School of Humanities and Sciences
Showing 1,101-1,110 of 1,438 Results
Ramon Saldivar
Hoagland Family Professor of Humanities and Sciences and Professor of English, of Comparative Literature and, by courtesy, of Iberian and Latin American Cultures
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy current research is concerned with the relationships among race, form, genre, representing what Jeffrey T. Nealon has recently term the “post-postmodern.” In the latest version of this research presented at the John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin I use Sesshu Foster's "Atomik Aztex" as an example twenty-first century racial imaginaries. Part fantasy, part hallucinatory sur-realism, part muckraking novel in the grand realist protest tradition of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle (1906), part historical novel in the mode of Vassily Grossman’s great Stalinist era masterpiece, Life & Fate (1980) set during the battle of Stalingrad, part ethnographic history about religious, military, and social structure of the pre-Columbian Aztec (Nahua, Mexica) world, part LA noir, and wholly Science Fiction alternative and counterfactual history, it exemplifies many of the criteria of the “post-postmodern.” Moreover, in addition to this range of formal matters, Atomik Aztex is concerned with two other topics:
•a reconceptualization of the way that race affects the formations of history, and
•the reshaping of the form of the novel in order to represent that reconceptualization.
With eighty-two characters populating the story, itself a plotted compendium of at least two radically separate yet intertwined universes of action, in a continually shifting movement from past, present, and future times, Atomik Aztex is a radical experiment in novelistic form. Using the tools of quantitative formalism developed for literary use by the Stanford University Literary Lab, I wish to show how the work of the computational humanities, in conjunction with traditional hermeneutic methods of literary analysis can help us understand the radical turn of contemporary American fiction toward speculative realism. -
Ramzi Salti
Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsAdvanced Lecturer in Arabic at Stanford since 1999. Highly proficient in use of technology to enhance language learning. Active ACTFL Rater. Creator/Host of Arabology radio/podcast, blog and YouTube Channel. Doctorate in Comparative Literature with extensive list of publications. Radio Broadcaster with FCC clearance. Francophone Literature. Arab American Literature. Public Speaker.
Julia Salzman
Associate Professor of Biomedical Data Science, of Biochemistry and, by courtesy, of Statistics and of Biology
Current Research and Scholarly Interestsstatistical computational biology focusing on splicing, cancer and microbes
Caitlin E. Samples
BioCaitlin E. Samples is Lecturer in Spanish at the Stanford Language Center. She holds an MA in Spanish from Baylor University and is presently ABD in Hispanic linguistics at the University of Georgia. Her work centers on second and heritage language acquisition at the interfaces among syntax, morphology, and semantics. Other interests include trends in gender-inclusive language use on social media. Samples' current projects include research on possessive structure use among second-language learners of English and heritage and second-language learners of Spanish, as well as how Peninsular Spanish Twitter users employ gender-inclusive morphemes in their posts.
Prior to arriving at Stanford's Language Center, Samples taught all levels of first- and second-year Spanish at the University of Georgia. At Stanford, she teaches first- and second-year Spanish, also. Among her teaching interests are language use in Hispanic populations, Hispanic cultural practices, and cultural products as reflections of historical events.