Asir Intisar Khan
Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar, Electrical Engineering
Casual - Non-Exempt, Hoover Institution
Staff, Program-Pop, E.
Web page: https://sites.google.com/view/asirintisarkhan16/
Asir Intisar Khan is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at the University of California, Berkeley, working with Prof. Sayeef Salahuddin. He is also a visiting postdoctoral scholar at Electrical Engineering, Stanford with Prof. Eric Pop. Asir received his Ph.D. and M.S. from the Electrical Engineering department at Stanford University, supervised by Prof. Eric Pop, and collaborated very closely with Profs. H.-S. Philip Wong, Kenneth Goodson, and Krishna Saraswat.
His research effort and vision encompass exploring novel materials and their functionalities to enable energy-efficient memory, computing devices, and interconnects for 3D heterogeneous integration. His research has enabled the lowest-to-date switching current density in phase-change memory technology and has been featured in Forbes Magazine and IEEE Spectrum. He received the Best Student Paper award at the 2022 IEEE VLSI Technology Symposium and several Best Student Presentation Awards: 2022 MRS Fall Meeting, 2023 AVS Symposium Electronic Materials and Photonics Division, and 2023 SRC TECHCON. He has held Research Intern positions at TSMC and IBM TJ Watson Research Center. Asir is a recipient of the 2023 AVS Russell & Sigurd Varian Award, the 2022 IEEE EDS Ph.D. Student Fellowship and 2022 Materials Research Society (MRS) Gold Graduate Student Award, and Stanford Graduate Fellowship.