School of Humanities and Sciences
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Rodrigo Bello Carvalho
Ph.D. Student in Biology, admitted Autumn 2023
BioI am a field biologist deeply passionate about wildlife ecology and conservation. Holding a Master's degree in Biodiversity Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford (2021), I graduated with honors in Biological Sciences - B.Sc. (2017) and B.Ed. (2018) - from the University of Brasília (UnB).
My passion for wildlife ecology began during my time at the UnB Ecosystem Ecology Lab (2014-2018) under Prof. Mercedes Bustamante, focusing on Cerrado ecosystem ecology. Following this, I worked at the Brasília Zoological Garden Foundation (2018) before teaching Science and Biology in Brasília (2019).
At Oxford's Ecosystems Lab (2020-2021), I researched seed dispersal and defaunation in the Cerrado with Dr. Imma Oliveras and Prof. Yadvinder Malhi for my Master's dissertation. My commitment to conservation led me to the 'Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation' (ICMBio) (2022-2023), where I served as an Environmental Analyst/ Park Ranger in the Western Brazilian Amazon.
Currently, I am a Biology PhD student in the Dirzo lab at Stanford University, where I investigate animal-ecosystem/ plant-frugivore interactions between Brazilian and African savannahs and the ecological effects of megafauna defaunation in those systems. I also collaborate at UNESP's Bird Ecology Lab, exploring frugivory and seed dispersal in the Atlantic Forest.
My academic pursuits are deeply rooted in the ecology and conservation of large-bodied vertebrates and plant communities within tropical ecosystems. I am particularly fascinated by their intricate ecological interactions, such as frugivory, seed dispersal, and herbivory, as well as the pressing challenges posed by defaunation and deforestation.