School of Humanities and Sciences
Showing 1-10 of 10 Results
Alexandrea Henry
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2023
SU Student - Summer, SociologyBioAlexandrea Henry, from Sacramento, CA, is a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Education in the Race, Inequality, and Language in Education and Curriculum and Teacher Education programs. They earned a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and minor in education from the University of California, Berkeley, and a master’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Pennsylvania. Alexandrea’s research draws upon Black studies, Abolitionist pedagogy, Critical Pedagogy, and studies of Carceral Logics in education to consider how young people are making sense of power through discipline. Moreover, she is interested in centering the experiences and expertise of K-2 students in the fight for liberatory learning spaces. While at Stanford, Alexandrea has worked on the Accessible Ethnic Studies project, Newberry Institute project, Juvenile Justice and Alternative Education project, has taught in San Bruno Jail, and is a Systems Navigator with the Santa Clara Public Defenders Office. Previously, they were a public school teacher and union organizer in North Philadelphia, a preschool teacher in Oakland, and has worked on district-level projects related to equity and professional development.
Mira Joseph
Social Science Research Coordinator, Sociology
BioI am currently studying solutions to residential instability in Oakland at the Changing Cities Research Lab at Stanford. I spent the previous year as a Research Associate at the Stanford Center for Racial Justice, leading an initiative on alternative first response programs in the Bay Area. Previously, I graduated magna cum laude from the University of Chicago with a B.A. in Sociology with honors and a specialization in computational methods. All of my work is dedicated to my late parent Polly, who still inspires me to be a more empathetic, thoughtful, curious, and rigorous researcher every day. In my free time, I love to play chess in the park and write sci-fi.
Natasha Newson
Student Services Manager, Sociology
Current Role at StanfordStudent Services Manager, Department of Sociology