School of Engineering
Showing 1-6 of 6 Results
Richard Bahr
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
BioAcademic experience:
Presently advising the Stanford SystemX Alliance, and the EE/CS AHA! Research center as an adjunct prof. Formerly the executive director of the SystemX Alliance, and a consulting professor at Stanford.
Commercial experience:
Presently an advisor, consultant and mentor to a number of startup companies primarily in the computing and wireless spaces. Formerly the SrVP responsible for Wi-Fi technology at Qualcomm, and before that the engineering executive responsible for the MIPS microprocessor and Cray supercomputer development at SGI.
Education: BSEE and MSEE from MIT.
For more extensive background, please consult my linked in profile: -
Craig Barratt
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
BioActing director of System X and instructor for EE310 in Winter and Spring 2023-24.
I received MSEE and Ph.D. (EE) degrees at Stanford long ago, and a BS (math and physics) and BE (EE) from the University of Sydney, Australia (even longer ago).
After a career in the tech industry at several startups and large companies, I currently serve on a couple of public and private company boards, and I'm on the advisory board of Stanford's Center for Digital Health. I also contribute to some open source projects.
See my bio at