School of Medicine

Showing 11-13 of 13 Results

  • Alexis Reeves

    Alexis Reeves

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Epidemiology

    BioAlexis is a Propel postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health in the School of Medicine with Dr. Michelle Odden’s lab. Her research is broadly focused on the causes and consequences of racial disparities in accelerated aging. She is particularly interested in the interplay of structural and interpersonal racism, and the psychobiological mechanisms in which they produce early health declines in minoritized populations. Her work to date has focused on the health of Black women as they enter into life-stages, such as the midlife menopausal transition, where cardio-metabolic risk is high. Alexis also has a strong interest in causal inference, and applies causal inference theory and methods to these areas of research to mitigate and quantify bias.

  • Benjamin Seiler

    Benjamin Seiler

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Epidemiology

    BioBen Seiler is a postdoctoral research fellow in the department of Epidemiology and Population Health at the Stanford School of Medicine, with Mike Baiocchi. He specializes in developing and deploying interpretable statistical learning methods. As part of the Stanford Human Trafficking Data Lab (HTDL), Ben currently works on quantitative approaches to issues of labor trafficking and child labor in Brazil in partnership with their Federal Labor Prosecution Office. As part of the Stanford Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab), Ben currently works in partnership with the US Internal Revenue Service to study the use of AI to modernize the system for tax collection. He holds a PhD in Statistics from Stanford University, where he was advised by Art B. Owen. Before Stanford, he earned a BA magna cum laude in physics, economics, and mathematics from Williams College. After completing his BA, he worked as a foreign exchange derivatives trader at Goldman Sachs from 2013 to 2018.