Nguyen K. Tran
LGBTQ+ Health Research Biostatistician/Epidemiologist, Obstetrics & Gynecology - General GYN
Nguyen K. Tran (he/him), PhD, MPH is a social epidemiologist with The PRIDE Study at Stanford University School of Medicine. In his current role, he applies his training in epidemiology, data science, and causal inference to conduct and support community-engaged research that addresses the health priorities of LGBTQIA+ communities, with the goal of advancing health equity for these populations. Substantively, this work focuses on the social and structural influences on healthcare access, mental health, and infectious diseases. Methodologically, he is interested in epidemiologic and statistical approaches for reducing bias in observational research.
Education & Certifications
PostDoc, Stanford University (2023)
Doctor of Philosophy, Drexel University (2022)
Master of Public Health, Drexel University (2018)
Bachelor of Science, University of Texas at Austin (2016)
All Publications
Conversion practice recall and mental health symptoms in sexual and gender minority adults in the USA: a cross-sectional study.
The lancet. Psychiatry
Conversion practices are associated with psychological morbidity, yet few studies have evaluated differences between efforts to change gender identity, sexual orientation, or both. We aimed to examine the individual and joint association of conversion practice recall targeted at gender identity or sexual orientation, or both, with current mental health symptoms among sexual and gender minority people.This cross-sectional study used data from The PRIDE Study, a US-based, online, prospective cohort study of sexual and gender minority adults who were recruited through social media, digital advertisements, and sexual and gender minority community-based events and organisations. For this analysis, we included participants who completed a lifetime questionnaire in 2019-20 and a subsequent annual questionnaire in 2020-21 without missing outcome data. All questionnaires were in English. The exposure was lifetime recall of conversion practice targeting gender identity alone, sexual orientation alone, or both (versus no conversion practice). Mental health outcomes were continuous measures: Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale, Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item (depression) scale, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 6-item scale, and Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised scale. We used linear regression to analyse the associations of conversion practice recall and mental health symptoms, controlling for demographic and childhood factors and stratified between cisgender and transgender and gender diverse groups. Sensitivity analyses evaluated the potential impact of unmeasured confounding. Analyses were conducted in R. We included people with related lived experience in the design and implementation of this study.Of 6601 participants who completed the lifetime questionnaire in 2019-20, 4440 completed the subsequent annual questionnaire in 2020 or 2021, and 4426 did not have missing outcome data. Of the 4426 included participants, 4073 (92·0%) identified as White (either alone or in combination with other ethnoracial options), 460 (10·4%) identified with multiple ethnoracial identities, and 1923 (43·4%) were transgender and gender diverse. Participants' age ranged from 18 years to 84 years (median 31·7 years, IQR 25·5-44·1). 149 (3·4%) participants reported sexual orientation-related conversion practice alone, 43 (1·0%) reported gender identity-related conversion practice alone, and 42 (1·0%) reported both. Recalling both forms of conversion practice was most strongly associated with greater post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD; β 2·84, 95% CI 0·94-4·74) and suicidality (2·14, 0·95-3·32) symptoms. Recall of only sexual orientation-related conversion practice was associated with greater symptoms of PTSD (1·10, 0·22-1·98). Recall of gender identity-related conversion practice alone was most strongly associated with greater depressive symptoms (3·24, 1·03-5·46). Only associations for suicidality differed between cisgender and transgender and gender diverse participants, although the latter showed higher mental health symptoms overall. Findings were moderately robust to potential sources of unmeasured confounding in sensitivity analysis.Recall of conversion practice exposure was associated with a range of mental health symptoms among sexual and gender minority people. These findings support calls to ban conversion practices because of their effects as a structural determinant of mental health.Gill Foundation, Dona Rockstand, and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
View details for DOI 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00251-7
View details for PubMedID 39362229
Self-Reported PrEP Use and Risk of Bacterial STIs Among Ontarian Men Who Are Gay or Bisexual or Have Sex With Men.
Annals of family medicine
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may increase rates of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) through risk compensation (eg, an increase in condomless sex or number of partners); however, longitudinal studies exploring the time-dependent nature of PrEP uptake and bacterial STIs are limited. We used marginal structural models to estimate the effect of PrEP uptake on STI incidence.We analyzed data from the iCruise study, an online longitudinal study of 535 Ontarian GBM from July 2017 to April 2018, to estimate the effects of PrEP uptake on incidence of self-reported bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis) collected with 12 weekly diaries. The incidence rate was calculated as the number of infections per 100 person-months, with evaluation of the STIs overall and individually. We used marginal structural models to account for time-varying confounding and quantitative bias analysis to evaluate the sensitivity of estimates to nondifferential outcome misclassification.Participating GBM were followed up for a total of 1,623.5 person-months. Overall, 70 participants (13.1%) took PrEP during the study period. Relative to no uptake, PrEP uptake was associated with an increased incidence rate of gonorrhea (incidence rate ratio = 4.00; 95% CI, 1.67-9.58), but not of chlamydia or syphilis, and not of any bacterial STI overall. Accounting for misclassification, the median incidence rate ratio for gonorrhea was 2.36 (95% simulation interval, 1.08-5.06).We observed an increased incidence rate of gonorrhea associated with PrEP uptake among Ontarian GBM that was robust to misclassification. Although our findings support current guidelines for integrating gonorrhea screening with PrEP services, additional research should consider the long-term impact of PrEP among this population.
View details for DOI 10.1370/afm.3152
View details for PubMedID 39191461
Intimate partner violence is related to future alcohol use among a nationwide sample of LGBTQIA+ people: Results from The PRIDE Study.
Drug and alcohol dependence
2024; 260: 111342
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, aromantic and asexual (LGBTQIA+) communities in the United States experience higher rates of alcohol use than the general population. While experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) is thought to lead to increased alcohol use in LGBTQIA+ people, little research has investigated the temporal relationship between IPV and alcohol use in this population.Data from two annual questionnaires of The Population Research in Identity and Disparities for Equality Study (The PRIDE Study) longitudinal cohort (n=3,783) were included. Overall IPV and three sub-types (physical, sexual, and emotional) - measured in 2021 using the extended Hurt, Insult, Threaten, Scream (E-HITS) screening tool - was examined as a predictor of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score in 2022 using multivariable linear regression to assess linear and quadratic associations. Models were adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics and history of alcohol use.One-quarter (24.7%) of respondents reported experiencing past-year IPV in 2021. The mean AUDIT score in 2022 was 3.52 (SD = 4.13). In adjusted models, both linear (B: 0.26, 95% CI: 0.14, 0.38) and quadratic (B: -0.03, 95% CI: -0.04, -0.01) terms for overall IPV were significantly associated with next-year AUDIT score. These patterns were mirrored in each IPV sub-type, were not attenuated when accounting for relationship characteristics, and were heterogeneous across gender identity groups.These results provide evidence of a temporal relationship between IPV and alcohol use in LGBTQIA+ communities, suggesting that efforts to prevent and mitigate IPV may help reduce alcohol use disparities in this population.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111342
View details for PubMedID 38820909
Inequities in Conversion Practice Exposure at the Intersection of Ethnoracial and Gender Identities.
American journal of public health
2024; 114 (4): 424-434
Objectives. To examine inequities in conversion practice exposure across intersections of ethnoracial groups and gender identity in the United States. Methods. Data were obtained from The Population Research in Identity and Disparities for Equality Study of sexual and gender minority people from 2019 to 2021 (n = 9274). We considered 3 outcomes: lifetime exposure, age of first exposure, and period between first and last exposure among those exposed to conversion practices. We used log-binomial, Cox proportional hazards, and negative binomial models to examine inequities by ethnoracial groups and gender identity adjusting for confounders. We considered additive interaction. Results. Conversion practice prevalence was highest among minoritized ethnoracial transgender and nonbinary participants (TNB; 8.6%). Compared with White cisgender participants, minoritized ethnoracial TNB participants had twice the prevalence (prevalence ratio = 2.16; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.62, 2.86) and risk (hazard ratio = 2.04; 95% CI = 1.51, 2.69) of conversion practice exposure. Furthermore, there was evidence of a positive additive interaction for age of first exposure. Conclusions. Minoritized ethnoracial TNB participants were most likely to recall experiencing conversion practices. Public Health Implications. Policies banning conversion practices may reduce the disproportionate burden experienced by minoritized ethnoracial TNB participants. (Am J Public Health. 2024;114(4):424-434. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2024.307580).
View details for DOI 10.2105/AJPH.2024.307580
View details for PubMedID 38478865
Expanding Policy and Programming to Address Conversion Therapy and 2SLGBTQ+ Health Inequity: A Discussion of Challenges.
2024; 22 (1): 46-54
Advocates and researchers have made myriad recommendations to guide policy actors in stopping conversion therapy. This commentary extends these recommendations by identifying core challenges that policy actors face with interventions that solely focus on conversion therapy. Conversion therapy exists because of pervasive social values and beliefs that devalue, erase and stigmatize Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and other sexual and gender minority (2SLGBTQ+) people, in turn, creating a supply and demand market. That is, those who espouse oppressive values enable and supply conversion therapy for the demand of 2SLGBTQ+ people struggling against these values and those who influence their lives (e.g., guardians). The discussion underscores why policy actors must disrupt the cisheteronormative bedrock that sustains conversion therapy. It is imperative for policy actors to expand policies and programming beyond conversion therapy using an intersectional framework that considers colonialism, racism and cisheterosexism. Interventions must encompass all systems (e.g., health, legal, social, economic) that shape 2SLGBTQ+ people's lives to disrupt the market of conversion therapy.
View details for DOI 10.12927/hcpap.2024.27386
View details for PubMedID 39315424
Advancing Data Collection of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Cardiology.
JAMA cardiology
View details for DOI 10.1001/jamacardio.2023.5264
View details for PubMedID 38265839
Family connectedness and sexual minority Asian Americans' eating behavior regulation.
Eating behaviors
2023; 51: 101817
To date, psychosocial and interpersonal protective factors such as family connectedness have received little attention in studies of eating behaviors among sexual minority Asian Americans. Therefore, we investigated associations of family connectedness and two types of eating behavior regulation motives and the moderating role of individualism in these associations among 134 sexual minority Asian American young adults. Linear regression models assessed the main and interaction effects of family connectedness and individualism on introjected and identified eating behavior regulation motives. We observed a significant interaction effect between family connectedness and individualism only on introjected regulation. For participants with low levels of individualism, those who reported high levels of family connectedness had lower scores for introjected regulation of eating behavior. The findings of this study highlight the importance of examining strengths related to sexual minority Asian Americans by demonstrating the important role family connectedness plays in eating behavior regulation motives, particularly for those with lower individualism.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2023.101817
View details for PubMedID 37734352
Intersectional Disparities in Emergency Medicine Residents' Performance Assessments by Race, Ethnicity, and Sex.
JAMA network open
2023; 6 (9): e2330847
Previous studies have demonstrated sex-specific disparities in performance assessments among emergency medicine (EM) residents. However, less work has focused on intersectional disparities by ethnoracial identity and sex in resident performance assessments.To estimate intersectional sex-specific ethnoracial disparities in standardized EM resident assessments.This retrospective cohort study used data from the Association of American Medical Colleges and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Milestones (Milestones) assessments to evaluate ratings for EM residents at 128 EM training programs in the US. Statistical analyses were conducted in June 2020 to January 2023.Training and assessment environments in EM residency programs across comparison groups defined by ethnoracial identity (Asian, White, or groups underrepresented in medicine [URM], ie, African American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latine, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander) and sex (female/male).Mean Milestone scores (scale, 0-9) across 6 core competency domains: interpersonal and communications skills, medical knowledge, patient care, practice-based learning and improvement, professionalism, and system-based practice. Overall assessment scores were calculated as the mean of the 6 competency scores.The study sample comprised 128 ACGME-accredited programs and 16 634 assessments for 2708 EM residents of which 1913 (70.6%) were in 3-year and 795 (29.4%) in 4-year programs. Most of the residents were White (n = 2012; 74.3%), followed by Asian (n = 477; 17.6%), Hispanic or Latine (n = 213; 7.9%), African American or Black (n = 160; 5.9%), American Indian or Alaska Native (n = 24; 0.9%), and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (n = 4; 0.1%). Approximately 14.3% (n = 386) and 34.6% (n = 936) were of URM groups and female, respectively. Compared with White male residents, URM female residents in 3-year programs were rated increasingly lower in the medical knowledge (URM female score, -0.47; 95% CI, -0.77 to -0.17), patient care (-0.18; 95% CI, -0.35 to -0.01), and practice-based learning and improvement (-0.37; 95% CI, -0.65 to -0.09) domains by postgraduate year 3 year-end assessment; URM female residents in 4-year programs were also rated lower in all 6 competencies over the assessment period.This retrospective cohort study found that URM female residents were consistently rated lower than White male residents on Milestone assessments, findings that may reflect intersectional discrimination in physician competency evaluation. Eliminating sex-specific ethnoracial disparities in resident assessments may contribute to equitable health care by removing barriers to retention and promotion of underrepresented and minoritized trainees and facilitating diversity and representation among the emergency physician workforce.
View details for DOI 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.30847
View details for PubMedID 37733347
Prevalence of 12 Common Health Conditions in Sexual and Gender Minority Participants in the All of Us Research Program.
JAMA network open
2023; 6 (7): e2324969
Limited data describe the health status of sexual or gender minority (SGM) people due to inaccurate and inconsistent ascertainment of gender identity, sex assigned at birth, and sexual orientation.To evaluate whether the prevalence of 12 health conditions is higher among SGM adults in the All of Us Research Program data compared with cisgender heterosexual (non-SGM) people.This cross-sectional study used data from a multidisciplinary research consortium, the All of Us Research Program, that links participant-reported survey information to electronic health records (EHR) and physical measurements. In total, 372 082 US adults recruited and enrolled at an All of Us health care provider organization or by directly visiting the enrollment website from May 31, 2017, to January 1, 2022, and were assessed for study eligibility.Self-identified gender identity and sexual orientation group.Twelve health conditions were evaluated: 11 using EHR data and 1, body mass index (BMI; calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared), using participants' physical measurements. Logistic regression (adjusting for age, income, and employment, enrollment year, and US Census division) was used to obtain adjusted odds ratios (AORs) for the associations between each SGM group and health condition compared with a non-SGM reference group.The analytic sample included 346 868 participants (median [IQR] age, 55 [39-68] years; 30 763 [8.9%] self-identified as SGM). Among participants with available BMI (80.2%) and EHR data (69.4%), SGM groups had higher odds of anxiety, depression, HIV diagnosis, and tobacco use disorder but lower odds of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Estimated associations for asthma (AOR, 0.39 [95% CI, 0.24-0.63] for gender diverse people assigned male at birth; AOR, 0.51 [95% CI, 0.38-0.69] for transgender women), a BMI of 25 or higher (AOR, 1.65 [95% CI, 1.38-1.96] for transgender men), cancer (AOR, 1.15 [95% CI, 1.07-1.23] for cisgender sexual minority men; AOR, 0.88 [95% CI, 0.81-0.95] for cisgender sexual minority women), and substance use disorder (AOR, 0.35 [95% CI, 0.24-0.52] for gender diverse people assigned female at birth; AOR, 0.65 [95% CI, 0.49-0.87] for transgender men) varied substantially across SGM groups compared with non-SGM groups.In this cross-sectional analysis of data from the All of Us Research Program, SGM participants experienced health inequities that varied by group and condition. The All of Us Research Program can be a valuable resource for conducting health research focused on SGM people.
View details for DOI 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.24969
View details for PubMedID 37523187
Geolocation to Identify Online Study-Eligible Gay, Bisexual, and Men who have Sex with Men in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)
2023; 34 (4): 462-466
BACKGROUND: Data collection and cleaning procedures to exclude bot-generated responses are used to maintain the data integrity of samples from online surveys. However, these procedures may be time-consuming and difficult to implement. Thus, we aim to evaluate the validity of a single-step geolocation algorithm for recruiting eligible gay, bisexual, and men who have sex with men in Philadelphia for an online study.METHODS: We used a 4-step approach, based on common practices for evaluating bot-generated and fraudulent responses, to assess the validity of participants' Qualtrics survey data as our referent standard. We then compared it to Qualtrics' single-step geolocation algorithm that used the MaxMind commercial database to map participants' Internet protocol address to their approximate location. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the single-step geolocation approach relative to the 4-step approach.RESULTS: There were 826 respondents who completed the survey and 440 (53%) were eligible for enrollment based on the 4-step approach. The single-step geolocation approach yielded a sensitivity of 91% (95% CI = 88%, 93%), specificity of 79% (95% CI = 74%, 83%), PPV of 83% (95% CI = 80%, 86%), and NPV of 88% (95% CI = 85%, 91%).CONCLUSIONS: Geolocation alone provided a moderately high level of agreement with the 4-step approach for identifying geographically eligible participants in the online sample, but both approaches may be subject to additional misclassification. Researchers may want to consider multiple procedures to ensure data integrity in online samples.
View details for DOI 10.1097/EDE.0000000000001607
View details for PubMedID 37255263
Global North learning from Global South: A community-led response to mpox in New York City.
PLOS global public health
2023; 3 (6): e0002042
View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pgph.0002042
View details for PubMedID 37379259
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10306204
A Note on Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) preferences among women who inject drugs.
Sexually transmitted diseases
ABSTRACT: We informed women who inject drugs about different pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) formulations; they then ranked their preferences. Daily oral PrEP was most preferred, followed by injectable PrEP and vaginal rings/gels, especially among women of color. Multiple PrEP options should be discussed with women who inject drugs to increase uptake.
View details for DOI 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001768
View details for PubMedID 36728264
An Exploration of Racial Differences of Psychosocial Stressors and Their Association With Mental Health Between Asian and White Sexual Minority Men: The P18 Cohort Study
View details for DOI 10.1037/aap0000309
View details for Web of Science ID 000909778200001
2022; 34 (5): 365-378
Long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (LAI-PrEP) was recently approved for HIV prevention as an alternative to daily oral PrEP. We explored preferences and attitudes toward LAI-PrEP among Black, Hispanic/Latino, and White gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) using focus groups (n = 13) and in-depth interviews (n = 17). Participants expressed differing levels of interest in LAI-PrEP. While important benefits of LAI-PrEP included convenience, provider-facilitated PrEP discussion, and expansion of PrEP options, participants raised concerns about treatment efficacy and side effects, discomfort with needles/injections, cost, and frequency of clinic visits. Our findings highlight ongoing challenges with accessing HIV-prevention tools and provide guidance for developing strategies to enhance LAI-PrEP uptake among GBM.
View details for Web of Science ID 000865610600002
View details for PubMedID 36181495
State-level heterogeneity in associations between structural stigma and individual healthcare access: A multilevel analysis of transgender adults in the United States
2022: 13558196221123413
State-level variation in how restrictive policies affect health care access for transgender populations has not been widely studied. Therefore, we assessed the association between structural stigma and four measures of individual health care access among transgender people in the United States, and the extent to which structural stigma explains state-level variability.Data were drawn from the 2015-2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the Human Rights Campaign's State Equality Index. We calculated weighted proportions and conducted multilevel logistic regression of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy.An increase in the structural stigma score by one standard deviation was associated with lower odds of health care coverage (OR = 0.80; 95% CI: 0.66, 0.96) after adjusting for individual-level confounders. Approximately 11% of the total variance for insurance coverage was attributable to the state level; however, only 18% of state-level variability was explained by structural stigma. Adding Medicaid expansion attenuated the structural stigma-insurance association and explained 22% of state-level variation in health insurance. For the remaining outcomes (usual source of care, routine medical check-up, and cost-related barriers), we found neither meaningful associations nor considerable between-state variability.Our findings support the importance of Medicaid expansion and transgender-inclusive antidiscrimination protections to enhance health care insurance coverage. From a measurement perspective, however, additional research is needed to develop and validate measures of transgender-specific structural stigma to guide future policy interventions.
View details for DOI 10.1177/13558196221123413
View details for Web of Science ID 000847842100001
View details for PubMedID 36040166
Sexual Behaviors Associated with HIV Transmission Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Young Adults: The Intersectional Role of Racism and Transphobia
HIV prevalence and engagement in sexual behaviors associated with HIV transmission are high among transgender people of color. Per intersectionality, this disproportionate burden may be related to both interpersonal and structural racism and transphobia. The goal of this study was to estimate the association between interpersonal and structural discrimination and sexual behaviors among transgender and gender diverse (TGD) U.S. young adults. We used logit models with robust standard errors to estimate the individual and combined association between interpersonal and structural racism and transphobia and sexual behaviors in a national online sample of TGD young adults of color (TYAOC) aged 18-30 years (N = 228). Racism was measured at the interpersonal and structural level using the Everyday Discrimination Scale and State Racism Index, respectively. Transphobia was measured at the interpersonal and structural level using the Gender Minority Stress Scale and the Gender Identity Tally, respectively. We found that interpersonal racism was associated with transactional sex, and interpersonal transphobia was associated with alcohol/drug consumption prior to sex and transactional sex among TYAOC. We also found evidence of a strong joint association of interpersonal and structural racism and transphobia with alcohol/drug consumption prior to sex (OR 3.85, 95% CI 2.12, 7.01) and transactional sex (OR 3.54, 95% CI 0.99, 12.59) among TYAOC. Racism and transphobia have a compounding impact on sexual behaviors among TYAOC. Targeted interventions that reduce discrimination at both the interpersonal and structural level may help reduce the HIV burden in this marginalized population.
View details for DOI 10.1007/s10461-022-03701-w
View details for Web of Science ID 000805892000002
View details for PubMedID 35661016
Limited Risk Compensation Among Women Who Inject Drugs: Results From the Project Sexual Health Equity Preexposure Prophylaxis Demonstration Study in Philadelphia
2022; 49 (5): E64-E66
The impact of preexposure prophylaxis uptake on sexual and injection-related behaviors among women who inject drugs is poorly understood. Over 24 weeks, preexposure prophylaxis uptake among women who inject drugs was associated with increased sharing of injection equipment but not syringes and no changes in condomless sex, providing limited evidence of risk compensation in this vulnerable population.
View details for DOI 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001577
View details for Web of Science ID 000783600600001
View details for PubMedID 34694276
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC9018480
Wearable biosensors have the potential to monitor physiological changes associated with opioid overdose among people who use drugs: A proof-of-concept study in a real-world setting
2021; 229: 109138
Wearable biosensors have the potential to monitor physiological change associated with opioid overdose among people who use drugs.We enrolled 16 individuals who reported ≥ 4 daily opioid use events within the previous 30 day. Each was assigned a wearable biosensor that measured respiratory rate (RR) and actigraphy every 15 s for 5 days and also completed a daily interview assessing drug use. We describe the volume of RR data collected, how it varied by participant characteristics and drug use over time using repeated measures one-way ANOVA, episodes of acute respiratory depression (≤5 breaths/minute), and self-reported overdose experiences.We captured 1626.4 h of RR data, an average of 21.7 daily hours/participant over follow-up. Individuals with longer injection careers and those engaging in polydrug use captured significantly fewer total hours of respiratory data over follow-up compared to those with shorter injections careers (94.7 vs. 119.9 h, p = 0.04) and injecting fentanyl exclusively (98.7 vs. 119.5 h, p = 0.008), respectively. There were 385 drug use events reported over follow-up. There were no episodes of acute respiratory depression which corresponded with participant reports of overdose experiences.Our preliminary findings suggest that using a wearable biosensor to monitor physiological changes associated with opioid use was feasible. However, more sensitive biosensors that facilitate triangulation of multiple physiological data points and larger studies of longer duration are needed.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109138
View details for Web of Science ID 000730154200004
View details for PubMedID 34781097
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8672322
Practical data considerations for the modern epidemiology student.
Global epidemiology
2021; 3
As an inherent part of epidemiologic research, practical decisions made during data collection and analysis have the potential to impact the measurement of disease occurrence as well as statistical and causal inference from the results. However, the computational skills needed to collect, manipulate, and evaluate data have not always been a focus of educational programs, and the increasing interest in "data science" suggest that data literacy has become paramount to ensure valid estimation. In this article, we first motivate such practical concerns for the modern epidemiology student, particularly as it relates to challenges in causal inference; second, we discuss how such concerns may be manifested in typical epidemiological analyses and identify the potential for bias; third, we present a case study that exemplifies the entire process; and finally, we draw attention to resources that can help epidemiology students connect the theoretical underpinning of the science to the practical considerations as described herein.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.gloepi.2021.100066
View details for PubMedID 35844206
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC9286486
Countering the rise of syphilis: A role for doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis?
2022; 33 (1): 18-30
Doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) holds the potential to mitigate increasing rates of syphilis among sexual minority men (SMM) in the US yet has received limited attention. Since evaluation of this intervention in actual populations is not currently feasible, we used agent-based models (ABM) to assess the population-level impact of this strategy. We adapted ABM of HIV and HPV transmission, representing a population of 10,230 SMM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US. Parameter inputs were derived from the literature, and ABM outputs during the pre-intervention period were calibrated to local surveillance data. Intervention scenarios varied doxycycline uptake by 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%, while assuming continued condom use and syphilis screening and treatment. Under each intervention scenario, we incorporated treatment adherence at the following levels: 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%. Long-term population impact of prophylactic doxycycline was measured using the cumulative incidence over the 10-year period and the percentage of infections prevented attributable to doxycycline at year 10. An uptake scenario of 20% with an adherence level of 80% would reduce the cumulative incidence of infections by 10% over the next decade, translating to 57 fewer cases per 1000 SMM. At year 10, under the same uptake and adherence level, 22% of infections would be prevented due to doxycycline PEP in the instances where condoms were not used or failed. Findings suggest that doxycycline PEP will have a modest impact on syphilis incidence when assuming a reasonable level of uptake and adherence. Doxycycline PEP may be most appropriate as a secondary prevention measure to condoms and enhanced syphilis screening for reducing infections among SMM.
View details for DOI 10.1177/09564624211042444
View details for Web of Science ID 000703127500001
View details for PubMedID 34565255
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8688295
Integrating HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis With Community-Based Syringe Services for Women Who Inject Drugs: Results From the Project SHE Demonstration Study
2021; 86 (3): E61-E70
To guide future preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation for women who inject drugs (WWID), a population increasingly represented in new HIV cases in the United States, we present results from a demonstration project integrated within a syringe services program (SSP) in Philadelphia, PA.WWID ≥18 years were educated about and offered 24 weeks of daily PrEP. Participants completed surveys and clinical assessments at baseline and at weeks 1, 3, 12, and 24. We used descriptive statistics to estimate feasibility/acceptability, engagement in the care cascade, HIV/sexually transmitted diseases (STI) and pregnancy, issues of safety/tolerability, and preferences/satisfaction with PrEP services. Multivariable logistic regression with generalized estimating equations was used to identify factors associated with PrEP uptake and retention.We recruited 136 WWID. Of those, 95 were included in the final sample, and 63 accepted a PrEP prescription at week 1. Uptake was associated with greater baseline frequency of SSP access [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.85; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.24 to 2.77], inconsistent condom use (aOR = 3.38; 95% CI: 1.07 to 10.7), and experiencing sexual assault (aOR = 5.89; 95% CI: 1.02, 33.9). Of these 95, 42 (44.2%) were retained at week 24. Retention was higher among women who reported more frequent baseline SSP access (aOR = 1.46; 95% CI: 1.04 to 2.24). Self-reported adherence was high but discordant with urine-based quantification of tenofovir. Baseline STI prevalence was 17.9%; there were 2 HIV seroconversions and 1 pregnancy. Safety/tolerability issues were uncommon, and acceptability/satisfaction was high.Integrating PrEP with SSP services is feasible and acceptable for WWID. This suggests that daily PrEP is a viable prevention tool for this vulnerable population.
View details for DOI 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002558
View details for Web of Science ID 000656643900002
View details for PubMedID 33148998
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7878321
Intention to initiate and uptake of PrEP among women who injects drugs in a demonstration project: an application of the theory of planned behavior
2021; 33 (6): 746-753
Some women who inject drugs (WWID) would benefit from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), yet there are few studies of issues related to uptake in real-world settings. In this study, participants (n = 95) were offered PrEP and responded to items measuring PrEP-related attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. We tested associations with intention to initiate PrEP and uptake. Most WWID (88%) intended to initiate PrEP and 78% accepted a prescription. Compared to WWID who did not express PrEP intentions, those who did were less concerned about attitudinal and perceived behavioral control constructs such as temporary (75% vs. 36%, p = 0.01) and long-term (63% vs. 27%, p = 0.05) side effects, negative interactions with their birth control (93% vs. 38%, p < 0.01), their ability to take a daily pill (80% vs. 36%, p < 0.01), and the cost of PrEP (87% vs. 36%, p < 0.01). WWID who went on to take PrEP had fewer concerns with subjective norms constructs such as talking to health care providers about sex (91% vs. 65%, p < 0.01) and drug use (88% vs. 55%, p < 0.01) compared to those who did not. Attitudes and perceived behavioral control influenced intention while subjective norms had a greater impact on actual uptake.
View details for DOI 10.1080/09540121.2021.1874267
View details for Web of Science ID 000610175600001
View details for PubMedID 33486981
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8140983
The heterogeneous effect of marijuana decriminalization policy on arrest rates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2009-2018
2020; 212: 108058
Marijuana decriminalization holds potential to reduce health inequities. However, limited attention has focused on assessing the impact of decriminalization policies across different populations. This study aims to determine the differential effect of a marijuana decriminalization policy change in Philadelphia, PA on marijuana arrests by demographic characteristics.Using a comparative interrupted time series design, we assessed whether the onset of marijuana decriminalization in Philadelphia County was associated with reduction in arrests rates from 2009 to 2018 compared to Dauphin County. Stratified models were used to describe the differential impact of decriminalization across different demographic populations.Compared to Dauphin, the mean arrest rate for all marijuana-related crimes in Philadelphia declined by 19.9 per 100,000 residents (34.9% reduction), 17.1 per 100,000 residents (43.1% reduction) for possession, and 2.8 per 100,000 resident (15.9% reduction) for sales/manufacturing. Arrest rates also differed by demographic characteristics post-decriminalization. Notably, African Americans had a greater absolute/relative reduction in possession-based arrests than Whites. However, relative reductions for sales/manufacturing-based arrests was nearly 3 times lower for African Americans. Males had greater absolute/relative reduction for possession-based arrests, but lower relative reduction for sales/manufacturing-based arrests compared to females. There were no substantial absolute differences by age; however, youths (vs. adults) experienced higher relative reduction in arrest rates.Findings suggest an absolute/relative reduction for possession-based arrests post-decriminalization; however, relative disparities in sales/manufacturing-based arrests, specifically for African Americans, increased. More consideration towards the heterogeneous effect of marijuana decriminalization are needed given the unintended harmful effects of arrest on already vulnerable populations.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108058
View details for Web of Science ID 000540448800051
View details for PubMedID 32442749
Prevalence and correlates of carrying naloxone among a community-based sample of opioid-using people who inject drugs
2019; 73: 32-35
Overdose prevention programs are effective at reducing opioid overdose deaths through training people who inject drugs (PWID) how to respond to witnessed overdoses and use naloxone. This report examines prevalence and correlates of carrying naloxone among a community-based sample of PWID.Using respondent driven sampling, PWID (n = 571) in Philadelphia, PA were recruited for the 2015 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance project. The impact of socio-demographics, social services, and law enforcement interaction on naloxone carrying were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression.Odds of carrying naloxone were higher among PWID who were: homeless (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.65, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01, 2.83), reported a syringe exchange program as their primary source of syringes (aOR = 2.92, CI: 1.68, 5.09), and had been stopped by police ≥6 times (aOR = 2.16, CI: 1.12, 4.16) or arrested (aOR = 1.84, CI: 1.02, 3.30) in the past year.Syringe exchange access was associated with naloxone carrying and is likely a primary source for naloxone and overdose reversal training for PWID. Homelessness and law enforcement encounters are known barriers to harm reducing behaviors; however, both were positively associated with carrying naloxone in this sample. Larger studies are needed to explore these relationships in greater depth.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.07.010
View details for Web of Science ID 000504514600005
View details for PubMedID 31336291
Heterosexual Men Anticipate Risk Compensatory Behaviors With Future Preexposure Prophylaxis Initiation: Findings From an Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study
2019; 46 (10): E97-E100
Among 146 urban heterosexuals screening negative for human immunodeficiency virus, one third anticipated increased sexual risk taking with human immunodeficiency virus preexposure prophylaxis. Men (vs. women) and black (vs. white) participants had increased odds for anticipating decreased condom use. Men and persons reporting transactional sex expected to increase sexual partnerships. Risk compensation could affect reproductive health and disease control.
View details for DOI 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001012
View details for Web of Science ID 000505802900002
View details for PubMedID 31033806
2019; 188 (9): 1751-1752
View details for DOI 10.1093/aje/kwz141
View details for Web of Science ID 000492998200021
View details for PubMedID 31172181
Factors Associated with Awareness of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Among Persons Who Inject Drugs in Philadelphia: National HIV Behavioral Surveillance, 2015
2019; 23 (7): 1833-1840
Persons who inject drugs (PWID) continue to experience disproportionate HIV burden. Though studies demonstrate PWID find pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) acceptable, awareness and uptake remains low. Data from the 2015 PWID cycle of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (n = 612) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) were analyzed to evaluate how socio-demographics and behavioral factors impact PrEP awareness. Only 12.4% of PWID surveyed were PrEP-aware and 2.6% reported receiving a prescription. Factors associated with PrEP awareness included having at least some college education (aOR 2.13, 95% CI 1.03, 4.43), sharing paraphernalia (aOR 2.37, 95% CI 1.23, 4.56), obtaining syringes/needles primarily from a syringe exchange program (aOR 2.28, 95% CI 1.35, 3.87), STI testing (aOR 1.71, 95% CI 1.01, 2.89) and drug treatment (aOR 2.81, 95% CI 1.62, 4.87). Accessing prevention and health services increased the odds of being PrEP-aware; however, awareness was low overall. Additional promotion efforts are warranted.
View details for DOI 10.1007/s10461-018-2293-0
View details for Web of Science ID 000471709800015
View details for PubMedID 30267367
Modeling HPV vaccination scale-up among urban young men who have sex with men in the context of HIV
2019; 37 (29): 3883-3891
Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) are at high risk to contract human papillomavirus (HPV). While an effective vaccination exists, its use among YMSM is markedly lower compared to non-MSM and women. This study compares scaling up HPV vaccination in conjunction with other prevention strategies.An agent-based model of urban YMSM (≤26 years of age) reflective of the demography of Philadelphia, PA, simulated for up to ten years of follow-up to examine anal and oral transmission of the HPV genotypes covered in the nonavalent (9v) vaccine: 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58. Starting HPV prevalences ranged from a high of 18% (type 6) to a low of 6% (type 31); overall 65% of individuals carried any HPV genotype. Simulated levels of vaccination were ranged from 0% to 13% (present-day level), 25%, 50%, 80% (Healthy People 2020 target), and 100% in conjunction with condom use and HIV seroadaptive practices. The primary outcome was the relative reduction in HPV infection.Compared to present-day vaccination levels (13%), scaling-up vaccination led to expected declines in 10-year post-simulation HPV prevalence. Anal HPV (any 9v types) declined by 9%, 27%, 46%, and 58% at vaccination levels of 25%, 50%, 80%, and 100%, respectively. Similarly, oral HPV (any 9v types) declined by 11%, 33%, 57%, and 71% across the same levels of vaccine uptake. Comparing the prevention strategies, condoms blocked the greatest number of anal transmissions when vaccination was at or below present-day levels. For oral transmission, vaccination was superior to condom use at all levels of coverage.Public health HPV preventions strategies should continue to emphasize the complementary roles of condoms and vaccination, especially for preventing oral infection. Improving vaccination coverage will ultimately have the greatest impact on reducing HPV infection among YMSM.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.05.047
View details for Web of Science ID 000472984900019
View details for PubMedID 31155416
Four Decades of Epidemiologic Science on HIV Infection and Disease, and Its Impact on Public Health Practice and Policy for Sexual and Gender Minority Persons.
Delaware journal of public health
2019; 5 (2): 64-71
Even at the cusp of the second decade of the new millennia, HIV continues to be a significant public health challenge for sexual and gender minorities (SGM). Men who have sex with men and transgender women, in particular, continue to report higher rates of HIV incidence compared to their heterosexual counterparts, while facing significant barriers to comprehensive sexual healthcare. In Delaware, HIV infection impacts a substantial number of individuals with approximately 14.5 incident cases per 100,000. This ranks Delaware as the 14th highest for HIV incidence among U.S. states. However, the largest healthcare provider in Delaware, Christiana Care Health System, has created many health initiatives to support the health needs of SGM and those living with HIV. The current sustained rate of HIV infection indicates the need for enhanced epidemiologic work to identify HIV cases in subgroups of diverse sexuality and gender identity, collaboration within and across research institution and community organizations, as well as engagement in creative solutions that target the multiple levels of factors contributing to HIV incidence. In addition, it is imperative that local agencies and health organizations continue to support these communities of SGM individuals during the current sociopolitical climate of the national U.S. government.
View details for DOI 10.32481/djph.2019.05.011
View details for PubMedID 34467031
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8396754
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Awareness Is Low Among Heterosexual People of Color Who Might Benefit From PrEP in Philadelphia
2019; 10: 2150132719847383
We assessed awareness of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among HIV-negative Black and Latinx persons living in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Statistical Area.Using chi-square and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, we analyzed data from the 2016 heterosexual cycle of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system to assess how sociodemographic factors, health care utilization, and risk behaviors affected PrEP awareness.Participants (n = 472) were predominately Black, non-Hispanic (88.1%) with a median age of 41.5 years. Most participants reported having a usual source of medical care (92.1%) and seeing a medical provider within 12 months (87.0%). However, PrEP awareness was low in this sample (4.9%) and was lower among those who had a medical visit compared with those who had not ( P < .01).Current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention clinical guidelines suggest that providers counsel high-risk patients about PrEP. Our data suggest that this is not happening with people of color in Philadelphia. Interventions targeting medical providers working with HIV-risk people of color may be appropriate.
View details for DOI 10.1177/2150132719847383
View details for Web of Science ID 000468917300001
View details for PubMedID 31079518
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC6537238
Potential Relationship Between HIV Criminalization and Structural Stigma Related to Sexual Orientation in the United States
2019; 80 (5): E106-E108
View details for DOI 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001961
View details for Web of Science ID 000480767800001
View details for PubMedID 30664076
Drawing from the Theory of Planned Behaviour to examine pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake intentions among heterosexuals in high HIV prevalence neighbourhoods in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: an observational study
2019; 16 (3): 218-224
Background Research surrounding attitudes and intentions concerning pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among at-risk heterosexuals, women and ethnic and racial minorities is needed to inform programs to scale this effective HIV prevention intervention among these populations.The study sample includes 192 HIV-negative heterosexuals recruited from HIV testing sites operating in high HIV prevalence neighbourhoods in a mid-Atlantic city. Participants received brief educational sessions on PrEP and completed a self-administered survey assessing sociodemographic factors, HIV risk behaviours and theoretical determinants of PrEP uptake, based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour.Participants were majority persons of colour (86%), with a median age of 43 years. Compared with Whites, a higher percentage of Black and Brown persons had more than five sex partners (75.0%), used condoms inconsistently (85.6%) and engaged in transactional sex (84.4%). Most expressed positive PrEP attitudes and indicated intention to adopt PrEP, especially if recommended by their doctor. In a multivariable model, willingness to take PrEP if suggested by a healthcare provider (aOR: 4.17; 95% CI: 1.42-12.24) and willingness to take PrEP even if it caused side-effects (aOR: 1.98; 95% CI: 1.01-3.90) were both associated with greater PrEP adoption intentions.A diverse at-risk population was identified through community-based HIV testing. Low perceived HIV risk, as well as PrEP-related attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were associated with PrEP use intentions. These factors are potential targets for interventions to increase PrEP adoption among diverse heterosexual samples.
View details for DOI 10.1071/SH18081
View details for Web of Science ID 000474861300003
View details for PubMedID 31079596
Examining unmet needs: a cross-sectional study exploring knowledge, attitudes and sexually transmitted infection screening preferences among persons who inject drugs in Camden, New Jersey
2018; 94 (8): 598-603
To inform the development of targeted sexually transmitted infection (STI) control programmes for persons who inject drugs (PWID).We recruited 116 PWID (aged ≥ 18 years) from a community-based syringe exchange programme (SEP) and assessed their STI knowledge and screening preferences via technology assisted self-interview. We estimated prevalence of STI transmission knowledge, attitudes and screening preferences as well as the association between reported sexual behaviours (past 6 months) and willingness to self-collect specimens.Participants were white (77%), female (51%) and heterosexual (77%). STI knowledge regarding transmission and testing was high among the sample. More than 70% of participants were aware extragenital infections were possible and were least likely to know urine tests do not detect rectal infections (40.9%). Site-specific specimen collection was highly reflective of reported sexual behaviour. PWID who reported receptive sex (36% vs 5%, p<0.01) and insertive anal sex (31% vs 6%, p=0.01) were more likely to collect rectal specimens than those who did not. A similar trend was seen for oral sex performance on men and self-collection of oropharyngeal swabs (15% vs 3%, p=0.04). In addition, participants preferred collecting their own sample to having a clinician collect it for them (69% vs 31%, p<0.01) and testing at the SEP compared with a STI clinic (86% vs 14%, p<0.01).Our findings suggest site-specific specimen collection may be a proxy for risk behaviour engagement in this fairly knowledgeable high-risk population. To increase case finding, STI control programmes should educate patients about site-specific screening and pair outreach with the infrastructure provided by SEPs, in settings where these programmes exist.
View details for DOI 10.1136/sextrans-2017-053498
View details for Web of Science ID 000452793400016
View details for PubMedID 29960982
2018; 30 (5): 369-381
The Health Belief Model has been useful for studying uptake of HIV prevention behaviors and has had limited application to understanding utilization of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a biomedical strategy to reduce HIV acquisition. We recruited 90 persons undergoing HIV screening and educated them about PrEP. We followed up with 35 participants approximately 3 weeks later and quantitatively assessed PrEP uptake. No participant had initiated PrEP. We conducted in-depth interviews with 15 participants to explore situational factors impacting this decision. In this paper we provide an overview of PrEP-related engagement using qualitative data to contextualize (in)action. While participants perceived PrEP as beneficial, perceived benefits did not outweigh real- and perceived barriers, such as financial and time-related constraints. In order to promote PrEP uptake, cues to action that increase the benefits of PrEP during seasons of risk, and interventions that reduce real and perceived barriers are needed.
View details for DOI 10.1521/aeap.2018.30.5.369
View details for Web of Science ID 000447642100002
View details for PubMedID 30332306
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8558876
Bias Adjustment Techniques Are Underutilized in HIV Sexual Risk Estimation: A Systematic Review
2018; 15 (8)
Background: Valid measurement of determinants of HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM) is critical for intervention planning and resource allocation. However, sexual minority research concerning HIV risk often relies on proxy exposures of sexual behaviors such as sexual orientation and partner gender. Inferring high risk sexual behaviors (i.e., condomless anal intercourse) from these proxies inaccurately captures HIV risk, but few studies have attempted to correct for this bias. Methods: We performed a systematic review of methodological practices for estimating risk of HIV infection among MSM. Results: We identified 32 studies in which high risk sexual behavior was assessed: 82% (n = 26) measured and used sexual risk behaviors (e.g., condomless anal intercourse or sexual positioning) to assess risk of HIV infection; 9% (n = 3) used proxy measures; and 9% (n = 3) used both behavior and proxy variables. Various treatments of misclassification reported by investigators included the following: 82% (n = 26) discussed misclassification of sexual behavior as a potential limitation; however, among these studies, no attempts were made to correct misclassification; 12% (n = 4) did not report exposure misclassification, and 6% (n = 2) explicitly considered this information bias and conducted a Bayesian approach to correct for misclassification. Conclusions: Our systematic review indicates that a majority of studies engaging in collecting primary data have taken additional steps to acquire detailed information regarding sexual risk behaviors. However, reliance on population-based surveys may still lead to potentially biased estimates. Thus, bias analytic techniques are potential tools to control for any suspected biases.
View details for DOI 10.3390/ijerph15081696
View details for Web of Science ID 000443168200136
View details for PubMedID 30096874
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC6121670