
Amir specializes in mineral processing, and computational materials science. At Stanford, he explores the electronic structure of minerals, mineral-water, and mineral-reagent interfaces using AI-accelerated quantum mechanical computations. His research focuses on developing an intelligent framework for discovering and designing novel chemical reagents/ ligands that target the subtle quantum-mechanical properties of minerals/ metals. The outcomes of his work aim to enable the selective separation and extraction of critical minerals and metals from both primary and secondary resources.
In addition, Amir collaborates on AI-driven optimization and design of processing operations under uncertainty, contributing to the sustainable development of critical mineral supply chains.

Honors & Awards

  • Henry DeWitt Smith Graduate Award, SME (2020)
  • Lewis E. and Elizabeth W. Young Award, SME (2022)
  • Raja V. and Geetha V. Ramani Graduate Student Award, SME (2023)
  • Charles B. Manula Memorial Scholarship, Penn State (2022, 2023)
  • Fuel Science Award, Penn State (2023)

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Penn State, Energy and Mineral Engineering (2024)
  • Ph.D. Minor, Penn State, Computational Materials Science (2024)
  • M.S., West Virginia University, Mineral Processing (2021)
  • M.S., Tarbiat Modares University, Mineral Processing (2016)
  • B.S., Bahonar University, Mineral Engineering (2013)

Stanford Advisors

Research Interests

  • Data Sciences
  • Research Methods

All Publications