School of Engineering
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Samuel Low
Ph.D. Student in Aeronautics and Astronautics, admitted Winter 2023
Ph.D. Minor, Electrical Engineering
Student Employee, Summer SessionBioSamuel Low is a Ph.D. candidate in the Stanford Space Rendezvous Laboratory, advised by Professor Simone D'Amico. Sam graduated from Stanford with an M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics (2023) and from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) with a B.Sc. in Engineering Product Development (2018). His broad interests are in the guidance, navigation, control and autonomy of distributed space systems, such as formations and swarm satellites. His research focus is on enabling precise and robust state estimation between distributed spacecraft, centered on sensor/data fusion with carrier phase differential GNSS, with immediate applications to flight missions such as the VISORS and SWARM-EX missions. He had worked previously in DSO National Laboratories, Singapore, on space mission design and on developing navigation algorithms for Singapore's first formation flying satellite mission. He received the DSO Postgraduate Fellowship (2021), the Tan Kah Kee Postgraduate Scholarship (2021), the DSO SOAR Scholarship (2017), and the Asian Leadership Program Scholarship (2015-2018) jointly awarded by SUTD and Zhejiang University. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, painting, and outdoor activities.