
I specialize in mineral processing and computational materials science. At Stanford, I explore the electronic structure of critical minerals as well as mineral-water and mineral-reagent interfaces using AI-accelerated ab initio computations. My research focuses on developing an intelligent framework for discovering and designing novel chemical reagents and ligands that target the subtle quantum-mechanical properties of minerals and metals. The outcomes of my work aim to enable the selective separation and extraction of critical minerals and metals from both primary and secondary resources.
In addition, I collaborate on AI-driven optimization and design of mineral processing operations under uncertainty for selective and sustainable extraction of critical minerals.

Honors & Awards

  • Henry DeWitt Smith Graduate Award, SME (2020)
  • Lewis E. and Elizabeth W. Young Award, SME (2022)
  • Raja V. and Geetha V. Ramani Graduate Student Award, SME (2023)
  • Charles B. Manula Memorial Scholarship, Penn State (2022, 2023)
  • Fuel Science Award, Penn State (2023)

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Penn State, Energy and Mineral Engineering (2024)
  • Ph.D. Minor, Penn State, Computational Materials Science (2024)
  • M.S., West Virginia University, Mineral Processing (2021)
  • M.S., Tarbiat Modares University, Mineral Processing (2016)
  • B.S., Bahonar University, Mineral Engineering (2013)

Stanford Advisors

Research Interests

  • Data Sciences
  • Research Methods

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