Independent Labs, Institutes, and Centers (Dean of Research)

Showing 21-30 of 33 Results

  • Rohini Kosoglu

    Rohini Kosoglu

    Biodesign Collaborator, School of Medicine - MDRP'S - Biodesign Program

    BioRohini Kosoglu is a leading national expert on domestic policy and veteran of the White House, Congress, and presidential campaigns. She currently serves as a Policy Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) and Director of Public Policy and Political Affairs at the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign. She is also a Venture Partner at Fusion Fund, a venture firm that focuses on early-stage technology and health care investments. Kosoglu has been at the forefront of driving transformative change in social, technology, and economic policy over the last two decades. She also has the distinction of being the first South Asian American woman to hold the roles of both Domestic Policy Advisor to the Vice President and Chief of Staff in the United States Senate.

    Kosoglu recently served as Deputy Assistant to the President and Domestic Policy Advisor to the Vice President. In this role, Kosoglu became the first Asian American woman to hold this position. She led and promoted initiatives on behalf of the President and Vice President to strengthen democracy, advance gender and racial equity, and create economic mobility for millions of American workers and families. Kosoglu also served as a key advisor during the creation and implementation of the American Rescue Plan, including the national response to the COVID-19 crisis, the CHIPS Act, the AI Bill of Rights, the bipartisan infrastructure law and the Cancer Moonshot. On behalf of the Vice President, she helped forge a number of public-private partnerships in the White House, ultimately driving billions of private sector dollars towards national priorities of the President and Vice President and leveraged the strengths of both the government and private-sector. Vice President Harris praised Kosoglu as “a brilliant and trusted leader” who “brought vision, strategic judgement, and a depth of experience as our Administration has addressed some of the most urgent challenges facing our nation.”

    Earlier, Kosoglu made history as the first South Asian American woman to serve as Chief of Staff in the United States Senate under then-U.S. Senator Kamala Harris. She managed hearing preparations for some of the highest-profile Senate hearings over the last decade including investigations around data privacy, cybersecurity, and social media interference during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as Supreme Court nomination hearings. Additionally, under her organizational leadership, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies named Harris’ office under Kosoglu's tenure as the most diverse in the U.S. Senate.

    Kosoglu’s career in the United States Congress has also included over a decade of leadership positions crafting social, economic, and technology policy initiatives with senior Democratic Senators, including U.S. Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado and U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan. Notably, Kosoglu was a key negotiator during the passage of the historic Affordable Care Act. She also was a lead negotiator and drafter during the reform of the Food and Drug Administration which led to landmark designations for approval of innovative drugs and devices, known today as Breakthrough Therapies and Breakthrough Devices, respectively, as well as laws to strengthen patient-centered care in the 21st Century Cures Act.

    Kosoglu was a former resident fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School and received her bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree from George Washington University. She serves on several nonprofit boards and advises across the public and private sectors.

  • George Krompacky

    George Krompacky

    Publications Manager, FSI - S-APARC

    Current Role at StanfordPublications Manager at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center

  • Joy Ku

    Joy Ku

    Research Technical Manager, Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance

    Current Role at StanfordJoy Ku is focused on biocomputation and the advancement of their use through teaching, science communications, community building, and the promotion of research resource sharing efforts, particularly as related to reproducibility and open-source science.

    She is currently Deputy Director of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford ( and also leads the education and outreach efforts for the overall Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, which consists of institutions across the country, including Boston Children's Hospital, Salk, UC San Diego, the University of Kansas, and the University of Oregon. The Alliance's mission is to discover biological principles to optimize human performance and catalyze innovations in human health.

    Dr. Ku is also the Director of Promotions and Didactic Interactions for the NIH-funded Restore Center (, as well as the Director of Education and Communications for the Mobilize Center (, an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center. Both Centers provide tools, infrastructure, and training to support the research community. The Mobilize Center's emphasis is on biomechanical modeling and machine learning algorithms to provide new insights into human movement from data sources, such as wearables, video, and medical images. The Restore Center's mission is to advance rehabilitation research using mobile sensor and video technology for real-world assessments of movement and factors affecting movement.

    She also manages SimTK (, a software, model, and data-sharing platform for the biocomputation research community.