School of Medicine
Showing 1-50 of 199 Results
Laetitia Coassolo (Voilquin)
Senior Research Scientist - Basic Life, Pathology Sponsored Projects
Current Role at StanfordI am a Senior Research Scientist in Dr. Katrin Svensson's lab. I am interested in mapping tissue-specific peptide secretion to identify orphan peptide hormones.
Alex Edwin
Life Science Research Professional 1, Pathology - Montine Lab
BioAlex received his bachelor's degree in neuroscience from Santa Clara University. He also minored in Spanish and Biology. During his time there, he studied fMRI data to identify patterns of resting-state functional brain connectivity in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Currently, he utilizes hippocampal slice cultures, cell cultures, and biochemical assays to screen small molecule drug compounds. His research is conducted with hopes to identify novel therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and X-linked creatine deficiency.
Franco Faucher
Research Asst - Graduate, Pathology Sponsored Projects
BioI come from the beautiful view also known as Chula Vista, California. I graduated from the University of California Berkeley with a B.S. in Chemistry and a minor in Biological Engineering in 2019. At Berkeley, I worked under the guidance of Dr. Gabor Somorjai working in the field of surface science. I also spent time researching in the Vision Science Program studying lipid circuits and immune response with Dr. Karsten Gronert. While at UC Berkeley, I completed a summer internship at Genentech. In the Bogyo lab, I am interested in developing covalent cyclic peptide inhibitors for future use as therapeutics, imaging agents, and biological tools.