing system-wide follow-up as the disease progresses might help patients make more informed choices about transplant.
View details for DOI 10.1177/1526924820913520
View details for Web of Science ID 000523518400001
View details for PubMedID 32238045
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7430160
A Digital Library for Increasing Awareness About Living Donor Kidney Transplants: Formative Study
JMIR: Formative Research
View details for DOI 10.2196/17441
Storytelling to Inspire Dialysis Patients to Learn about Living Donor Kidney Transplant
Blood Purification
View details for DOI 10.1159/000512651