Education & Certifications

  • MLIS, UCLA, Library and Information Science
  • BA, UC Berkeley, English

All Publications

  • Palliative care availability and implementation for ovarian cancer in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review Gunturi, A., Fallah, P., Onyebuchi, C., Woodward, A., Randall, T. ELSEVIER. 2024: A42-A43
  • Upper limit of normal ALT levels in health and metabolic diseases: Pooled analysis of 423,355 individuals with bootstrap modelling. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics Tan, E. X., Huang, D. Q., Yee, N. T., Wan, Z. H., Nerurkar, S. N., Kai, J. C., Goh, K. S., Ng, C. H., Muthiah, M., Zhou, Y., Woodward, A., Le, M. H., Yeo, Y. H., Barnett, S., Cheung, R., Nguyen, M. H. 2024


    Given the global rise in obesity-related metabolic diseases, the upper limit of normal (ULN) alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in individuals with and without metabolic diseases may have changed. We performed a meta-analysis combined with bootstrap modelling to estimate the ALT ULN levels for individuals with and without metabolic diseases.Two separate searches of the PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases were performed, one to identify healthy individuals which yielded 12 articles (349,367 individuals); another to include those with potential metabolic diseases but without known liver disease which yielded 35 articles (232,388 individuals). We estimated the mean ALT using a random-effects mixed model and the ULN level (95th-percentile value) via a bootstrap model with 10,000 resamples. In individuals without metabolic diseases and known liver disease, the ALT ULN levels were 32 U/L overall; 36 U/L in males and 28 U/L in females. In analyses that included individuals with metabolic diseases, the ALT ULN levels were 40 U/L among the overweight/obese (29 U/L if normal weight) and 36 U/L among those with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) (33 U/L if no T2DM). On meta-regression of study-level factors, body mass index (coefficient 1.49, 95% CI 0.11-2.86, p = 0.03), high-density lipoprotein (coefficient -0.47, 95% CI -0.85-(-0.08), p = 0.02) and triglycerides (coefficient 0.19, 95% CI 0.12-0.25, p < 0.0001) correlated with ALT.We provide expected ranges of ALT ULN levels for individuals without known liver disease without metabolic diseases and those with or without T2DM and/or are normal weight or overweight/obese. These data may have implications for clinical care and screening.

    View details for DOI 10.1111/apt.17914

    View details for PubMedID 38372477

  • UPPER LIMIT OF NORMAL ALT LEVELS IN HEALTH AND METABOLIC DISEASES: POOLED ANALYSIS OF 484,177 INDIVIDUALS WITH BOOTSTRAP MODELLING Tan, E., Huang, D. Q., Yee, N., Hui, W., Nerurkar, S., Chua, J., Goh, K., Ng, C., Muthiah, M., Zhou, Y., Woodward, A., Le, M. H., Yeo, Y., Barnett, S. D., Cheung, R., Nguyen, M. H. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S1676-S1677
  • Measuring Quantitative Cerebral Blood Flow in Healthy Children: A Systematic Review of Neuroimaging Techniques. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI Zhao, M. Y., Tong, E., Duarte Armindo, R., Woodward, A., Yeom, K. W., Moseley, M. E., Zaharchuk, G. 2023


    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is an important hemodynamic parameter to evaluate brain health. It can be obtained quantitatively using medical imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (PET). Although CBF in adults has been widely studied and linked with cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, CBF data in healthy children are sparse due to the challenges in pediatric neuroimaging. An understanding of the factors affecting pediatric CBF and its normal range is crucial to determine the optimal CBF measuring techniques in pediatric neuroradiology. This review focuses on pediatric CBF studies using neuroimaging techniques in 32 articles including 2668 normal subjects ranging from birth to 18 years old. A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, and Scopus and reported following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA). We identified factors (such as age, gender, mood, sedation, and fitness) that have significant effects on pediatric CBF quantification. We also investigated factors influencing the CBF measurements in infants. Based on this review, we recommend best practices to improve CBF measurements in pediatric neuroimaging. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 1 TECHNICAL EFFICACY: Stage 2.

    View details for DOI 10.1002/jmri.28758

    View details for PubMedID 37170640

  • Evaluating Research Impact Based on Semantic Scholar Highly Influential Citations, Total Citations, and Altmetric Attention Scores: The Quest for Refined Measures Remains Illusive PUBLICATIONS Dardas, L., Sallam, M., Woodward, A., Sweis, N., Sweis, N., Sawair, F. A. 2023; 11 (1)
  • A Scoping Review and Appraisal of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Education Literature. ATS scholar Han, P. K., Purkey, N. J., Kuo, K. W., Ryan, K. R., Woodward, A. L., Jahadi, O., Prom, N. L., Halamek, L. P., Johnston, L. C. 2022; 3 (3): 468-484


    Background: Despite a recent rise in publications describing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) education, the scope and quality of ECMO educational research and curricular assessments have not previously been evaluated.Objective: The purposes of this study are 1) to categorize published ECMO educational scholarship according to Bloom's educational domains, learner groups, and content delivery methods; 2) to assess ECMO educational scholarship quality; and 3) to identify areas of focus for future curricular development and educational research.Methods: A multidisciplinary research team conducted a scoping review of ECMO literature published between January 2009 and October 2021 using established frameworks. The Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI) was applied to assess quality.Results: A total of 1,028 references were retrieved; 36 were selected for review. ECMO education studies frequently targeted the cognitive domain (78%), with 17% of studies targeting the psychomotor domain alone and 33% of studies targeting combinations of the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. Thirty-three studies qualified for MERSQI scoring, with a median score of 11 (interquartile range, 4; possible range, 5-18). Simulation-based training was used in 97%, with 50% of studies targeting physicians and one other discipline.Conclusion: ECMO education frequently incorporates simulation and spans all domains of Bloom's taxonomy. Overall, MERSQI scores for ECMO education studies are similar to those for other simulation-based medical education studies. However, developing assessment tools with multisource validity evidence and conducting multienvironment studies would strengthen future work. The creation of a collaborative ECMO educational network would increase standardization and reproducibility in ECMO training, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

    View details for DOI 10.34197/ats-scholar.2022-0058RE

    View details for PubMedID 36312813

  • Men's Involvement in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care and Decision Making in the Philippines: A Systematic Review of the Literature. American journal of men's health Lantiere, A. E., Rojas, M. A., Bisson, C., Fitch, E., Woodward, A., Stevenson, E. L. 2022; 16 (4): 15579883221106052


    Sexual and reproductive health care (SRH) and family planning (FP) services have been primarily female centered. In recent decades, international groups have advocated for men's involvement in SRH and FP, yet related research remains limited and implementation not fully realized in many countries. This systematic review of literature seeks to summarize the barriers and facilitators to men's involvement in SRH/FP services in the Philippines. It is limited to publications in English from 1994 to 2021 regarding studies conducted in the Philippines whose research questions focused on men's involvement in SRH/FP. Eligible studies were assessed for methodological quality using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) Evidence Rating Scale. The Ecological Model for Health Promotion was used as the guiding theoretical framework for analysis and to report findings. Barriers and facilitators were identified at every ecological level except that of policy. The most common barrier identified was men's deficit in knowledge about SRH/FP; the most common facilitator was the positive influence of their social network on men's attitudes, beliefs, and practices pertaining to SRH/FP. A range of factors from the individual to the community level influenced men's involvement, including religious beliefs, economic means, and cultural gender roles. More studies are needed to provide a fuller understanding of the multilevel ecological factors influencing men's involvement in SRH/FP and inform interventions with men that can positively affect their behavior related to SRH/FP decision making.

    View details for DOI 10.1177/15579883221106052

    View details for PubMedID 35815925

  • Opportunities and pitfalls of social media research in rare genetic diseases: a systematic review. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics Miller, E. G., Woodward, A. L., Flinchum, G., Young, J. L., Tabor, H. K., Halley, M. C. 2021


    PURPOSE: Social media may be particularly valuable in research in rare genetic diseases because of the low numbers of patients and the rare disease community's robust online presence. The goal of this systematic review was to understand how social media is currently used in rare disease research and the characteristics of the participants in these studies.METHODS: We conducted a systematic review of six databases to identify studies published in English between January 2004 and November 2020, of which 120 met inclusion criteria.RESULTS: Most studies were observational (n=114, 95.0%) and cross-sectional (n=107, 89.2%), and more than half (n=69, 57.5%) utilized only surveys. Only 101 rare diseases were included across all studies. Participant demographics, when reported, were predominantly female (70.1% ± 22.5%) and white (85.0% ± 11.0%) adult patients and caregivers.CONCLUSION: Despite its potential benefits in rare disease research, the use of social media is still methodologically limited and the participants reached may not be representative of the rare disease population by gender, race, age, or rare disease type. As scholars explore using social media for rare disease research, careful attention should be paid to representativeness when studying this diverse patient community.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41436-021-01273-z

    View details for PubMedID 34282302

  • Use of social media in rare and undiagnosed disease research: a systematic review Miller, E., Flinchum, G., Woodward, A., Halley, M. ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE. 2021: S356-S357
  • Using Technology to Measure Older Adults' Social Networks for Health and Well-Being: A Scoping Review. The Gerontologist Wei, S., Kang, B., Bailey, D. E., Caves, K., Lin, Y., McConnell, E. S., Thurow, M., Woodward, A., Wright-Freeman, K., Xue, T. M., Corazzini, K. N. 2021


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Social networks impact the health and well-being of older adults. Advancements in technology (e.g., digital devices and mHealth) enrich our ability to collect social networks and health data. The purpose of this scoping review was to identify and map the use of technology in measuring older adults' social networks for health and social care.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Joanna Briggs Institute methodology was followed. PubMed (MEDLINE), Sociological Abstracts, SocINDEX, CINAHL, and Web of Science were searched for relevant articles. Conference abstracts and proceedings were searched via Conference Papers Index, the American Sociological Society, and The Gerontological Society of America. Studies published in English from January 2004 to March 2020 that aimed to improve health or social care for older adults and used technology to measure social networks were included. Data were extracted by two independent reviewers using an a priori extraction tool.RESULTS: The majority of the 18 reviewed studies were pilot or simulation research conducted in Europe that focused on older adults living in the community. The various types of technologies used can be categorized as environment-based, person-based, and data-based.DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: Technology facilitates objective and longitudinal data collection on the social interactions and activities of older adults. The use of technology to measure older adults' social networks, however, is primarily in an exploratory phase. Multidisciplinary collaborations are needed to overcome operational, analytical, and implementation challenges. Future studies should leverage technologies for addressing social isolation and care for older adults, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    View details for DOI 10.1093/geront/gnab039

    View details for PubMedID 33754150

  • Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Hardware Failure in Surgical Stabilization of Rib Fractures: Who, What, When, Where, and Why? The Journal of surgical research Choi, J., Kaghazchi, A., Sun, B., Woodward, A., Forrester, J. D. 2021; 268: 190-198


    Surgical stabilization of rib fractures (SSRF) is increasingly used to reduce pulmonary complications and death among patients with rib fractures. However, the five Ws of hardware failure -who, what, when, where, and why- remains unclear. We aimed to synthesize available evidence on the five Ws and outline future research agenda for mitigating hardware failure.Experimental and observational studies published between 2009 and 2020 evaluating adults undergoing SSRF for traumatic rib fractures underwent evidence synthesis. We performed random effects meta-analysis of cohort/consecutive case studies. We calculated pooled prevalence of SSRF hardware failures using Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation and assessed study heterogeneity using DerSimonian-Laird estimation. We performed meta-regression with rib fracture acuity (acute or chronic) and hardware type (metal plate or not metal plate) as moderators.Twenty-nine studies underwent qualitative synthesis and 24 studies (2404 SSRF patients) underwent quantitative synthesis. Pooled prevalence of hardware failure was 4(3-7)%. Meta-regression showed fracture acuity was a significant moderator (P = 0.002) of hardware failure but hardware type was not (P = 0.23). Approximately 60% of patients underwent hardware removal after hardware failure. Mechanical failures were the most common type of hardware failure, followed by hardware infections, pain/discomfort, and non-union. Timing of hardware failure after surgery was highly variable, but 87% of failures occurred after initial hospitalization. Mechanical failures was attributed to technical shortcomings (i.e. short plate length) or excessive force on the thoracic cavity.SSRF hardware failure is an uncommon complication. Not all hardware failures are consequential, but insufficient individual patient data precluded characterizing where and why hardware failures occur. Minimizing SSRF hardware failure requires concerted research agenda to expand on the paucity of existing evidence.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2021.06.054

    View details for PubMedID 34333416

  • Reproducibility of cerebrovascular reactivity measurements: A systematic review of neuroimaging techniques. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Zhao, M. Y., Woodward, A., Fan, A. P., Chen, K. T., Yu, Y., Chen, D. Y., Moseley, M. E., Zaharchuk, G. 2021: 271678X211056702


    Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), the capacity of the brain to increase cerebral blood flow (CBF) to meet changes in physiological demand, is an important biomarker to evaluate brain health. Typically, this brain "stress test" is performed by using a medical imaging modality to measure the CBF change between two states: at baseline and after vasodilation. However, since there are many imaging modalities and many ways to augment CBF, a wide range of CVR values have been reported. An understanding of CVR reproducibility is critical to determine the most reliable methods to measure CVR as a clinical biomarker. This review focuses on CVR reproducibility studies using neuroimaging techniques in 32 articles comprising 427 total subjects. The literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, and Scopus. The review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). We identified 5 factors of the experimental subjects (such as sex, blood characteristics, and smoking) and 9 factors of the measuring technique (such as the imaging modality, the type of the vasodilator, and the quantification method) that have strong effects on CVR reproducibility. Based on this review, we recommend several best practices to improve the reproducibility of CVR quantification in neuroimaging studies.

    View details for DOI 10.1177/0271678X211056702

    View details for PubMedID 34806918

  • Understanding the Associations between Caregiver Characteristics and Cognitive Function of Adults with Cancer: A Scoping Review ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING Yang, Y., Rushton, S., Park, H., Son, H., Woodward, A., Mcconnell, E., Hendrix, C. 2020; 7 (2): 115–28


    Cognitive impairment (CI) is one of symptoms that adults with cancer frequently report. Although there are known factors that contribute to a patient's CI, these factors did not sufficiently explain its variability. Several studies conducted in patients with neurocognitive disorders have reported relationships between patients' cognitive function and caregiver characteristics, which are poorly understood in the context of cancer. This scoping review aims to map the literature on caregiver characteristics associated with CI in adults with cancer. We used the framework proposed by Arksey and O'Malley and PRISMA-Sc. Studies published in English by 2019 were searched through seven electronic databases. All retrieved citations were independently screened and eligibility for inclusion was determined by two independent authors. Ten studies met inclusion for this review with all of them showing significant associations between a patient's cognitive function and caregiver characteristics. Caregiver's mental health was the most commonly associated with a patient's cognitive function followed by family functioning, adaptation to illness, attitude toward disclosure of the illness, burden, coping and resilience, and demographic characteristics. These review findings suggest that enhanced information about CI in relation to caregiver characteristics will eventually provide the foundation for multifocal interventions for patients with impaired cognitive function. This scoping review identified caregiver characteristics that are associated with patients CI. These characteristics should be also assessed when health providers assess and treat CI of adults with cancer.

    View details for DOI 10.4103/apjon.apjon_3_20

    View details for Web of Science ID 000525113600001

    View details for PubMedID 32478128

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7233557

  • Lung-protective ventilation for the surgical patient: international expert panel-based consensus recommendations BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA Young, C. C., Harris, E. M., Vacchiano, C., Bodnar, S., Bukowy, B., Elliott, R. D., Migliarese, J., Ragains, C., Trethewey, B., Woodward, A., de Abreu, M., Girard, M., Futier, E., Mulier, J. P., Pelosi, P., Sprung, J. 2019; 123 (6): 898-913


    Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) occur frequently and are associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Evidence suggests that reduction of PPCs can be accomplished by using lung-protective ventilation strategies intraoperatively, but a consensus on perioperative management has not been established. We sought to determine recommendations for lung protection for the surgical patient at an international consensus development conference. Seven experts produced 24 questions concerning preoperative assessment and intraoperative mechanical ventilation for patients at risk of developing PPCs. Six researchers assessed the literature using questions as a framework for their review. The modified Delphi method was utilised by a team of experts to produce recommendations and statements from study questions. An expert consensus was reached for 22 recommendations and four statements. The following are the highlights: (i) a dedicated score should be used for preoperative pulmonary risk evaluation; and (ii) an individualised mechanical ventilation may improve the mechanics of breathing and respiratory function, and prevent PPCs. The ventilator should initially be set to a tidal volume of 6-8 ml kg-1 predicted body weight and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) 5 cm H2O. PEEP should be individualised thereafter. When recruitment manoeuvres are performed, the lowest effective pressure and shortest effective time or fewest number of breaths should be used.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.bja.2019.08.017

    View details for Web of Science ID 000496915500021

    View details for PubMedID 31587835

  • Citations of articles in predatory nursing journals NURSING OUTLOOK Oermann, M. H., Nicoll, L. H., Carter-Templeton, H., Woodward, A., Kidayi, P. L., Neal, L., Edie, A. H., Ashton, K. S., Chinn, P. L., Amarasekara, S. 2019; 67 (6): 664-670


    Nursing journals from predatory publication outlets may look authentic and seem to be a credible source of information. However, further inspection may reveal otherwise.The purpose of this study was to analyze publication and dissemination patterns of articles published in known predatory nursing journals.Using Scopus, reference lists were searched for citations from seven identified predatory nursing journals. Bibliographic information and subsequent citation information were then collected and analyzed.A total of 814 citations of articles published in predatory nursing journals were identified. Further analysis indicated that these articles were cited in 141 nonpredatory nursing journals of various types.Predatory nursing journals continue to persist, yet fewer may now be in existence. Education and information may help authors and reviewers identify predatory journals, thereby discouraging submissions to these publications and hesitancy among authors to cite articles published in them.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.outlook.2019.05.001

    View details for Web of Science ID 000502894600007

    View details for PubMedID 31255305

  • Conceptual and theoretical models for cybercivility in health professions education: a scoping review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports De Gagne, J. C., Woodward, A., Koppel, P. D., Park, H. K. 2019


    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this scoping review is to examine conceptual and theoretical models used to educate health professions students about cybercivility.INTRODUCTION: Civil behavior in cyberspace is an important element of online communications. However, this is challenging to define and teach due to subjectivity and personal bias as to what constitutes cybercivility and cyberincivility. Conceptual models or frameworks are often used to provide guidance when new knowledge and skills need to be integrated into existing professional practice. This study will provide evidence on the development and implementation of curriculum for cybercivility across healthcare professions and its potential benefits in improving interprofessional communication.INCLUSION CRITERIA: The review will consider studies that include students of health professions exposed to cyberincivility. This scoping review will include experimental, quasi-experimental and descriptive observational study designs. Dissertations will be considered, but conference abstracts, posters, editorials, commentaries and opinion papers will be excluded. The search will be limited to studies published in English after 2007.METHODS: The databases to be searched include PubMed (MEDLINE), CINAHL (via EBSCO), Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Embase, PsycINFO (via EBSCO), Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) and gray literature databases such as the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database, OpenGrey, EThOS and PaperFirst. After screening of abstracts/titles for inclusion by two independent researchers, full-text studies will be screened and reasons for exclusion will be provided. Data will be extracted from the papers included in the review by two independent researchers using the data extraction instrument. NVivo 12 will be used to analyze and report the results.

    View details for DOI 10.11124/JBISRIR-D-19-00065

    View details for PubMedID 31688360

  • Understanding on the association between informal caregiver characteristics and cognitive function of adults with cancer: a scoping review protocol BMJ OPEN Yang, Y., Rushton, S., Woodward, A., Hendrix, C. 2019; 9 (9): e031842


    Adults with cancer frequently report symptoms such as decline in cognitive function throughout the trajectory of illness. Patients with cognitive deficits need support and assistance from their informal caregivers and often rely on them to manage their symptoms based on their degree of deficits. Patients spend a significant amount of time with their informal caregivers and become interdependent with each other. In spite of their interdependence, it is unclear whether patients' cognitive outcomes (ie, cognitive function) are associated with their informal caregivers. Therefore, the body of literature related to the association between caregiver characteristics and cognitive function of adults with cancer needs to be fully mapped with assessment for knowledge gaps.Methods for this scoping review was informed by the framework proposed by Arksey and O'Malley. Seven electronic databases will be searched: (1) PubMed (MEDLINE), (2) CINAHL, (3) Embase, (4) PsycINFO, (5) Scopus, (6) Sociological Abstracts and (7) ProQuest dissertation abstracts. In addition, the search for grey literature will include the conference abstracts available through Embase, Scopus and Sociological abstracts as well as dissertations available in ProQuest dissertations. All retrieved citations will be independently screened by two authors and eligibility will be determined based on inclusion and exclusion criteria at title and abstract level. Studies meeting inclusion criteria, will be screened at full text level by two reviewers followed by abstraction of included studies. Eligible studies will be collated, summarised and reported using the data charting form that research team developed.This scoping review does not require ethics approval. Results of this scoping review will be disseminated via conference presentation and/or publication in a scientific journal.

    View details for DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031842

    View details for Web of Science ID 000497787600399

    View details for PubMedID 31537575

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC6756403

  • Microlearning in Health Professions Education: Scoping Review. JMIR medical education De Gagne, J. C., Park, H. K., Hall, K., Woodward, A., Yamane, S., Kim, S. S. 2019; 5 (2): e13997


    BACKGROUND: Microlearning, the acquisition of knowledge or skills in the form of small units, is endorsed by health professions educators as a means of facilitating student learning, training, and continuing education, but it is difficult to define in terms of its features and outcomes.OBJECTIVE: This review aimed to conduct a systematic search of the literature on microlearning in health professions education to identify key concepts, characterize microlearning as an educational strategy, and evaluate pedagogical outcomes experienced by health professions students.METHODS: A scoping review was performed using the bibliographic databases PubMed (MEDLINE), CINAHL, Education Resources Information Center, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Education Full Text (HW Wilson), and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. A combination of keywords and subject headings related to microlearning, electronic learning, or just-in-time learning combined with health professions education was used. No date limits were placed on the search, but inclusion was limited to materials published in English. Pedagogical outcomes were evaluated according to the 4-level Kirkpatrick model.RESULTS: A total of 3096 references were retrieved, of which 17 articles were selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles that met the criteria were published between 2011 and 2018, and their authors were from a range of countries, including the United States, China, India, Australia, Canada, Iran, Netherlands, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom. The 17 studies reviewed included various health-related disciplines, such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, and allied health. Although microlearning appeared in a variety of subject areas, different technologies, such as podcast, short messaging service, microblogging, and social networking service, were also used. On the basis of Buchem and Hamelmann's 10 microlearning concepts, each study satisfied at least 40% of the characteristics, whereas all studies featured concepts of maximum time spent less than 15 min as well as content aggregation. According to our assessment of each article using the Kirkpatrick model, 94% (16/17) assessed student reactions to the microlearning (level 1), 82% (14/17) evaluated knowledge or skill acquisition (level 2), 29% (5/17) measured the effect of the microlearning on student behavior (level 3), and no studies were found at the highest level.CONCLUSIONS: Microlearning as an educational strategy has demonstrated a positive effect on the knowledge and confidence of health professions students in performing procedures, retaining knowledge, studying, and engaging in collaborative learning. However, downsides to microlearning include pedagogical discomfort, technology inequalities, and privacy concerns. Future research should look at higher-level outcomes, including benefits to patients or practice changes. The findings of this scoping review will inform education researchers, faculty, and academic administrators on the application of microlearning, pinpoint gaps in the literature, and help identify opportunities for instructional designers and subject matter experts to improve course content in didactic and clinical settings.

    View details for DOI 10.2196/13997

    View details for PubMedID 31339105

  • Measuring the social impact of nursing research: An insight into altmetrics JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING Dardas, L., Woodward, A., Scott, J., Xu, H., Sawair, F. A. 2019; 75 (7): 1394-1405


    The objectives of this study were to (a) identify nursing journal articles that provoked the most online activity and discussion and (b) assess the association between these articles' altmetric scores and publication characteristics, citation counts; and publishing journals metrics.Altmetrics, or alternative metrics, have recently emerged as a complementary way of measuring the societal impact of research by assessing the public engagement with research output. To date, no studies have yet investigated the online attention about scientific papers published in the nursing field.Integration of quantitative and qualitative synthesized evidence.InCites Journal Citation Report was used to identify a list of nursing journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection. Altmetric Explorer was selected as an altmetrics harvesting tool. The search in Altmetric Explorer yielded 66,608 research outputs from 118 nursing journals. The articles with the top 100 altmetric attention score (AAS) were identified and a new search, limited to only those 100 articles, was run to produce aggregate metrics specific to those articles. The articles were also exported for thematic analysis.The median AAS for the 100 articles was 248, ranging from 138 - 649. The articles were mostly discussed on Twitter, followed by news outlets and Mendeley. Articles indexed in the nursing journals category attracted low online attention compared with articles published in other health journal categories. Twitter remained the dominant source of attention over the years 2012-2018, followed distantly by news outlets. Most online attention came from the USA and the UK. Of the top 100 articles included in the study, the Journal of Advanced Nursing published the highest number of articles (N = 26; Median AAS = 179). The AAS was not significantly different between articles published in Q1 journals and those published in Q2 and Q3 journals. There was a significant relationship between articles' AASs and their citation counts on Scopus and Web of Science. Publication date was significantly related to citation counts on Scopus and Web of Science but not with AASs.Altmetrics will likely continue to evolve alongside the rapidly expanding use of social media and online platforms. As nursing continues to strive to have our research and scholarship inform policy, translated into practice and recognized for its scientific merit, we have to remain vigilant about the best ways to disseminate the important work we are doing. Research, such as this study, will allow nursing scholars to benchmark our progress as we adapt to the changing environment for measuring impact and quality in the digital age.

    View details for DOI 10.1111/jan.13921

    View details for Web of Science ID 000472577900005

    View details for PubMedID 30507052

  • Publication Productivity of Nursing Faculty in Selected Schools of Nursing Across the United States JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP Broome, M. E., Oermann, M. H., Douglas, C. E., Simmons, D. F., Woodward, A. 2019; 51 (3): 346-355


    Faculty productivity related to research and scholarship is assessed in schools of nursing throughout the world. The purpose of this study was to examine the publication productivity of nursing faculty at each academic rank and in both tenure and nontenure tracks in selected schools of nursing across the United States.This was a descriptive study of publications and the h-index of nursing faculty.Publication and citation data and the h-index for faculty (N = 1,354) in 18 schools of nursing were obtained from the Scopus database.Overall, the number of publications and citations and the h-index of faculty increased at higher academic ranks. The median number of publications for tenure track faculty was 13 for assistant professors, 33 for associate professors, and 81 for full professors. Citation medians ranged from 80.5 for assistant professors, to 378 for associate professors, to 1,401 for full professors. The median h-index was 4 for assistant professors, 10 for associate professors, and 20 for full professors. Significant differences were found across academic ranks and between tenure and nontenure track faculty.The findings provide the first documentation of scholarly productivity of nursing faculty, as measured by number of publications and citations and by h-index, across schools of nursing in the United States.These findings can be used as benchmarks by appointment, promotion, and tenure committees and by faculty for self-assessment.

    View details for DOI 10.1111/jnu.12463

    View details for Web of Science ID 000466179600014

    View details for PubMedID 30762935

  • Microlearning in health professions education: a scoping review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports De Gagne, J. C., Woodward, A., Park, H. K., Sun, H., Yamane, S. S. 2019; 17 (6): 1018–25



    View details for DOI 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003884

    View details for PubMedID 30489350

  • A Big Picture Approach: Using Embedded Librarianship to Proactively Address the Need for Visual Literacy Instruction in Higher Education ART DOCUMENTATION Milbourn, A. 2013; 32 (2): 274-283

    View details for DOI 10.1086/673517

    View details for Web of Science ID 000217354600009