School of Medicine

Showing 21-24 of 24 Results

  • Jaime Lopez, MD

    Jaime Lopez, MD

    Professor of Neurology (Adult Neurology) and, by courtesy, of Neurosurgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy clinical interests are in the areas of Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring (IOM), clinical neurophysiology, electromyopgraphy and in the use of botulinum toxins in the treatment of neurologic disorders. Our IOM group’s research is in the development of new and innovative techniques for monitoring the nervous system during surgical and endovascular procedures and how these alter surgical management and patient outcomes. I am also active in formulating national IOM practice guidelines.

  • Irene L. Llorente

    Irene L. Llorente

    Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery

    BioOriginally from Spain, Irene L. Llorente joined the Neurosurgery Department at Stanford University in 2022. Following her undergraduate degree in Molecular Biology at the University of Leon in Spain, Dr. Llorente completed a MS in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience between the Universities of Leon (Spain) and Florence (Italy). She conducted a postdoctoral fellowship in the Neurology Department at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA where she also started her independent career as a Research Assistant Professor. Her research interests are largely directed toward understanding the biology of white matter repair in central nervous system (CNS) disorders, with a special emphasis on human glial biology. She is particularly interested in leveraging the current technologies emerging in the stem cell field to develop more efficient and effective stem cell-based therapies for stroke and vascular dementia patients. These stem cell-based therapies will also apply to other CNS disorders including spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic brain injury in the future.

  • Angela K. Lumba-Brown

    Angela K. Lumba-Brown

    Clinical Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
    Clinical Associate Professor (By courtesy), Neurosurgery
    Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCurrent research includes evidence-based guidelines for the management and treatment of traumatic brain injury, research establishing an evidence and targeting treatments for the subtypes of concussion, research identifying the best outcomes in pre-hospital care of patients with traumatic brain injury, research on brain performance via sensorimotor and sensory-cognitive synchronization, and research on dynamic visual synchronization as a biomarker for attentional impairments.

  • Zhonglin Lyu

    Zhonglin Lyu

    Instructor, Neurosurgery

    BioDr. Lyu is an instructor at the Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Medicine. He obtained his PhD at Soochow University, China, where he gained training in designing biomaterials to modulate stem cell behaviors and led multidisciplinary research under the advice of Prof. Hong Chen. During his PhD, he worked as a visiting student researcher at Canary Center for Early Cancer Detection at Stanford University School of Medicine where he gained training in microfluidics and cancer metastasis. Dr. Lyu carried out his postdoctoral research under the guidance of Prof. Jon Park and Wonjae Lee at the Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Medicine. He developed an in vitro microphysiological model of ischaemic stroke and used it as a platform to systematically evaluate the restorative potential of stem cell therapy.
    As an instructor, Dr. Lyu's main research interest is to develop in vitro tissue/organ models to mimic human diseases including neurological diseases and cancer metastases. The goal is to use these models to understand disease mechanisms, to evaluate the safety and efficacy of existing drugs, and to look for new therapeutic targets.