School of Engineering
Showing 1-5 of 5 Results
Jian Chen
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
BioRetired executive with 30 years of experience in NOR, 2D NAND and 3D NAND flash memories, in the areas of device physics, process integration, reliability, test & product engineering, memory systems architecture, eco-systems and new business development. With a passion for innovation and practical solutions and teamwork, built multiple teams from ground up including at international sites.
Inventor of >150 US patents and some significant ideals that have been used in over 10 generations of NAND memory chip and systems, such as binary cache for MLC (USP# 5,930,167 ), fast MLC NAND writing method GPW (USP# 6,522,580 and 6,643,188 ), read method to correct cell to cell coupling effect (USP#5,867,429), NAND memory WL air-gap (USP# 7,045,849 ), and highly reliable systems EPWR (USP#8,214,700, 8,386,861 aka EPWR).
Published the paper that coined the term GIDL, and the first paper that identified the physics of the GIDL current as due to band-to-band tunneling.
Google scholar h-index 57. -
Jasmine M. Cox
Ph.D. Student in Electrical Engineering, admitted Autumn 2020
ENGR 240 Grader, Electrical Engineering - Student ServicesBioJasmine Cox is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering. She received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Applied Mathematics from Boise State University in 2020. During her undergraduate academic career, Jasmine was a Ronald E. McNair Scholar and a member of the Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Laboratory focusing on additive manufacturing of flexible hybrid electronics. Her current research as a member of Prof. Debbie G. Senesky’s group, EXtreme Environment Microsystems Lab (XLab), explores the synthesis, fabrication, and characterization of devices and materials in extreme environments that can be found in space.