School of Engineering

Showing 1-8 of 8 Results

  • Colin Ophus

    Colin Ophus

    Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Center Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy

    BioColin Ophus is an Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and a Center Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University. He previously worked as a Staff Scientist at the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), part of the Molecular Foundry, at Lawrence Berkeley Lab. He was awarded a US Department of Energy (DOE) Early Career award in 2018, and the Burton medal from the Microscopy Society of America (MSA) in 2018. His research focuses on experimental methods, reconstruction algorithms, and software codes for simulation, analysis, and instrument design of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning TEM (STEM).

    Colin advocates for open science and his group has developed open-source scientific software including as the Prismatic STEM simulation code and py4DSTEM analysis toolkit. He has taught many workshops around the world on topics ranging from scientific visualization to large scale data analysis. He also is the founder and editor-in-chief for a new journal based on interactive science communication named Elemental Microscopy.

  • Kieran Orr

    Kieran Orr

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science and Engineering

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsKieran’s current research focuses on understanding the mechanism of ionic transport in solid-state electrolytes for batteries and fuel cells.

  • Eileen Otte

    Eileen Otte

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science and Engineering

    BioEileen Otte is a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Mark L. Brongersma’s group at the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), Stanford University, supported by the GLAM fellowship as well as DAAD PRIME program (Germany). Her research expertise spans various areas of optics & photonics and related fields including structured light; topological, singular, and quantum optics; light-matter interactions and optical trapping; nanophotonics and metamaterials; and advanced imaging with diverse applications. After completing her Master degree with distinction, she specialized on structured singular light in her PhD studies. She performed her research at the University of Muenster (WWU), Germany, as well as the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz and Prof. Dr. Andrew Forbes. In 2019 she finished her PhD, honored with "summa cum laude" and the WWU Dissertation Award in Physics, and recognized internationally as part of the Springer Theses series. Further, she received the Research Award 2020 of the Industrial Club Duesseldorf and is a junior class member of the NRW Academy of Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts. In 2021, Eileen moved to Stanford, focusing on nanoscale light-matter interactions in collaboration with the Center for Soft Nanoscience, WWU, Germany. Eileen has published 24 peer-reviewed articles as well as a book and was invited for 18 talks including one keynote talk at international conferences, seminars, and colloquia.

  • Zihao Ou

    Zihao Ou

    Physical Science Research Scientist, Materials Science and Engineering

    BioMy research interests have been focusing on how individual building blocks come together resulting in complex functions which are hard to predict, if possible, from the individual identities. Similar to a digital screen displaying a movie, the complicated pattern and story can hardly be interpreted from the dynamic traces of a single pixel. Specifically, I have been studying the general topic of self-assembly and non-equilibrium behaviors in soft matter systems, using both experimental and simulation tools.

    I obtained my B.S. degree in physics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2015. In my undergraduate research, I tried to use computer simulation to study multiple systems in Prof. Zhonghuai Hou’s group, such as the Viscek model for self-propelled particles. In 2014, I visited Oxford University to study the phase behaviors of active nematics using Lattice-Boltzmann method in Prof. Julia M. Yeomans' group. In 2020, I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) under the supervision of Prof. Qian Chen. During my Ph.D. research, we illustrated the nonclassical crystallization pathway of nanoparticles (Nat. Mater., 19, 450–455, 2020) and supracrystal growth kinetics (Nat. Commun., 11, 4555, 2020) using liquid-phase TEM. I also studied other nonequilibrium behaviors in novel colloidal systems, such as shape transformation of metal-organic framework crystals during chemical etching (ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 48, 40990–40995, 2018), application of ferromagnetic colloids in inductor design (Science Adv., 6, 3, eaay4508, 2020) and electron transport in redox-active colloids.

    In August 2020, I joined Prof. Guosong Hong’s group at the materials science and engineering department at Stanford University to develop novel nanomaterials that can interact with neurons at the subcellular level. Armed with the knowledge of nanotechnology and theoretical modeling, we are extending the tools that can be used to investigate the challenging questions in neuroscience.