School of Engineering
Showing 1-10 of 39 Results
Facundo Cabrera-Booman
Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical Engineering
BioFacundo Cabrera-Booman is a Fellow in the Center for Turbulence Research in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Stanford University. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and his Ph.D. in Physics from the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. His research interests include wall turbulence at high Reynolds number on rough and smooth surfaces, Lagrangian dynamics of inertial particles in turbulent and quiescent flows, and droplet dynamics.
Anthony Cesnik
Basic Life Research Scientist
Postdoctoral Scholar, BioengineeringBioI am focused on advancing our understanding of biology at the proteoform level, peering into the cellular machinery in a way that reveals precisely which molecular forms of proteins are acting in biological processes and systems. Recently, I have been working in Emma Lundberg’s lab on understanding how the expression of these molecules varies between individual cells in space and time. Emma Lundberg’s group has a wealth of experience in using microscopy to yield biological images that paint a picture of this cell-to-cell heterogeneity of protein expression information, and joining her lab has deepened my expertise in integrating datasets to perform innovative analyses of single-cell protein expression. I hope to extend this towards analyzing single-cell proteoform expression, understanding the heterogeneity and flux between these proteoforms in space and time, and digging into the fundamental insights about human biology these data may reveal.
Rahul Chajwa
Postdoctoral Scholar, Bioengineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy HFSP project is focussed on understanding the birth, life and death of marine snow. A predictive understanding of the hydrodynamic, biotic, and non-equilibrium aspects of this sinking microbial ecosystem is a notoriously challenging and globally relevant problem and is the central theme of my research at Stanford University. I’m applying my training as a physicist to shed light on the dynamical aspects of microbial life in the ocean, and to contribute insights that can help mitigate the negative impact of human activities on global climate; something I feel strongly about.