Showing 161-180 of 392 Results
Steven Kivelson
Prabhu Goel Family Professor
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsPast Graduate Students:
Assa Auerbach - Professor of Physics, Technion University
Weikang Wu - deceased.
Shoucheng Zhang (final year) - deceased.
Shivaji Sondhi - Wykham Professor of Physics, Oxford University
Markku Salkola - Facebook, Menlo Park
Vadim Oganesyan - Professor of Physics CUNY
Kyrill Shtengle - Professor of Physics, UC Riverside
Oron Zachar
Zohar Nussinov - Professor of Physics, Washington University
Erica W. Carlson - Professor of Physics, Purdue University
Edward Sleva
John Robertson - Citadel, Austin
Wei-Feng Tsai
Ian Bindloss
Paul Oreto - Head of Machine Learning at Cantor Fitzgerald, New York
Erez Berg - Professor of Physics, Weizmann Institute
Hong Yao - Professor of Physics, Tsinghua University
Li Liu
Weejee Cho
George Karakonstantakis
Sam Lederer
Laimei Nie - Assistant Professor of Physics, Purdue University
Ilya Esterlis - Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Dodaro
Chao Wang - Citadel LLC, New York
Yue Yu - Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Yuval Gannot - Software Engineer, Google, Mtn. View
Kyung-Su KIm - Post Doctoral Fellow, A.J. Leggett Institute, UIUC
Zhaoyu Han - Post Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Univeristy
Andrew Yuan - Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Maryland
Past Post Docs:
Douglas Stone - Professor of Physics, Yale University
Gergeley Zimanyi - Professor of Physics, UC Davis
Dror Orgad - Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University
Hae-Young Kee - Professor of Physics, University of Toronto
Oskar Vafek - Professor of Physics, University of Florida
Eun-Ah Kim - Professor of Physics, Cornell University
Srinivas Raghu - Professor of Physics, Stanford University
Maisam Barkeshli - Professor of Physics, University of Maryland
Michael Mulligan - Associate Professor of Physics, UC Riverside
Pavan Hosur - Professor of Physics, University of Houston
Yi Zhang - Professor of Physics, Tsinghua University
Abulhassan Vaezi - Professor of Physics, Sharifi University
Tomas Bzdusek - Professor of Physics, University of Zurich
Jingyuan Chen - Assistant Professor of Physics, Tsinghua University
Yoni Schattner - Research Scientist, Quantum Computing at the Amazon Center for
Quantum Computing at Caltech, Pasadena
John Sous - Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Yale University
Chaitanya Murthy - Assistant Professor, University of Rochester
Past Undergraduate Research Assistants:
Kevin S. Wang - Graduate student, Princeton University
Jeffrey Chang - Graduate student, Harvard University
Vijay Nathan Josephs - Undergraduate, Stanford University
Unofficial Past Students and Post Docs:
(i.e. where I believe I played the corresponding mentoring role, but the connection
was unofficial - a shameless attempt to claim partial credit):
Shoucheng Zhang - (did his final year of PhD work, the part in CMT, under my direction and
worked with me extensively while a post doc)
Jainendra Jain - (did the final portion of his PhD work, the part relevant to the quantum
Hall effect, under my guidance and worked with me extensively while a post doc)
Daniel Rokhsar - (No official connection at all, but did significant portion of both his
graduate and post-doctoral research in collaboration with me.)
Akash Maharaj - (was a student of Srinivas Raghu with whom he worked extensively, but
he also did a significant portion of his graduate research in collaboration with me.) -
Shayarneel Kundu
Ph.D. Student in Physics, admitted Autumn 2022
BioI am an incoming graduate student interested in Particle Physics Phenomenology, Dark Matter Physics, and Beyond Standard Model Physics.
Chao-Lin Kuo
Professor of Physics and of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Current Research and Scholarly Interests1. Searching/measuring primordial gravitational waves in the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) through experiments at the South Pole (BICEP and SPT), high plateaus in Tibet (AliCPT) and Atacama (Simons Observatory), as well as in space (LiteBIRD).
2. Development and applications of superconducting detector and readout systems in astrophysics, cosmology, and other areas.
3. Novel detector concepts for axion searches ( -
Robert Laughlin
Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences
BioProfessor Laughlin is a theorist with interests ranging from hard-core engineering to cosmology. He is an expert in semiconductors (Nobel Prize 1998) and has also worked on plasma and nuclear physics issues related to fusion and nuclear-pumped X-ray lasers. His technical work at the moment focuses on “correlated-electron” phenomenology – working backward from experimental properties of materials to infer the presence (or not) of new kinds of quantum self-organization. He recently proposed that all Mott insulators – including the notorious doped ones that exhibit high-temperature superconductivity – are plagued by a new kind of subsidiary order called “orbital antiferromagnetism” that is difficult to detect directly. He is also the author of A Different Universe, a lay-accessible book explaining emergent law.
Benjamin Lev
Professor of Applied Physics and of Physics
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsLevLab is a joint AMO & CM experimental group that explores the question: Can new classes of states and phases of quantum matter be created far away from equilibrium, and if so, what do we learn? We use our new technique, confocal cavity QED, to both engineer out-of-equilibrium quantum gases and 2D materials and to image and control their new properties.