Showing 161-170 of 392 Results
Steven Kivelson
Prabhu Goel Family Professor
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsPast Graduate Students:
Assa Auerbach - Professor of Physics, Technion University
Weikang Wu - deceased.
Shoucheng Zhang (final year) - deceased.
Shivaji Sondhi - Wykham Professor of Physics, Oxford University
Markku Salkola - Facebook, Menlo Park
Vadim Oganesyan - Professor of Physics CUNY
Kyrill Shtengle - Professor of Physics, UC Riverside
Oron Zachar
Zohar Nussinov - Professor of Physics, Washington University
Erica W. Carlson - Professor of Physics, Purdue University
Edward Sleva
John Robertson - Citadel, Austin
Wei-Feng Tsai
Ian Bindloss
Paul Oreto - Head of Machine Learning at Cantor Fitzgerald, New York
Erez Berg - Professor of Physics, Weizmann Institute
Hong Yao - Professor of Physics, Tsinghua University
Li Liu
Weejee Cho
George Karakonstantakis
Sam Lederer
Laimei Nie - Assistant Professor of Physics, Purdue University
Ilya Esterlis - Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Dodaro
Chao Wang - Citadel LLC, New York
Yue Yu - Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Yuval Gannot - Software Engineer, Google, Mtn. View
Kyung-Su KIm - Post Doctoral Fellow, A.J. Leggett Institute, UIUC
Zhaoyu Han - Post Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Univeristy
Andrew Yuan - Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Maryland
Past Post Docs:
Douglas Stone - Professor of Physics, Yale University
Gergeley Zimanyi - Professor of Physics, UC Davis
Dror Orgad - Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University
Hae-Young Kee - Professor of Physics, University of Toronto
Oskar Vafek - Professor of Physics, University of Florida
Eun-Ah Kim - Professor of Physics, Cornell University
Srinivas Raghu - Professor of Physics, Stanford University
Maisam Barkeshli - Professor of Physics, University of Maryland
Michael Mulligan - Associate Professor of Physics, UC Riverside
Pavan Hosur - Professor of Physics, University of Houston
Yi Zhang - Professor of Physics, Tsinghua University
Abulhassan Vaezi - Professor of Physics, Sharifi University
Tomas Bzdusek - Professor of Physics, University of Zurich
Jingyuan Chen - Assistant Professor of Physics, Tsinghua University
Yoni Schattner - Research Scientist, Quantum Computing at the Amazon Center for
Quantum Computing at Caltech, Pasadena
John Sous - Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Yale University
Chaitanya Murthy - Assistant Professor, University of Rochester
Past Undergraduate Research Assistants:
Kevin S. Wang - Graduate student, Princeton University
Jeffrey Chang - Graduate student, Harvard University
Vijay Nathan Josephs - Undergraduate, Stanford University
Unofficial Past Students and Post Docs:
(i.e. where I believe I played the corresponding mentoring role, but the connection
was unofficial - a shameless attempt to claim partial credit):
Shoucheng Zhang - (did his final year of PhD work, the part in CMT, under my direction and
worked with me extensively while a post doc)
Jainendra Jain - (did the final portion of his PhD work, the part relevant to the quantum
Hall effect, under my guidance and worked with me extensively while a post doc)
Daniel Rokhsar - (No official connection at all, but did significant portion of both his
graduate and post-doctoral research in collaboration with me.)
Akash Maharaj - (was a student of Srinivas Raghu with whom he worked extensively, but
he also did a significant portion of his graduate research in collaboration with me.)