
Dr. Gamzina joined SLAC in January of 2017; she was at the UC Davis millimeter-wave research group for over 8 years prior to that leading research and development programs in millimeter wave and terahertz vacuum electronics. At SLAC, she has focused on development of advanced materials for vacuum electron devices. Her expertise includes mechanics of materials' interaction with electromagnetic waves, micro to nano scale as well as additive material synthesis techniques, high current density nano-composite cathodes, and multiscale thermo-mechanical design and analysis. Enabling design driven material microstructure for the next generation of RF vacuum electronic devices is her personal career goal.

Current Role at Stanford

Staff Scientist

Honors & Awards

  • DOE Early Career Research Program Award, High Energy Physics, Department of Energy (2019)
  • The SLAC Director’s Award for modeling excellence, creativity, and collaboration., SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (2019)
  • Zuhair A. Munir Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, College of Engineering, UC Davis (2017)
  • A Medal of Recognition for Development of W-band Sheet Beam Klystron, U.S. Marine Corps, NSWC, Dahlgren (2012)
  • Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honors Society (2006)

Education & Certifications

  • Ph.D., UC Davis, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2016)
  • M.S., UC Davis, Mechanical Engineering (2012)
  • B.S., UC Davis, Double: Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering (2008)

Service, Volunteer and Community Work

  • Founder of SAGE-S (Science Accelerating Girls' Engagement in STEM), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (12/15/2017 - Present)

    Diana Gamzina and Giulia Lanza co-founded SAGE-S program. SAGE-S is a one week long on-campus summer camp for public high school students (age 14-17) hosted by the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's scientists and engineers to share what everyday life in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) profession is like.
    This program aims to foster innovation, grow the STEM community, and engage intelligent, creative, and passionate young women in everyday life of scientists and engineers of the National Laboratories.


    Menlo Park, CA

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina State University


    Raleigh, NC

  • Instructor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Davis (1/1/2020 - 3/31/2020)


    Davis, CA

Work Experience

  • Development Engineer, UC Davis (8/15/2008 - 1/10/2017)

    Led engineering efforts on programs in millimeter wave and terahertz vacuum electronics and plasma fusion diagnostics, concurrently with M.S. and Ph.D. work.
    Principal Development Engineer (2014-2017), Senior Development Engineer (2012-2014), Associate Development Engineer (2010-2012), Assistant Development Engineer (2008-2010).


    Davis, CA

Professional Affiliations and Activities

  • Committee Member, International Vacuum Electronics Conference: 2017 and 2018: “Best Student Paper Award,” 2019: “Best Poster Award” (2017 - Present)
  • Member, IEEE (2010 - Present)
  • Peer Reviewer, Physics of Plasmas Journal, Transactions on Electron Devices, An International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Journal of Materials Processing and Technology. (2012 - Present)
  • Graduate, International Research Training Group (IRTG2057): "Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes" (2012 - 2016)

All Publications

  • Multioutput Circuit for Low Voltage Ultracompact W-Band Klystron IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Zheng, Y., Sy, A., Weatherford, B., Luhmann, N. C., Gamzina, D. 2020; 67 (9): 3821–27
  • Design and Analysis of the Staggered Double Grating Slow Wave Circuit for 263 GHz Sheet Beam TWT IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TERAHERTZ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Zheng, Y., Gamzina, D., Himes, L., Gonzalez, M., Luhmann, N. C. 2020; 10 (4): 411–18
  • Characteristics and Processing of Hydrogen-Treated Copper Powders for EB-PBF Additive Manufacturing APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Ledford, C., Rock, C., Carriere, P., Frigola, P., Gamzina, D., Horn, T. 2019; 9 (19)

    View details for DOI 10.3390/app9193993

    View details for Web of Science ID 000496258100052

  • Copper Reconsidered: Material Innovations to Transform Vacuum Electronics (Keynote) 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) Gamzina, D., Kozina, M., Mehta, A., Nanni, E., Tantawi, S., Welander, P., Horn, T., Ledford, C. 2019
  • Double Multi-Gap Output Cavity for Low Voltage Ultra-Compact W-Band Klystron Zheng, Y., Luhmann, N. C., Gamzina, D., Sy, A., Weatherford, B. R., IEEE IEEE. 2019
  • Quality and Performance of Commercial Nanocomposite Scandate Tungsten Material Gonzalez, M., Luhmann, N. C., Gamzina, D., McElroy, C., Schalansky, C., IEEE IEEE. 2019
  • Copper Reconsidered: Material Innovations to Transform Vacuum Electronics Gamzina, D., Kozina, M., Mehta, A., Nanni, E. A., Tantawi, S., Welander, P. B., Horn, T., Ledford, C., IEEE IEEE. 2019
  • A Periodic Cusped Magnetic - Quad Magnetic Focusing System for Low Voltage Ultra-Compact W-Band Klystron Zheng, Y., Luhmann, N. C., Gamzina, D., Olszewski, J., Sy, A., Weatherford, B. R., IEEE IEEE. 2019
  • Fabrication of a 0.346-THz BWO for Plasma Diagnostics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Feng, J., Tang, Y., Gamzina, D., Li, X., Popovic, B., Gonzalez, M., Himes, L., Barchfeld, R., Li, H., Pan, P., Letizia, R., Paoloni, C., Luhmann, N. C. 2018; 65 (6): 2156–63
  • Development of a 100-W 200-GHz High Bandwidth mm-Wave Amplifier IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Field, M., Kimura, T., Atkinson, J., Gamzina, D., Luhmann, N. C., Stockwell, B., Grant, T. J., Griffith, Z., Borwick, R., Hillman, C., Brar, B., Reed, T., Rodwell, M., Shin, Y., Barnett, L. R., Baig, A., Popovic, B., Domier, C., Barchfield, R., Zhao, J., Higgins, J., Goren, Y. 2018; 65 (6): 2122–28
  • Low Voltage Ultra-Compact W-band Klystron Sy, A., Zheng, Y., Weatherford, B., Jongewaard, E., Neilson, J., Luhmann, N. C., Gamzina, D., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 183–84
  • Additively Manufactured WR-10 Copper Waveguide Horn, T., Karakurt, I., Ledford, C., Gonzalez, M., Gamzina, D., Luhmann, N. C., Lin, L., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 409–10
  • Effect of Fabrication tolerance on 0.346 THz Double Corrugated Waveguide for Backward Wave Oscillators Li, X., Gamzina, D., Letizia, R., Gonzales, M., Tang, Y., Zheng, Y., Popovic, B., Himes, L., Barchfeld, R., Li, H., Pan, P., Feng, J., Paoloni, C., Luhmann, N. C., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 335–36
  • Mechanical Design and Manufacturing of W-Band Sheet Beam Klystron IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Gamzina, D., Barnett, L. R., Ravani, B., Luhmann, N. C. 2017; 64 (6): 2675–82
  • Performance of a Nano-CNC Machined 220-GHz Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Baig, A., Gamzina, D., Kimura, T., Atkinson, J., Domier, C., Popovic, B., Himes, L., Barchfeld, R., Field, M., Luhmann, N. C. 2017; 64 (5): 2390–97
  • 0.2-THz Dual Mode Sheet Beam Traveling Wave Tube IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Zheng, Y., Gamzina, D., Luhmann, N. C. 2017; 64 (4): 1767–73
  • Large scale production of advanced high current density thermionic cathodes 2017 Eighteenth International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) Gamzina, D., Gonzalez, M., Soekland, G., Luhmann, N., McElroy, C., Wood, B., Irani, B., Schalansky, C. 2017
  • Thermo-Mechanical Stress in High-Frequency Vacuum Electron Devices JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES Gamzina, D., Luhmann, N. C., Ravani, B. 2017; 38 (1): 47–61
  • Backward wave oscillator for high power generation at THz frequencies Gamzina, D., Li, X., Hurd, C., Tang, Y., Huang, X., Zheng, Y., Himes, L., Gonzalez, M., Li, H., Pan, P., Letizia, R., Feng, J., Luhmann, N. C., Paoloni, C., Razeghi, M., Baranov, A. N., Pavlidis, D., Zavada, J. M. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2017

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.2273256

    View details for Web of Science ID 000417331200002

  • Thermomechanical Fatigue in Sub-THz Vacuum Electron Devices IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Gamzina, D., Ravani, B. 2016; 63 (12): 4948–54
  • Electron Beam Transport System for 263-GHz Sheet Beam TWT IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Zheng, Y., Gamzina, D., Popovic, B., Luhmann, N. C. 2016; 63 (11): 4466–72
  • Nano-CNC Machining of Sub-THz Vacuum Electron Devices IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Gamzina, D., Himes, L. G., Barchfeld, R., Zheng, Y., Popovic, B. K., Paoloni, C., Choi, E., Luhmann, N. C. 2016; 63 (10): 4067–73
  • Study on the compositions of emission active materials and the emission properties of dispenser cathodes made from Scandia-doped powders ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY Li, N., Luhmann, N. C., Gamzina, D., Soekland, G., Banducci, M., Gonzalez, M. 2016; 27 (5): 1933–40
  • THz Backward-Wave Oscillators for Plasma Diagnostic in Nuclear Fusion Paoloni, C., Gamzina, D., Himes, L., Popovic, B., Barchfeld, R., Yue, L., Zheng, Y., Tang, X., Tang, Y., Pan, P., Li, H., Letizia, R., Mineo, M., Feng, J., Luhmann, N. C. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2016: 369–76
  • Comparison of Couplers for 0.346 THz DCW-BWO Waring, R., Paoloni, C., Gamzina, D., Popovic, B., Himes, L., Letizia, R., Tang, Y., Li, H., Pan, P., Feng, J., Luhmann, N. C., Yu, J., Chen IEEE. 2016: 208–9
  • Development of Nano Machining Techniques to Bridge the Terahertz Gap Himes, L., Gamzina, D., Popovic, B., Barchfeld, R., Luhmann, N. C., IEEE IEEE. 2016
  • Nanoscale Surface Roughness Effects on THz Vacuum Electron Device Performance IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY Gamzina, D., Li, H., Himes, L., Barchfeld, R., Popovic, B., Pan, P., Letizia, R., Mineo, M., Feng, J., Paoloni, C., Luhmann, N. C. 2016; 15 (1): 85–93
  • 3-D Simulations and Design of Multistage Depressed Collectors for Sheet Beam Millimeter Wave Vacuum Electron Devices IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Shi, Z., Gamzina, D., Barnett, L. R., Baig, A., Luhmann, N. C. 2013; 60 (9): 2912–17
  • 0.22 THz wideband sheet electron beam traveling wave tube amplifier: Cold test measurements and beam wave interaction analysis PHYSICS OF PLASMAS Baig, A., Gamzina, D., Barchfeld, R., Domier, C., Barnett, L. R., Luhmann, N. C. 2012; 19 (9)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4750048

    View details for Web of Science ID 000309401300060

  • Scandate Dispenser Cathode Fabrication for A High-Aspect-Ratio High-Current-Density Sheet Beam Electron Gun IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Zhao, J., Gamzina, D., Li, N., Li, J., Spear, A. G., Barnett, L., Banducci, M., Risbud, S., Luhmann, N. C. 2012; 59 (6): 1792–98
  • Experimental study of multichromatic terahertz wave propagation through planar micro-channels APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Shin, Y., Baig, A., Barchfeld, R., Gamzina, D., Barnett, L. R., Luhmann, N. C. 2012; 100 (15)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3698362

    View details for Web of Science ID 000303128000090

  • High Current Density and Long-Life Nanocomposite Scandate Dispenser Cathode Fabrication IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Zhao, J., Li, N., Li, J., Barnett, L. R., Banducci, M., Gamzina, D., Munir, Z. A., Luhmann, N. C. 2011; 58 (4): 1221–28
  • Design, Fabrication and RF Testing of Near-THz Sheet Beam TWTA Terahertz Science and Technology Baig, A., Shin, Y., Barnett, L., Gamzina, D., Barchfeld, R., Domier, C., Wang, J., Luhmann, N. C. 2011; 4 (4)
  • Scandia-added Tungsten Dispenser Cathode Fabrication for THz Vacuum Integrated Power Amplifiers Terahertz Science and Technology Zhao, J., Li, N., Li, J., Gamzina, D., Baig, A., Barchfeld, R., Risbud, S., Luhmann, N. C. 2011; 4 (4)
  • UV Lithography and Molding Fabrication of Ultrathick Micrometallic Structures Using a KMPR Photoresist JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS Shin, Y., Gamzina, D., Barnett, L. R., Yaghmaie, F., Baig, A., Luhmann, N. C. 2010; 19 (3): 683–89
  • Micro-Fabricable Terahertz Sheet Beam Amplifier Integrated with Broadband Metamaterial Circuit Shin, Y., Zhao, J., Baig, A., Gamzina, D., Barnett, L. R., Luhmann, N. C., IEEE IEEE. 2010: 373–78
  • Terahertz vacuum electronic circuits fabricated by UV lithographic molding and deep reactive ion etching APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Shin, Y., Barnett, L. R., Gamzina, D., Luhmann, N. C., Field, M., Borwick, R. 2009; 95 (18)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3259823

    View details for Web of Science ID 000271666800018