School of Medicine
Showing 181-190 of 296 Results
Susan Holmes
Professor of Statistics, Emerita
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsOur lab has been developing tools for the analyses of complex data structures, extending work on multivariate data to structured multitable table that include graphs, networks and trees as well as categorical and continuous measurements.
We created and support the Bioconductor package phyloseq for the analyses of microbial ecology data from the microbiome. We have specialized in developing interactive graphical visualization tools for doing reproducible research in biology. -
Mark Holodniy
Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research program is currently focused in three areas: 1) Translational research (viral evolution and antiviral resistance prevalence and development), 2) Clinical trials (diagnostic assay/medical device, antimicrobials and immunomodulators), and 3) Health services research focusing on public health, infectious diseases and clinical outcomes.
Erin Eanes Holsinger
Lecturer, Health Policy - HP/PCOR
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics - General PediatricsBioErin Holsinger is a Lecturer in the Department of Health Policy and a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics. In Health Policy, she is a co-director of the Health Services and Policy Research Scholarly Concentration in the School of Medicine and the Administrative Director of the Health Policy MS and PhD programs. In Pediatrics, she is an attending physician at the Gardner Packard Children’s Health Clinic. She is a member of Stanford’s LongSHOT (Longitudinal Study of Handgun Ownership and Transfer) team and performs research about the impact of gun ownership on the risk of death for the gun owner and those who live with them.
Chris Holsinger, MD, FACS
Professor of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS)
Master of Liberal Arts Student, admitted Autumn 2024Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Holsinger’s surgical practice focuses on the surgical management of benign and malignant diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid and head and neck.
His areas of clinical interest include endoscopic head and neck surgery, including robotic thyroidectomy, transoral robotic surgery and transoral laser microsurgery, as well as time-honoured approaches of conservation laryngeal surgery, supracricoid partial laryngectomy. -
Marisa Holubar, MD MS
Clinical Professor, Medicine - Infectious Diseases
BioDr. Marisa Holubar specializes in the treatment of infectious diseases and works primarily in the inpatient setting. She is particularly interested in antimicrobial stewardship and is dedicated to the mentorship and professional development of trainees and junior faculty.
Jason Hom
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSince 2002, I have worked on a variety of clinical and translational imaging research projects. I have been fortunate to have Dr. Max Wintermark as a research mentor.
Since 2012, I have worked on a variety of multi-disciplinary high value care research projects, with a focus on studying interventions related to provider education and EHR-based clinical decision support systems. As technology has progressed, I have examined a spectrum of interventions, ranging from static guideline-based best practice alerts to more advanced AI-based systems. Due to prior research work with code sets and based on my administrative roles, I have a particular interest in researching LLM use for clinical documentation.
Since 2015, I have had the distinct privilege of being a clinical team member for The Stanford Center for Undiagnosed Diseases ( - PIs Dr. Euan Ashley, Dr. Matt Wheeler, Dr. Jon Bernstein & Dr. Paul Fisher). -
Melanie Hom
Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
BioDr. Melanie Hom is a Clinical Assistant Professor and attending psychologist in the Anxiety and Depression Adult Psychological Treatment (ADAPT) Clinic, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Clinic, and Stanford Mental Health for Asians Research and Treatment (SMHART) Clinic. She utilizes evidence-based therapies, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and DBT. Dr. Hom also strives to provide culturally informed psychotherapy in her work with individuals, couples, and families. Her research interests include (1) enhancing help-seeking and treatment engagement among individuals at elevated suicide risk and (2) improving mental health care services for Asians and Asian Americans.
Golara Honari, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Dermatology
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI'm interested in a better understanding of the clinical and molecular mechanisms of eczematous dermatoses and the effects of environmental and occupational exposures on the skin. Also interested in understanding the burden of eczematous disorders on individual patients and the health care system and means to improve clinical care and access.