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  • Improved multifidelity Monte Carlo estimators based on normalizing flows and dimensionality reduction techniques. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering Zanoni, A., Geraci, G., Salvador, M., Menon, K., Marsden, A. L., Schiavazzi, D. E. 2024; 429


    We study the problem of multifidelity uncertainty propagation for computationally expensive models. In particular, we consider the general setting where the high-fidelity and low-fidelity models have a dissimilar parameterization both in terms of number of random inputs and their probability distributions, which can be either known in closed form or provided through samples. We derive novel multifidelity Monte Carlo estimators which rely on a shared subspace between the high-fidelity and low-fidelity models where the parameters follow the same probability distribution, i.e., a standard Gaussian. We build the shared space employing normalizing flows to map different probability distributions into a common one, together with linear and nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques, active subspaces and autoencoders, respectively, which capture the subspaces where the models vary the most. We then compose the existing low-fidelity model with these transformations and construct modified models with an increased correlation with the high-fidelity model, which therefore yield multifidelity estimators with reduced variance. A series of numerical experiments illustrate the properties and advantages of our approaches.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117119

    View details for PubMedID 38912105

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC11192502

  • A probabilistic neural twin for treatment planning in peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis. International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering Lee, J. D., Richter, J., Pfaller, M. R., Szafron, J. M., Menon, K., Zanoni, A., Ma, M. R., Feinstein, J. A., Kreutzer, J., Marsden, A. L., Schiavazzi, D. E. 2024: e3820


    The substantial computational cost of high-fidelity models in numerical hemodynamics has, so far, relegated their use mainly to offline treatment planning. New breakthroughs in data-driven architectures and optimization techniques for fast surrogate modeling provide an exciting opportunity to overcome these limitations, enabling the use of such technology for time-critical decisions. We discuss an application to the repair of multiple stenosis in peripheral pulmonary artery disease through either transcatheter pulmonary artery rehabilitation or surgery, where it is of interest to achieve desired pressures and flows at specific locations in the pulmonary artery tree, while minimizing the risk for the patient. Since different degrees of success can be achieved in practice during treatment, we formulate the problem in probability, and solve it through a sample-based approach. We propose a new offline-online pipeline for probabilistic real-time treatment planning which combines offline assimilation of boundary conditions, model reduction, and training dataset generation with online estimation of marginal probabilities, possibly conditioned on the degree of augmentation observed in already repaired lesions. Moreover, we propose a new approach for the parametrization of arbitrarily shaped vascular repairs through iterative corrections of a zero-dimensional approximant. We demonstrate this pipeline for a diseased model of the pulmonary artery tree available through the Vascular Model Repository.

    View details for DOI 10.1002/cnm.3820

    View details for PubMedID 38544354