School of Medicine
Showing 1-11 of 11 Results
Alexander D. Kaiser
Instructor, Cardiothoracic Surgery
BioAlexander Kaiser, PhD, is an applied mathematician and computational scientist who researches modeling and simulation of heart valves, focused on congenital heart valve disease and its surgical treatment. His recent research explores simulation-guided design of aortic valve repair of complex congenital heart defects. He has developed novel, nearly first-principles modeling methods for heart valves called design-based elasticity. These methods produce robust and realistic flows in fluid-structure interaction simulations. Dr. Kaiser is an Instructor in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Stanford University working with Michael Ma and Alison Marsden. He completed his PhD in Mathematics with Charles Peskin at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, where he was awarded the Kurt O. Friedrichs Prize for Outstanding Dissertation in Mathematics.
Ioannis Karakikes
Associate Professor (Research) of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe Karakikes Lab aims to uncover fundamental new insights into the molecular mechanisms and functional consequences of pathogenic mutations associated with familial cardiovascular diseases.
Koji Kawago
Postdoctoral Scholar, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsWe propose a unique perfusion solution for Donation after Brain Death (DBD) and Donation After Cardiac Death (DCD) heart grafts.We will investigate the optimal timing and frequency of administration after retrieving the cardiac graft and achieve preclinical proof-of-concept of this perfusion solution for DBD and DCD cardiac graft using a heterotopic heart transplantation model.
Yujiro Kawai
Postdoctoral Scholar, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCardiovascular surgery, Translational research, Regenerative research, Heart failure, Tissue engineering, Heart transplant, Spinal cord ischemia, iPS cell,