School of Medicine
Showing 11-20 of 24 Results
Stavros Melemenidis
Director of Pre-clinical Radiotherapy, Radiation Oncology - Radiation Therapy
Current Role at StanfordCurrently, I serve as the Deputy Director of the Pre-clinical Radiotherapy core of the Radiation Oncology department, where I lead a team of Physics Assistants focused on developing dosimetric consensus across pre-clinical orthovoltage and MeV irradiation platforms. We implement clinical calibration and quality assurance principles in preclinical settings. The core provides equipment training to users, offers treatment planning support, and provides services for custom 3D-design, fabrication, and characterization of collimators and shielding for in vivo radiation treatments.
Concurrently, I have been a research scientist at the Loo laboratory. Our laboratory stands at the forefront of FLASH radiobiology research, providing the only pre-clinical FLASH electron platforms to over 10 laboratories spanning various disciplines, while our multi-institutional and international collaborations focus on introducing dosimetric harmonization across various FLASH electron platforms.