
Amir Bahmani is a Lecturer and Director of Stanford's Deep Data Research Center (, the Research and Development Lead at Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine (SCGPM) at Stanford School Medicine. He has been working on distributed and parallel computing applications since 2008. Currently, Amir is an active researcher in the VA Million Veteran Program (MVP), Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN), the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP), Stanford Metabolic Health Center (MHC), Integrated Personal Omics Profiling (iPOP) and Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI).

Honors & Awards

  • Anthem Awards for SDO: Community Voice, Silver in Product, Bronze in AI & Emerging Company, The Webby Awards (2024)
  • Don Norman Design Award for Stanford Data Ocean (SDO), Don Norman Design Award (DNDA) (2024)
  • The Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University (2024)
  • Alumni 'Rising Star' Award, North Carolina State University (2022)
  • Graduate Student Leadership Award, North Carolina State University (2016)

Education & Certifications

  • Ph.D., North Carolina State University, Computer Science (2017)
  • M.S., North Carolina State University, Computer Science (2014)

2024-25 Courses