School of Medicine

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  • Xiao Yang

    Xiao Yang

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychiatry

    BioXiao Yang is a Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Scholar at Stanford University, working jointly in the laboratories of Professor Sergiu P. Pașca (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences) and Professor Bianxiao Cui (Chemistry). She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Harvard University under the guidance of Professor Charles M. Lieber in 2020, and her B.S. in Chemistry from the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering at Peking University in 2015.

    Dr. Yang will join the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University as an Assistant Professor in June 2025.

    Dr. Yang drew inspiration from biological systems and art forms to design and develop a series of bio-inspired and art-inspired bioelectronics. Her studies encompass neural probes for in vivo brain-machine interface, electronic scaffolds for brain repair, and platforms for detecting human genetic diseases and tracking human neural development using human brain organoids.

    Bioelectronic devices are important as fundamental research tools for probing and understanding the brain with high spatiotemporal resolution, and as potential therapeutic avenues for treating brain diseases, disorders, and injuries. However, they face key challenges, such as achieving biomimicry at the molecular level, expanded multifunctionality at the microscale, and versatile programmability at the macroscale. The Yang Lab will address these challenges by integrating bioelectronics, bioengineering, chemistry, materials science, and neuroscience. We aim to develop novel bioelectronics and biomaterials for brain-machine interfaces, regenerative medicine, and the study of human neural development and diseases.