
Professor Emeritus Arogyaswami Paulraj, Stanford University, is a pioneer of MIMO wireless communications, a technology break through that enables improved wireless performance. MIMO is now incorporated into all new wireless systems.

Paulraj is the author of over 400 research papers, two textbooks, and a co-inventor in 80 US patents.

Paulraj has won over a dozen awards, notably the National Inventors Hall of Fame (USPTO), Marconi Prize and Fellowship, 2014 and the IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal, 2011. He is a fellow of eight scientific / engineering national academies including the US, China, India, and Sweden. He is a fellow of IEEE and AAAS.

In 1999, Paulraj founded Iospan Wireless Inc. - which developed and established MIMO-OFDMA wireless as the core 4G technology. Iospan was acquired by Intel Corporation in 2003. In 2004, he co-founded Beceem Communications Inc. The company became the market leader in 4G-WiMAX semiconductor and was acquired by Broadcom Corp. in 2010. In 2014 he founded Rasa Networks to develop Machine Learning tools for WiFi Networks. The company was acquired HPE in 2016.

During his 30 years in the Indian (Navy) (1961-1991), he founded three national-level laboratories in India and headed one of India’s most successful military R&D projects – APSOH sonar. He received over a dozen awards (many at the national level) in India including the Padma Bhushan, Ati Vishist Seva Medal and the VASVIK Medal.

Administrative Appointments

  • Chairman,Executive Council, Indian Semiconductor Mission, DLI (Govt. of India) (2022 - Present)
  • Advisor, Celesta Capital (2021 - Present)
  • Advisor, Facebook Inc (2016 - 2021)
  • CTO, Founder, Rasa Networks (2014 - 2016)
  • Sr. Advisor,, Broadcom Corp. (2010 - 2014)
  • CTO / Co-Founder, Beceem Comm. Inc (2004 - 2010)
  • CTO, Founder, Iospan Wireless Inc., (1998 - 2004)
  • Professor / Emeritus (Research),, Stanford University (1993 - Present)
  • Visiting Scientist, Stanford University (1992 - 1993)
  • Chief Scientist, Central Research Lab, Bharat Electronics, Bangalore (1988 - 1991)
  • Director, Center for Development of Advance Computing, Bangalore (Govt. of India) (1989 - 1990)
  • Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, DRDO, Govt. of India (1987 - 1988)
  • Visiting. Scientist, Stanford University (1983 - 1985)
  • APSOH Project Lead, Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory, Cochin, India (1977 - 1983)
  • Research Fellow, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, UK (1974 - 1975)
  • Sonar 170B Project lead, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi (1972 - 1073)

Honors & Awards

  • Prince Phillip Medal, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2024)
  • Faraday Medal, Inst, of Engineering and Technology (2023)
  • Hall of Fame, Wireless History Foundation (2022)
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2020)
  • RCC Technical Recognition Award, IEEE (2019)
  • China Friendship Award, Govt. of PR China (2018)
  • National Inventors Hall of Fame, US Patent and Trademark Office (2018)
  • Foreign Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (2016)
  • Foreign Fellow, Chinese Academy of Engineering (2015)
  • Foreign Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences, India (2014)
  • Marconi Prize and Fellowship, Marconi Society (2014)
  • Alexander Graham Bell Medal, IEEE (2011)
  • Foreign Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India (2011)
  • Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Sciences (2010)
  • Padma Bhushan, President of India (2010)
  • Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (2008)
  • Fellow, The World Academy of Sciences (2007)
  • Member, US National Academy of Engineering (2006)
  • Technical Achievement Award, IEEE SP Soc (2003)
  • Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (1998)
  • Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (1997)
  • Fellow, IEEE (1990)
  • Scientist of the Year Award, Government of India (1985)
  • Ati Vishist Seva Medal, Government of India (1983)
  • Vishist Seva Medal, Government of India (1974)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Board of Directors, Iospan Wireless (1998 - 2004)
  • Board of Directors, Quadgen Wireless Inc (2016 - Present)
  • Board of Directors, Rasa Networks (2014 - 2016)
  • Board of Directors, Beceem Comm. Inc (2004 - 2010)

Professional Education

  • BE, Naval College of Engineering, Lonavala, India, Elect. Engg. (1966)
  • PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, Elect. Engg. (1973)


  • Arogyaswami Paulraj. "United StatesSee Home Page"

All Publications

  • An approach to physical layer security in MIMO wireless via vector perturbation precoding COMMUNICATIONS IN INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS Du, L., Li, L., Paulraj, A. J. 2020; 20 (2): 117–29
  • Cache-Assisted Broadcast-Relay Wireless Networks: A Delivery-Time Cache-Memory Tradeoff IEEE ACCESS Kakar, J., Ahmad, A., Chaaban, A., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A. 2019; 7: 76833–58
  • Distributed Online Optimization of Fog Computing for Selfish Devices With Out-of-Date Information IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Lyu, X., Ni, W., Tian, H., Liu, R., Wang, X., Giannakis, G. B., Paulraj, A. 2018; 17 (11): 7704–17
  • Delivery Time Minimization in Cache-Assisted Broadcast-Relay Wireless Networks with Imperfect CSI Kakar, J., Chaaban, A., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 880–84
  • Optimal Schedule of Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things Using Partial Information IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Lyu, X., Ni, W., Tian, H., Liu, R., Wang, X., Giannakis, G. B., Paulraj, A. 2017; 35 (11): 2606–15
  • MOTIVATING NETWORK DEPLOYMENT Vehicular Communications IEEE VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE McGiffen, T., Beiker, S., Paulraj, A. 2017; 12 (3): 22–33
  • Opportunistic Downlink Interference Alignment for Multi-Cell MIMO Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Yang, H. J., Shin, W., Jung, B. C., Suh, C., Paulraj, A. 2017; 16 (3): 1533-1548
  • Load Balancing in Small Cell Networks Using User Equipment Transfer Nie, G., Tian, H., Zhang, P., Paulraj, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017
  • User-Centric Precoding Designs for the Non-Regenerative MIMO Two-Way Relay Systems IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Wang, Z., Li, L., Tian, H., Paulraj, A. 2016; 20 (10): 1935-1938
  • Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Multi-User Interference SISO System Li, L., Wang, H., Wang, Z., Paulraj, A., IEEE IEEE. 2015
  • Codebook-Based Opportunistic Interference Alignment IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Yang, H. J., Jung, B. C., Shin, W., Paulraj, A. 2014; 62 (11): 2922-2937
  • Opportunistic Downlink Interference Alignment IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Yang, H. J., Shin, W., Jung, B. C., Suh, C., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2014: 1588–1592
  • THE DESIGN OF OPTIMAL RECEIVER FOR OPPORTUNISTIC INTERFERENCE ALIGNMENT IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Yang, H. J., Jung, B. C., Shin, W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2014
  • Cell-Edge Multi-User Relaying with Overhearing IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Sun, F., Kim, T. M., Paulraj, A. J., De Carvalho, E., Popovski, P. 2013; 17 (6): 1160-1163
  • Distributed Sum-Rate Optimization for Full-Duplex MIMO System Under Limited Dynamic Range IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Kim, T. M., Yang, H. J., Paulraj, A. J. 2013; 20 (6): 555-558
  • Opportunistic Interference Alignment for MIMO Interfering Multiple-Access Channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Yang, H. J., Shin, W., Jung, B. C., Paulraj, A. 2013; 12 (5): 2180-2192
  • Low-Complexity MMSE Precoding for Coordinated Multipoint With Per-Antenna Power Constraint IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Kim, T. M., Sun, F., Paulraj, A. J. 2013; 20 (4): 395-398
  • Achievable Sum-Rate of MU-MIMO Cellular Two-Way Relay Channels: Lattice Code-Aided Linear Precoding IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Yang, H. J., Choi, Y., Lee, N., Paulraj, A. 2012; 30 (8): 1304-1318
  • On the Application of Character Expansions for MIMO Capacity Analysis IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Ghaderipoor, A., Tellambura, C., Paulraj, A. 2012; 58 (5): 2950-2962
  • Achievable and Crystallized Rate Regions of the Interference Channel with Interference as Noise IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Charafeddine, M. A., Sezgin, A., Han, Z., Paulraj, A. 2012; 11 (3): 1100-1111
  • Codebook-Based Lattice-Reduction-Aided Precoding for Limited-Feedback Coded MIMO Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Yang, H. J., Chun, J., Choi, Y., Kim, S., Paulraj, A. 2012; 60 (2): 510-524
  • Analytical Multi-User MIMO Channel Modeling: Subspace Alignment Matters IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Czink, N., Bandemer, B., Oestges, C., Zemen, T., Paulraj, A. 2012; 11 (1): 367-377
  • A Feasibility Study on Opportunistic Interference Alignment: Limited Feedback and Sum-Rate Enhancement 46th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Yang, H. J., Shin, W., Jung, B. C., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2012: 1132–1136
  • Transmit Beamforming for EIRP-limited MIMO Systems based on Golay Sequence IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Kim, T. M., Ghaderipoor, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2012: 4798–4803
  • Antenna Selection and Power Combining for Transmit Beamforming in MIMO Systems IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Kim, T. M., Ghaderipoor, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2012: 4600–4605
  • Outage Probability of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperation with Full Duplex Relay IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) Kim, T. M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2012
  • Opportunistic Interference Alignment for MIMO IMAC: Effect of User Scaling Over Degrees-of-Freedom IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Yang, H. J., Shin, W., Jung, B. C., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2012
  • Asymptotic Capacity of the Separated MIMO Two-Way Relay Channel IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Yang, H. J., Chun, J., Paulraj, A. 2011; 57 (11): 7542-7554
  • Evolution of Indian Wireless Networks IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW Paulraj, A. 2011; 28 (5): 375-380
  • Correlation-based radio localization in an indoor environment EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Callaghan, T., Czink, N., Mani, F., Paulraj, A., Papanicolaou, G. 2011
  • On Gaussian Multiple Access Channels with Interference: Achievable Rates and Upper Bounds Chaaban, A., Sezgin, A., Bandemer, B., Paulraj, A., Sacchi, C., Bellalta, B., Vinel, A., Schlegel, C., Granelli, F., Zhang, Y. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2011: 87-+
  • Subspace Modeling of Multi-User MIMO Channels IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Czink, N., Bandemer, B., Oestges, C., Zemen, T., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2011
  • MIMO From Theory to Implementation Foreword MIMO: FROM THEORY TO IMPLEMENTATION Paulraj, A., Sibille, A., Oestges, C., Zanella, A. 2011: XI-+
  • MIMO Systems Based on Modulation Diversity IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Lee, H., Paulraj, A. 2010; 58 (12): 3405-3409
  • Experimental Investigation on Time Reversal Precoding for Space-Time Focusing in Wireless Communications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT El-Sallabi, H., Kyritsi, P., Paulraj, A., Papanicolaou, G. 2010; 59 (6): 1537-1543
  • Experimental Characterization and Modeling of Outdoor-to-Indoor and Indoor-to-Indoor Distributed Channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Oestges, C., Czink, N., Bandemer, B., Castiglione, P., Kaltenberger, F., Paulraj, A. J. 2010; 59 (5): 2253-2265
  • Beamforming for Network-Coded MIMO Two-Way Relaying 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Kim, T. M., Bandemer, B., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2010: 647–652
  • Secret Key Agreement Based on Radio Propagation Characteristics in Two-Way Relaying Systems IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010) Shimizu, T., Iwai, H., Sasaoka, H., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2010
  • Multi-Link Level Simulation Model of Indoor Peer-to-Peer Radio Channels 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Castiglione, P., Oestges, C., Czink, N., Bandemer, B., Kaltenberger, F., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2010
  • Robust Collaborative-Relay Beamforming IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Zheng, G., Wong, K., Paulraj, A., Ottersten, B. 2009; 57 (8): 3130-3143
  • Generalized Partial Feedback Based Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Sezgin, A., Altay, G., Paulraj, A. 2009; 8 (6): 2771-2775
  • Physically motivated fast-fading model for indoor peer-to-peer channels ELECTRONICS LETTERS Bandemer, B., Oestges, C., Czink, N., Paulraj, A. 2009; 45 (10): 515-516
  • Collaborative-Relay Beamforming With Perfect CSI: Optimum and Distributed Implementation IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Zheng, G., Wong, K., Paulraj, A., Ottersten, B. 2009; 16 (4): 257-U44
  • Code Rate-Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Stauffer, E., Tujkovic, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2009: 245–54
  • Robust and Distributed Beamforming Zheng, G., Wong, K., Paulraj, A., Ottersten, B., IEEE IEEE. 2009: 1629-+
  • Why Downlink Cyclic Delay Diversity Helps Uplink Transmit Diversity 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Jalloul, L. M., Czink, N., Hochwald, B. M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2009: 1218–1222
  • Capacity Performance of Outdoor-to-Indoor Relay Schemes in Measured Radio Channels 20th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Oestges, C., Czink, N., Bandemer, B., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2009: 1113–1117
  • Experimental Characterization of Indoor Multi-Link Channels 20th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Oestges, C., Czink, N., Bandemer, B., Castiglione, P., Kaltenberger, F., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2009: 2985–2989
  • 2-Sector Interference Channel Communication for Sum Rates and Minimum Rate Maximization 43rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems Charafeddine, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2009: 951–956
  • Maximum Sum Rates via Analysis of 2-User Interference Channel Achievable Rates Region 43rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems Charafeddine, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2009: 170–174
  • Spatial Separation of Multi-User MIMO Channels 20th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Czink, N., Bandemer, B., Vazquez-Vilar, G., Jalloul, L., Oestges, C., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2009: 1059–1063
  • Overhearing-based Interference Cancellation for Relay Networks 70th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Bandemer, B., Li, Q., Lin, X. E., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2009: 566–570
  • Crystallized Rates Region of the Interference Channel via Correlated Equilibrium with Interference as Noise IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009) Charafeddine, M., Han, Z., Paulraj, A., Cioffi, J. IEEE. 2009: 3322–3327
  • On the Asymptotic Optimality of Opportunistic Norm-Based User Selection with Hard SINR Constraint EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Zhang, X., Jorswieck, E. A., Ottersten, B., Paulraj, A. 2009
  • On the relation of OSTBC and code rate one QSTBC: Average rate, BER, and coding gain 7th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications Sezgin, A., Jorswieck, E. A., Henkel, O., Pereira, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2008: 4879–91
  • Antenna selection in space-time block coded systems: Performance analysis and low-complexity algorithm IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 07) Chen, C., Sezgin, A., Cioffi, J. M., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2008: 3303–14
  • Statistical opportunistic scheduling with tap correlation information for an OFDMA system in uplink IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Yoon, E., Tujkovic, D., Paulraj, A. 2008; 57 (3): 1708-1714
  • Multicell optimization for diversity and interference mitigation IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 05) Oteri, O., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2008: 2050–61
  • Guaranteed performance region in fading orthogonal space-time coded broadcast channels EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Jorswieck, E., Ottersten, B., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A. 2008
  • Feedback reduction in uplink MIMO OFDM systems by chunk optimization IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008) Jorswieck, E., Ottersten, B., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2008: 4348–4352
  • Interference Limited Broadcast: Role of Interferer Geometry IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Pereira, S., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A., Papanicolaou, G. IEEE. 2008: 757–761
  • Where to place interferers in a wireless network IEEE Information Theory Workshop Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A., Jorswieck, E. A. IEEE. 2008: 348–352
  • On the Noisy Interference Regime of the MISO Gaussian Interference Channel 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Bandemer, B., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2008: 1098–1102
  • Tile-based MIMO OFDM systems: The Impact of Inaccurate Channel State Information 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Sezgin, A., Bandemer, B., Paulraj, A., Jorswieck, E. A. IEEE. 2008: 1326–1329
  • Mobility Dependent Feedback Scheme for point-to-point MIMO Systems 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Vazquez-Vilar, G., Majjigi, V., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2008: 1315–1319
  • Feedback reduction in uplink MIMO OFDM systems by chunk optimization EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Jorswieck, E., Sezgin, A., Ottersten, B., Paulraj, A. 2008
  • Distributed space-time systems EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Mallik, R. K., Paulraj, A. J., Chakraborty, M., Zhang, K. Q., Karagiannidis, G. K. 2008
  • Space-frequency precoding with space-tap correlation information at the transmitter IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Yoon, E., Hansen, J., Paulraj, A. 2007; 55 (9): 1702-1711
  • MIMO wireless linear precoding IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Vu, M., Paulraj, A. 2007; 24 (5): 86-105
  • On the capacity of MIMO wireless channels with dynamic CSIT 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 1269–83
  • Linear precoding for high-K-factor channels exploiting channel mean and covariance information 59th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Oteri, O., Yoon, E., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 2581–89
  • Power-bandwidth tradeoff in dense multi-antenna relay networks 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Oyman, O., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 2282–93
  • Statistical adaptive modulation with TCOI-Tx IET COMMUNICATIONS Yoon, E., Paulraj, A. 2007; 1 (3): 289-293
  • Efficient high-performance decoding for overloaded MIMO antenna systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Wong, K., Paulraj, A., Murch, R. D. 2007; 6 (5): 1833-1843
  • Finite-SNR diversity-multiplexing tradeoffs in fading relay channels 44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Stauffer, E., Oyman, O., Narasimhan, R., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 245–57
  • Design and performance of space-time codes for spatially correlated MIMO channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Clerckx, B., Oestges, C., Vandendorpe, L., Vanhoenacker-Janvier, D., Paulraj, A. J. 2007; 55 (1): 64-68
  • Adaptive vs. diversity transmission for multiuser MISO systems with imperfect CSIT 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-14 Lee, F. K., Vu, M. H., Paulraj, A. J. 2007: 897-901
  • User selection schemes in multiple antenna broadcast channels with guaranteed performance 8th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications Zhang, X., Jorswieck, E. A., Ottersten, B., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2007: 660–664
  • Simplified eigenvalues distributions of 2x2 complex noncentral Wishart 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Charafeddine, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2007: 1215–1218
  • Guaranteed performance region in fading orthogonal space-time coded broadcast channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jorswieck, E. A., Ottersten, B., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2007: 96–100
  • SOS-based blind channel estimation under space-time block coded transmissions 8th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications Via, J., Santamaria, I., Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2007: 36–40
  • Sequential geometric programming for 2x2 interference channel power control 41st Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2007) Charafeddine, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2007: 185–189
  • Impact of correlation on linear precoding in QSTBC coded systems with linear MSE detection IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 07) Sezgin, A., Paulraj, A., Vu, M. IEEE. 2007: 1734–1738
  • Opportunistic scheduling for multiantenna cellular: Interference limited regime 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Pereira, S., Paulraj, A., Papanicolaou, G. IEEE. 2007: 1171–1175
  • A low-complexity algorithm for antenna selection in space-time block coded systems IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 07) Chen, C., Sezgin, A., Cioffi, J. M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2007: 4221–4225
  • Efficient near maximum-likelihood detection for underdetermined MIMO antenna systems using a geometrical approach EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Wong, K., Paulraj, A. 2007

    View details for DOI 10.1155/2007/84265

    View details for Web of Science ID 000252085000001

  • Multiuser adaptation exploiting channel statistics in an OFDMA uplink IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Yoon, E., Tujkovic, D., Paulraj, A. 2007; 6 (1): 26-29
  • On the ergodic sum-rate performance of CDD in multi-user systems IEEE Information Theory Workshop Sezgin, A., Charafeddine, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2007: 72–77
  • Receive antenna selection in MIMO systems using convex optimization IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Dua, A., Medepalli, K., Paulraj, A. J. 2006; 5 (9): 2353-2357
  • Design and analysis of linear distributed MIMO relaying algorithms IEE PROCEEDINGS-COMMUNICATIONS Oyman, O., Paulraj, A. J. 2006; 153 (4): 565-572
  • Capacity scaling law's in MIMO relay networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Bolcskei, H., Nabar, R. U., Oyman, O., Paulraj, A. J. 2006; 5 (6): 1433-1444
  • Optimal linear precoders for MIMO wireless correlated channels with nonzero mean in space-time coded systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2006: 2318–32
  • On quasi-orthogonal signatures for CDMA systems IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 03) Heath, R. W., Strohmer, T., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2006: 1217–26
  • Studies in Downlink Spectral Efficiency of OFDMA networks with MIMO and Opportunistic Scheduling IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 06) Oteri, O., Chiurtu, N., Lee, F. K., Charafeddine, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2006
  • MSE based optimization of multiuser MIMO MAC with partial CSI 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Zhang, X., Jorswieck, E. A., Ottersten, B., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2006: 374–378
  • Partially cooperative MIMO channels with scaled identity transmit covariance IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Stauffer, E., Tujkovic, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2006: 2451–2455
  • On pre-coding for high spatial rate space-time codes 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Stauffer, E., Charafeddine, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2006: 1287–1290
  • Multiple antenna technology in mobile broadband - New challenges for RF designers IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2006: 6–6
  • Diversity and outage performance in space-time block coded Ricean MIMO channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. 2005; 4 (5): 2519-2532
  • Switching between diversity and multiplexing in MIMO systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. J. 2005; 53 (6): 962-968
  • Impact of fading correlations on MIMO communication systems in geometry-based statistical channel models IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Oestges, C., Clerckx, B., Vanhoenacker-Janvier, D., Paulraj, A. J. 2005; 4 (3): 1112-1120
  • When will smart antennas be ready for the market? Part I IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Kaiser, T., Bourdoux, A., Choi, S., Fuertes, A., Mecklenbrauker, C., Li, Q. H., Ottersten, B., PAPADIAS, C., Paul, S., Paulraj, A., van Rooyen, P., Winters, J. H. 2005; 22 (2): 87-92
  • Performance analysis of linear precoding based on field trials results of MIMO-OFDM system IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Sampath, H., Erceg, V., Paulraj, A. 2005; 4 (2): 404-409
  • Characterization of space-time focusing in time-reversed random fields IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION Oestges, C., Kim, A. D., Papanicolaou, G., Paulraj, A. J. 2005; 53 (1): 283-293
  • Antenna Subset Selection in MIMO Communication Systems SPACE-TIME PROCESSING FOR MIMO COMMUNICATIONS Gorokhov, A., Gore, D. A., Paulraj, A. J., Gershman, A. B., Sidiropoulos, N. D. 2005: 245–68
  • A forward-backward Kalman for the estimation of time-variant channels in OFDM 2005 IEEE 6TH WORKSHOP ON SIGNAL PROCESSING ADVANCES IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Al-Naffouri, T. Y., Paulraj, A. 2005: 670-674
  • List slab-sphere decoding: efficient high-performance decoding for asymmetric MIMO antenna systems 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Wong, K. K., Paulraj, A., Murch, R. D. IEEE. 2005: 697–701
  • Slab-sphere decoding: Efficient maximum-likelihood detection for asymmetric MIMO antenna systems 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Wong, K. K., Paulraj, A., Murch, R. D. IEEE. 2005: 692–696
  • Fading and interference mitigation using a greedy approach IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 05) Oteri, O., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 2189–2193
  • Minimizing outage probability for arbitrary channel distributions IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2005) Stauffer, E., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 2402–2406
  • A robust transmit CSI framework with applications in MIMO wireless precoding 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 623–627
  • Subcarrier and power allocation for an OFDMA uplink based on tap correlation information IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2005) Yoon, E., Tujkovic, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 2744–2748
  • Exploiting channel statistics to improve the average sum rate in OFDMA systems 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Yoon, E., Tujkovic, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 1053–1057
  • Fading and interference mitigation in multi-antenna wireless transmission IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Oteri, H., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 414–419
  • Data interception in multiuser Tomlinson-Harashima precoding 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Lee, F. K., Oteri, O. F., Emami, S. M., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2005: 1000–1004
  • Tomlinson-Harashima precoding for MISO frequency-selective broadcast channels 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Lee, F. K., Emami, S. M., Oteri, O. F., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2005: 1508–1513
  • Capacity optimization for Rician correlated MIMO wireless channels 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 133–138
  • On duobinary turbo codes for block fading channels 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Stauffer, E., Tujkovic, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 615–619
  • Linear precoding for MIMO wireless correlated channels with non-zero means: K factor analysis, extension to non-orthogonal STBC 30th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2005: 1113–1116
  • Optimum space-time transmission for a high K factor wireless channel with partial channel knowledge WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING Vu, M., Paulraj, A. J. 2004; 4 (7): 807-816

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  • Beneficial impact of channel correlations on MIMO capacity ELECTRONICS LETTERS Oestges, C., Paulraj, A. J. 2004; 40 (10): 606-608
  • An interference-suppressing RAKE receiver for the CDMA downlink IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Mudulodu, S., Leus, G., Paulraj, A. 2004; 11 (5): 521-524
  • Propagation modeling of MIMO multipolarized fixed wireless channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Oestges, C., Erceg, V., Paulraj, A. J. 2004; 53 (3): 644-654
  • Propagation into buildings for broad-band wireless access IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Oestges, C., Paulraj, A. J. 2004; 53 (2): 521-526
  • An overview of MIMO communications - A key to gigabit wireless PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Paulraj, A. J., Gore, D. A., Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H. 2004; 92 (2): 198-218
  • Application of time-reversal with MMSE equalizer to UWB communications IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 04) Strohmer, T., Emami, M., Hansen, J., Papanicolaou, G., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 3123–3127
  • Near maximum-likelihood detection with reduced-complexity for multiple-input single-output antenna systems 38th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Wong, K. K., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 1158–1162
  • Transmit/receive MIMO antenna subset selection IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Gorokhov, A., Collados, M., Gore, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 13–16
  • Diversity performance of Ricean MIMO channels International IEEE/ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 253–256
  • Space-time-frequency coding for OFDM-based WLANs IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 04) Oteri, H., Paulraj, A., Chimitt, W. J., Holt, K. IEEE. 2004: 2925–2930
  • On the decoding order of MIMO maximum-likelihood sphere decoder: Linear and non-linear receivers 59th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Wong, K. K., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 698–702
  • Space-frequency precoding for an OFDM based system exploiting spatial and path correlation IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 04) Yoon, E., Hansen, J., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 436–440
  • Receiver design for MIMO-OFDM transmission over time variant channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 04) Al-Naffouri, T. Y., Awoniyi, O., Oteri, O., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 2487–2492
  • Linear precoding for MIMO channels with non-zero mean and transmit correlation in orthogonal space-time coded systems 60th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 2503–2507
  • On the "high SNR" assumption in space-time codes designs IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Clerckx, B., Vandendorpe, L., Vanhoenacker-Janvier, D., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 598–602
  • Robust space-time codes for spatially correlated MIMO channels IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Clerckx, B., Vandendorpe, L., Vanhoenacker-Janvier, D., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 453–457
  • Transmit pre-coding for MIMO wireless IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON 2004) Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 9–9
  • Location-aided RAKE receiver delay tracking 58th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2003) Banerjee, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 1248–1252
  • Space time block coding with transmitter interference reduction 38th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Oteri, O., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 861–865
  • Matched filtering with rate back-off for low complexity communications in very large delay spread channels 38th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Emami, M., Vu, M., Hansen, J., Paulraj, A. J., Papanicolaou, G. IEEE. 2004: 218–222
  • Impact of diagonal correlations on MIMO capacity: Application to geometrical scattering models 58th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2003) Oestges, C., Clerckx, B., Vanhoenacker-Janvier, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 394–398
  • Dual-polarized MIMO macrocellular wireless transmissions: Modeling, validation and analysis 58th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2003) Oestges, C., Vanhoenacker-Janvier, D., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 378–382
  • Linear pre-coding for high K-Factor channels exploiting channel mean and covariance information 59th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Yoon, E., Oteri, O., Gorokhov, A., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 1265–1269
  • Optimum transmission scheme for a MISO wireless system with partial channel knowledge and infinite K factor IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 239–243
  • PT5 recent advances in channel pre-coding in MIMO wireless systems 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2004: 5–5
  • Range and antenna beamwidth dependencies in multidimensional fixed wireless channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Oestges, C., Paulraj, A. J. 2004; 3 (1): 128-137
  • Receive antenna selection for MIMO spatial multiplexing: Theory and algorithms IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Gorokhov, A., Gore, D. A., Paulraj, A. J. 2003; 51 (11): 2796-2807
  • Characterizing the statistical properties of mutual information in MIMO channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Oyman, O., Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. 2003; 51 (11): 2784-2795
  • Special Issue on MIMO Wireless Communications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Blum, R. S., Bolcskei, H., Fitz, M. P., Hughes, B., Paulraj, A. J. 2003; 51 (11): 2709-2709
  • Receive antenna selection for MIMO flat-fading channels: Theory and algorithms IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2003) Gorokhov, A., Gore, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2003: 2687–96
  • A physical scattering model for MIMO macrocellular broadband wireless channels IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Oestges, C., Erceg, V., Paulraj, A. J. 2003; 21 (5): 721-729
  • Impact of the propagation environment on the performance of space-frequency coded MIMO-OFDM 11th European Signal Processing Conference Bolcskei, H., Borgmann, M., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2003: 427–39
  • Location-aided RAKE receiver finger assignment IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 03) Banerjee, D. N., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2003: 1043–1047
  • Space-frequency coded MIMO-OFDM with variable multiplexing-diversity tradeoff IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2003: 2837–2841
  • Performance bounds for antenna selection in MIMO systems IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Gorokhov, A., Gore, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2003: 3021–3025
  • Cut-off rate based transmit optimization for spatial multiplexing on general MIMO channels IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2003: 61–64
  • Grassmannian signatures for CDMA systems IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 03) Heath, R. W., Strohmer, T., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2003: 1553–1557
  • Performance of the distributed antenna systems in a multi-cell environment 57th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Roh, W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2003: 587–591
  • Some asymptotic capacity results for MIMO wireless with and without channel knowledge at the transmitter 37th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Vu, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2003: 258–262
  • Time and frequency equalization in 802.11 a/g 37th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Oteri, O., Wang, X., Mujtaba, S. A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2003: 698–702
  • Outdoor MIMO wireless channels: Models and performance prediction IEEE Globecom 2000 Gesbert, D., Bolcskei, H., Gore, D. A., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2002: 1926–34
  • Transmit selection in spatial multiplexing systems IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Gore, D. A., Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. J. 2002; 6 (11): 491-493
  • Performance of multiantenna signaling techniques in the presence of polarization diversity IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Erceg, V., Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A. J. 2002; 50 (10): 2553-2562
  • Performance of multi-antenna signaling strategies using dual-polarized antennas: Measurement results and analysis 4th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Nabar, R. U., Erceg, V., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. SPRINGER. 2002: 31–44
  • MIMO antenna subset selection with space-time coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Gore, D. A., Paulraj, A. J. 2002; 50 (10): 2580-2588
  • Linear dispersion codes for MIMO systems based on frame theory IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. J. 2002; 50 (10): 2429-2441
  • A fourth-generation MIMO-OFDM broadband wireless system: Design, performance, and field trial results IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Sampath, H., Talwar, S., Tellado, J., Erceg, V., Paulraj, A. 2002; 40 (9): 143-149
  • Linear precoding for space-time coded systems with known fading correlations IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Sampath, H., Paulraj, A. 2002; 6 (6): 239-241
  • Technologies and performance for non-line-of-sight broadband wireless access networks IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Gesbert, D., Haumonte, L., Bolcskei, H., Krishnamoorthy, R., Paulraj, A. J. 2002; 40 (4): 86-95
  • Capacity maximizing linear space-time codes 5th International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics (ISSSE 01) Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. J. IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG. 2002: 428–35
  • On the capacity of OFDM-based spatial multiplexing systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Bolcskei, H., Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2002: 225–34
  • Joint MMSE versus V-blast and antenna selection 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Gore, D., Gorokhov, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 505–509
  • Capacity obtained from multiple-input multiple-output channel measurements in fixed wireless environments at 2.5 GHz IEEE International Conference on Communications Erceg, V., Soma, P., Baum, D. S., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 396–400
  • Delay diversity codes for frequency selective channels IEEE International Conference on Communications Gore, D., Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 1949–1953
  • Analysis and modeling of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radio channel based on outdoor measurements conducted at 2.5GHz for fixed BWA applications IEEE International Conference on Communications Soma, P., Baum, D. S., Erceg, V., Krishnamoorthy, R., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 272–276
  • Performance limits in fading MIMO channels 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Paulraj, A. Y., Gore, D., Nabar, R. U. IEEE. 2002: 7–11
  • On the design of optimal spreading sequences for CDMA systems 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Strohmer, T., Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 1434–1438
  • Outage properties of space-time block codes in correlated Rayleigh or Ricean fading environments IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 2381–2384
  • Semi-blind channel identification and equalization in OFDM: An expectation-maximization approach 56th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Al-Naffouri, T. Y., Bahai, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 13–17
  • Characterizing the statistical properties of mutual information in MIMO channels: Insights into diversity-multiplexing tradeoff 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Oyman, O., Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 521–525
  • On non-linear space-time block codes IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A., Pandit, K. IEEE. 2002: 2417–2420
  • Statistical MIMO antenna sub-set selection with space-time coding IEEE International Conference on Communications Gore, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 641–645
  • On performance of the zero forcing receiver in presence of transmit correlation IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Gore, D., Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 159–159
  • Tight lower bounds on the ergodic capacity of Rayleigh fading MIMO channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 02) Ozgur, O., Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 1172–1176
  • Statistical antenna selection for spatial multiplexing systems IEEE International Conference on Communications Gore, D., Heath, R., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 450–454
  • An EM-based OFDM receiver for time-variant channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 02) Al-Naffouri, T. Y., Bahai, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 589–593
  • MIMO channel capacity for the distributed antenna systems 56th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Roh, W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 706–709
  • On non-linear space-time block codes IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sandhu, S., Pandit, K., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 416–416
  • Outage performance of the distributed antenna systems in a composite fading channel 56th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Roh, W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 1520–1524
  • A least-squares/mean-squares approach to channel identification and equalization in OFDM IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Al-Naffouri, T. Y., Al-Rawi, G., Bahai, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2002: 2577–2580
  • Blind channel identification and equalization in OFDM-Based multiantenna systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Bolcskei, H., Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. J. 2002; 50 (1): 96-109
  • Generalized linear precoder and decoder design for MIMO channels using the weighted MMSE criterion 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Sampath, H., Stoica, P., Paulraj, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2001: 2198–2206
  • Delay diversity code for frequency selective channels ELECTRONICS LETTERS Gore, D., Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. 2001; 37 (20): 1230-1231
  • Physical model for broadband wireless channels ELECTRONICS LETTERS Oestges, C., Paulraj, A. J. 2001; 37 (19): 1195-1197
  • Optimal antenna selection in MIMO systems with space-time block coding IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Paulraj, A., Gore, D. 2001; E84B (7): 1713-1719
  • Antenna selection for spatial multiplexing systems with linear receivers IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Heath, R. W., Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. 2001; 5 (4): 142-144
  • Fixed broadband wireless access: State of the art, challenges, and future directions IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J., Hari, K. V., Nabar, R. U., Lu, W. W. 2001; 39 (1): 100-108
  • Capacity enhancement in quad-sector cell architecture with interleaved channel and polarization assignments IEEE International Conference on Communications Ata, O. W., Seki, H., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 2317–2321
  • Performance of spatial multiplexing in the presence of polarization diversity IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Bolcskei, H., Nabar, R. U., Erceg, V., Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2001: 2437–2440
  • Linear precoding for space-time coded systems with known fading correlations 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Sampath, H., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 246–251
  • Performance of second generation fixed wireless access networks IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON 2001) Gesbert, D., Haumonte, L., Krishnamoorthy, R., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 9–12
  • Effect of customer premises directional antennas on fixed wireless access systems in the downlink multipath channel IEEE International Conference on Communications Seki, H., Ata, O. N., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 2312–2316
  • An adaptive semi-blind algorithm for channel identification in OFDM 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Al-Naffouri, T. Y., Toumpakaris, D., Bahai, A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 921–925
  • Transmit optimization for spatial multiplexing in the presence of spatial fading correlation IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 01) Nabar, R. U., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2001: 131–135
  • Union bound on error probability of linear space-time block codes IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 2473–2476
  • Characterization of MIMO channels for spatial multiplexing systems IEEE International Conference on Communications Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 591–595
  • Space-time block coding with optimal antenna selection IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Gore, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 2441–2444
  • Multiuser diversity for MIMO wireless systems with linear receivers 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Heath, R. W., Airy, M., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2001: 1194–1199
  • Space-time signaling and frame theory IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Heath, R. W., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2001: 2445–2448
  • Unified design of linear space-time block codes IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 01) Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 1073–1077
  • Antenna selection for spatial multiplexing systems based on minimum error rate IEEE International Conference on Communications Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 2276–2280
  • Space-time block codes versus space-time trellis codes IEEE International Conference on Communications Sandhu, S., Heath, R., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2001: 1132–1136
  • Space-time block codes: A capacity perspective IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. 2000; 4 (12): 384-386
  • Blind equalization in OFDM-based multi-antenna systems Symposium on Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control (AS-SPCC) Bolcskei, H., Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 58–63
  • Performance evaluation for scattering MIMO channel models 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Gesbert, D., Bolcskei, H., Gore, D. A., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 748–752
  • Space-frequency coded broadband OFDM systems IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 1–6
  • Near-optimal selection of transmit antennas for a MIMO channel based on Shannon capacity 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Sandhu, S., Nabar, R. U., Gore, D. A., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 567–571
  • A simple multiplexing scheme for MIMO systems using multiple spreading codes 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Mudulodu, S., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 769–774
  • A transmit diversity scheme for frequency selective fading channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 00) Mudulodu, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 1089–1093
  • Coordinated training and transmission for improved interference cancellation in a cellular network 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Heath, R. W., Tellado, J., Peroor, S. K., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 939–945
  • A blind multiuser receiver for the CDMA downlink IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Mudulodu, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 2933–2936
  • Selecting an optimal set of transmit antennas for a low rank matrix channel IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Gore, D. A., Nabar, R. U., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 2785–2788
  • MIMO wireless channels: Capacity and performance prediction IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 00) Gesbert, D., Bolcskei, H., Gore, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 1083–1088
  • Achievable rate region for spatial multiplexing systems using the MMSE criterion IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sampath, H., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 496–496
  • Measurement and characterization of broadband MIMO fixed wireless channels at 2.5 GHz 5th IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (ICPWC '2000) Baum, D. S., Gore, D., Nabar, R., Panchanathan, S., Hari, K. V., Erceg, V., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 203–206
  • Performance of space-time codes in the presence of spatial fading correlation 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 687–693
  • On the capacity of OFDM-based multi-antenna systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Bolcskei, H., Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 2569–2572
  • Adaptive modulation for multiple antenna systems 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Sebastian, P., Sampath, H., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 506–510
  • Pre-equalization for MIMO wireless channels with delay spread 52nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2000) Sampath, H., Bolcskei, H., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 1175–1178
  • A transmit diversity scheme for channels with intersymbol interference IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2000) Lindskog, E., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 307–311
  • A generalized space-time linear precoder and decoder design using the weighted MMSE criterion 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Sampath, H., Stoica, P., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 753–758
  • CDMA multiuser detection based on state-space estimation techniques 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Mudulodu, S., Vikalo, H., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 2000: 1278–1282
  • MIMO wireless for fixed broadband service Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (SCVT-2000) Paulraj, A. IEEE. 2000: 263–297
  • Smart antennas for broadband wireless access networks IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Sheikh, K., Gesbert, D., Gore, D., Paulraj, A. 1999; 37 (11): 100-105
  • An interference suppression scheme with joint channel-data estimation IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Diggavi, S. N., Ng, B. C., Paulraj, A. 1999; 17 (11): 1924-1939
  • Blind multiuser MMSE detector for CDMA signals in ISI channels IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Gesbert, D., Sorelius, J., Stoica, P., Paulraj, A. 1999; 3 (8): 233-235
  • A structured channel estimator for maximum likelihood sequence detection in multipath fading channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Ng, B. C., Cedervall, M., Paulraj, A. 1999; 48 (4): 1216-1228
  • Multichannel maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) equalizer for GSM using a parametric channel model IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 97) Chen, J. T., Paulraj, A., Reddy, U. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 1999: 53–63
  • Direct second-order blind equalization of polyphase channels based on a decorrelation criterion IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 99) Papadias, C. B., Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1999: 2503–2506
  • Space-time processing TDMA wireless testbed IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 99) Sampath, H., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1999: 2203–2206
  • Improved Blind Channel Identification Using a Parametric Approach IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Vanderveen, M. C., Paulraj, A. 1998; 2 (8): 226-228
  • Performance of a fixed-beam system in the IS-95 CDMA forward link EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS Moorti, T., Paulraj, A., Stutzle, R. 1998; 9 (4): 361-370
  • Estimation of multipath parameters in wireless communications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Vanderveen, M. C., van der Veen, A. J., Paulraj, A. 1998; 46 (3): 682-690
  • Joint angle and delay estimation using shift-invariance techniques IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING van der Veen, A. J., Vanderveen, M. C., Paulraj, A. 1998; 46 (2): 405-418
  • Taxonomy of space-time processing for wireless networks IEE PROCEEDINGS-RADAR SONAR AND NAVIGATION Paulraj, A. J., Lindskog, E. 1998; 145 (1): 25-31
  • Space-time modems for wireless personal communications IEEE PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Paulraj, A. J., Ng, B. C. 1998; 5 (1): 36-48
  • A space-time-filtered Viterbi receiver for CCI/ISI reduction in TDMA systems CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Liang, J. W., Chen, J. T., Paulraj, A. J. 1998; 17 (1): 85-102
  • Blind equalization of polyphase FIR channels: A whitening approach 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Gesbert, D., Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1998: 1604–1608
  • Unbiased decision feedback equalization IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 1998: 448–448
  • Joint channel-data estimation with interference suppression IEEE International Conference on Communications Diggavi, S., Ng, B. C., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1998: 465–469
  • Blind multi-user linear detection of CDMA signals in frequency selective channels IEEE International Conference on Communications Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1998: 1335–1339
  • A semi-blind approach to structured channel equalization IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 98) Ng, B. C., Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1998: 3385–3388
  • Space-time coding for the parametric fading channel 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1998: 774–779
  • Blind joint multiuser detection using second-order statistics and structure information 40th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Gesbert, D., Paulraj, A., Duhamel, P. I E E E. 1998: 1252–1255
  • A simple scheme for transmit diversity using partial channel feedback 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Heath, R. W., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1998: 1073–1078
  • Blind multi-user MMSE detection of CDMA signals IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 98) Gesbert, D., Sorelius, J., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1998: 3161–3164
  • On the blind separability of multiple user signals in the presence of delay spread 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1998: 1400–1404
  • Blind CDMA receivers using mixed-rate constraints 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Gesbert, D., Sorelius, J., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1998: 1119–1123
  • A Two-Stage Hybrid Approach for CCI/ISI Reduction with Space-Time Processing IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Liang, J., Chen, J., Paulraj, A. J. 1997; 1 (6): 163-165
  • Space-time processing for wireless communications - Improving capacity, coverage, and quality in wireless networks by exploiting the spatial dimension IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Paulraj, A. J., Papadias, C. B. 1997; 14 (6): 49-83
  • A constant modulus algorithm for multiuser signal separation in presence of delay spread using antenna arrays IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. J. 1997; 4 (6): 178-181
  • Blind identifiability of certain classes of multipath channels from second-order statistics using antenna arrays IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Reddy, V. U., Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. J. 1997; 4 (5): 138-141
  • Joint angle and delay estimation using shift-invariance properties IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS VANDERVEEN, A. J., Vanderveen, M. C., Paulraj, A. J. 1997; 4 (5): 142-145
  • Blind separation of synchronous co-channel digital signals using an antenna array .2. Performance analysis IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Talwar, S., Paulraj, A. 1997; 45 (3): 706-718
  • A Structured Channel Estimator for Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Detection IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Ng, B. C., Cedervall, M., Paulraj, A. 1997; 1 (2): 52-55
  • Joint Angle and Delay Estimation (JADE) for Multipath Signals Arriving at an Antenna Array IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS Vanderveen, M. C., Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. 1997; 1 (1): 12-14
  • SI-JADE: An algorithm for joint angle and delay estimation using shift-invariance properties 1st IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 97) VANDERVEEN, A. J., Vanderveen, M. C., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1997: 161–164
  • Second-order blind identifiability of certain classes of multipath channels using antenna arrays IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 97) Reddy, V. U., Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 3465–3468
  • Joint structured channel and data estimation over time-varying channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 97) Ng, B. C., Diggavi, S. N., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1997: 409–413
  • Two stage CCI/ISI reduction with space-time processing in TDMA cellular networks 30th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Liang, J. W., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 607–611
  • Multi-channel MLSE equalizer with parametric FIR channel identification IEEE 47th Vehicular Technology Conference - Technology in Motion (VTC 97) Chen, J. T., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1997: 710–714
  • GMSK linearization and structured channel estimate for GSM signals MILCOM 97 - Integrating Military and Commercial Communications for the Next Century Liang, J. W., Ng, B. C., Chen, J. T., Paulraj, A. I E E E. 1997: 817–821
  • Space-time signal processing for wireless communications: A survey 1st IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 97) Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 1997: 285–288
  • Joint angle and delay estimation (JADE) for signals in multipath environments 30th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Vanderveen, M. C., Ng, B. C., Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 1250–1254
  • Joint channel and space-time parameter estimation 30th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Cedervall, M., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 375–379
  • Blind separation of independent co-channel signals 13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 97) Papadias, C. B., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 1997: 139–142
  • Performance of multisensor adaptive MLSE in fading channels IEEE 47th Vehicular Technology Conference - Technology in Motion (VTC 97) Diggavi, S. N., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1997: 2148–2152
  • A subspace approach to blind space-time signal processing for wireless communication systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING VANDERVEEN, A. J., Talwar, S., Paulraj, A. 1997; 45 (1): 173-190
  • Structured methods for blind multi-channel identification 13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 97) Cedervall, M., Ng, B. C., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1997: 387–390
  • Multi-channel MLSE equalizer for GSM using a parametric channel model IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 97) Chen, J. T., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 3885–3888
  • Adaptive antenna system for PACS MILCOM 97 - Integrating Military and Commercial Communications for the Next Century Sandhu, S., Paulraj, A. I E E E. 1997: 792–797
  • Space-time processing for wireless communications IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 97) Paulraj, A. J. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 1–4
  • Performance of wireless CDMA with M-ary orthogonal modulation and cell site antenna arrays IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A. 1996; 14 (9): 1770-1783
  • Base station transmitting antenna arrays for multipath environments SIGNAL PROCESSING Gerlach, D., Paulraj, A. 1996; 54 (1): 59-73
  • An analytical constant modulus algorithm IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING VANDERVEEN, A. J., Paulraj, A. 1996; 44 (5): 1136-1155
  • Blind separation of synchronous co-channel digital signals using an antenna array .1. Algorithms IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Talwar, S., Viberg, M., Paulraj, A. 1996; 44 (5): 1184-1197
  • Mitigation of wing flexure induced errors for airborne direction-finding applications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Gustafsson, K., McCarthy, F., Paulraj, A. 1996; 44 (2): 296-304
  • Unconditional maximum likelihood approach for blind estimation of digital signals 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 96) Halder, B., Ng, B. C., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1996: 1081–1084
  • Singular value analysis of space-time equalization in the GSM mobile system 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 96) VANDERVEEN, A. J., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1996: 1073–1076
  • Space-time processing for fast fading channels with co-channel interferences IEEE 46th Vehicular Technology Conference - Mobile Technology for the Human Race (VTC 96) Ng, B. C., Chen, J. T., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1996: 1491–1495
  • A space-time constant modulus algorithm for SDMA systems IEEE 46th Vehicular Technology Conference - Mobile Technology for the Human Race (VTC 96) Papadias, C. S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1996: 86–90
  • The evolution of mobile communications IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW Paulraj, A. 1995; 12 (5-6): 353-358
  • BLIND IDENTIFICATION FOR FIR CHANNELS CARRYING MULTIPLE FINITE ALPHABET SIGNALS 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing VANDERVEEN, A. J., Talwar, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 1213–1216
  • Blind estimation of multiple digital signals transmitted over multipath channels IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 95) VANDERVEEN, A. J., Talwar, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 581–585
  • Blind estimation of multiple co-channel digital signals in vector FIR channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Diggavi, S. N., Cho, Y. M., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 72–76
  • Time varying vector channel estimation for adaptive spatial equalization IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Raleigh, G. G., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 218–224
  • ESTIMATION OF CO-CHANNEL FM SIGNALS WITH MULTITARGET ADAPTIVE PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS AND ANTENNA ARRAYS 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Pati, Y. C., Raleigh, G. G., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 1741–1744
  • Performance of DS/CDMA with M-ary orthogonal modulation cell site antenna arrays 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Communications: Gateway to Globalization Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 697–702
  • Spatio-temporal channel estimation techniques for multiple access spread spectrum systems with antenna arrays 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Communications: Gateway to Globalization Khalaj, B. H., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1995: 1520–1524
  • On optimizing base station antenna array topology for coverage extension in cellular radio networks 1995 IEEE 45th Vehicular Technology Conference - Countdown to the Wireless 21st-Century Liang, J. W., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 1995: 866–870
  • Performance enhancement and trade-offs of smart antennas in CDMA cellular networks 1995 IEEE 45th Vehicular Technology Conference - Countdown to the Wireless 21st-Century Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 40–44
  • Recursive adaptive beamforming for wireless CDMA 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Communications: Gateway to Globalization Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 1515–1519
  • FORWARD LINK ANTENNA DIVERSITY USING FEEDBACK FOR INDOOR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Liang, J. W., Paulraj, A. J. IEEE. 1995: 1753–1755
  • Blind adaptive transmit antenna algorithm for wireless communication 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Communications: Gateway to Globalization Raleigh, G. G., Diggavi, S. N., Jones, V. K., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1995: 1494–1499
  • Adaptive Transmitting Antenna Arrays with Feedback IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Gerlach, D., Paulraj, A. 1994; 1 (10): 150-152
  • Blind Estimation of Multiple Co-Channel Digital Signals Using an Antenna Array IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Talwar, S., Viberg, M., Paulraj, A. 1994; 1 (2): 29-31
  • RECEPTION OF MULTIPLE COCHANNNEL DIGITAL SIGNALS USING ANTENNA-ARRAYS WITH APPLICATIONS TO PCS 1994 IEEE International Conference on Communications (SUPERCOMM/ICC 94): Serving Humanity Through Communications Talwar, S., Paulraj, A., Viberg, M. IEEE. 1994: 790–794
  • A QUASI-NEWTON ADAPTIVE ALGORITHM FOR ESTIMATING GENERALIZED EIGENVECTORS 28th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Mathew, G., Reddy, V. U., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1994: 602–606
  • A CONSTANT MODULUS FACTORIZATION TECHNIQUE FOR SMART ANTENNA APPLICATIONS IN MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS 5th SPIE Conference on Advanced Signal Processing - Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations VANDERVEEN, A. J., Paulraj, A. SPIE - INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1994: 230–241
  • SPECTRUM REUSE USING TRANSMITTING ANTENNA ARRAYS WITH FEEDBACK 1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Gerlach, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1994: 97–100
  • ADAPTIVE CHANNEL EQUALIZATION FOR TDMA DIGITAL CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS USING ANTENNA ARRAYS 1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Naguib, A. F., Khalaj, B., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1994: 101–104
  • A CLOSE-FORM PERFORMANCE APPROXIMATION FOR NONBLOCKING ATM SWITCHES WITH CHANNEL GROUPING IEEE Communications-Society 13th Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 94)/19th Annual Fort Monmouth Chapter AFCEA Symposium Chang, C. Y., Paulraj, A. J., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1994: 77–81
  • A MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUE FOR CELLULAR PACKET NETWORKS WITH ADMISSION CONTROL 1994 IEEE GLOBECOM - Communications, the Global Bridge Chang, C. Y., Liang, J. W., Paulraj, A. J., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1994: 1321–1325
  • PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF BLIND DIGITAL SIGNAL COPY ALGORITHMS IEEE Communications-Society 13th Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 94)/19th Annual Fort Monmouth Chapter AFCEA Symposium Talwar, S., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1994: 123–127
  • A BASE-STATION ANTENNA ARRAY RECEIVER FOR CELLULAR DS CDMA WITH M-ARY ORTHOGONAL MODULATION 28th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1994: 858–862
  • SIGNAL-PROCESSING TECHNIQUES FOR DEFECT INSPECTION OF DISTORTED PATTERNED WAFERS Conference on IC Inspection, Metrology, and Process Control VIII, at the SPIE Microlithography 1994 Symposium Khalaj, B. H., Aghajan, H., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. SPIE - INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1994: 234–240
  • 2D RAKE RECEIVERS FOR CDMA CELLULAR SYSTEMS 1994 IEEE GLOBECOM - Communications, the Global Bridge Khalaj, B. H., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1994: 400–404
  • ON A CLOSED FORM SOLUTION TO THE CONSTANT MODULUS FACTORIZATION PROBLEM 28th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Hassibi, B., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1994: 775–779
  • DEFECT INSPECTION OF PERIODIC PATTERNS WITH LOW-ORDER DISTORTIONS 20th Annual SPIE Conference on Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection Khalaj, B. H., Aghajan, H., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. SPIE - INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1994: 13–19
  • BLIND IDENTIFICATION OF FIR CHANNELS WITH MULTIPLE USERS VIA SPATIO-TEMPORAL PROCESSING 1994 IEEE GLOBECOM - Communications, the Global Bridge Aghajan, H., Hassibi, B., Khalaj, B., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1994: 1899–1903
  • PERFORMANCE OF CDMA CELLULAR NETWORKS WITH BASE-STATION ANTENNA-ARRAYS - THE DOWNLINK 1994 IEEE International Conference on Communications (SUPERCOMM/ICC 94): Serving Humanity Through Communications Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1994: 795–799
  • ANALYTICAL SOLUTION TO THE CONSTANT MODULUS FACTORIZATION PROBLEM 28th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers VANDERVEEN, A. J., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1994: 1433–1437
  • A BROADBAND PACKET SWITCH ARCHITECTURE WITH INPUT AND OUTPUT QUEUEING 1994 IEEE GLOBECOM - Communications, the Global Bridge Chang, C. Y., Paulraj, A. J., KAILATH, T. IEEE. 1994: 448–452
  • CHARACTERIZATION OF FAST FADING VECTOR CHANNELS FOR MULTI-ANTENNA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 28th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Raleigh, G., Diggavi, S. N., Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1994: 853–857
  • ADAPTIVE TRANSMITTING ANTENNA METHODS FOR MULTIPATH ENVIRONMENTS 1994 IEEE GLOBECOM - Communications, the Global Bridge Gerlach, D., Paulraj, A. IEEE. 1994: 425–429
  • BLIND IDENTIFICATION OF FIR CHANNELS VIA ANTENNA-ARRAYS 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Khalaj, B. H., Hassibi, B., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1993: 721–725
  • BASE STATION TRANSMITTER ANTENNA-ARRAYS WITH MOBILE TO BASE FEEDBACK 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Gerlach, D., Paulraj, A. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1993: 1432–1436
  • MITIGATION OF WING FLEXURE FOR AIRBORNE DIRECTION-FINDING APPLICATIONS 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Gustafsson, K., McCarthy, F., Paulraj, A. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1993: 1083–1090
  • BLIND ESTIMATION OF MULTIPLE COCHANNNEL DIGITAL SIGNALS ARRIVING AT AN ANTENNA-ARRAY 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Talwar, S., Viberg, M., Paulraj, A. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1993: 349–353
  • CAPACITY IMPROVEMENT OF BASE-STATION ANTENNA-ARRAYS CELLULAR CDMA 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Naguib, A. F., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1993: 1437–1441
  • ANTENNA-ARRAYS FOR CDMA SYSTEMS WITH MULTIPATH 1993 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 93): Communications on the Move Khalaj, B. H., Paulraj, A., KAILATH, T. I E E E. 1993: 624–628